import strformat, strutils, sequtils, parseutils, sets, macros, ../logging, ../constants, ../opcode_values type CodeStream* = ref object bytes*: seq[byte] depthProcessed: int invalidPositions: HashSet[int] pc*: int logger: Logger cached: seq[(int, Op, string)] proc `$`*(b: byte): string = $( proc newCodeStream*(codeBytes: seq[byte]): CodeStream = new(result) result.bytes = codeBytes result.pc = 0 result.invalidPositions = initSet[int]() result.depthProcessed = 0 result.cached = @[] result.logger = logging.getLogger("vm.code_stream") proc newCodeStream*(codeBytes: string): CodeStream = newCodeStream(codeBytes.mapIt(it.byte)) proc newCodeStreamFromUnescaped*(code: string): CodeStream = # from 0xunescaped var codeBytes: seq[byte] = @[] for z, c in code[2..^1]: if z mod 2 == 1: var value: int discard parseHex(&"0x{code[z+1..z+2]}", value) codeBytes.add(value.byte) newCodeStream(codeBytes) proc read*(c: var CodeStream, size: int): seq[byte] = if c.pc + size - 1 < c.bytes.len: result = c.bytes[c.pc .. c.pc + size - 1] c.pc += size else: result = @[] c.pc = c.bytes.len proc len*(c: CodeStream): int = len(c.bytes) proc next*(c: var CodeStream): Op = var nextOpcode = if nextOpcode.len != 0: return Op(nextOpcode[0]) else: return Op.STOP iterator items*(c: var CodeStream): Op = var nextOpcode = while nextOpcode != Op.STOP: yield nextOpcode nextOpcode = proc `[]`*(c: CodeStream, offset: int): Op = Op(c.bytes[offset]) proc peek*(c: var CodeStream): Op = var currentPc = c.pc result = c.pc = currentPc proc updatePc*(c: var CodeStream, value: int) = c.pc = min(value, len(c)) macro seek*(c: var CodeStream, pc: int, handler: untyped): untyped = let c2 = ident("c") result = quote: var anchorPc = `c`.pc `c`.pc = `pc` try: var `c2` = `c` `handler` finally: `c`.pc = anchorPc proc isValidOpcode*(c: var CodeStream, position: int): bool = if position >= len(c): return false if position in c.invalidPositions: return false if position <= c.depthProcessed: return true else: var i = c.depthProcessed while i <= position: var opcode = Op(c[i]) if opcode >= Op.PUSH1 and opcode <= Op.PUSH32: var leftBound = (i + 1) var rightBound = leftBound + ( - 95) for z in leftBound ..< rightBound: c.invalidPositions.incl(z) i = rightBound else: c.depthProcessed = i i += 1 if position in c.invalidPositions: return false else: return true proc decompile*(original: var CodeStream): seq[(int, Op, string)] = # behave as # TODO if original.cached.len > 0: return original.cached result = @[] var c = newCodeStream(original.bytes) while true: var op = if op >= PUSH1 and op <= PUSH32: let bytes = - 95) result.add((c.pc - 1, op, "0x" & bytes.mapIt($(it.BiggestInt.toHex(2))).join(""))) elif op != Op.Stop: result.add((c.pc - 1, op, "")) else: result.add((-1, Op.STOP, "")) break original.cached = result proc displayDecompiled*(c: CodeStream) = var copy = c let opcodes = copy.decompile() for op in opcodes: echo op[0], " ", op[1], " ", op[2] proc hasSStore*(c: var CodeStream): bool = let opcodes = c.decompile() result = opcodes.anyIt(it[1] == SSTORE)