Some helper file will not be generated by the nim document gereator,
so they have been stashed from a later nim version to be provided when
This problem was known with an earlier nim version (see here
https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/8952) but was reported solved.
Maybe we need a second look into that.
can be verified by running "make check_vm2 X=0" in the nimbus directory
(be patient when running it.) the X=0 flag is necessary if there is a
native NIM compiler which may bail out at some vendor imports.
when compiling state_transaction.nim, the nim flag vm2_enabled must
be set in order to avoid implicit import of native VM definitions.
generally, there is no role for libbacktrace when docs are generated
for vm2, undo settings of config.nim and provide the "kludge" flag, so
circular import/include dependencies can be taken care of (not only)
for generating docs
under win/mingw32 the --docRoot argument value for the NIM doc
generator needs a window-ish path C:\\MinGW\\msys\\1.0\\home\\...
fix clean up for nimdoc.out.css or nimdoc_out.css (varies on
win/posix operating system)
* easy browsing of prototype docs, allows to follow links with
a web browser on the local file system
* some md & png files may contain additional documentation
* separate nimbus/makefile, try "make -C nimbus" for instructions
* running "make -C nimbus docs" will do the job
* x-ref file in nimbus/docs/theindex.html
* additional md and png files in nimbus/docs/ex/.. subdirectory
* a newer nim compiler provides better referencing when available, in
particular the back link to the indices are not provided by the 1.2.10
nim compiler (automatically handled by makefile)
* make patterns are used to update files only when the timestamp changes
* should provide "discount" markdown generator, otherwise fallback
to <pre/> encapsulated text file