* Fix 'value out of range' RangeDefect caused by large/expensive blocks/transactions during DOS period.
* Clear witness cache in AccountCache persist.
* Revert previous fix and force clear cache after processing each block.
* Revert clear cache in process block.
* Update experimental rpc test to do further validation on proof responses.
* Enable zero value storage slots in the witness cache data so that proofs will be returned when a storage slot is updated to zero. Refactor and simplify implementation of getProofs endpoint.
* Improve test validation.
* Minor fixes and added test to track the changes introduced in every block using a local state.
* Refactor and cleanup test.
* Comments added to test and account cache fixes applied to account ledger.
* Return updated storage slots even when storage is empty and add test to build.
* Fix copyright and remove incorrect depth check during witness building in writeShortRlp assertion.
* Return slots when verifying witness regardless of code length.
* Prevent AccountCache WitnessData codeTouched from being reset.
* Default to using {wfNoFlag} for witness flags in tests to allow running with data from before EIP170.
* Add additional json files to experimental JSON RPC test.
* Use HTTP RPC server in tests.
* Add test to check that block witness contains bytecode.
* Make sure that storage tries are not pruned (by default) on the new Ledger API
Pruning might kill some unwanted entries from storage tries ending up with an unstable database
leading to crashes.
* Implement `CoreDb` and `LedgerRef` API tracing
+ Locally enabled at compile time via constants `ProvideCoreDbLegacyAPI`
and `EnableApiTracking` in either `base.nim` source
+ If enabled it can be selectively turned on/off via public switches in
the `CoreDb` descriptor.
* Allow suppressing opportunistic `ifNecessaryGetXxx()` functions
Better troubleshooting when the system crashes (assertions will then
most probably happen outside an `async` function.)
* Provide TDD/debug facility for inspecting `persistBlocks()` working
+ Make sure that the last block of a test sample is the first batch
item in `persistBlocks()`.
+ Additionally, allow `AccountsCache` API tracing by setting the flag
`extraTraceMessages = true` in the file `accounts_cache.nim`
* Overload AccountsCache by abstraction wrapper
Can facilitate CoreDb API switch, details in `ledger/README.md`.