# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except # according to those terms. ## Pretty printing, an alternative to `$` for debugging ## ---------------------------------------------------- ## ## minimal dependencies, avoiding circular import import std/[sequtils, strformat, strutils, tables, times], eth/common, stew/byteutils, ../../nimbus/constants export sequtils, strformat, strutils # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Helpers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func reGroup(q: openArray[int]; itemsPerSegment = 16): seq[seq[int]] = var top = 0 while top < q.len: let w = top top = min(w + itemsPerSegment, q.len) result.add q[w ..< top] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public functions, units pretty printer # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func ppUs*(elapsed: Duration): string = result = $elapsed.inMicroseconds let ns = elapsed.inNanoseconds mod 1_000 # fraction of a micro second if ns != 0: # to rounded deca milli seconds let du = (ns + 5i64) div 10i64 result &= &".{du:02}" result &= "us" func ppMs*(elapsed: Duration): string = result = $elapsed.inMilliseconds let ns = elapsed.inNanoseconds mod 1_000_000 # fraction of a milli second if ns != 0: # to rounded deca milli seconds let dm = (ns + 5_000i64) div 10_000i64 result &= &".{dm:02}" result &= "ms" func ppSecs*(elapsed: Duration): string = result = $elapsed.inSeconds let ns = elapsed.inNanoseconds mod 1_000_000_000 # fraction of a second if ns != 0: # round up let ds = (ns + 5_000_000i64) div 10_000_000i64 result &= &".{ds:02}" result &= "s" func ppMins*(elapsed: Duration): string = result = $elapsed.inMinutes let ns = elapsed.inNanoseconds mod 60_000_000_000 # fraction of a minute if ns != 0: # round up let dm = (ns + 500_000_000i64) div 1_000_000_000i64 result &= &":{dm:02}" result &= "m" func toKMG*[T](s: T): string = func subst(s: var string; tag, new: string): bool = if tag.len < s.len and s[s.len - tag.len ..< s.len] == tag: s = s[0 ..< s.len - tag.len] & new return true result = $s for w in [("000", "K"),("000K","M"),("000M","G"),("000G","T"), ("000T","P"),("000P","E"),("000E","Z"),("000Z","Y")]: if not result.subst(w[0],w[1]): return func pp*(elapsed: Duration): string = try: if 0 < times.inMinutes(elapsed): result = elapsed.ppMins elif 0 < times.inSeconds(elapsed): result = elapsed.ppSecs elif 0 < times.inMilliSeconds(elapsed): result = elapsed.ppMs elif 0 < times.inMicroSeconds(elapsed): result = elapsed.ppUs else: result = $elapsed.inNanoSeconds & "ns" except ValueError: result = $elapsed # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public functions, pretty printer # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func pp*(s: string; hex = false): string = if hex: let n = (s.len + 1) div 2 (if s.len < 20: s else: s[0 .. 5] & ".." & s[s.len-8 .. s.len-1]) & "[" & (if 0 < n: "#" & $n else: "") & "]" elif s.len <= 30: s else: (if (s.len and 1) == 0: s[0 ..< 8] else: "0" & s[0 ..< 7]) & "..(" & $s.len & ").." & s[s.len-16 ..< s.len] func pp*(q: openArray[int]; itemsPerLine: int; lineSep: string): string = doAssert q == q.reGroup(itemsPerLine).concat q.reGroup(itemsPerLine) .mapIt(it.mapIt(&"0x{it:02x}").join(", ")) .join("," & lineSep) func pp*(a: Hash256; collapse = true): string = if not collapse: a.data.toHex elif a == ZERO_HASH256: "ZERO_HASH256" elif a == EMPTY_ROOT_HASH: "EMPTY_ROOT_HASH" elif a == EMPTY_UNCLE_HASH: "EMPTY_UNCLE_HASH" elif a == EMPTY_SHA3: "EMPTY_SHA3" elif a == ZERO_HASH256: "ZERO_HASH256" else: "£" & a.data.toHex.join[0..6] & ".." & a.data.toHex.join[56..63] func pp*(a: openArray[Hash256]; collapse = true): string = "@[" & a.toSeq.mapIt(it.pp).join(" ") & "]" func pp*(q: openArray[int]; itemsPerLine: int; indent: int): string = q.pp(itemsPerLine = itemsPerLine, lineSep = "\n" & " ".repeat(max(1,indent))) func pp*(q: openArray[byte]; noHash = false): string = if q.len == 32 and not noHash: var a: array[32,byte] for n in 0..31: a[n] = q[n] Hash32(a).pp else: q.toHex.pp(hex = true) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Elapsed time pretty printer # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template showElapsed*(noisy: bool; info: string; code: untyped) = block: let seStartTrackling = getTime() block: code if noisy: let elpd {.inject.} = getTime() - seStartTrackling if 0 < times.inSeconds(elpd): echo "*** ", info, &": {elpd.ppSecs:>4}" else: echo "*** ", info, &": {elpd.ppMs:>4}" template showElapsed*( noisy: bool; info: string; elapsed: Duration; code: untyped) = block: let seStartTrackling = getTime() block: code block: elapsed = getTime() - seStartTrackling if noisy: let elpd {.inject.} = elapsed if 0 < times.inSeconds(elpd): echo "*** ", info, &": {elpd.ppSecs:>4}" else: echo "*** ", info, &": {elpd.ppMs:>4}" template profileSection*( noisy: bool; info: string; state: var (Duration, int); suspend: bool; code: untyped) = block: let psStartProfiling = getTime() block: code if not suspend: let elpd = getTime() - psStartProfiling if noisy: echo "*** ", info, ": ", elpd.pp state[0] += elpd state[1].inc template profileSection*( noisy: bool; info: string; state: var (Duration, int); code: untyped) = noisy.profileSection(info, state, suspend=false): code template catchException*(info: string; trace: bool; code: untyped) = block: try: code except CatchableError as e: if trace: echo "*** ", info, ": exception ", e.name, "(", e.msg, ")" echo " ", e.getStackTrace.strip.replace("\n","\n ") template catchException*(info: string; code: untyped) = catchException(info, false, code) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------