# Fluffy # Copyright (c) 2021-2025 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import std/[os, strutils], uri, confutils, confutils/std/net, chronicles, eth/common/keys, eth/p2p/discoveryv5/[enr, node, routing_table], nimcrypto/hash, stew/byteutils, eth/net/nat, # must be late (compilation annoyance) ./logging, ./network/wire/portal_protocol_config proc defaultDataDir*(): string = let dataDir = when defined(windows): "AppData" / "Roaming" / "Fluffy" elif defined(macosx): "Library" / "Application Support" / "Fluffy" else: ".cache" / "fluffy" getHomeDir() / dataDir const defaultListenAddress* = (static parseIpAddress("")) defaultAdminListenAddress* = (static parseIpAddress("")) defaultListenAddressDesc = $defaultListenAddress defaultAdminListenAddressDesc = $defaultAdminListenAddress defaultDataDirDesc = defaultDataDir() defaultStorageCapacity* = 2000'u32 # 2 GB default defaultStorageCapacityDesc* = $defaultStorageCapacity defaultTableIpLimitDesc* = $defaultPortalProtocolConfig.tableIpLimits.tableIpLimit defaultBucketIpLimitDesc* = $defaultPortalProtocolConfig.tableIpLimits.bucketIpLimit defaultBitsPerHopDesc* = $defaultPortalProtocolConfig.bitsPerHop defaultAlphaDesc* = $defaultPortalProtocolConfig.alpha defaultMaxGossipNodesDesc* = $defaultPortalProtocolConfig.maxGossipNodes defaultRpcApis* = @["eth", "portal"] defaultRpcApisDesc* = "eth,portal" type RpcFlag* {.pure.} = enum eth debug portal portal_debug discovery TrustedDigest* = MDigest[32 * 8] PortalCmd* = enum noCommand PortalConf* = object logLevel* {. desc: "Sets the log level for process and topics (e.g. \"DEBUG; TRACE:discv5,portal_wire; REQUIRED:none; DISABLED:none\")", defaultValue: "INFO", name: "log-level" .}: string logStdout* {. hidden, desc: "Specifies what kind of logs should be written to stdout (auto, colors, nocolors, json)", defaultValueDesc: "auto", defaultValue: StdoutLogKind.Auto, name: "log-format" .}: StdoutLogKind udpPort* {.defaultValue: 9009, desc: "UDP listening port", name: "udp-port".}: uint16 listenAddress* {. defaultValue: defaultListenAddress, defaultValueDesc: $defaultListenAddressDesc, desc: "Listening address for the Discovery v5 traffic", name: "listen-address" .}: IpAddress network* {. desc: "Select which Portal network to join. This will set the " & "Portal network specific bootstrap nodes automatically", defaultValue: PortalNetwork.mainnet, name: "network" .}: PortalNetwork portalSubnetworks* {. desc: "Select which networks (Portal sub-protocols) to enable", defaultValue: {PortalSubnetwork.history, PortalSubnetwork.state, PortalSubnetwork.beacon}, name: "portal-subnetworks" .}: set[PortalSubnetwork] # Note: This will add bootstrap nodes for both Discovery v5 network and each # enabled Portal network. No distinction is made on bootstrap nodes per # specific network. bootstrapNodes* {. desc: "ENR URI of node to bootstrap Discovery v5 and the Portal networks from. Argument may be repeated", name: "bootstrap-node" .}: seq[Record] bootstrapNodesFile* {. desc: "Specifies a line-delimited file of ENR URIs to bootstrap Discovery v5 and Portal networks from", defaultValue: "", name: "bootstrap-file" .}: InputFile nat* {. desc: "Specify method to use for determining public address. " & "Must be one of: any, none, upnp, pmp, extip:", defaultValue: NatConfig(hasExtIp: false, nat: NatAny), defaultValueDesc: "any", name: "nat" .}: NatConfig enrAutoUpdate* {. defaultValue: false, desc: "Discovery can automatically update its ENR with the IP address " & "and UDP port as seen by other nodes it communicates with. " & "This option allows to enable/disable this functionality", name: "enr-auto-update" .}: bool dataDir* {. desc: "The directory where fluffy will store the content data", defaultValue: defaultDataDir(), defaultValueDesc: $defaultDataDirDesc, name: "data-dir" .}: OutDir networkKeyFile* {. desc: "Source of network (secp256k1) private key file", defaultValue: config.dataDir / "netkey", name: "netkey-file" .}: string networkKey* {. hidden, desc: "Private key (secp256k1) for the p2p network, hex encoded.", defaultValue: none(PrivateKey), defaultValueDesc: "none", name: "netkey-unsafe" .}: Option[PrivateKey] accumulatorFile* {. desc: "Get the master accumulator snapshot from a file containing an " & "pre-build SSZ encoded master accumulator.", defaultValue: none(InputFile), defaultValueDesc: "none", name: "accumulator-file" .}: Option[InputFile] metricsEnabled* {. defaultValue: false, desc: "Enable the metrics server", name: "metrics" .}: bool metricsAddress* {. defaultValue: defaultAdminListenAddress, defaultValueDesc: $defaultAdminListenAddressDesc, desc: "Listening address of the metrics server", name: "metrics-address" .}: IpAddress metricsPort* {. defaultValue: 8008, desc: "Listening HTTP port of the metrics server", name: "metrics-port" .}: Port rpcEnabled* {. desc: "Enable the HTTP JSON-RPC server", defaultValue: false, name: "rpc" .}: bool rpcAddress* {. desc: "Listening address of the HTTP JSON-RPC server", defaultValue: defaultAdminListenAddress, defaultValueDesc: $defaultAdminListenAddressDesc, name: "rpc-address" .}: IpAddress rpcPort* {. desc: "Port for the HTTP JSON-RPC server", defaultValue: 8545, name: "rpc-port" .}: Port rpcApi* {. desc: "Enable specific set of JSON-RPC APIs over HTTP (available: eth, debug, portal, portal_debug, discovery)", defaultValue: defaultRpcApis, defaultValueDesc: $defaultRpcApisDesc, name: "rpc-api" .}: seq[string] wsEnabled* {. desc: "Enable the WebSocket JSON-RPC server", defaultValue: false, name: "ws" .}: bool wsAddress* {. desc: "Listening address of the WebSocket JSON-RPC server", defaultValue: defaultAdminListenAddress, defaultValueDesc: $defaultAdminListenAddressDesc, name: "ws-address" .}: IpAddress wsPort* {. desc: "Port for the WebSocket JSON-RPC server", defaultValue: 8546, name: "ws-port" .}: Port wsApi* {. desc: "Enable specific set of JSON-RPC APIs over WebSocket (available: eth, debug, portal, portal_debug, discovery)", defaultValue: defaultRpcApis, defaultValueDesc: $defaultRpcApisDesc, name: "ws-api" .}: seq[string] wsCompression* {. desc: "Enable compression for the WebSocket JSON-RPC server", defaultValue: false, name: "ws-compression" .}: bool tableIpLimit* {. hidden, desc: "Maximum amount of nodes with the same IP in the routing table. " & "This option is currently required as many nodes are running from " & "the same machines. The option might be removed/adjusted in the future", defaultValue: defaultPortalProtocolConfig.tableIpLimits.tableIpLimit, defaultValueDesc: $defaultTableIpLimitDesc, name: "table-ip-limit" .}: uint bucketIpLimit* {. hidden, desc: "Maximum amount of nodes with the same IP in the routing table's buckets. " & "This option is currently required as many nodes are running from " & "the same machines. The option might be removed/adjusted in the future", defaultValue: defaultPortalProtocolConfig.tableIpLimits.bucketIpLimit, defaultValueDesc: $defaultBucketIpLimitDesc, name: "bucket-ip-limit" .}: uint bitsPerHop* {. hidden, desc: "Kademlia's b variable, increase for less hops per lookup", defaultValue: defaultPortalProtocolConfig.bitsPerHop, defaultValueDesc: $defaultBitsPerHopDesc, name: "bits-per-hop" .}: int alpha* {. hidden, desc: "The Kademlia concurrency factor", defaultValue: defaultPortalProtocolConfig.alpha, defaultValueDesc: $defaultAlphaDesc, name: "debug-alpha" .}: int maxGossipNodes* {. hidden, desc: "The maximum number of nodes to send content to during gossip", defaultValue: defaultPortalProtocolConfig.maxGossipNodes, defaultValueDesc: $defaultMaxGossipNodesDesc, name: "debug-max-gossip-nodes" .}: int maxConcurrentOffers* {. hidden, desc: "The maximum number of offers to send concurrently", defaultValue: defaultPortalProtocolConfig.maxConcurrentOffers, name: "debug-max-concurrent-offers" .}: int radiusConfig* {. desc: "Radius configuration for a fluffy node. Radius can be either `dynamic` " & "where the node adjusts the radius based on `storage-size` option, " & "or `static:` where the node has a hardcoded logarithmic radius value. " & "Warning: `static:` disables `storage-size` limits and " & "makes the node store a fraction of the network based on set radius.", defaultValue: defaultRadiusConfig, defaultValueDesc: $defaultRadiusConfigDesc, name: "radius" .}: RadiusConfig # TODO maybe it is worth defining minimal storage size and throw error if # value provided is smaller than minimum storageCapacityMB* {. desc: "Maximum amount (in megabytes) of content which will be stored " & "in the local database.", defaultValue: defaultStorageCapacity, defaultValueDesc: $defaultStorageCapacityDesc, name: "storage-capacity" .}: uint64 trustedBlockRoot* {. desc: "Recent trusted finalized block root to initialize the consensus light client from. " & "If not provided by the user, portal light client will be disabled.", defaultValue: none(TrustedDigest), name: "trusted-block-root" .}: Option[TrustedDigest] forcePrune* {. hidden, desc: "Force the pruning of the database. This should be used when the " & "database is decreased in size, e.g. when a lower static radius " & "or a lower storage capacity is set.", defaultValue: false, name: "force-prune" .}: bool contentRequestRetries* {. hidden, desc: "Max number of retries when requesting content over the network.", defaultValue: 1, name: "debug-content-request-retries" .}: uint contentCacheSize* {. hidden, desc: "Size of the in memory local content cache. This is the max number " & "of content values that can be stored in the cache.", defaultValue: defaultPortalProtocolConfig.contentCacheSize, name: "debug-content-cache-size" .}: int disableContentCache* {. hidden, desc: "Disable the in memory local content cache", defaultValue: defaultPortalProtocolConfig.disableContentCache, name: "debug-disable-content-cache" .}: bool disablePoke* {. hidden, desc: "Disable POKE functionality for gossip mechanisms testing", defaultValue: defaultDisablePoke, defaultValueDesc: $defaultDisablePoke, name: "disable-poke" .}: bool disableStateRootValidation* {. hidden, desc: "Disables state root validation for content received by the state network.", defaultValue: false, name: "disable-state-root-validation" .}: bool disableBanNodes* {. hidden, desc: "Disable node banning functionality for both discv5 and portal sub-protocols", defaultValue: defaultDisableBanNodes, defaultValueDesc: $defaultDisableBanNodes, name: "debug-disable-ban-nodes" .}: bool case cmd* {.command, defaultValue: noCommand.}: PortalCmd of noCommand: discard func parseCmdArg*(T: type TrustedDigest, input: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} = TrustedDigest.fromHex(input) func completeCmdArg*(T: type TrustedDigest, input: string): seq[string] = return @[] proc parseCmdArg*(T: type enr.Record, p: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} = let res = enr.Record.fromURI(p) if res.isErr(): raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid ENR: " & $res.error) res.value proc completeCmdArg*(T: type enr.Record, val: string): seq[string] = return @[] proc parseCmdArg*(T: type Node, p: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} = let res = enr.Record.fromURI(p) if res.isErr(): raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid ENR: " & $res.error) let n = Node.fromRecord(res.value) if n.address.isNone(): raise newException(ValueError, "ENR without address") n proc completeCmdArg*(T: type Node, val: string): seq[string] = return @[] proc parseCmdArg*(T: type PrivateKey, p: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} = try: result = PrivateKey.fromHex(p).tryGet() except CatchableError: raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid private key") proc completeCmdArg*(T: type PrivateKey, val: string): seq[string] = return @[] proc parseCmdArg*( T: type set[PortalSubnetwork], p: string ): T {.raises: [ValueError].} = var res: set[PortalSubnetwork] = {} let values = p.split({' ', ','}) for value in values: let stripped = value.strip() let network = try: parseEnum[PortalSubnetwork](stripped) except ValueError: raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid network: " & stripped) res.incl(network) res proc completeCmdArg*(T: type set[PortalSubnetwork], val: string): seq[string] = return @[] chronicles.formatIt(InputDir): $it chronicles.formatIt(OutDir): $it chronicles.formatIt(InputFile): $it func processList(v: string, o: var seq[string]) = ## Process comma-separated list of strings. if len(v) > 0: for n in v.split({' ', ','}): if len(n) > 0: o.add(n) iterator repeatingList(listOfList: openArray[string]): string = for strList in listOfList: var list = newSeq[string]() processList(strList, list) for item in list: yield item proc getRpcFlags*(rpcApis: openArray[string]): set[RpcFlag] = if rpcApis.len == 0: error "No RPC APIs specified" quit QuitFailure var rpcFlags: set[RpcFlag] for apiStr in rpcApis.repeatingList(): case apiStr.toLowerAscii() of "eth": rpcFlags.incl RpcFlag.eth of "debug": rpcFlags.incl RpcFlag.debug of "portal": rpcFlags.incl RpcFlag.portal of "portal_debug": rpcFlags.incl RpcFlag.portal_debug of "discovery": rpcFlags.incl RpcFlag.discovery else: error "Unknown RPC API: ", name = apiStr quit QuitFailure rpcFlags