# # Nimbus # (c) Copyright 2019 # Status Research & Development GmbH # # Licensed under either of # Apache License, version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHEv2) # MIT license (LICENSE-MIT) import chronos, chronicles, nimcrypto/[utils, hmac, pbkdf2, hash, sysrand], tables, stew/ranges/ptr_arith, eth/[keys, rlp, p2p, async_utils], eth/p2p/rlpx_protocols/whisper_protocol, eth/p2p/[peer_pool, bootnodes, whispernodes], ../nimbus/rpc/key_storage, ../nimbus/random_keys # TODO: lots of overlap with Nimbus Whisper RPC here, however not all # the same due to type conversion (no use of Option and such). Perhaps some # parts can be refactored in sharing some of the code. const idLen = 32 type Identifier = array[idLen, byte] CReceivedMessage* = object decoded*: ptr byte decodedLen*: int # csize_t source*: ptr byte recipientPublicKey*: ptr byte timestamp*: uint32 ttl*: uint32 topic*: Topic pow*: float64 hash*: Hash CFilterOptions* = object symKeyID*: ptr byte privateKeyID*: ptr byte source*: ptr byte minPow*: float64 topic*: Topic # lets go with one topic for now unless more are required allowP2P*: bool CPostMessage* = object symKeyID*: ptr byte pubKey*: ptr byte sourceID*: ptr byte ttl*: uint32 topic*: Topic payload*: ptr byte payloadLen*: int # csize_t padding*: ptr byte paddingLen*: int # csize_t powTime*: float64 powTarget*: float64 CTopic* = object topic*: Topic # Don't do this at home, you'll never get rid of ugly globals like this! var node: EthereumNode # You will only add more instead! let whisperKeys = newKeyStorage() proc generateRandomID(): Identifier = while true: # TODO: error instead of looping? if randomBytes(result) == idLen: break proc setBootNodes(nodes: openArray[string]): seq[ENode] = result = newSeqOfCap[ENode](nodes.len) for nodeId in nodes: # For now we can just do assert as we only pass our own const arrays. let enode = ENode.fromString(nodeId).expect("correct enode") result.add(enode) proc connectToNodes(nodes: openArray[string]) = for nodeId in nodes: # For now we can just do assert as we only pass our own const arrays. let enode = ENode.fromString(nodeId).expect("correct enode") traceAsyncErrors node.peerPool.connectToNode(newNode(enode)) # Setting up the node proc nimbus_start(port: uint16, startListening: bool, enableDiscovery: bool, minPow: float64, privateKey: ptr byte, staging: bool): bool {.exportc, dynlib.} = # TODO: any async calls can still create `Exception`, why? let address = Address( udpPort: port.Port, tcpPort: port.Port, ip: parseIpAddress("")) var keypair: KeyPair if privateKey.isNil: #var kp = KeyPair.random() #if kp.isErr: #error "Can't generate keypair", err = kp.error #return false #keypair = kp[] keypair = randomKeyPair() else: let privKey = PrivateKey.fromRaw(makeOpenArray(privateKey, 32)) if privKey.isErr: error "Passed an invalid private key." return false keypair = privKey[].toKeyPair() node = newEthereumNode(keypair, address, 1, nil, addAllCapabilities = false) node.addCapability Whisper node.protocolState(Whisper).config.powRequirement = minPow # TODO: should we start the node with an empty bloomfilter? # var bloom: Bloom # node.protocolState(Whisper).config.bloom = bloom let bootnodes = if staging: setBootNodes(StatusBootNodesStaging) else: setBootNodes(StatusBootNodes) traceAsyncErrors node.connectToNetwork(bootnodes, startListening, enableDiscovery) # Connect to known Status Whisper fleet directly if staging: connectToNodes(WhisperNodesStaging) else: connectToNodes(WhisperNodes) result = true proc nimbus_poll() {.exportc, dynlib.} = poll() proc nimbus_add_peer(nodeId: cstring): bool {.exportc, dynlib.} = var whisperNode: Node let enode = ENode.fromString($nodeId) if enode.isErr: return false try: whisperNode = newNode(enode[]) except CatchableError: return false # TODO: call can create `Exception`, why? traceAsyncErrors node.peerPool.connectToNode(whisperNode) result = true # Whisper API (Similar to Whisper JSON-RPC API) proc nimbus_channel_to_topic(channel: cstring): CTopic {.exportc, dynlib, raises: [Defect].} = # Only used for the example, to conveniently convert channel to topic. doAssert(not channel.isNil, "Channel cannot be nil.") let hash = digest(keccak256, $channel) for i in 0..<4: result.topic[i] = hash.data[i] # Asymmetric Keys proc nimbus_new_keypair(id: var Identifier): bool {.exportc, dynlib, raises: [Defect].} = ## Caller needs to provide as id a pointer to 32 bytes allocation. doAssert(not (unsafeAddr id).isNil, "Key id cannot be nil.") id = generateRandomID() try: whisperKeys.asymKeys.add(id.toHex(), randomKeyPair()) result = true except CatchableError: # Don't think this can actually happen, comes from the `getPublicKey` part # in `newKeyPair` discard proc nimbus_add_keypair(privateKey: ptr byte, id: var Identifier): bool {.exportc, dynlib, raises: [Defect, Exception].} = ## Caller needs to provide as id a pointer to 32 bytes allocation. doAssert(not (unsafeAddr id).isNil, "Key id cannot be nil.") doAssert(not privateKey.isNil, "Private key cannot be nil.") var keypair: KeyPair if privateKey.isNil: #var kp = KeyPair.random() #if kp.isErr: #error "Can't generate keypair", err = kp.error #return false #keypair = kp[] keypair = randomKeyPair() else: let privKey = PrivateKey.fromRaw(makeOpenArray(privateKey, 32)) if privKey.isErr: error "Passed an invalid private key." return false keypair = privKey[].toKeyPair() result = true id = generateRandomID() whisperKeys.asymKeys.add(id.toHex(), keypair) proc nimbus_delete_keypair(id: Identifier): bool {.exportc, dynlib, raises: [].} = doAssert(not (unsafeAddr id).isNil, "Key id cannot be nil.") var unneeded: KeyPair result = whisperKeys.asymKeys.take(id.toHex(), unneeded) proc nimbus_get_private_key(id: Identifier, privateKey: var PrivateKey): bool {.exportc, dynlib, raises: [OSError, IOError, ValueError, Exception].} = doAssert(not (unsafeAddr id).isNil, "Key id cannot be nil.") doAssert(not (unsafeAddr privateKey).isNil, "Private key cannot be nil.") try: privateKey = whisperKeys.asymkeys[id.toHex()].seckey result = true except KeyError: error "Private key not found." # Symmetric Keys proc nimbus_add_symkey(symKey: ptr SymKey, id: var Identifier): bool {.exportc, dynlib, raises: [Defect].} = ## Caller needs to provide as id a pointer to 32 bytes allocation. doAssert(not (unsafeAddr id).isNil, "Key id cannot be nil.") doAssert(not symKey.isNil, "Symmetric key cannot be nil.") id = generateRandomID() result = true # Copy of key happens at add whisperKeys.symKeys.add(id.toHex, symKey[]) proc nimbus_add_symkey_from_password(password: cstring, id: var Identifier): bool {.exportc, dynlib, raises: [Defect].} = ## Caller needs to provide as id a pointer to 32 bytes allocation. doAssert(not (unsafeAddr id).isNil, "Key id cannot be nil.") doAssert(not password.isNil, "Password cannot be nil.") var ctx: HMAC[sha256] var symKey: SymKey if pbkdf2(ctx, $password, "", 65356, symKey) != sizeof(SymKey): return false id = generateRandomID() result = true whisperKeys.symKeys.add(id.toHex(), symKey) proc nimbus_delete_symkey(id: Identifier): bool {.exportc, dynlib, raises: [Defect].} = doAssert(not (unsafeAddr id).isNil, "Key id cannot be nil.") var unneeded: SymKey result = whisperKeys.symKeys.take(id.toHex(), unneeded) proc nimbus_get_symkey(id: Identifier, symKey: var SymKey): bool {.exportc, dynlib, raises: [Defect, Exception].} = doAssert(not (unsafeAddr id).isNil, "Key id cannot be nil.") doAssert(not (unsafeAddr symKey).isNil, "Symmetric key cannot be nil.") try: symKey = whisperKeys.symkeys[id.toHex()] result = true except KeyError: error "Symmetric key not found." # Whisper message posting and receiving proc nimbus_post(message: ptr CPostMessage): bool {.exportc, dynlib.} = ## Encryption is mandatory. ## A symmetric key or an asymmetric key must be provided. Both is not allowed. ## Providing a payload is mandatory, it cannot be nil, but can be of length 0. doAssert(not message.isNil, "Message pointer cannot be nil.") var sigPrivKey: Option[PrivateKey] asymKey: Option[PublicKey] symKey: Option[SymKey] padding: Option[seq[byte]] payload: seq[byte] if not message.pubKey.isNil() and not message.symKeyID.isNil(): warn "Both symmetric and asymmetric keys are provided, choose one." return false if message.pubKey.isNil() and message.symKeyID.isNil(): warn "Both symmetric and asymmetric keys are nil, provide one." return false if not message.pubKey.isNil(): let pubkey = PublicKey.fromRaw(makeOpenArray(message.pubKey, 64)) if pubkey.isErr: error "Passed an invalid public key for encryption." return false asymKey = some(pubkey[]) try: if not message.symKeyID.isNil(): let symKeyId = makeOpenArray(message.symKeyID, idLen).toHex() symKey = some(whisperKeys.symKeys[symKeyId]) if not message.sourceID.isNil(): let sourceId = makeOpenArray(message.sourceID, idLen).toHex() sigPrivKey = some(whisperKeys.asymKeys[sourceId].seckey) except KeyError: warn "No key found with provided key id." return false if not message.payload.isNil(): # This will make a copy payload = @(makeOpenArray(message.payload, message.payloadLen)) else: warn "Message payload was nil, post aborted." return false if not message.padding.isNil(): # This will make a copy padding = some(@(makeOpenArray(message.padding, message.paddingLen))) # TODO: call can create `Exception`, why? result = node.postMessage(asymKey, symKey, sigPrivKey, ttl = message.ttl, topic = message.topic, payload = payload, padding = padding, powTime = message.powTime, powTarget = message.powTarget) proc nimbus_subscribe_filter(options: ptr CFilterOptions, handler: proc (msg: ptr CReceivedMessage, udata: pointer) {.gcsafe, cdecl.}, udata: pointer = nil, id: var Identifier): bool {.exportc, dynlib.} = ## Encryption is mandatory. ## A symmetric key or an asymmetric key must be provided. Both is not allowed. ## The received message needs to be copied before the passed handler ends. doAssert(not (unsafeAddr id).isNil, "Key id cannot be nil.") doAssert(not options.isNil, "Filter options pointer cannot be nil.") doAssert(not handler.isNil, "Filter handler cannot be nil." ) var src: Option[PublicKey] symKey: Option[SymKey] privateKey: Option[PrivateKey] if not options.privateKeyID.isNil() and not options.symKeyID.isNil(): warn "Both symmetric and asymmetric keys are provided, choose one." return false if options.privateKeyID.isNil() and options.symKeyID.isNil(): warn "Both symmetric and asymmetric keys are nil, provide one." return false if not options.source.isNil(): let pubkey = PublicKey.fromRaw(makeOpenArray(options.source, 64)) if pubkey.isErr: error "Passed an invalid public key as source." return false src = some(pubkey[]) try: if not options.symKeyID.isNil(): let symKeyId = makeOpenArray(options.symKeyID, idLen).toHex() symKey = some(whisperKeys.symKeys[symKeyId]) if not options.privateKeyID.isNil(): let privKeyId = makeOpenArray(options.privateKeyID, idLen).toHex() privateKey = some(whisperKeys.asymKeys[privKeyId].seckey) except KeyError: return false let filter = initFilter(src, privateKey, symKey, @[options.topic], options.minPow, options.allowP2P) proc c_handler(msg: ReceivedMessage) {.gcsafe.} = var cmsg = CReceivedMessage( decoded: unsafeAddr msg.decoded.payload[0], decodedLen: msg.decoded.payload.len(), timestamp: msg.timestamp, ttl: msg.ttl, topic: msg.topic, pow: msg.pow, hash: msg.hash ) # Could also allocate here, but this should stay in scope until handler # finishes so it should be fine. var source: array[RawPublicKeySize, byte] recipientPublicKey: array[RawPublicKeySize, byte] if msg.decoded.src.isSome(): # Need to pass the serialized form source = msg.decoded.src.get().toRaw() cmsg.source = addr source[0] if msg.dst.isSome(): # Need to pass the serialized form recipientPublicKey = msg.decoded.src.get().toRaw() cmsg.recipientPublicKey = addr recipientPublicKey[0] handler(addr cmsg, udata) # TODO: call can create `Exception`, why? # TODO: if we decide to internally also work with other IDs, we don't need # to do this hex conversion back and forth. hexToBytes(node.subscribeFilter(filter, c_handler), id) # Bloom filter has to follow only the subscribed topics # TODO: better to have an "adding" proc here # TODO: call can create `Exception`, why? traceAsyncErrors node.setBloomFilter(node.filtersToBloom()) result = true proc nimbus_unsubscribe_filter(id: Identifier): bool {.exportc, dynlib, raises: [].} = doAssert(not(unsafeAddr id).isNil, "Filter id cannot be nil.") result = node.unsubscribeFilter(id.toHex()) proc nimbus_get_min_pow(): float64 {.exportc, dynlib, raises: [].} = result = node.protocolState(Whisper).config.powRequirement proc nimbus_get_bloom_filter(bloom: var Bloom) {.exportc, dynlib, raises: [].} = doAssert(not (unsafeAddr bloom).isNil, "Bloom pointer cannot be nil.") bloom = node.protocolState(Whisper).config.bloom # Nimbus limited Status chat API # TODO: Return filter ID if we ever want to unsubscribe proc subscribeChannel( channel: string, handler: proc (msg: ReceivedMessage) {.gcsafe.}) = var ctx: HMAC[sha256] var symKey: SymKey discard ctx.pbkdf2(channel, "", 65356, symKey) let channelHash = digest(keccak256, channel) var topic: array[4, byte] for i in 0..<4: topic[i] = channelHash.data[i] info "Subscribing to channel", channel, topic, symKey discard node.subscribeFilter(initFilter(symKey = some(symKey), topics = @[topic]), handler) proc nimbus_join_public_chat(channel: cstring, handler: proc (msg: ptr CReceivedMessage) {.gcsafe, cdecl.}) {.exportc, dynlib.} = if handler.isNil: subscribeChannel($channel, nil) else: proc c_handler(msg: ReceivedMessage) = var cmsg = CReceivedMessage( decoded: unsafeAddr msg.decoded.payload[0], decodedLen: msg.decoded.payload.len(), timestamp: msg.timestamp, ttl: msg.ttl, topic: msg.topic, pow: msg.pow, hash: msg.hash ) handler(addr cmsg) subscribeChannel($channel, c_handler) # TODO: Add signing key as parameter # TODO: How would we do key management? In nimbus (like in rpc) or in status go? proc nimbus_post_public(channel: cstring, payload: cstring) {.exportc, dynlib.} = let encPrivateKey = PrivateKey.fromHex("5dc5381cae54ba3174dc0d46040fe11614d0cc94d41185922585198b4fcef9d3")[] var ctx: HMAC[sha256] var symKey: SymKey var npayload = cast[seq[byte]]($payload) discard ctx.pbkdf2($channel, "", 65356, symKey) let channelHash = digest(keccak256, $channel) var topic: array[4, byte] for i in 0..<4: topic[i] = channelHash.data[i] # TODO: Handle error case discard node.postMessage(symKey = some(symKey), src = some(encPrivateKey), ttl = 20, topic = topic, payload = npayload, powTarget = 0.002)