# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2022 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at # https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. # # Ackn: # nimbus-eth2/beacon_chain/spec/engine_authentication.nim # go-ethereum/node/jwt_handler.go import std/[base64, json, options, os, strutils, times], bearssl/rand, chronicles, chronos, chronos/apps/http/[httptable, httpserver], json_rpc/rpcserver, httputils, websock/websock as ws, nimcrypto/[hmac, utils], stew/[byteutils, objects, results], ../config {.push raises: [].} logScope: topics = "Jwt/HS256 auth" const jwtSecretFile* = ##\ ## A copy on the secret key in the `dataDir` directory "jwt.hex" jwtMinSecretLen* = ##\ ## Number of bytes needed with the shared key 32 type JwtSharedKey* = ##\ ## Convenience type, needed quite often distinct array[jwtMinSecretLen,byte] JwtSharedKeyRaw = array[jwtMinSecretLen,byte] JwtGenSecret* = ##\ ## Random generator function producing a shared key. Typically, this\ ## will be a wrapper around a random generator type, such as\ ## `HmacDrbgContext`. proc(): JwtSharedKey {.gcsafe.} JwtExcept* = object of CatchableError ## Catch and relay exception error JwtError* = enum jwtKeyTooSmall = "JWT secret not at least 256 bits" jwtKeyEmptyFile = "no 0x-prefixed hex string found" jwtKeyFileCannotOpen = "couldn't open specified JWT secret file" jwtKeyInvalidHexString = "invalid JWT hex string" jwtTokenInvNumSegments = "token contains an invalid number of segments" jwtProtHeaderInvBase64 = "token protected header invalid base64 encoding" jwtProtHeaderInvJson = "token protected header invalid JSON data" jwtIatPayloadInvBase64 = "iat payload time invalid base64 encoding" jwtIatPayloadInvJson = "iat payload time invalid JSON data" jwtMethodUnsupported = "token protected header provides unsupported method" jwtTimeValidationError = "token time validation failed" jwtTokenValidationError = "token signature validation failed" JwtHeader = object ##\ ## Template used for JSON unmarshalling typ, alg: string JwtIatPayload = object ##\ ## Template used for JSON unmarshalling iat: uint64 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template safeExecutor(info: string; code: untyped) = try: code except Exception as e: raise newException(JwtExcept, info & "(): " & $e.name & " -- " & e.msg) proc base64urlEncode(x: auto): string = # The only strings this gets are internally generated, and don't have # encoding quirks. base64.encode(x, safe = true).replace("=", "") proc base64urlDecode(data: string): string {.gcsafe, raises: [CatchableError].} = ## Decodes a JWT specific base64url, optionally encoding with stripped ## padding. let l = data.len mod 4 if 0 < l: return base64.decode(data & "=".repeat(4-l)) base64.decode(data) proc verifyTokenHS256(token: string; key: JwtSharedKey): Result[void,JwtError] = let p = token.split('.') if p.len != 3: return err(jwtTokenInvNumSegments) var time: int64 error: JwtError try: # Parse/verify protected header, try first the most common encoding # of """{"typ": "JWT", "alg": "HS256"}""" if p[0] != "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9": error = jwtProtHeaderInvBase64 let jsonHeader = p[0].base64urlDecode error = jwtProtHeaderInvJson let jwtHeader = jsonHeader.parseJson.to(JwtHeader) # The following JSON decoded object is required if jwtHeader.typ != "JWT" and jwtHeader.alg != "HS256": return err(jwtMethodUnsupported) # Get the time payload error = jwtIatPayloadInvBase64 let jsonPayload = p[1].base64urlDecode error = jwtIatPayloadInvJson let jwtPayload = jsonPayload.parseJson.to(JwtIatPayload) time = jwtPayload.iat.int64 except: debug "JWT token decoding error", protectedHeader = p[0], payload = p[1], error return err(error) # github.com/ethereum/ # /execution-apis/blob/v1.0.0-alpha.8/src/engine/authentication.md#jwt-claims # # "Required: iat (issued-at) claim. The EL SHOULD only accept iat timestamps # which are within +-5 seconds from the current time." # # https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.6 describes iat # claims. let delta = getTime().toUnix - time if delta < -5 or 5 < delta: debug "Iat timestamp problem, accepted |delta| <= 5", delta return err(jwtTimeValidationError) let keyArray = cast[array[jwtMinSecretLen,byte]](key) b64sig = base64urlEncode(sha256.hmac(keyArray, p[0] & "." & p[1]).data) if b64sig != p[2]: return err(jwtTokenValidationError) ok() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc fromHex*(key: var JwtSharedKey, src: string): Result[void,JwtError] = ## Parse argument `src` from hex-string and fill it into the argument `key`. ## This function is supposed to read and convert data in constant-time ## fashion, guarding against side channel attacks. # utils.fromHex() does the constant-time job try: let secret = utils.fromHex(src) if secret.len < jwtMinSecretLen: return err(jwtKeyTooSmall) key = toArray(JwtSharedKeyRaw.len, secret).JwtSharedKey ok() except ValueError: err(jwtKeyInvalidHexString) proc jwtGenSecret*(rng: ref rand.HmacDrbgContext): JwtGenSecret = ## Standard shared key random generator. If a fixed key is needed, a ## function like ## :: ## proc preCompiledGenSecret(key: JwtSharedKey): JwtGenSecret = ## result = proc: JwtSharedKey = ## key ## ## might do. Not that in most cases, this function is internally used, ## only. result = proc: JwtSharedKey = var data: array[jwtMinSecretLen,byte] rng[].generate(data) data.JwtSharedKey proc jwtSharedSecret*(rndSecret: JwtGenSecret; config: NimbusConf): Result[JwtSharedKey, JwtError] = ## Return a key for jwt authentication preferable from the argument file ## `config.jwtSecret` (which contains at least 32 bytes hex encoded random ## data.) Otherwise it creates a key and stores it in the `config.dataDir`. ## ## The resulting `JwtSharedKey` is supposed to be usewd as argument for ## the function `jwtHandlerHS256()`, below. ## ## Note that this function variant is mainly used for debugging and testing. ## For a more common interface prototype with explicit random generator ## object see the variant below this one. ## ## Ackn nimbus-eth2: ## beacon_chain/spec/engine_authentication.nim.`checkJwtSecret()` # # If such a parameter is given, but the file cannot be read, or does not # contain a hex-encoded key of at least 256 bits (aka ``jwtMinSecretLen` # bytes.), the client should treat this as an error: either abort the # startup, or show error and continue without exposing the authenticated # port. # if config.jwtSecret.isNone: # If such a parameter is not given, the client SHOULD generate such a # token, valid for the duration of the execution, and store it the # hex-encoded secret as a jwt.hex file on the filesystem. This file can # then be used to provision the counterpart client. # # github.com/ethereum/ # /execution-apis/blob/v1.0.0-alpha.8/src/engine/ # /authentication.md#key-distribution let jwtSecretPath = config.dataDir.string / jwtSecretFile newSecret = rndSecret() try: jwtSecretPath.writeFile(newSecret.JwtSharedKeyRaw.to0xHex) except IOError as e: # Allow continuing to run, though this is effectively fatal for a merge # client using authentication. This keeps it lower-risk initially. warn "Could not write JWT secret to data directory", jwtSecretPath discard e return ok(newSecret) try: let lines = config.jwtSecret.get.string.readLines(1) if lines.len == 0: return err(jwtKeyEmptyFile) var key: JwtSharedKey let rc = key.fromHex(lines[0]) if rc.isErr: return err(rc.error) return ok(key) except IOError: return err(jwtKeyFileCannotOpen) except ValueError: return err(jwtKeyInvalidHexString) proc jwtSharedSecret*(rng: ref rand.HmacDrbgContext; config: NimbusConf): Result[JwtSharedKey, JwtError] {.gcsafe, raises: [JwtExcept].} = ## Variant of `jwtSharedSecret()` with explicit random generator argument. safeExecutor("jwtSharedSecret"): result = rng.jwtGenSecret.jwtSharedSecret(config) proc httpJwtAuth*(key: JwtSharedKey): HttpAuthHook = proc handler(req: HttpRequestRef): Future[HttpResponseRef] {.async.} = let auth = req.headers.getString("Authorization", "?") if auth.len < 9 or auth[0..6].cmpIgnoreCase("Bearer ") != 0: return await req.respond(Http403, "Missing authorization token") let rc = auth[7..^1].strip.verifyTokenHS256(key) if rc.isOk: return HttpResponseRef(nil) debug "Could not authenticate", error = rc.error case rc.error: of jwtTokenValidationError, jwtMethodUnsupported: return await req.respond(Http401, "Unauthorized access") else: return await req.respond(Http403, "Malformed token") result = HttpAuthHook(handler) proc wsJwtAuth*(key: JwtSharedKey): WsAuthHook = proc handler(req: ws.HttpRequest): Future[bool] {.async.} = let auth = req.headers.getString("Authorization", "?") if auth.len < 9 or auth[0..6].cmpIgnoreCase("Bearer ") != 0: await req.sendResponse(code = Http403, data = "Missing authorization token") return false let rc = auth[7..^1].strip.verifyTokenHS256(key) if rc.isOk: return true debug "Could not authenticate", error = rc.error case rc.error: of jwtTokenValidationError, jwtMethodUnsupported: await req.sendResponse(code = Http403, data = "Unauthorized access") else: await req.sendResponse(code = Http403, data = "Malformed token") return false result = WsAuthHook(handler) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------