# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2023 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import std/[os, uri], confutils, chronicles, beacon_chain/spec/digest proc defaultDataDir*(): string = let dataDir = when defined(windows): "AppData" / "Roaming" / "EthData" elif defined(macosx): "Library" / "Application Support" / "EthData" else: ".cache" / "eth-data" getHomeDir() / dataDir type Web3UrlKind* = enum HttpUrl, WsUrl Web3Url* = object kind*: Web3UrlKind url*: string StorageMode* = enum JsonStorage, DbStorage const defaultDataDirDesc* = defaultDataDir() defaultBlockFileName* = "eth-block-data" defaultAccumulatorFileName* = "mainnet-master-accumulator.ssz" defaultWeb3Url* = Web3Url(kind: HttpUrl, url: "") type ExporterCmd* = enum history, beacon HistoryCmd* = enum # TODO: Multiline strings doesn't work here anymore with 1.6, and concat of # several lines gives the error: Error: Invalid node kind nnkInfix for macros.`$` exportBlockData = "Export block data (headers, bodies and receipts) to a json format or a database. Some of this functionality is likely to get deprecated" exportEpochHeaders = "Export block headers from an Ethereum JSON RPC Execution endpoint to *.e2s files arranged per epoch (8192 blocks)" verifyEpochHeaders = "Verify *.e2s files containing block headers. Verify currently only means being able to RLP decode the block headers" exportAccumulatorData = "Build and export the master accumulator and historical epoch accumulators. Requires *.e2s block header files generated with the exportHeaders command up until the merge block" printAccumulatorData = "Print the root hash of the master accumulator and of all historical epoch accumulators. Requires data generated by exportAccumulatorData command" exportHeaderRange = "Export block headers from an Ethereum JSON RPC Execution endpoint to *.e2s files (unlimited amount)" exportHeadersWithProof = "Export block headers with proof from *.e2s headers file and epochAccumulator files" BeaconCmd* = enum exportLCBootstrap = "Export Light Client Bootstrap" exportLCUpdates = "Export Light Client Updates" exportLCFinalityUpdate = "Export Light Client Finality Update" exportLCOptimisticUpdate = "Export Light Client Optimistic Update" ExporterConf* = object logLevel* {. defaultValue: LogLevel.INFO defaultValueDesc: $LogLevel.INFO desc: "Sets the log level" name: "log-level" .}: LogLevel dataDir* {. desc: "The directory where generated data files will be exported to" defaultValue: defaultDataDir() defaultValueDesc: $defaultDataDirDesc name: "data-dir" .}: OutDir case cmd* {.command.}: ExporterCmd of ExporterCmd.history: web3Url* {. desc: "Execution layer JSON-RPC API URL" defaultValue: defaultWeb3Url name: "web3-url" .}: Web3Url case historyCmd* {.command.}: HistoryCmd of exportBlockData: startBlock* {. desc: "Number of the first block to be exported" defaultValue: 0 name: "start-block" .}: uint64 endBlock* {. desc: "Number of the last block to be exported" defaultValue: 0 name: "end-block" .}: uint64 fileName* {. desc: "File name (minus extension) where block data will be exported to" defaultValue: defaultBlockFileName defaultValueDesc: $defaultBlockFileName name: "file-name" .}: string storageMode* {. desc: "Storage mode of block data export" defaultValue: JsonStorage name: "storage-mode" .}: StorageMode headersOnly* {. desc: "Only export the headers instead of full blocks and receipts" defaultValue: false name: "headers-only" .}: bool of exportEpochHeaders: startEpoch* {. desc: "Number of the first epoch which should be downloaded" defaultValue: 0 name: "start-epoch" .}: uint64 endEpoch* {. desc: "Number of the last epoch which should be downloaded" defaultValue: 1896 name: "end-epoch" .}: uint64 # TODO: # Although options are the same as for exportHeaders, we can't drop them # under the same case of as confutils does not agree with that. of verifyEpochHeaders: startEpochVerify* {. desc: "Number of the first epoch which should be downloaded" defaultValue: 0 name: "start-epoch" .}: uint64 endEpochVerify* {. desc: "Number of the last epoch which should be downloaded" defaultValue: 1896 name: "end-epoch" .}: uint64 of exportAccumulatorData: accumulatorFileName* {. desc: "File to which the serialized accumulator is written" defaultValue: defaultAccumulatorFileName defaultValueDesc: $defaultAccumulatorFileName name: "accumulator-file-name" .}: string writeEpochAccumulators* {. desc: "Write also the SSZ encoded epoch accumulators to specific files" defaultValue: false name: "write-epoch-accumulators" .}: bool of printAccumulatorData: accumulatorFileNamePrint* {. desc: "File from which the serialized accumulator is read" defaultValue: defaultAccumulatorFileName defaultValueDesc: $defaultAccumulatorFileName name: "accumulator-file-name" .}: string of exportHeaderRange: startBlockNumber* {. desc: "Number of the first block header to be exported" name: "start-block" .}: uint64 endBlockNumber* {. desc: "Number of the last block header to be exported" name: "end-block" .}: uint64 of exportHeadersWithProof: startBlockNumber2* {. desc: "Number of the first block header to be exported" name: "start-block" .}: uint64 endBlockNumber2* {. desc: "Number of the last block header to be exported" name: "end-block" .}: uint64 of ExporterCmd.beacon: restUrl* {. desc: "URL of the beacon node REST service" defaultValue: "" name: "rest-url" .}: string case beaconCmd* {.command.}: BeaconCmd of exportLCBootstrap: trustedBlockRoot* {. desc: "Trusted finalized block root of the requested bootstrap" name: "trusted-block-root" .}: Eth2Digest of exportLCUpdates: startPeriod* {. desc: "Period of the first LC update" defaultValue: 0 name: "start-period" .}: uint64 count* {. desc: "Amount of LC updates to request" defaultValue: 1 name: "count" .}: uint64 of exportLCFinalityUpdate: discard of exportLCOptimisticUpdate: discard proc parseCmdArg*( T: type Web3Url, p: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} = let url = parseUri(p) normalizedScheme = url.scheme.toLowerAscii() if (normalizedScheme == "http" or normalizedScheme == "https"): Web3Url(kind: HttpUrl, url: p) elif (normalizedScheme == "ws" or normalizedScheme == "wss"): Web3Url(kind: WsUrl, url: p) else: raise newException( ValueError, "The Web3 URL must specify one of following protocols: http/https/ws/wss" ) proc completeCmdArg*(T: type Web3Url, val: string): seq[string] = return @[] proc parseCmdArg*(T: type StorageMode, p: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} = if p == "db": return DbStorage elif p == "json": return JsonStorage else: let msg = "Provided mode: " & p & " is not a valid. Should be `json` or `db`" raise newException(ValueError, msg) proc completeCmdArg*(T: type StorageMode, val: string): seq[string] = return @[] func parseCmdArg*(T: type Eth2Digest, input: string): T {.raises: [ValueError, Defect].} = Eth2Digest.fromHex(input) func completeCmdArg*(T: type Eth2Digest, input: string): seq[string] = return @[]