# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. import std/[json, strutils, tables], stew/byteutils, stint, eth/[common, rlp, keys], ../../nimbus/transaction, ../../nimbus/common/chain_config, ../common/helpers, ./types, ./txpriv export helpers proc parseHexOrInt[T](x: string): T = when T is UInt256: if x.startsWith("0x"): UInt256.fromHex(x) else: parse(x, UInt256, 10) else: if x.startsWith("0x"): fromHex[T](x) else: parseInt(x).T proc fromJson(T: type EthAddress, n: JsonNode, field: string): EthAddress = let x = n[field].getStr() var xlen = x.len if x.startsWith("0x"): xlen = xlen - 2 if xlen != sizeof(T) * 2: raise newError(ErrorJson, "malformed Eth address " & x) hexToByteArray(x, sizeof(T)) template fromJson(T: type Blob, n: JsonNode, field: string): Blob = hexToSeqByte(n[field].getStr()) proc fromJson(T: type uint64, n: JsonNode, field: string): uint64 = if n[field].kind == JInt: n[field].getInt().uint64 else: parseHexOrInt[AccountNonce](n[field].getStr()) template fromJson(T: type UInt256, n: JsonNode, field: string): UInt256 = parseHexOrInt[UInt256](n[field].getStr()) template fromJson(T: type GasInt, n: JsonNode, field: string): GasInt = parseHexOrInt[GasInt](n[field].getStr()) template fromJson(T: type ChainId, n: JsonNode, field: string): ChainId = parseHexOrInt[uint64](n[field].getStr()).ChainId proc fromJson(T: type Hash256, n: JsonNode): Hash256 = var num = n.getStr() num.removePrefix("0x") if num.len < 64: num = repeat('0', 64 - num.len) & num Hash256(data: hexToByteArray(num, 32)) proc fromJson(T: type Hash256, n: JsonNode, field: string): Hash256 = fromJson(T, n[field]) template fromJson(T: type EthTime, n: JsonNode, field: string): EthTime = EthTime(parseHexOrInt[uint64](n[field].getStr())) proc fromJson(T: type AccessList, n: JsonNode, field: string): AccessList = let z = n[field] if z.kind == JNull: return for x in z: var ap = AccessPair( address: EthAddress.fromJson(x, "address") ) let sks = x["storageKeys"] for sk in sks: ap.storageKeys.add hexToByteArray(sk.getStr(), 32) result.add ap proc fromJson(T: type Ommer, n: JsonNode): Ommer = Ommer( delta: fromJson(uint64, n, "delta"), address: fromJson(EthAddress, n, "address") ) proc fromJson(T: type Withdrawal, n: JsonNode): Withdrawal = Withdrawal( index: fromJson(uint64, n, "index"), validatorIndex: fromJson(uint64, n, "validatorIndex"), address: fromJson(EthAddress, n, "address"), amount: fromJson(uint64, n, "amount") ) proc fromJson(T: type VersionedHashes, n: JsonNode, field: string): VersionedHashes = let list = n[field] for x in list: result.add Hash256.fromJson(x) template `gas=`(tx: var Transaction, x: GasInt) = tx.gasLimit = x template `input=`(tx: var Transaction, x: Blob) = tx.payload = x template `v=`(tx: var Transaction, x: int64) = tx.V = x template `r=`(tx: var Transaction, x: UInt256) = tx.R = x template `s=`(tx: var Transaction, x: UInt256) = tx.S = x template `maxPriorityFeePerGas=`(tx: var Transaction, x: GasInt) = tx.maxPriorityFee = x template `maxFeePerGas=`(tx: var Transaction, x: GasInt) = tx.maxFee = x template `blobVersionedHashes=`(tx: var Transaction, x: VersionedHashes) = tx.versionedHashes = x template required(o: untyped, T: type, oField: untyped) = const fName = astToStr(oField) if not n.hasKey(fName): raise newError(ErrorJson, "missing required field '" & fName & "' in transaction") o.oField = T.fromJson(n, fName) template omitZero(o: untyped, T: type, oField: untyped) = const fName = astToStr(oField) if n.hasKey(fName): o.oField = T.fromJson(n, fName) template optional(o: untyped, T: type, oField: untyped) = const fName = astToStr(oField) if n.hasKey(fName) and n[fName].kind != JNull: o.oField = some(T.fromJson(n, fName)) proc parseAlloc*(ctx: var TransContext, n: JsonNode) = for accAddr, acc in n: let address = hexToByteArray[20](accAddr) var ga = GenesisAccount() if acc.hasKey("code"): ga.code = Blob.fromJson(acc, "code") if acc.hasKey("nonce"): ga.nonce = AccountNonce.fromJson(acc, "nonce") if acc.hasKey("balance"): ga.balance = UInt256.fromJson(acc, "balance") else: raise newError(ErrorJson, "GenesisAlloc: balance required") if acc.hasKey("storage"): let storage = acc["storage"] for k, v in storage: ga.storage[UInt256.fromHex(k)] = UInt256.fromHex(v.getStr()) ctx.alloc[address] = ga proc parseEnv*(ctx: var TransContext, n: JsonNode) = required(ctx.env, EthAddress, currentCoinbase) required(ctx.env, GasInt, currentGasLimit) required(ctx.env, BlockNumber, currentNumber) required(ctx.env, EthTime, currentTimestamp) optional(ctx.env, DifficultyInt, currentDifficulty) optional(ctx.env, Hash256, currentRandom) optional(ctx.env, DifficultyInt, parentDifficulty) omitZero(ctx.env, EthTime, parentTimestamp) optional(ctx.env, UInt256, currentBaseFee) omitZero(ctx.env, Hash256, parentUncleHash) optional(ctx.env, UInt256, parentBaseFee) optional(ctx.env, GasInt, parentGasUsed) optional(ctx.env, GasInt, parentGasLimit) optional(ctx.env, uint64, currentBlobGasUsed) optional(ctx.env, uint64, currentExcessBlobGas) optional(ctx.env, uint64, parentBlobGasUsed) optional(ctx.env, uint64, parentExcessBlobGas) optional(ctx.env, Hash256, parentBeaconBlockRoot) if n.hasKey("blockHashes"): let w = n["blockHashes"] for k, v in w: ctx.env.blockHashes[parseHexOrInt[uint64](k)] = Hash256.fromHex(v.getStr()) if n.hasKey("ommers"): let w = n["ommers"] for v in w: ctx.env.ommers.add Ommer.fromJson(v) if n.hasKey("withdrawals"): let w = n["withdrawals"] var withdrawals: seq[Withdrawal] for v in w: withdrawals.add Withdrawal.fromJson(v) ctx.env.withdrawals = some(withdrawals) proc parseTx(n: JsonNode, chainId: ChainID): Transaction = var tx: Transaction if not n.hasKey("type"): tx.txType = TxLegacy else: tx.txType = int64.fromJson(n, "type").TxType required(tx, AccountNonce, nonce) required(tx, GasInt, gas) required(tx, UInt256, value) required(tx, Blob, input) if n.hasKey("to"): tx.to = some(EthAddress.fromJson(n, "to")) case tx.txType of TxLegacy: required(tx, GasInt, gasPrice) of TxEip2930: required(tx, GasInt, gasPrice) required(tx, ChainId, chainId) omitZero(tx, AccessList, accessList) of TxEip1559: required(tx, ChainId, chainId) required(tx, GasInt, maxPriorityFeePerGas) required(tx, GasInt, maxFeePerGas) omitZero(tx, AccessList, accessList) of TxEip4844: required(tx, ChainId, chainId) required(tx, GasInt, maxPriorityFeePerGas) required(tx, GasInt, maxFeePerGas) omitZero(tx, AccessList, accessList) required(tx, UInt256, maxFeePerBlobGas) required(tx, VersionedHashes, blobVersionedHashes) var eip155 = true if n.hasKey("protected"): eip155 = n["protected"].bval if n.hasKey("secretKey"): let data = Blob.fromJson(n, "secretKey") let secretKey = PrivateKey.fromRaw(data).tryGet signTransaction(tx, secretKey, chainId, eip155) else: required(tx, int64, v) required(tx, UInt256, r) required(tx, UInt256, s) tx proc parseTxLegacy(item: var Rlp): Result[Transaction, string] = try: var tx: Transaction item.decodeTxLegacy(tx) return ok(tx) except RlpError as x: return err(x.msg) proc parseTxTyped(item: var Rlp): Result[Transaction, string] = try: var tx: Transaction var rr = rlpFromBytes(item.read(Blob)) rr.decodeTxTyped(tx) return ok(tx) except RlpError as x: return err(x.msg) proc parseTxJson(ctx: TransContext, i: int, chainId: ChainId): Result[Transaction, string] = try: let n = ctx.txs.n[i] return ok(parseTx(n, chainId)) except Exception as x: return err(x.msg) proc parseTxs*(ctx: TransContext, chainId: ChainId): seq[Result[Transaction, string]] = if ctx.txs.txsType == TxsJson: let len = ctx.txs.n.len result = newSeqOfCap[Result[Transaction, string]](len) for i in 0 ..< len: result.add ctx.parseTxJson(i, chainId) return if ctx.txs.txsType == TxsRlp: result = newSeqOfCap[Result[Transaction, string]](ctx.txs.r.listLen) var rlp = ctx.txs.r for item in rlp: if item.isList: result.add parseTxLegacy(item) else: result.add parseTxTyped(item) return proc txList*(ctx: TransContext, chainId: ChainId): seq[Transaction] = let list = ctx.parseTxs(chainId) for txRes in list: if txRes.isOk: result.add txRes.get proc parseTxs*(ctx: var TransContext, txs: JsonNode) = if txs.kind == JNull: return if txs.kind != JArray: raise newError(ErrorJson, "Transaction list should be a JSON array, got=" & $txs.kind) ctx.txs = TxsList( txsType: TxsJson, n: txs) proc parseTxsRlp*(ctx: var TransContext, hexData: string) = let bytes = hexToSeqByte(hexData) ctx.txs = TxsList( txsType: TxsRlp, r: rlpFromBytes(bytes) ) if ctx.txs.r.isList.not: raise newError(ErrorRlp, "RLP Transaction list should be a list") proc parseInputFromStdin*(ctx: var TransContext) = let data = stdin.readAll() let n = json.parseJson(data) if n.hasKey("alloc"): ctx.parseAlloc(n["alloc"]) if n.hasKey("env"): ctx.parseEnv(n["env"]) if n.hasKey("txs"): ctx.parseTxs(n["txs"]) if n.hasKey("txsRlp"): ctx.parseTxsRlp(n["txsRlp"].getStr()) template stripLeadingZeros(value: string): string = var cidx = 0 # ignore the last character so we retain '0' on zero value while cidx < value.len - 1 and value[cidx] == '0': cidx.inc value[cidx .. ^1] proc `@@`*[K, V](x: Table[K, V]): JsonNode proc `@@`*[T](x: seq[T]): JsonNode proc to0xHex(x: UInt256): string = "0x" & x.toHex proc `@@`(x: uint64 | int64 | int): JsonNode = let hex = x.toHex.stripLeadingZeros %("0x" & hex.toLowerAscii) proc `@@`(x: UInt256): JsonNode = %("0x" & x.toHex) proc `@@`(x: Hash256): JsonNode = %("0x" & x.data.toHex) proc `@@`*(x: Blob): JsonNode = %("0x" & x.toHex) proc `@@`(x: bool): JsonNode = %(if x: "0x1" else: "0x0") proc `@@`(x: EthAddress): JsonNode = %("0x" & x.toHex) proc `@@`(x: Topic): JsonNode = %("0x" & x.toHex) proc toJson(x: Table[UInt256, UInt256]): JsonNode = # special case, we need to convert UInt256 into full 32 bytes # and not shorter result = newJObject() for k, v in x: result["0x" & k.dumpHex] = %("0x" & v.dumpHex) proc `@@`(acc: GenesisAccount): JsonNode = result = newJObject() if acc.code.len > 0: result["code"] = @@(acc.code) result["balance"] = @@(acc.balance) if acc.nonce > 0: result["nonce"] = @@(acc.nonce) if acc.storage.len > 0: result["storage"] = toJson(acc.storage) proc `@@`[K, V](x: Table[K, V]): JsonNode = result = newJObject() for k, v in x: result[k.to0xHex] = @@(v) proc `@@`(x: BloomFilter): JsonNode = %("0x" & toHex[256](x)) proc `@@`(x: Log): JsonNode = result = %{ "address": @@(x.address), "topics" : @@(x.topics), "data" : @@(x.data) } proc `@@`(x: TxReceipt): JsonNode = result = %{ "root" : if x.root == Hash256(): %("0x") else: @@(x.root), "status" : @@(x.status), "cumulativeGasUsed": @@(x.cumulativeGasUsed), "logsBloom" : @@(x.logsBloom), "logs" : if x.logs.len == 0: newJNull() else: @@(x.logs), "transactionHash" : @@(x.transactionHash), "contractAddress" : @@(x.contractAddress), "gasUsed" : @@(x.gasUsed), "blockHash" : @@(x.blockHash), "transactionIndex" : @@(x.transactionIndex) } if x.txType > TxLegacy: result["type"] = %("0x" & toHex(x.txType.int, 1)) proc `@@`(x: RejectedTx): JsonNode = result = %{ "index": %(x.index), "error": %(x.error) } proc `@@`[T](x: seq[T]): JsonNode = result = newJArray() for c in x: result.add @@(c) proc `@@`[T](x: Option[T]): JsonNode = if x.isNone: newJNull() else: @@(x.get()) proc `@@`*(x: ExecutionResult): JsonNode = result = %{ "stateRoot" : @@(x.stateRoot), "txRoot" : @@(x.txRoot), "receiptsRoot": @@(x.receiptsRoot), "logsHash" : @@(x.logsHash), "logsBloom" : @@(x.bloom), "receipts" : @@(x.receipts), "currentDifficulty": @@(x.currentDifficulty), "gasUsed" : @@(x.gasUsed) } if x.rejected.len > 0: result["rejected"] = @@(x.rejected) if x.currentBaseFee.isSome: result["currentBaseFee"] = @@(x.currentBaseFee) if x.withdrawalsRoot.isSome: result["withdrawalsRoot"] = @@(x.withdrawalsRoot) if x.currentExcessBlobGas.isSome: result["currentExcessBlobGas"] = @@(x.currentExcessBlobGas) if x.blobGasUsed.isSome: result["blobGasUsed"] = @@(x.blobGasUsed)