This is acting as hot fix for now, given that some metrics are requirements. However we need to collect the ones we need / want and
find a way to extract them from nimbus-eth2 (or make them reusable by both )
There are currently 2 issues:
- fetch genesis state on empty data folder:
error msg "The downloaded genesis state cannot be verified (checksum mismatch)\"
The error arises from here:
something to do with the readssz or withState, investigations point to the data downloaded or some config missing
WA: comment lines 58-62, compile and run until the fetch genesis state is completed, then you can uncomment, it works from here
- spam of error messages: \"metrics error:New label values must be added from same thread as the metric was created from\":
This happens due to the fact that libp2p declares some gauges, and given that they are created inside a thread, metrics library
starts to complain. (no WA/correction so far)"