16 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Jordan Hrycaj
Core db use differential tx layers for aristo and kvt (#1949)
* Fix kvt headers

* Provide differential layers for KVT transaction stack

  Significant performance improvement

* Provide abstraction layer for database top cache layer

  This will eventually implemented as a differential database layers
  or transaction layers. The latter is needed to improve performance.

behavioural changes:
  Zero vertex and keys (i.e. delete requests) are not optimised out
  until the last layer is written to the database.

* Provide differential layers for Aristo transaction stack

  Significant performance improvement
2023-12-19 12:39:23 +00:00
Jordan Hrycaj
Core db aristo hasher profiling and timing improvement (#1938)
* Explicitly use shared `Kvt` table on `Ledger` and `Clique` lookup.

  Speeds up lookup time with `Aristo` backend. For writing `Clique` data,
  the `Companion` model allows to write `Clique` data past the database
  locked by evm transactions.

* Implement `CoreDb` profiling with API tracking

  Chasing time spent per APT procs ...

* Implement `Ledger` profiling with API tracking

  Chasing time spent per APT procs ...

* Always hashify when commiting or storing

  A dirty cache makes no sense when committing

* Make sure that a zero key is created when adding/updating vertices

  This is an error fix mainly for edge cases. A typical error was
  that the root key got deleted when there were only a few vertices
  left on the DB.

* Need all created and changed vertices zero-keyed on the cache

  A zero key (i.e. empty Merkle hash) indicates that a vertex key
  needs to be updated. This would not be needed immediately after
  a merge as there is an actual leaf path on the cache layer. But
  after subsequent merge and delete operations this information
  might get blurred.

* Re-org hashing algorithm

  Apart from errors, the previous implementation was too slow for
  two reasons:
  + some control hashes were calculated for debugging (now all
    verification is done in `aristo_check` module)
  + the leaf paths stored on the cache are used to build the
    labelling (aka hashing) schedule; there paths were accumulated
    over successive hash sessions although it is clear that all
    keys were generated, already
2023-12-12 17:47:41 +00:00
Jordan Hrycaj
Aristo db update merkle hasher (#1925)
* Register paths for added leafs because of trie re-balancing

  While the payload would not change, the prefix in the leaf vertex
  would. So it needs to be flagged for hash recompilation for the
  `hashify()` module.

  Make sure that `Hike` paths which might have vertex links into the
  backend filter are replaced by vertex copies before manipulating.
  Otherwise the vertices on the immutable filter might be involuntarily

* Also check for paths where the leaf vertex is on the backend, already

  A a path can have dome vertices on the top layer cache with the
  `Leaf` vertex on  the backend.

* Re-define a void `HashLabel` type.

  A `HashLabel` type is a pair `(root-vertex-ID, Keccak-hash)`. Previously,
  a valid `HashLabel` consisted of a non-empty hash and a non-zero vertex
  ID. This definition leads to a non-unique representation of a void
  `HashLabel` with either root-ID or has void. This has been changed to
  the unique void `HashLabel` exactly if the hash entry is void.

* Update consistency checkers

* Re-org `hashify()` procedure

  Syncing against block chain showed serious deficiencies which produced
  wrong hashes or simply bailed out with error.

  So all fringe cases (mainly due to deleted entries) could be integrated
  into the labelling schedule rather than handling separate fringe cases.
2023-12-04 20:39:26 +00:00
Jordan Hrycaj
Aristo and ledger small updates (#1888)
* Fix debug noise in `hashify()` for perfectly normal situation

  Was previously considered a fixable error

* Fix test sample file names

  The larger test file `goerli68161.txt.gz` is already in the local
  archive. So there is no need to use the smaller one from the external

* Activate `accounts_cache` module from `db/ledger`

  A copy of the original `accounts_cache.nim` source to be integrated
  into the `Ledger` module wrapper which allows to switch between
  different `accounts_cache` implementations unser tha same API.

  At a later state, the `db/accounts_cache.nim` wrapper will be
  removed so that there is only one access to that module via

* Fix copyright headers in source code
2023-11-08 16:52:25 +00:00
Jordan Hrycaj
Aristo db update for short nodes key edge cases (#1887)
* Aristo: Provide key-value list signature calculator

  Simple wrappers around `Aristo` core functionality

* Update new API for `CoreDb`

+ Renamed new API functions `contains()` => `hasKey()` or `hasPath()`
  which disables the `in` operator on non-boolean 	`contains()` functions
+ The functions `get()` and `fetch()` always return a not-found error if
  there is no item, available. The new functions `getOrEmpty()` and
  `mergeOrEmpty()` return an an empty `Blob` if there is no such key

* Rewrite `core_apps.nim` using new API from `CoreDb`

* Use `Aristo` functionality for calculating Merkle signatures

  For debugging, the `VerifyAristoForMerkleRootCalc` can be set so
  that `Aristo` results will be verified against the legacy versions.

* Provide general interface for Merkle signing key-value tables

  Export `Aristo` wrappers

* Activate `CoreDb` tests

  Now, API seems to be stable enough for general tests.

* Update `toHex()` usage

  Byteutils' `toHex()` is superior to `toSeq.mapIt(it.toHex(2)).join`

* Split `aristo_transcode` => `aristo_serialise` + `aristo_blobify`

+ Different modules for different purposes
+ `aristo_serialise`: RLP encoding/decoding
+ `aristo_blobify`: Aristo database encoding/decoding

* Compacted representation of small nodes' links instead of Keccak hashes

  Ethereum MPTs use Keccak hashes as node links if the size of an RLP
  encoded node is at least 32 bytes. Otherwise, the RLP encoded node
  value is used as a pseudo node link (rather than a hash.) Such a node
  is nor stored on key-value database. Rather the RLP encoded node value
  is stored instead of a lode link in a parent node instead. Only for
  the root hash, the top level node is always referred to by the hash.

  This feature needed an abstraction of the `HashKey` object which is now
  either a hash or a blob of length at most 31 bytes. This leaves two
  ways of representing an empty/void `HashKey` type, either as an empty
  blob of zero length, or the hash of an empty blob.

* Update `CoreDb` interface (mainly reducing logger noise)

* Fix copyright years (to make `Lint` happy)
2023-11-08 12:18:32 +00:00
Jordan Hrycaj
Aristo db api extensions for use as core db backend (#1754)
* Update docu

* Update Aristo/Kvt constructor prototype

  Previous version used an `enum` value to indicate what backend is to
  be used. This was replaced by using the backend object type.

* Rewrite `hikeUp()` return code into `Result[Hike,(Hike,AristoError)]`

  Better code maintenance. Previously, the `Hike` object was returned. It
  had an internal error field so partial success was also available on
  a failure. This error field has been removed.

* Use `openArray[byte]` rather than `Blob` in functions prototypes

* Provide synchronised multi instance transactions

  The `CoreDB` object was geared towards the legacy DB which used a single
  transaction for the key-value backend DB. Different state roots are
  provided by the backend database, so all instances work directly on the
  same backend.

  Aristo db instances have different in-memory mappings (aka different
  state roots) and the transactions are on top of there mappings. So each
  instance might run different transactions.

  Multi instance transactions are a compromise to converge towards the
  legacy behaviour. The synchronised transactions span over all instances
  available at the time when base transaction was opened. Instances
  created later are unaffected.

* Provide key-value pair database iterator

  Needed in `CoreDB` for `replicate()` emulation

  Some update of internal code

* Extend API (i.e. prototype variants)

  Needed for `CoreDB` geared towards the legacy backend which has a more
  basic API than Aristo.
2023-09-15 16:23:53 +01:00
Jordan Hrycaj
Aristo db code massage n cosmetics (#1745)
* Rewrite remaining `AristoError` return code into `Result[void,AristoError]`

  Better code maintenance

* Update import sections

* Update Aristo DB paths

 More systematic so directory can be shared with other DB types

* More cosmetcs

* Update unit tests runners

  Proper handling of persistent and mem-only DB. The latter can be
  consistently triggered by an empty DB path.
2023-09-12 19:45:12 +01:00
Jordan Hrycaj
Aristo db state root repos and reorg (#1744)
* Reorg of distributed backend access

  Now handled via API provided in `aristo_desc`.

* Rename `checkCache()` => `checkTop()`

  Better naming for top layer cache checker

  Provide cascaded fifos checker

* Provide `eq` directive for finding filter by exact filter ID (think block number)

* Some code beautification (for better code reading)

* State root reposition and reorg

  Repositioning is supported by forking a new descriptor. Reorg is then
  accomplished by writing this forked state on the backend database.
2023-09-11 21:38:49 +01:00
Jordan Hrycaj
Aristo db consolidate and clean up (#1699)
* Removed dedicated transcoder tests

  will implicitely be provided by other tests:
  + encode/write -> hashify -> test_tx
  + decode/read -> merge raw nodes -> test_tx
  + de/blobfiy -> backend operations, taext_tx, test_backend, test_filter

* Clarify how the vertex ID generator state is accessed from the backend

  This state is a list of unused vertex IDs. It was just stored somewhere
  on the backend which details were exposed when iterating over some

  As there will be more such single information records, an admin
  sub-tables has been defined (formerly ID generator table) with dedicated
  access keys and type. Also, the iterator over the single ID generator
  state item has been removed. It must be accessed via the `get()`

* Remove trailing space from file name

  fixes windows bail out
2023-08-21 15:58:30 +01:00
Jordan Hrycaj
Aristo db implement distributed backend access (#1688)
* Fix hashing algorithm

  Particular case where a sub-tree is on the backend, linked by an
  Extension vertex to the top level.

* Update backend verification to report `dirty` top layer

* Implement distributed merge of backend filters

* Implement distributed backend access management

  Implemented and tested as described in chapter 5 of the `README.md`
2023-08-17 14:42:01 +01:00
Jordan Hrycaj
Aristo db integrate hashify into tx (#1679)
* Renamed type `NoneBackendRef` => `VoidBackendRef`

* Clarify names: `BE=filter+backend` and `UBE=backend (unfiltered)`

  Most functions used full names as `getVtxUnfilteredBackend()` or
  `getKeyBackend()`. After defining abbreviations (and its meaning) it
   seems easier to use `getVtxUBE()` and `getKeyBE()`.

* Integrate `hashify()` process into transaction logic

  Is now transparent unless explicitly controlled.

  Cache changes imply setting a `dirty` flag which in turn triggers
  `hashify()` processing in transaction and `pack()` directives.

* Removed `aristo_tx.exec()` directive

  Inconsistent implementation, functionality will be provided with a
  different paradigm.
2023-08-11 18:23:57 +01:00
Jordan Hrycaj
Aristo db use filter betw backend and tx cache (#1678)
* Provide deep copy for each transaction layer

  Localising changes. Selective deep copy was just overlooked.

* Generalise vertex ID generator state reorg function `vidReorg()`

  makes it somewhat easier to handle when saving layers.

* Provide dummy back end descriptor `NoneBackendRef`

* Optional read-only filter between backend and transaction cache

  Some staging area for accumulating changes to the backend DB. This
  will eventually be an access layer for emulating a backend with
  multiple/historic state roots.

* Re-factor `persistent()` with filter between backend/tx-cache => `stow()`

  The filter provides an abstraction from the physically stored data on
  disk. So, there can be several MPT instances using the same disk data
  with different state roots. Of course, all the MPT instances should
  not differ too much for practical reasons :).

  Filter administration tools need to be provided.
2023-08-10 21:01:28 +01:00
Jordan Hrycaj
Aristo db traversal helpers (#1638)
* Misc fixes

* Fix de-serialisation for account leafs
* Update node recovery from unit tests

* Remove `LegacyAccount` from `PayloadRef` object

  Legacy accounts use a hash key as storage root which is detrimental
  to the working of the Aristo database which uses a vertex ID.

* Dissolve `hashify_helper` into `aristo_utils` and `aristo_transcode`

  Functions are of general interest so they should live in first level
  code files.

* Added left/right iterators over leaf nodes

* Some helper/wrapper functions that might be useful
2023-07-13 00:03:14 +01:00
Jordan Hrycaj
Extended data Payload specs for the backend. (#1630)
  For the main tree with root vertex ID 1, the leaf nodes hold the
  account data. These accounts may link to sub trees the storage root
  node ID of which must be registered here. There is no reverse key
  lookup on the backend.

  These definitions are experimental. Also, there are some tests missing
  for validating Payload data conversions.
2023-07-05 21:27:48 +01:00
Jordan Hrycaj
Aristo db tidy up a bit (#1625)
* Slightly tighten some self-check conditions

* Redefined the database descriptor object as reference (to the object)

  The upcoming transaction wrapper will work with a database reference
  rather than the object itself

* Append state before `save()` to the Aristo descriptor

  This stae was previously returned by the function. Appending it to
  a field of the Aristo descriptor seems easier to handle.
2023-07-04 19:24:03 +01:00
Jordan Hrycaj
Aristo db update delete functionality (#1621)
* Fix missing branch checks in transcoder

  Symmetry problem. `Blobify()` allowed for encoding degenerate branch
  vertices while `Deblobify()` rejected decoding wrongly encoded data.

* Update memory backend so that it rejects storing bogus vertices.

  Error behaviour made similar to the rocks DB backend.

* Make sure that leaf vertex IDs are not repurposed

  This makes it easier to record leaf node changes

* Update error return code for next()/right() traversal

  Returning offending vertex ID (besides error code) helps debugging

* Update Merkle hasher for deleted nodes

  Not implemented, yet

  Provide cache & backend consistency check functions. This was
  partly re-implemented from `hashifyCheck()`

* Simplify some unit tests

* Fix delete function

  Was conceptually wrong
2023-06-30 23:22:33 +01:00