# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.used.} {.push raises: [].} import unittest2, beacon_chain/spec/forks, beacon_chain/spec/datatypes/bellatrix, beacon_chain /../ tests/testblockutil, # Mock helpers beacon_chain /../ tests/mocking/mock_genesis, ../network/history/beacon_chain_block_proof_bellatrix # Test suite for the proofs: # - HistoricalRootsProof # - BeaconBlockHeaderProof # - BeaconBlockBodyProof # and as last # - the chain of proofs, BeaconChainBlockProof: # BlockHash || BlockHeader # -> BeaconBlockBodyProof # -> BeaconBlockHeaderProof # -> HistoricalRootsProof # historical_roots # # Note: The last test makes the others redundant, but keeping them all around # for now as it might be sufficient to go with just HistoricalRootsProof (and # perhaps BeaconBlockHeaderProof), see comments in beacon_chain_proofs.nim. # # TODO: Add more blocks to reach 1+ historical roots, to make sure that indexing # is properly tested. suite "Beacon Chain Block Proofs - Bellatrix": let cfg = block: var res = defaultRuntimeConfig res.ALTAIR_FORK_EPOCH = GENESIS_EPOCH res.BELLATRIX_FORK_EPOCH = GENESIS_EPOCH res state = newClone(initGenesisState(cfg = cfg)) var cache = StateCache() var blocks: seq[bellatrix.SignedBeaconBlock] # Note: # Adding 8192 blocks. First block is genesis block and not one of these. # Then one extra block is needed to get the historical roots, block # roots and state roots processed. # index i = 0 is second block. # index i = 8190 is 8192th block and last one that is part of the first # historical root for i in 0 ..< SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT: blocks.add(addTestBlock(state[], cache, cfg = cfg).bellatrixData) # Starts from the block after genesis. const blocksToTest = [ 0'u64, 1, 2, 3, SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT div 2, SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT - 3, SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT - 2, ] test "HistoricalRootsProof for BeaconBlockHeader": let # Historical batch of first historical root batch = HistoricalBatch( block_roots: getStateField(state[], block_roots).data, state_roots: getStateField(state[], state_roots).data, ) historical_roots = getStateField(state[], historical_roots) # for i in 0..<(SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT - 1): # Test all blocks for i in blocksToTest: let beaconBlock = blocks[i].message historicalRootsIndex = getHistoricalRootsIndex(beaconBlock.slot) blockRootIndex = getBlockRootsIndex(beaconBlock.slot) let res = buildProof(batch, blockRootIndex) check res.isOk() let proof = res.get() check verifyProof( blocks[i].root, proof, historical_roots[historicalRootsIndex], blockRootIndex ) test "BeaconBlockHeaderProof for BeaconBlockBody": # for i in 0..<(SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT - 1): # Test all blocks for i in blocksToTest: let beaconBlock = blocks[i].message beaconBlockHeader = BeaconBlockHeader( slot: beaconBlock.slot, proposer_index: beaconBlock.proposer_index, parent_root: beaconBlock.parent_root, state_root: beaconBlock.state_root, body_root: hash_tree_root(beaconBlock.body), ) beaconBlockBody = beaconBlock.body let res = buildProof(beaconBlockHeader) check res.isOk() let proof = res.get() let leave = hash_tree_root(beaconBlockBody) check verifyProof(leave, proof, blocks[i].root) test "BeaconBlockBodyProof for Execution BlockHeader": # for i in 0..<(SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT - 1): # Test all blocks for i in blocksToTest: let beaconBlockBody = blocks[i].message.body let res = buildProof(beaconBlockBody) check res.isOk() let proof = res.get() let leave = beaconBlockBody.execution_payload.block_hash let root = hash_tree_root(beaconBlockBody) check verifyProof(leave, proof, root) test "BeaconChainBlockProof for Execution BlockHeader": let # Historical batch of first historical root batch = HistoricalBatch( block_roots: getStateField(state[], block_roots).data, state_roots: getStateField(state[], state_roots).data, ) historical_roots = getStateField(state[], historical_roots) # for i in 0..<(SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT - 1): # Test all blocks for i in blocksToTest: let beaconBlock = blocks[i].message beaconBlockHeader = BeaconBlockHeader( slot: beaconBlock.slot, proposer_index: beaconBlock.proposer_index, parent_root: beaconBlock.parent_root, state_root: beaconBlock.state_root, body_root: hash_tree_root(beaconBlock.body), ) beaconBlockBody = beaconBlock.body # Normally we would have an execution BlockHeader that holds this # value, but we skip the creation of that header for now and just take # the blockHash from the execution payload. blockHash = beaconBlockBody.execution_payload.block_hash let proofRes = buildProof(batch, beaconBlockHeader, beaconBlockBody) check proofRes.isOk() let proof = proofRes.get() check verifyProof(historical_roots, proof, blockHash)