# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or # distributed except according to those terms. ## Testing `CoreDB` wrapper implementation import std/[os, strformat, strutils], chronicles, eth/common, results, unittest2, ../execution_chain/db/opts, ../execution_chain/db/core_db/persistent, ../execution_chain/core/chain, ./replay/pp, ./test_coredb/[ coredb_test_xx, test_chainsync, test_helpers] const # If `true`, this compile time option set up `unittest2` for manual parsing unittest2DisableParamFiltering {.booldefine.} = false baseDir = [".", "..", ".."/"..", $DirSep] repoDir = [".", "tests"] subDir = ["replay", "test_coredb", "custom-network", "main-era1"] # Reference file for finding some database directory base sampleDirRefFile = "coredb_test_xx.nim" dbTypeDefault = AristoDbMemory let # Standard test sample memorySampleDefault = mainTest0m persistentSampleDefault = mainTest2r # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Helpers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ when unittest2DisableParamFiltering: import algorithm # Filter out local options and pass on the rest to `unittest2` proc cmdLineConfig(): tuple[samples: seq[CaptureSpecs]] {.used.} = ## This helper allows to pass additional command line options to the ## unit test. ## ## Example: ## :: ## nim c -r ...\ ## -d:unittest2DisableParamFiltering \ ## ./tests/test_coredb.nim \ ## --output-level=VERBOSE \ ## --sample=main-am,main-ar ## or ## :: ## nim c ... -d:unittest2DisableParamFiltering ./tests/test_coredb.nim ## ./tests/test_coredb.out --output-level=VERBOSE --sample=goerli-ar ## ... ## ## At the moment, only the `--sample=` additional option is provided. ## # Define sample list from the command line (if any) const optPfx = "--sample=" # Custom option with sample list proc parseError(s = "") = let msg = if 0 < s.len: "Unsupported \"" & optPfx & "\" list item: " & s else: "Empty \"" & optPfx & " list" echo "*** ", getAppFilename().splitFile.name, ": ", msg echo " Available: ", allSamples.mapIt(it.name).sorted.join(" ") quit(99) var other: seq[string] # Options for manual parsing by `unittest2` for arg in commandLineParams(): if optPfx.len <= arg.len and arg[0 ..< optPfx.len] == optPfx: for w in arg[optPfx.len ..< arg.len].split(",").mapIt(it.strip): block findSample: for sample in allSamples: if w.cmpIgnoreCase(sample.name) == 0: result.samples.add sample break findSample w.parseError() if result.samples.len == 0: parseError() else: other.add arg # Setup `unittest2` other.parseParameters else: # Kill the compilation process iff the directive `cmdLineConfig()` is used template cmdLineConfig(): untyped {.used.} = {.error: "cmdLineConfig() needs compiler option "& " -d:unittest2DisableParamFiltering".} proc findFilePath( file: string; baseDir: openArray[string] = baseDir; repoDir: openArray[string] = repoDir; subDir: openArray[string] = subDir; ): Result[string,void] = file.findFilePathHelper(baseDir, repoDir, subDir) proc getTmpDir(sampleDir = sampleDirRefFile): string = sampleDir.findFilePath.value.splitFile.dir proc flushDbDir(s: string) = if s != "": let dataDir = s / "nimbus" if (dataDir / "data").dirExists: # Typically under Windows: there might be stale file locks. try: dataDir.removeDir except CatchableError: discard block dontClearUnlessEmpty: for w in s.walkDir: break dontClearUnlessEmpty try: s.removeDir except CatchableError: discard # ---------------- proc setTraceLevel {.used.} = discard when defined(chronicles_runtime_filtering) and loggingEnabled: setLogLevel(LogLevel.TRACE) proc setDebugLevel {.used.} = discard when defined(chronicles_runtime_filtering) and loggingEnabled: setLogLevel(LogLevel.DEBUG) proc setErrorLevel {.used.} = discard when defined(chronicles_runtime_filtering) and loggingEnabled: setLogLevel(LogLevel.ERROR) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc initRunnerDB( path: string; specs: CaptureSpecs; dbType: CoreDbType; pruneHistory: bool; ): CommonRef = let coreDB = # Resolve for static `dbType` case dbType: of AristoDbMemory: AristoDbMemory.newCoreDbRef() of AristoDbRocks: AristoDbRocks.newCoreDbRef(path, DbOptions.init()) else: raiseAssert $dbType when false: # or true: setDebugLevel() coreDB.trackLegaApi = true coreDB.trackNewApi = true var params: NetworkParams networkId: NetworkId if specs.builtIn: networkId = specs.network params = networkId.networkParams() else: doAssert specs.genesis.findFilePath.value.loadNetworkParams(params) networkId = params.config.chainId.NetworkId result = CommonRef.new( db = coreDB, taskpool = nil, networkId = networkId, params = params, pruneHistory = pruneHistory) setErrorLevel() when CoreDbEnableApiTracking: coreDB.trackCoreDbApi = false coreDB.trackLedgerApi = false # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test Runners: accounts and accounts storages # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc chainSyncRunner( noisy = true; capture = memorySampleDefault; dbType = CoreDbType(0); pruneHistory = false; profilingOk = false; finalDiskCleanUpOk = true; enaLoggingOk = false; lastOneExtraOk = true; oldLogAlign = false; ) = ## Test backend database and ledger let fileInfo = capture.files[0] .splitFile.name.split(".")[0] .strip(leading=false, chars={'0'..'9'}) filePaths = capture.files.mapIt(it.findFilePath(baseDir,repoDir).value) baseDir = getTmpDir() / capture.dbName & "-chain-sync" dbDir = baseDir / "tmp" numBlocks = capture.numBlocks numBlocksInfo = if numBlocks == high(int): "all" else: $numBlocks dbType = block: # Decreasing priority: dbType, capture.dbType, dbTypeDefault var effDbType = dbTypeDefault if dbType != CoreDbType(0): effDbType = dbType elif capture.dbType != CoreDbType(0): effDbType = capture.dbType effDbType persistent = dbType in CoreDbPersistentTypes defer: if persistent: baseDir.flushDbDir suite &"CoreDB and LedgerRef API on {fileInfo}, {dbType}": test &"Ledger API {numBlocksInfo} blocks": let com = initRunnerDB(dbDir, capture, dbType, pruneHistory) defer: com.db.finish(eradicate = finalDiskCleanUpOk) if profilingOk: noisy.test_chainSyncProfilingPrint numBlocks if persistent and finalDiskCleanUpOk: dbDir.flushDbDir when CoreDbEnableApiTracking: if noisy: com.db.trackCoreDbApi = true com.db.trackLedgerApi = true check noisy.test_chainSync(filePaths, com, numBlocks, lastOneExtra=lastOneExtraOk, enaLogging=enaLoggingOk, oldLogAlign=oldLogAlign) proc persistentSyncPreLoadAndResumeRunner( noisy = true; capture = persistentSampleDefault; dbType = CoreDbType(0); profilingOk = false; pruneHistory = false; finalDiskCleanUpOk = true; enaLoggingOk = false; lastOneExtraOk = true; oldLogAlign = false; ) = ## Test backend database and ledger let filePaths = capture.files.mapIt(it.findFilePath(baseDir,repoDir).value) baseDir = getTmpDir() / capture.dbName & "-chain-sync" dbDir = baseDir / "tmp" dbType = block: # Decreasing priority: dbType, capture.dbType, dbTypeDefault var effDbType = dbTypeDefault if dbType != CoreDbType(0): effDbType = dbType elif capture.dbType != CoreDbType(0): effDbType = capture.dbType effDbType doAssert dbType in CoreDbPersistentTypes defer: baseDir.flushDbDir let firstPart = min(capture.numBlocks div 2, 200_000) secndPart = capture.numBlocks secndPartInfo = if secndPart == high(int): "all" else: $secndPart suite &"CoreDB pre-load and resume test ..{firstPart}..{secndPartInfo}": test "Populate db by initial sample parts": let com = initRunnerDB(dbDir, capture, dbType, pruneHistory) defer: com.db.finish(eradicate = finalDiskCleanUpOk) if profilingOk: noisy.test_chainSyncProfilingPrint firstPart when CoreDbEnableApiTracking: if noisy: com.db.trackCoreDbApi = true com.db.trackLedgerApi = true check noisy.test_chainSync(filePaths, com, firstPart, lastOneExtra=lastOneExtraOk, enaLogging=enaLoggingOk, oldLogAlign=oldLogAlign) test &"Continue with rest of sample": let com = initRunnerDB(dbDir, capture, dbType, pruneHistory) defer: com.db.finish(eradicate = finalDiskCleanUpOk) if profilingOk: noisy.test_chainSyncProfilingPrint secndPart if finalDiskCleanUpOk: dbDir.flushDbDir when CoreDbEnableApiTracking: if noisy: com.db.trackCoreDbApi = true com.db.trackLedgerApi = true check noisy.test_chainSync(filePaths, com, secndPart, lastOneExtra=lastOneExtraOk, enaLogging=enaLoggingOk, oldLogAlign=oldLogAlign) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Main function(s) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc coreDbMain*(noisy = defined(debug)) = noisy.chainSyncRunner() noisy.persistentSyncPreLoadAndResumeRunner() when isMainModule: const noisy {.used.} = defined(debug) or true var sampleList: seq[CaptureSpecs] setErrorLevel() when true and false: false.coreDbMain() sampleList = cmdLineConfig().samples if sampleList.len == 0: sampleList = @[memorySampleDefault] when true: # and false: import std/times var state: (Duration, int) for n,capture in sampleList: noisy.profileSection("@sample #" & $n, state): noisy.chainSyncRunner( #dbType = CdbAristoDualRocks, capture = capture, #pruneHistory = true, #profilingOk = true, #finalDiskCleanUpOk = false, oldLogAlign = true ) noisy.say "***", "total: ", state[0].pp, " sections: ", state[1] else: coreDbMain() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------