# Fluffy # Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import results, chronos, chronicles, eth/common/eth_hash, eth/common/eth_types, ../../common/common_utils, ./state_network, ./state_utils export results, state_network logScope: topics = "portal_state" proc getNextNodeHash( trieNode: TrieNode, nibbles: UnpackedNibbles, nibbleIdx: var int ): Opt[(Nibbles, NodeHash)] = # the trie node should have already been validated against the lookup hash # so we expect that no rlp errors should be possible try: doAssert(nibbles.len() > 0) doAssert(nibbleIdx < nibbles.len()) let trieNodeRlp = rlpFromBytes(trieNode.asSeq()) doAssert(not trieNodeRlp.isEmpty()) doAssert(trieNodeRlp.listLen() == 2 or trieNodeRlp.listLen() == 17) if trieNodeRlp.listLen() == 17: let nextNibble = nibbles[nibbleIdx] doAssert(nextNibble < 16) let nextHashBytes = trieNodeRlp.listElem(nextNibble.int).toBytes() if nextHashBytes.len() == 0: return Opt.none((Nibbles, NodeHash)) nibbleIdx += 1 return Opt.some( (nibbles[0 ..< nibbleIdx].packNibbles(), KeccakHash.fromBytes(nextHashBytes)) ) # leaf or extension node let (_, isLeaf, prefix) = decodePrefix(trieNodeRlp.listElem(0)) unpackedPrefix = prefix.unpackNibbles() if unpackedPrefix != nibbles[nibbleIdx ..< nibbleIdx + unpackedPrefix.len()]: # The nibbles don't match so we stop the search and don't increment # the nibble index to indicate how many nibbles were consumed return Opt.none((Nibbles, NodeHash)) nibbleIdx += prefix.unpackNibbles().len() if isLeaf: return Opt.none((Nibbles, NodeHash)) # extension node let nextHashBytes = trieNodeRlp.listElem(1).toBytes() if nextHashBytes.len() == 0: return Opt.none((Nibbles, NodeHash)) Opt.some( (nibbles[0 ..< nibbleIdx].packNibbles(), KeccakHash.fromBytes(nextHashBytes)) ) except RlpError as e: raiseAssert(e.msg) proc getAccountProof( n: StateNetwork, stateRoot: KeccakHash, address: EthAddress ): Future[Result[Opt[TrieProof], string]] {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = let nibbles = address.toPath().unpackNibbles() var nibblesIdx = 0 key = AccountTrieNodeKey.init(Nibbles.empty(), stateRoot) proof = TrieProof.empty() while nibblesIdx < nibbles.len(): let accountTrieNode = (await n.getAccountTrieNode(key)).valueOr: return err("Failed to get account trie node when building account proof") let trieNode = accountTrieNode.node added = proof.add(trieNode) doAssert(added) let (nextPath, nextNodeHash) = trieNode.getNextNodeHash(nibbles, nibblesIdx).valueOr: break key = AccountTrieNodeKey.init(nextPath, nextNodeHash) # For now we don't return partial proofs or proofs for non-existing keys # TODO: implement proofs for non-existing keys when needed for eth_getProof RPC if nibblesIdx < nibbles.len(): ok(Opt.none(TrieProof)) else: ok(Opt.some(proof)) proc getStorageProof( n: StateNetwork, storageRoot: KeccakHash, address: EthAddress, storageKey: UInt256 ): Future[Result[Opt[TrieProof], string]] {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = let nibbles = storageKey.toPath().unpackNibbles() var addressHash = keccakHash(address) nibblesIdx = 0 key = ContractTrieNodeKey.init(addressHash, Nibbles.empty(), storageRoot) proof = TrieProof.empty() while nibblesIdx < nibbles.len(): let contractTrieNode = (await n.getContractTrieNode(key)).valueOr: return err("Failed to get contract trie node when building account proof") let trieNode = contractTrieNode.node added = proof.add(trieNode) doAssert(added) let (nextPath, nextNodeHash) = trieNode.getNextNodeHash(nibbles, nibblesIdx).valueOr: break key = ContractTrieNodeKey.init(addressHash, nextPath, nextNodeHash) # For now we don't return partial proofs or proofs for non-existing keys # TODO: implement proofs for non-existing keys when needed for eth_getProof RPC if nibblesIdx < nibbles.len(): ok(Opt.none(TrieProof)) else: ok(Opt.some(proof)) proc getAccount( n: StateNetwork, stateRoot: KeccakHash, address: EthAddress ): Future[Opt[Account]] {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = let maybeAccountProof = (await n.getAccountProof(stateRoot, address)).valueOr: warn "Failed to get account proof", error = error return Opt.none(Account) accountProof = maybeAccountProof.valueOr: info "Account doesn't exist, returning default account" # return an empty account if the account doesn't exist return Opt.some(newAccount()) account = accountProof.toAccount().valueOr: error "Failed to get account from accountProof" return Opt.none(Account) Opt.some(account) proc getBalanceByStateRoot*( n: StateNetwork, stateRoot: KeccakHash, address: EthAddress ): Future[Opt[UInt256]] {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = let account = (await n.getAccount(stateRoot, address)).valueOr: return Opt.none(UInt256) Opt.some(account.balance) proc getTransactionCountByStateRoot*( n: StateNetwork, stateRoot: KeccakHash, address: EthAddress ): Future[Opt[AccountNonce]] {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = let account = (await n.getAccount(stateRoot, address)).valueOr: return Opt.none(AccountNonce) Opt.some(account.nonce) proc getStorageAtByStateRoot*( n: StateNetwork, stateRoot: KeccakHash, address: EthAddress, slotKey: UInt256 ): Future[Opt[UInt256]] {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = let account = (await n.getAccount(stateRoot, address)).valueOr: return Opt.none(UInt256) if account.storageRoot == EMPTY_ROOT_HASH: info "Storage doesn't exist, returning default storage value" # return zero if the storage doesn't exist return Opt.some(0.u256) let maybeStorageProof = (await n.getStorageProof(account.storageRoot, address, slotKey)).valueOr: warn "Failed to get storage proof", error = error return Opt.none(UInt256) storageProof = maybeStorageProof.valueOr: info "Slot doesn't exist, returning default storage value" # return zero if the slot doesn't exist return Opt.some(0.u256) slotValue = storageProof.toSlot().valueOr: error "Failed to get slot from storageProof" return Opt.none(UInt256) Opt.some(slotValue) proc getCodeByStateRoot*( n: StateNetwork, stateRoot: KeccakHash, address: EthAddress ): Future[Opt[Bytecode]] {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = let account = (await n.getAccount(stateRoot, address)).valueOr: return Opt.none(Bytecode) if account.codeHash == EMPTY_CODE_HASH: info "Code doesn't exist, returning default code value" # return empty bytecode if the code doesn't exist return Opt.some(Bytecode.empty()) let contractCodeKey = ContractCodeKey.init(keccakHash(address), account.codeHash) contractCodeRetrieval = (await n.getContractCode(contractCodeKey)).valueOr: warn "Failed to get contract code" return Opt.none(Bytecode) Opt.some(contractCodeRetrieval.code) # Used by: eth_getBalance, proc getBalance*( n: StateNetwork, blockHash: BlockHash, address: EthAddress ): Future[Opt[UInt256]] {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = let stateRoot = (await n.getStateRootByBlockHash(blockHash)).valueOr: warn "Failed to get state root by block hash" return Opt.none(UInt256) await n.getBalanceByStateRoot(stateRoot, address) # Used by: eth_getTransactionCount proc getTransactionCount*( n: StateNetwork, blockHash: BlockHash, address: EthAddress ): Future[Opt[AccountNonce]] {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = let stateRoot = (await n.getStateRootByBlockHash(blockHash)).valueOr: warn "Failed to get state root by block hash" return Opt.none(AccountNonce) await n.getTransactionCountByStateRoot(stateRoot, address) # Used by: eth_getStorageAt proc getStorageAt*( n: StateNetwork, blockHash: BlockHash, address: EthAddress, slotKey: UInt256 ): Future[Opt[UInt256]] {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = let stateRoot = (await n.getStateRootByBlockHash(blockHash)).valueOr: warn "Failed to get state root by block hash" return Opt.none(UInt256) await n.getStorageAtByStateRoot(stateRoot, address, slotKey) # Used by: eth_getCode proc getCode*( n: StateNetwork, blockHash: BlockHash, address: EthAddress ): Future[Opt[Bytecode]] {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} = let stateRoot = (await n.getStateRootByBlockHash(blockHash)).valueOr: warn "Failed to get state root by block hash" return Opt.none(Bytecode) await n.getCodeByStateRoot(stateRoot, address)