# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. import std/json, chronos, stew/results, eth/common, graphql/httpclient, ./parser const ethQuery = """ fragment headerFields on Block { parentHash: parent { value: hash } sha3Uncles: ommerHash miner { value: address } stateRoot transactionsRoot receiptsRoot logsBloom difficulty number gasLimit gasUsed timestamp extraData mixHash nonce baseFeePerGas # EIP-1559 } query getBlock($blockNumber: Long!) { chainID # EIP-1559 block(number: $blockNumber) { ... headerFields ommerCount ommers { ... headerFields } transactionCount transactions { nonce gasPrice gas to {value: address} value input: inputData v r s maxFeePerGas # EIP-1559 maxPriorityFeePerGas # EIP-1559 effectiveGasPrice # EIP-1559 type hash from {value: address} accessList { address storageKeys } index } } } """ type Block* = object header*: BlockHeader body*: BlockBody proc fromJson(_: type ChainId, n: JsonNode, name: string): ChainId = var chainId: int fromJson(n, name, chainId) ChainId(chainId) proc requestBlock*(blockNumber: BlockNumber, parseTx = true): Block = let address = initTAddress("") let clientRes = GraphqlHttpClientRef.new(address) if clientRes.isErr: raise newException(ValueError, clientRes.error) let client = clientRes.get() client.addVar("blockNumber", $blockNumber) let res = waitFor client.sendRequest(ethQuery) if res.isErr: raise newException(ValueError, res.error) let resp = res.get() let n = json.parseJson(resp.response) if n.hasKey("errors"): debugEcho n.pretty quit(1) let nh = n["data"]["block"] let chainId = ChainId.fromJson(n["data"], "chainID") result.header = parseBlockHeader(nh) if parseTx: let txs = nh["transactions"] for txn in txs: var tx = parseTransaction(txn) tx.chainId = chainId validateTxSenderAndHash(txn, tx) result.body.transactions.add tx let uncles = nh["ommers"] for un in uncles: result.body.uncles.add parseBlockHeader(un) waitFor client.closeWait()