# Nimbus - Types, data structures and shared utilities used in network sync # # Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or # distributed except according to those terms. ## Aristo (aka Patricia) DB records merge test import std/[algorithm, sequtils, sets], eth/common, stew/results, unittest2, ../../nimbus/db/aristo/[ aristo_desc, aristo_debug, aristo_error, aristo_merge, aristo_nearby], ../../nimbus/sync/snap/range_desc, ./test_helpers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private helpers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc fwdWalkLeafsCompleteDB( db: AristoDb; root: VertexID; tags: openArray[NodeTag]; noisy: bool; ): tuple[visited: int, error: AristoError] = let tLen = tags.len var error = AristoError(0) lky = LeafKey(root: root, path: NodeTag(tags[0].u256 div 2)) n = 0 while true: let rc = lky.nearbyRight(db) #noisy.say "=================== ", n if rc.isErr: if rc.error != NearbyBeyondRange: noisy.say "***", "[", n, "/", tLen-1, "] fwd-walk error=", rc.error error = rc.error check rc.error == AristoError(0) elif n != tLen: error = AristoError(1) check n == tLen break if tLen <= n: noisy.say "***", "[", n, "/", tLen-1, "] fwd-walk -- ", " oops, too many leafs (index overflow)" error = AristoError(1) check n < tlen break if rc.value.path != tags[n]: noisy.say "***", "[", n, "/", tLen-1, "] fwd-walk -- leafs differ,", " got=", rc.value.pp(db), " wanted=", tags[n].pp(db) #, " db-dump\n ", db.pp error = AristoError(1) check rc.value.path == tags[n] break if rc.value.path < high(NodeTag): lky.path = NodeTag(rc.value.path.u256 + 1) n.inc (n,error) proc revWalkLeafsCompleteDB( db: AristoDb; root: VertexID; tags: openArray[NodeTag]; noisy: bool; ): tuple[visited: int, error: AristoError] = let tLen = tags.len var error = AristoError(0) delta = ((high(UInt256) - tags[^1].u256) div 2) lky = LeafKey(root: root, path: NodeTag(tags[^1].u256 + delta)) n = tLen-1 while true: # and false: let rc = lky.nearbyLeft(db) if rc.isErr: if rc.error != NearbyBeyondRange: noisy.say "***", "[", n, "/", tLen-1, "] rev-walk error=", rc.error error = rc.error check rc.error == AristoError(0) elif n != -1: error = AristoError(1) check n == -1 break if n < 0: noisy.say "***", "[", n, "/", tLen-1, "] rev-walk -- ", " oops, too many leafs (index underflow)" error = AristoError(1) check 0 <= n break if rc.value.path != tags[n]: noisy.say "***", "[", n, "/", tLen-1, "] rev-walk -- leafs differ,", " got=", rc.value.pp(db), " wanted=", tags[n]..pp(db) #, " db-dump\n ", db.pp error = AristoError(1) check rc.value.path == tags[n] break if low(NodeTag) < rc.value.path: lky.path = NodeTag(rc.value.path.u256 - 1) n.dec (tLen-1 - n, error) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public test function # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc test_nearbyKvpList*( noisy: bool; list: openArray[ProofTrieData]; resetDb = false; ): bool = var db: AristoDb rootKey = NodeKey.default tagSet: HashSet[NodeTag] count = 0 for n,w in list: if resetDb or w.root != rootKey: db.top = AristoLayerRef() rootKey = w.root tagSet.reset count = 0 count.inc let lstLen = list.len lTabLen = db.top.lTab.len leafs = w.kvpLst.mapRootVid VertexID(1) # merge into main trie added = db.merge leafs if added.error != AristoError(0): check added.error == AristoError(0) return check db.top.lTab.len == lTabLen + added.merged check added.merged + added.dups == leafs.len for kvp in leafs: tagSet.incl kvp.leafKey.path let tags = tagSet.toSeq.sorted rootVid = leafs[0].leafKey.root fwdWalk = db.fwdWalkLeafsCompleteDB(rootVid, tags, noisy=true) revWalk = db.revWalkLeafsCompleteDB(rootVid, tags, noisy=true) check fwdWalk.error == AristoError(0) check revWalk.error == AristoError(0) check fwdWalk == revWalk if {fwdWalk.error, revWalk.error} != {AristoError(0)}: noisy.say "***", "<", n, "/", lstLen-1, ">", " groups=", count, " db dump", "\n post-state ", db.pp, "\n" return #noisy.say "***", "sample ",n,"/",lstLen-1, " visited=", fwdWalk.visited true # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------