# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. import std/[json, strutils, tables, os, streams], eth/[rlp, trie, eip1559], stint, stew/results, "."/[config, types, helpers], ../common/state_clearing, ../../nimbus/[vm_types, vm_state, transaction], ../../nimbus/common/common, ../../nimbus/db/ledger, ../../nimbus/utils/utils, ../../nimbus/core/pow/difficulty, ../../nimbus/core/dao, ../../nimbus/core/executor/[process_transaction, executor_helpers], ../../nimbus/core/eip4844, ../../nimbus/evm/tracer/json_tracer const wrapExceptionEnabled* {.booldefine.} = true stdinSelector = "stdin" type Dispatch = object stdout: JsonNode stderr: JsonNode ExecOutput = object result: ExecutionResult alloc: GenesisAlloc TestVMState = ref object of BaseVMState blockHashes: Table[uint64, Hash256] hashError: string proc init(_: type Dispatch): Dispatch = result.stdout = newJObject() result.stderr = newJObject() proc dispatch(dis: var Dispatch, baseDir, fName, name: string, obj: JsonNode) = case fName of "stdout": dis.stdout[name] = obj of "stderr": dis.stderr[name] = obj of "": # don't save discard else: # save to file let path = if baseDir.len > 0: baseDir / fName else: fName writeFile(path, obj.pretty) proc dispatchOutput(ctx: var TransContext, conf: T8NConf, res: ExecOutput) = var dis = Dispatch.init() createDir(conf.outputBaseDir) dis.dispatch(conf.outputBaseDir, conf.outputAlloc, "alloc", @@(res.alloc)) dis.dispatch(conf.outputBaseDir, conf.outputResult, "result", @@(res.result)) let chainId = conf.stateChainId.ChainId let txList = ctx.txList(chainId) let body = @@(rlp.encode(txList)) dis.dispatch(conf.outputBaseDir, conf.outputBody, "body", body) if dis.stdout.len > 0: stdout.write(dis.stdout.pretty) stdout.write("\n") if dis.stderr.len > 0: stderr.write(dis.stderr.pretty) stderr.write("\n") proc calcWithdrawalsRoot(w: Option[seq[Withdrawal]]): Option[Hash256] = if w.isNone: return none(Hash256) calcWithdrawalsRoot(w.get).some() proc envToHeader(env: EnvStruct): BlockHeader = BlockHeader( coinbase : env.currentCoinbase, difficulty : env.currentDifficulty.get(0.u256), mixDigest : env.currentRandom.get(Hash256()), blockNumber: env.currentNumber, gasLimit : env.currentGasLimit, timestamp : env.currentTimestamp, stateRoot : emptyRlpHash, fee : env.currentBaseFee, withdrawalsRoot: env.withdrawals.calcWithdrawalsRoot(), blobGasUsed: env.currentBlobGasUsed, excessBlobGas: env.currentExcessBlobGas, ) proc postState(db: LedgerRef, alloc: var GenesisAlloc) = for accAddr in db.addresses(): var acc = GenesisAccount( code: db.getCode(accAddr), balance: db.getBalance(accAddr), nonce: db.getNonce(accAddr) ) for k, v in db.storage(accAddr): acc.storage[k] = v alloc[accAddr] = acc proc genAddress(tx: Transaction, sender: EthAddress): EthAddress = if tx.to.isNone: result = generateAddress(sender, tx.nonce) proc toTxReceipt(rec: Receipt, tx: Transaction, sender: EthAddress, txIndex: int, gasUsed: GasInt): TxReceipt = let contractAddress = genAddress(tx, sender) TxReceipt( txType: tx.txType, root: if rec.isHash: rec.hash else: Hash256(), status: rec.status, cumulativeGasUsed: rec.cumulativeGasUsed, logsBloom: rec.bloom, logs: rec.logs, transactionHash: rlpHash(tx), contractAddress: contractAddress, gasUsed: gasUsed, blockHash: Hash256(), transactionIndex: txIndex ) proc calcLogsHash(receipts: openArray[Receipt]): Hash256 = var logs: seq[Log] for rec in receipts: logs.add rec.logs rlpHash(logs) proc defaultTraceStream(conf: T8NConf, txIndex: int, txHash: Hash256): Stream = let txHash = "0x" & toLowerAscii($txHash) baseDir = if conf.outputBaseDir.len > 0: conf.outputBaseDir else: "." fName = "$1/trace-$2-$3.jsonl" % [baseDir, $txIndex, txHash] newFileStream(fName, fmWrite) proc traceToFileStream(path: string, txIndex: int): Stream = # replace whatever `.ext` to `-${txIndex}.jsonl` let file = path.splitFile fName = "$1/$2-$3.jsonl" % [file.dir, file.name, $txIndex] newFileStream(fName, fmWrite) proc setupTrace(conf: T8NConf, txIndex: int, txHash: Hash256, vmState: BaseVMState) = var tracerFlags = { TracerFlags.DisableMemory, TracerFlags.DisableStorage, TracerFlags.DisableState, TracerFlags.DisableStateDiff, TracerFlags.DisableReturnData } if conf.traceMemory: tracerFlags.excl TracerFlags.DisableMemory if conf.traceNostack: tracerFlags.incl TracerFlags.DisableStack if conf.traceReturnData: tracerFlags.excl TracerFlags.DisableReturnData let traceMode = conf.traceEnabled.get let stream = if traceMode == "stdout": newFileStream(stdout) elif traceMode == "stderr": newFileStream(stderr) elif traceMode.len > 0: traceToFileStream(traceMode, txIndex) else: defaultTraceStream(conf, txIndex, txHash) vmState.tracer = newJsonTracer(stream, tracerFlags, false) proc closeTrace(vmState: BaseVMState) = let tracer = JsonTracer(vmState.tracer) if tracer.isNil.not: tracer.close() proc exec(ctx: var TransContext, vmState: BaseVMState, stateReward: Option[UInt256], header: BlockHeader, conf: T8NConf): ExecOutput = let txList = ctx.parseTxs(vmState.com.chainId) var receipts = newSeqOfCap[TxReceipt](txList.len) rejected = newSeq[RejectedTx]() includedTx = newSeq[Transaction]() if vmState.com.daoForkSupport and vmState.com.daoForkBlock.get == vmState.blockNumber: vmState.mutateStateDB: db.applyDAOHardFork() vmState.receipts = newSeqOfCap[Receipt](txList.len) vmState.cumulativeGasUsed = 0 if ctx.env.parentBeaconBlockRoot.isSome: vmState.processBeaconBlockRoot(ctx.env.parentBeaconBlockRoot.get).isOkOr: raise newError(ErrorConfig, error) var blobGasUsed = 0'u64 for txIndex, txRes in txList: if txRes.isErr: rejected.add RejectedTx( index: txIndex, error: txRes.error ) continue let tx = txRes.get var sender: EthAddress if not tx.getSender(sender): rejected.add RejectedTx( index: txIndex, error: "Could not get sender" ) continue if conf.traceEnabled.isSome: setupTrace(conf, txIndex, rlpHash(tx), vmState) let rc = vmState.processTransaction(tx, sender, header) if conf.traceEnabled.isSome: closeTrace(vmState) if rc.isErr: rejected.add RejectedTx( index: txIndex, error: rc.error ) continue let gasUsed = rc.get() let rec = vmState.makeReceipt(tx.txType) vmState.receipts.add rec receipts.add toTxReceipt( rec, tx, sender, txIndex, gasUsed ) includedTx.add tx blobGasUsed += tx.getTotalBlobGas # Add mining reward? (-1 means rewards are disabled) if stateReward.isSome and stateReward.get >= 0: # Add mining reward. The mining reward may be `0`, which only makes a difference in the cases # where # - the coinbase suicided, or # - there are only 'bad' transactions, which aren't executed. In those cases, # the coinbase gets no txfee, so isn't created, and thus needs to be touched let blockReward = stateReward.get() var mainReward = blockReward for uncle in ctx.env.ommers: var uncleReward = 8.u256 - uncle.delta.u256 uncleReward = uncleReward * blockReward uncleReward = uncleReward div 8.u256 vmState.mutateStateDB: db.addBalance(uncle.address, uncleReward) mainReward += blockReward div 32.u256 vmState.mutateStateDB: db.addBalance(ctx.env.currentCoinbase, mainReward) if ctx.env.withdrawals.isSome: for withdrawal in ctx.env.withdrawals.get: vmState.stateDB.addBalance(withdrawal.address, withdrawal.weiAmount) let miner = ctx.env.currentCoinbase let fork = vmState.com.toEVMFork coinbaseStateClearing(vmState, miner, fork, stateReward.isSome()) let stateDB = vmState.stateDB stateDB.postState(result.alloc) result.result = ExecutionResult( stateRoot : stateDB.rootHash, txRoot : includedTx.calcTxRoot, receiptsRoot: calcReceiptRoot(vmState.receipts), logsHash : calcLogsHash(vmState.receipts), bloom : createBloom(vmState.receipts), receipts : system.move(receipts), rejected : system.move(rejected), # geth using both vmContext.Difficulty and vmContext.Random # therefore we cannot use vmState.difficulty currentDifficulty: ctx.env.currentDifficulty, gasUsed : vmState.cumulativeGasUsed, currentBaseFee: ctx.env.currentBaseFee, withdrawalsRoot: header.withdrawalsRoot ) if fork >= FkCancun: result.result.blobGasUsed = some blobGasUsed if ctx.env.currentExcessBlobGas.isSome: result.result.currentExcessBlobGas = ctx.env.currentExcessBlobGas elif ctx.env.parentExcessBlobGas.isSome and ctx.env.parentBlobGasUsed.isSome: result.result.currentExcessBlobGas = some calcExcessBlobGas(vmState.parent) template wrapException(body: untyped) = when wrapExceptionEnabled: try: body except IOError as e: raise newError(ErrorIO, e.msg) except RlpError as e: raise newError(ErrorRlp, e.msg) except ValueError as e: raise newError(ErrorJson, e.msg) else: body proc setupAlloc(stateDB: LedgerRef, alloc: GenesisAlloc) = for accAddr, acc in alloc: stateDB.setNonce(accAddr, acc.nonce) stateDB.setCode(accAddr, acc.code) stateDB.setBalance(accAddr, acc.balance) for slot, value in acc.storage: stateDB.setStorage(accAddr, slot, value) method getAncestorHash(vmState: TestVMState; blockNumber: BlockNumber): Hash256 {.gcsafe.} = # we can't raise exception here, it'll mess with EVM exception handler. # so, store the exception for later using `hashError` let num = blockNumber.truncate(uint64) var h = Hash256() if vmState.blockHashes.len == 0: vmState.hashError = "getAncestorHash($1) invoked, no blockhashes provided" % [$num] return h vmState.blockHashes.withValue(num, val) do: h = val[] do: vmState.hashError = "getAncestorHash($1) invoked, blockhash for that block not provided" % [$num] return h proc parseChainConfig(network: string): ChainConfig = try: result = getChainConfig(network) except ValueError as e: raise newError(ErrorConfig, e.msg) proc calcBaseFee(env: EnvStruct): UInt256 = if env.parentGasUsed.isNone: raise newError(ErrorConfig, "'parentBaseFee' exists but missing 'parentGasUsed' in env section") if env.parentGasLimit.isNone: raise newError(ErrorConfig, "'parentBaseFee' exists but missing 'parentGasLimit' in env section") calcEip1599BaseFee( env.parentGasLimit.get, env.parentGasUsed.get, env.parentBaseFee.get) proc transitionAction*(ctx: var TransContext, conf: T8NConf) = wrapException: if conf.inputAlloc.len == 0 and conf.inputEnv.len == 0 and conf.inputTxs.len == 0: raise newError(ErrorConfig, "either one of input is needeed(alloc, txs, or env)") let config = parseChainConfig(conf.stateFork) config.chainId = conf.stateChainId.ChainId let com = CommonRef.new(newCoreDbRef LegacyDbMemory, config, pruneTrie = true) # We need to load three things: alloc, env and transactions. # May be either in stdin input or in files. if conf.inputAlloc == stdinSelector or conf.inputEnv == stdinSelector or conf.inputTxs == stdinSelector: ctx.parseInputFromStdin() if conf.inputAlloc != stdinSelector and conf.inputAlloc.len > 0: let n = json.parseFile(conf.inputAlloc) ctx.parseAlloc(n) if conf.inputEnv != stdinSelector and conf.inputEnv.len > 0: let n = json.parseFile(conf.inputEnv) ctx.parseEnv(n) if conf.inputTxs != stdinSelector and conf.inputTxs.len > 0: if conf.inputTxs.endsWith(".rlp"): let data = readFile(conf.inputTxs) ctx.parseTxsRlp(data.strip(chars={'"'})) else: let n = json.parseFile(conf.inputTxs) ctx.parseTxs(n) let uncleHash = if ctx.env.parentUncleHash == Hash256(): EMPTY_UNCLE_HASH else: ctx.env.parentUncleHash let parent = BlockHeader( stateRoot: emptyRlpHash, timestamp: ctx.env.parentTimestamp, difficulty: ctx.env.parentDifficulty.get(0.u256), ommersHash: uncleHash, blockNumber: ctx.env.currentNumber - 1.toBlockNumber, blobGasUsed: ctx.env.parentBlobGasUsed, excessBlobGas: ctx.env.parentExcessBlobGas, ) # Sanity check, to not `panic` in state_transition if com.isLondon(ctx.env.currentNumber): if ctx.env.currentBaseFee.isSome: # Already set, currentBaseFee has precedent over parentBaseFee. discard elif ctx.env.parentBaseFee.isSome: ctx.env.currentBaseFee = some(calcBaseFee(ctx.env)) else: raise newError(ErrorConfig, "EIP-1559 config but missing 'currentBaseFee' in env section") if com.isShanghaiOrLater(ctx.env.currentTimestamp) and ctx.env.withdrawals.isNone: raise newError(ErrorConfig, "Shanghai config but missing 'withdrawals' in env section") if com.isCancunOrLater(ctx.env.currentTimestamp): if ctx.env.parentBeaconBlockRoot.isNone: raise newError(ErrorConfig, "Cancun config but missing 'parentBeaconBlockRoot' in env section") let res = loadKzgTrustedSetup() if res.isErr: raise newError(ErrorConfig, res.error) else: # un-set it if it has been set too early ctx.env.parentBeaconBlockRoot = none(Hash256) if com.forkGTE(MergeFork): if ctx.env.currentRandom.isNone: raise newError(ErrorConfig, "post-merge requires currentRandom to be defined in env") if ctx.env.currentDifficulty.isSome and ctx.env.currentDifficulty.get() != 0: raise newError(ErrorConfig, "post-merge difficulty must be zero (or omitted) in env") ctx.env.currentDifficulty = none(DifficultyInt) elif ctx.env.currentDifficulty.isNone: if ctx.env.parentDifficulty.isNone: raise newError(ErrorConfig, "currentDifficulty was not provided, and cannot be calculated due to missing parentDifficulty") if ctx.env.currentNumber == 0.toBlockNumber: raise newError(ErrorConfig, "currentDifficulty needs to be provided for block number 0") if ctx.env.currentTimestamp <= ctx.env.parentTimestamp: raise newError(ErrorConfig, "currentDifficulty cannot be calculated -- currentTime ($1) needs to be after parent time ($2)" % [$ctx.env.currentTimestamp, $ctx.env.parentTimestamp]) ctx.env.currentDifficulty = some(calcDifficulty(com, ctx.env.currentTimestamp, parent)) let header = envToHeader(ctx.env) let vmState = TestVMState( blockHashes: ctx.env.blockHashes, hashError: "" ) vmState.init( parent = parent, header = header, com = com ) vmState.mutateStateDB: db.setupAlloc(ctx.alloc) db.persist(clearEmptyAccount = false, clearCache = false) let res = exec(ctx, vmState, conf.stateReward, header, conf) if vmState.hashError.len > 0: raise newError(ErrorMissingBlockhash, vmState.hashError) ctx.dispatchOutput(conf, res)