#!/bin/bash # Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. # ------------------------------------------------ # Inputs on how to run checks # ------------------------------------------------ echo printf "Do you want to run the checks in terminal or visit the assertoor URL? (terminal/url) " read reply echo printf "Build new changes (yes/no)? " read use_previous_image # ------------------------------------------------ # Installation Checks # ------------------------------------------------ # Checking for docker installation echo "Checking docker installation" if command -v docker &> /dev/null; then echo "Docker installation found" else echo "Docker installation not found. Please install docker." exit 1 fi echo "Checking kurtosis installation" if command -v kurtosis &> /dev/null; then echo "Kurtosis installation found" else echo "Kurtosis installation not found. Installing kurtosis" echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://apt.fury.io/kurtosis-tech/ /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kurtosis.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y kurtosis fi # Install jq if not installed already if [ "$(which jq)" != "" ]; then echo "jq is already installed" else echo "jq is not installed. Installing jq" sudo apt-get install -y jq fi new_el_image="localtestnet" # ------------------------------------------------ # Build the Docker Image # ------------------------------------------------ if [[ "$use_previous_image" == "no" ]]; then echo "Using the previously built docker image" echo echo -n "Please enter the docker image name (default: localtestnet) " read -r el_image if [[ "$el_image" == "" ]]; then new_el_image="localtestnet" else new_el_image=$el_image fi else echo "Starting the Docker Build!" # Build the docker Image sudo docker build . -t localtestnet # The new el_image value new_el_image="localtestnet" fi # ------------------------------------------------ # Run the Kurtosis Tests # ------------------------------------------------ # Use sed to replace the el_image value in the file cat kurtosis-network-params.yml | envsubst > assertoor.yaml sed -i "s/el_image: .*/el_image: $new_el_image/" assertoor.yaml sudo kurtosis run \ --enclave nimbus-localtestnet \ github.com/kurtosis-tech/ethereum-package \ --args-file assertoor.yaml enclave_dump=$(kurtosis enclave inspect nimbus-localtestnet) assertoor_url=$(echo "$enclave_dump" | grep assertoor | grep http | sed 's/.*\(http:\/\/[0-9.:]\+\).*/\1/') # ------------------------------------------------ # Remove Generated File # ------------------------------------------------ rm assertoor.yaml # Check the user's input and respond accordingly if [[ "$reply" == "url" ]]; then echo "You chose to visit the assertoor URL." echo "Assertoor Checks Please Visit -> ${assertoor_url}" echo "Please visit the URL to check the status of the tests" echo "The kurtosis enclave needs to be cleared, after the tests are done. Please run the following command ----- sudo kurtosis enclave rm -f nimbus-localtestnet" else echo "Running the checks over terminal" # ------------------------------------------------ # Check for Test Status # ------------------------------------------------ YELLOW='\033[1;33m' GRAY='\033[0;37m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' RED='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' # print assertor logs assertoor_container=$(docker container list | grep assertoor | sed 's/^\([^ ]\+\) .*$/\1/') docker logs -f "$assertoor_container" & # helper to fetch task status for specific test id get_tasks_status() { tasks=$(curl -s "${assertoor_url}"/api/v1/test_run/"$1" | jq -c ".data.tasks[] | {index, parent_index, name, title, status, result}") declare -A task_graph_map task_graph_map[0]="" while read task; do task_id=$(echo "$task" | jq -r ".index") task_parent=$(echo "$task" | jq -r ".parent_index") task_name=$(echo "$task" | jq -r ".name") task_title=$(echo "$task" | jq -r ".title") task_status=$(echo "$task" | jq -r ".status") task_result=$(echo "$task" | jq -r ".result") task_graph="${task_graph_map[$task_parent]}" task_graph_map[$task_id]="$task_graph |" if [ ! -z "$task_graph" ]; then task_graph="${task_graph}- " fi if [ "$task_status" == "pending" ]; then task_status="${GRAY}pending ${NC}" elif [ "$task_status" == "running" ]; then task_status="${YELLOW}running ${NC}" elif [ "$task_status" == "complete" ]; then task_status="${GREEN}complete${NC}" fi if [ "$task_result" == "none" ]; then task_result="${GRAY}none ${NC}" elif [ "$task_result" == "success" ]; then task_result="${GREEN}success${NC}" elif [ "$task_result" == "failure" ]; then task_result="${RED}failure${NC}" fi echo -e " $(printf '%-4s' "$task_id")\t$task_status\t$task_result\t$(printf '%-50s' "$task_graph$task_name") \t$task_title" done <<< $(echo "$tasks") } # poll & check test status final_test_result="" failed_test_id="" while true do pending_tests=0 failed_tests=0 total_tests=0 running_test="" status_lines=() task_lines="" status_lines+=("$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') Test Status:") tests=$(curl -s "${assertoor_url}"/api/v1/test_runs | jq -c ".data[] | {run_id, test_id, name, status}") while read test; do if [ -z "$test" ]; then continue fi run_id=$(echo "$test" | jq -r ".run_id") test_id=$(echo "$test" | jq -r ".test_id") test_name=$(echo "$test" | jq -r ".name") test_status=$(echo "$test" | jq -r ".status") if [ "$test_status" == "pending" ]; then pending_tests=$(expr $pending_tests + 1) status_name="${GRAY}pending${NC}" elif [ "$test_status" == "running" ]; then pending_tests=$(expr $pending_tests + 1) running_test="$run_id" status_name="${YELLOW}running${NC}" elif [ "$test_status" == "success" ]; then status_name="${GREEN}success${NC}" elif [ "$test_status" == "failure" ]; then failed_tests=$(expr $failed_tests + 1) failed_test_id="$run_id" status_name="${RED}failure${NC}" else status_name="$test_status" fi status_lines+=(" $(printf '%-3s' "$test_id") $status_name \t$test_name") total_tests=$(expr $total_tests + 1) done <<< $(echo "$tests") for status_line in "${status_lines[@]}" do echo -e "$status_line" done if ! [ -z "$running_test" ]; then task_lines=$(get_tasks_status "$running_test") echo "Active Test Task Status:" echo "$task_lines" fi if [ "$failed_tests" -gt 0 ]; then final_test_result="failure" break fi if [ "$total_tests" -gt 0 ] && [ "$pending_tests" -le 0 ]; then final_test_result="success" break fi sleep 60 done # save test results & status to github output echo "test_result=$(echo "$final_test_result")" echo "test_status" for status_line in "${status_lines[@]}" do echo -e "$status_line" done echo if ! [ -z "$failed_test_id" ]; then echo "failed_test_status" get_tasks_status "$failed_test_id" echo "" else echo "failed_test_status=" fi # ------------------------------------------------ # Cleanup # ------------------------------------------------ sudo kurtosis enclave rm -f nimbus-localtestnet fi