# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or # distributed except according to those terms. import eth/common, results, unittest2, ../../execution_chain/db/opts, ../../execution_chain/db/aristo/[ aristo_check, aristo_desc, aristo_init/persistent, aristo_part], ../replay/xcheck, ./test_helpers const testRootVid = VertexID(2) ## Need to reconfigure for the test, root ID 1 cannot be deleted as a trie # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private helper # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc innerCleanUp(ps: var PartStateRef) = if not ps.isNil: ps.db.db.finish(eradicate=true) ps = PartStateRef(nil) # ----------------------- proc saveToBackend( tx: var AristoTxRef; noisy: bool; debugID: int; ): bool = # var db = tx.to(AristoDbRef) # # Verify context: nesting level must be 2 (i.e. two transactions) # xCheck tx.level == 2 # # Commit and hashify the current layer # block: # let rc = tx.commit() # xCheckRc rc.error == 0 # block: # let rc = db.txFrameTop() # xCheckRc rc.error == 0 # tx = rc.value # # Verify context: nesting level must be 1 (i.e. one transaction) # xCheck tx.level == 1 # block: # let rc = db.checkBE() # xCheckRc rc.error == (0,0) # # Commit and save to backend # block: # let rc = tx.commit() # xCheckRc rc.error == 0 # block: # let rc = db.txFrameTop() # xCheckErr rc.value.level < 0 # force error # block: # let rc = db.schedStow() # xCheckRc rc.error == 0 # # Update layers to original level # tx = db.txFrameBegin().value.to(AristoDbRef).txFrameBegin().value true # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public test function # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc testMergeProofAndKvpList*( noisy: bool; list: openArray[ProofTrieData]; rdbPath: string; # Rocks DB storage directory idPfx = ""; ): bool {.deprecated.} = # TODO update for non-generic data # var # ps = PartStateRef(nil) # tx = AristoTxRef(nil) # rootKey: Hash32 # defer: # if not ps.isNil: # ps.db.finish(eradicate=true) # for n,w in list: # # Start new database upon request # if w.root != rootKey or w.proof.len == 0: # ps.innerCleanUp() # let db = block: # # New DB with disabled filter slots management # if 0 < rdbPath.len: # let (dbOpts, cfOpts) = DbOptions.init().toRocksDb() # let rc = AristoDbRef.init(RdbBackendRef, rdbPath, DbOptions.init(), dbOpts, cfOpts, []) # xCheckRc rc.error == 0 # rc.value()[0] # else: # AristoDbRef.init(MemBackendRef) # ps = PartStateRef.init(db) # # Start transaction (double frame for testing) # tx = ps.db.txFrameBegin().value.to(AristoDbRef).txFrameBegin().value # xCheck tx.isTop() # # Update root # rootKey = w.root # if 0 < w.proof.len: # let rc = ps.partPut(w.proof, ForceGenericPayload) # xCheckRc rc.error == 0 # block: # let rc = ps.check() # xCheckRc rc.error == (0,0) # for ltp in w.kvpLst: # block: # let rc = ps.partMergeGenericData( # testRootVid, @(ltp.leafTie.path), ltp.payload.rawBlob) # xCheckRc rc.error == 0 # block: # let rc = ps.check() # xCheckRc rc.error == (0,0) # block: # let saveBeOk = tx.saveToBackend(noisy=noisy, debugID=n) # xCheck saveBeOk true # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------