# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed # except according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import std/[strutils, times], eth/common, stew/byteutils, ../../../evm/code_bytes, ../../aristo/aristo_profile, ../../core_db, "."/[base_config, base_desc] type Elapsed* = distinct Duration ## Needed for local `$` as it would be ambiguous for `Duration` LedgerFnInx* = enum ## Profiling table index SummaryItem = "total" LdgAccessListFn = "accessList" LdgAccountExistsFn = "accountExists" LdgAddBalanceFn = "addBalance" LdgAddLogEntryFn = "addLogEntry" LdgBeginSavepointFn = "beginSavepoint" LdgClearStorageFn = "clearStorage" LdgClearTransientStorageFn = "clearTransientStorage" LdgCollectWitnessDataFn = "collectWitnessData" LdgCommitFn = "commit" LdgContractCollisionFn = "contractCollision" LdgDeleteAccountFn = "deleteAccount" LdgDisposeFn = "dispose" LdgGetAccessListFn = "getAcessList" LdgGetAccountFn = "getAccount" LdgGetAndClearLogEntriesFn = "getAndClearLogEntries" LdgGetBalanceFn = "getBalance" LdgGetCodeFn = "getCode" LdgGetCodeHashFn = "getCodeHash" LdgGetCodeSizeFn = "getCodeSize" LdgGetCommittedStorageFn = "getCommittedStorage" LdgGetNonceFn = "getNonce" LdgGetStorageFn = "getStorage" LdgGetStorageRootFn = "getStorageRoot" LdgGetTransientStorageFn = "getTransientStorage" LdgGetAthAccountFn = "getEthAccount" LdgInAccessListFn = "inAccessList" LdgIncNonceFn = "incNonce" LdgIsDeadAccountFn = "isDeadAccount" LdgIsEmptyAccountFn = "isEmptyAccount" LdgIsTopLevelCleanFn = "isTopLevelClean" LdgMakeMultiKeysFn = "makeMultiKeys" LdgPersistFn = "persist" LdgRipemdSpecialFn = "ripemdSpecial" LdgRollbackFn = "rollback" LdgRootHashFn = "rootHash" LdgSafeDisposeFn = "safeDispose" LdgSelfDestruct6780Fn = "selfDestruct6780" LdgSelfDestructFn = "selfDestruct" LdgSelfDestructLenFn = "selfDestructLen" LdgSetBalanceFn = "setBalance" LdgSetCodeFn = "setCode" LdgSetNonceFn = "setNonce" LdgSetStorageFn = "setStorage" LdgSetTransientStorageFn = "setTransientStorage" LdgStateFn = "state" LdgSubBalanceFn = "subBalance" LdgAccountsIt = "accounts" LdgAdressesIt = "addresses" LdgCachedStorageIt = "cachedStorage" LdgPairsIt = "pairs" LdgStorageIt = "storage" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private helpers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func oaToStr(w: openArray[byte]): string = w.toHex.toLowerAscii func toStr(w: Address): string = w.toHex func toStr(w: Hash32): string = w.toHex func toStr(w: CodeBytesRef): string = if w.isNil: "nil" else: "[" & $w.bytes.len & "]" func toStr(w: seq[byte]): string = if 0 < w.len and w.len < 5: "<" & w.oaToStr & ">" else: "seq[byte][" & $w.len & "]" func toStr(w: seq[Log]): string = "Logs[" & $w.len & "]" func toStr(ela: Duration): string = aristo_profile.toStr(ela) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public API logging helpers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func `$`*(w: CodeBytesRef): string {.used.} = w.toStr func `$`*(e: Elapsed): string = e.Duration.toStr func `$`*(l: seq[Log]): string = l.toStr func `$`*(b: seq[byte]): string = b.toStr func `$$`*(a: Address): string = a.toStr # otherwise collision w/existing `$` func `$$`*(h: Hash32): string = h.toStr # otherwise collision w/existing `$` # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public API logging framework # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template beginTrackApi*(ldg: LedgerRef; s: LedgerFnInx) = when LedgerEnableApiTracking: const api {.inject,used.} = s # Generally available let baStart {.inject.} = getTime() # Local use only template ifTrackApi*(ldg: LedgerRef; code: untyped) = when LedgerEnableApiTracking: when LedgerEnableApiProfiling: let elapsed {.inject,used.} = (getTime() - baStart).Elapsed aristo_profile.update(ldg.profTab, api.ord, elapsed.Duration) if ldg.trackApi: when not LedgerEnableApiProfiling: # otherwise use variable above let elapsed {.inject,used.} = (getTime() - baStart).Elapsed code # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public helpers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func init*(T: type LedgerProfListRef): T = T(list: newSeq[LedgerProfData](1 + high(LedgerFnInx).ord)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------