# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. import std/[algorithm, os, sequtils, strformat, tables, times], ../../nimbus/core/[chain, tx_pool], # must be early (compilation annoyance) ../../nimbus/common/common, ../../nimbus/[config, constants], ../../nimbus/utils/ec_recover, ../../nimbus/core/tx_pool/[tx_chain, tx_item], ./helpers, ./sign_helper, eth/[keys, p2p], stew/[keyed_queue] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc setStatus(xp: TxPoolRef; item: TxItemRef; status: TxItemStatus) {.gcsafe,raises: [CatchableError].} = ## Change/update the status of the transaction item. if status != item.status: discard xp.txDB.reassign(item, status) proc importBlocks(c: ChainRef; h: seq[BlockHeader]; b: seq[BlockBody]): int = if c.persistBlocks(h,b) != ValidationResult.OK: raiseAssert "persistBlocks() failed at block #" & $h[0].blockNumber for body in b: result += body.transactions.len # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc blockChainForTesting*(network: NetworkID): CommonRef = result = CommonRef.new( newCoreDbRef DefaultDbMemory, networkId = network, params = network.networkParams) result.initializeEmptyDb proc toTxPool*( com: CommonRef; ## to be modified file: string; ## input, file and transactions getStatus: proc(): TxItemStatus; ## input, random function loadBlocks: int; ## load at most this many blocks minBlockTxs: int; ## load at least this many txs in blocks loadTxs: int; ## load at most this many transactions baseFee = 0.GasPrice; ## initalise with `baseFee` (unless 0) noisy: bool): (TxPoolRef, int) = var txCount = 0 chainNo = 0 chainRef = com.newChain nTxs = 0 doAssert not com.isNil result[0] = TxPoolRef.new(com,testAddress) result[0].baseFee = baseFee for chain in file.undumpBlocksGz: let leadBlkNum = chain[0][0].blockNumber chainNo.inc if loadTxs <= txCount: break # Verify Genesis if leadBlkNum == 0.u256: doAssert chain[0][0] == com.db.getBlockHeader(0.u256) continue if leadBlkNum < loadBlocks.u256 or nTxs < minBlockTxs: nTxs += chainRef.importBlocks(chain[0],chain[1]) continue # Import transactions for inx in 0 ..< chain[0].len: let num = chain[0][inx].blockNumber txs = chain[1][inx].transactions # Continue importing up until first non-trivial block if txCount == 0 and txs.len == 0: nTxs += chainRef.importBlocks(@[chain[0][inx]],@[chain[1][inx]]) continue # Load transactions, one-by-one for n in 0 ..< min(txs.len, loadTxs - txCount): txCount.inc let status = statusInfo[getStatus()] info = &"{txCount} #{num}({chainNo}) {n}/{txs.len} {status}" noisy.showElapsed(&"insert: {info}"): result[0].add(PooledTransaction(tx: txs[n]), info) if loadTxs <= txCount: break result[1] = nTxs proc toTxPool*( com: CommonRef; ## to be modified, initialisier for `TxPool` itList: seq[TxItemRef]; ## import items into new `TxPool` (read only) baseFee = 0.GasPrice; ## initalise with `baseFee` (unless 0) local: seq[EthAddress] = @[]; ## local addresses noisy = true): TxPoolRef = doAssert not com.isNil result = TxPoolRef.new(com,testAddress) result.baseFee = baseFee result.maxRejects = itList.len let noLocals = local.len == 0 var localAddr: Table[EthAddress,bool] for a in local: localAddr[a] = true noisy.showElapsed(&"Loading {itList.len} transactions"): for item in itList: if noLocals: result.add(item.pooledTx, item.info) elif localAddr.hasKey(item.sender): doAssert result.addLocal(item.pooledTx, true).isOk else: doAssert result.addRemote(item.pooledTx, true).isOk doAssert result.nItems.total == itList.len proc toTxPool*( com: CommonRef; ## to be modified, initialisier for `TxPool` timeGap: var Time; ## to be set, time in the middle of time gap nGapItems: var int; ## to be set, # items before time gap itList: var seq[TxItemRef]; ## import items into new `TxPool` (read only) baseFee = 0.GasPrice; ## initalise with `baseFee` (unless 0) itemsPC = 30; ## % number if items befor time gap delayMSecs = 200; ## size of time vap local: seq[EthAddress] = @[]; ## local addresses noisy = true): TxPoolRef = ## Variant of `toTxPoolFromSeq()` with a time gap between consecutive ## items on the `remote` queue doAssert not com.isNil doAssert 0 < itemsPC and itemsPC < 100 result = TxPoolRef.new(com,testAddress) result.baseFee = baseFee result.maxRejects = itList.len let noLocals = local.len == 0 var localAddr: Table[EthAddress,bool] for a in local: localAddr[a] = true let delayAt = itList.len * itemsPC div 100 middleOfTimeGap = initDuration(milliSeconds = delayMSecs div 2) const tFmt = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH-mm-ss'.'fff" noisy.showElapsed(&"Loading {itList.len} transactions"): for n in 0 ..< itList.len: let item = itList[n] if noLocals: result.add(item.pooledTx, item.info) elif localAddr.hasKey(item.sender): doAssert result.addLocal(item.pooledTx, true).isOk else: doAssert result.addRemote(item.pooledTx, true).isOk if n < 3 or delayAt-3 <= n and n <= delayAt+3 or itList.len-4 < n: let t = result.getItem(item.itemID).value.timeStamp.format(tFmt, utc()) noisy.say &"added item {n} time={t}" if delayAt == n: nGapItems = n # pass back value let itemID = item.itemID doAssert result.nItems.disposed == 0 timeGap = result.getItem(itemID).value.timeStamp + middleOfTimeGap let t = timeGap.format(tFmt, utc()) noisy.say &"{delayMSecs}ms time gap centered around {t}" delayMSecs.sleep doAssert result.nItems.total == itList.len doAssert result.nItems.disposed == 0 proc toItems*(xp: TxPoolRef): seq[TxItemRef] = toSeq(xp.txDB.byItemID.nextValues) proc toItems*(xp: TxPoolRef; label: TxItemStatus): seq[TxItemRef] = for (_,nonceList) in xp.txDB.decAccount(label): result.add toSeq(nonceList.incNonce) proc setItemStatusFromInfo*(xp: TxPoolRef) = ## Re-define status from last character of info field. Note that this might ## violate boundary conditions regarding nonces. for item in xp.toItems: let w = TxItemStatus.toSeq.filterIt(statusInfo[it][0] == item.info[^1])[0] xp.setStatus(item, w) proc getBackHeader*(xp: TxPoolRef; nTxs, nAccounts: int): (BlockHeader, seq[Transaction], seq[EthAddress]) {.inline.} = ## back track the block chain for at least `nTxs` transactions and ## `nAccounts` sender accounts var accTab: Table[EthAddress,bool] txsLst: seq[Transaction] backHash = xp.head.blockHash backHeader = xp.head backBody = xp.chain.com.db.getBlockBody(backHash) while true: # count txs and step behind last block txsLst.add backBody.transactions backHash = backHeader.parentHash if not xp.chain.com.db.getBlockHeader(backHash, backHeader) or not xp.chain.com.db.getBlockBody(backHash, backBody): break # collect accounts unless max reached if accTab.len < nAccounts: for tx in backBody.transactions: let rc = tx.ecRecover if rc.isOK: if xp.txDB.bySender.eq(rc.value).isOk: accTab[rc.value] = true if nAccounts <= accTab.len: break if nTxs <= txsLst.len and nAccounts <= accTab.len: break # otherwise get next block (backHeader, txsLst.reversed, toSeq(accTab.keys)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------