# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2018-2025 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import std/[strformat, strutils, json, os, tables, macros], unittest2, stew/byteutils, eth/[trie], eth/common/[keys, transaction_utils], ../execution_chain/common/common, ../tools/common/helpers as chp, ../execution_chain/[evm/computation, evm/state, evm/types, constants, evm/precompiles {.all.}, transaction, transaction/call_evm ], ./test_helpers proc initAddress(i: byte): Address = result.data[19] = i template doTest(fixture: JsonNode; vmState: BaseVMState; address: PrecompileAddresses): untyped = for test in fixture: let expectedErr = test.hasKey("ExpectedError") expected = if test.hasKey("Expected"): hexToSeqByte(test["Expected"].getStr) else: @[] dataStr = test["Input"].getStr gasExpected = if test.hasKey("Gas"): Opt.some(GasInt test["Gas"].getInt) else: Opt.none(GasInt) let unsignedTx = Transaction( txType: TxLegacy, nonce: 0, gasPrice: 1.GasInt, gasLimit: 1_000_000_000.GasInt, to: Opt.some initAddress(address.byte), value: 0.u256, chainId: ChainId(1), payload: if dataStr.len > 0: dataStr.hexToSeqByte else: @[] ) let tx = signTransaction(unsignedTx, privateKey, false) let fixtureResult = testCallEvm(tx, tx.recoverSender().expect("valid signature"), vmState) if expectedErr: check fixtureResult.isError else: check not fixtureResult.isError let c = fixtureResult.output == expected if not c: echo "Output : " & fixtureResult.output.toHex & "\nExpected: " & expected.toHex check c if gasExpected.isSome: if fixtureResult.gasUsed != gasExpected.get: debugEcho "GAS: ", fixtureResult.gasUsed, " ", gasExpected.get check fixtureResult.gasUsed == gasExpected.get proc parseFork(x: string): string = result = x.capitalizeAscii proc testFixture(fixtures: JsonNode, testStatusIMPL: var TestStatus) = let label = fixtures["func"].getStr conf = getChainConfig(parseFork(fixtures["fork"].getStr)) data = fixtures["data"] privateKey = PrivateKey.fromHex("7a28b5ba57c53603b0b07b56bba752f7784bf506fa95edc395f5cf6c7514fe9d")[] com = CommonRef.new(newCoreDbRef DefaultDbMemory, nil, config = conf) vmState = BaseVMState.new( Header(number: 1'u64, stateRoot: emptyRlpHash), Header(), com, com.db.baseTxFrame() ) case toLowerAscii(label) of "ecrecover": data.doTest(vmState, paEcRecover) of "sha256" : data.doTest(vmState, paSha256) of "ripemd" : data.doTest(vmState, paRipeMd160) of "identity" : data.doTest(vmState, paIdentity) of "modexp" : data.doTest(vmState, paModExp) of "bn256add" : data.doTest(vmState, paEcAdd) of "bn256mul" : data.doTest(vmState, paEcMul) of "ecpairing": data.doTest(vmState, paPairing) of "blake2f" : data.doTest(vmState, paBlake2bf) of "blsg1add" : data.doTest(vmState, paBlsG1Add) of "blsg1multiexp" : data.doTest(vmState, paBlsG1MultiExp) of "blsg2add" : data.doTest(vmState, paBlsG2Add) of "blsg2multiexp": data.doTest(vmState, paBlsG2MultiExp) of "blspairing": data.doTest(vmState, paBlsPairing) of "blsmapg1": data.doTest(vmState, paBlsMapG1) of "blsmapg2": data.doTest(vmState, paBlsMapG2) else: echo "Unknown test vector '" & $label & "'" testStatusIMPL = SKIPPED suite "Precompiles": jsonTest("PrecompileTests", testFixture)