Commit Graph

6 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Jordan Hrycaj 88b315bb41
Snap sync refactor healing (#1397)
* Simplify accounts healing threshold management

  Was over-engineered.

  Previously, healing was based on recursive hexary trie perusal.

  Due to "cheap" envelope decomposition of a range complement for the
  hexary trie, the cost of running extra laps have become time-affordable
  again and a simple trigger mechanism for healing will do.

* Control number of dangling result nodes in `hexaryInspectTrie()`

+ Returns number of visited nodes available for logging so the maximum
  number of nodes can be tuned accordingly.
+ Some code and docu update

* Update names of constants

  Declutter, more systematic naming

* Re-implemented `worker_desc.merge()` for storage slots

  Provided as proper queue management in `storage_queue_helper`.

+ Several append modes (replaces `merge()`)
+ Added third queue to record entries currently fetched by a worker. So
  another parallel running worker can safe the complete set of storage
  slots in as checkpoint. This was previously lost.

* Refactor healing

  Simplify and remove deep hexary trie perusal for finding completeness.

   Due to "cheap" envelope decomposition of a range complement for the
   hexary trie, the cost of running extra laps have become time-affordable
   again and a simple trigger mechanism for healing will do.

* Docu update

* Run a storage job only once in download loop

  Download failure or rejection (i.e. missing data) lead to repeated
  fetch requests until peer disconnects, otherwise.
2022-12-24 09:54:18 +00:00
Jordan Hrycaj a689e9185a
Prep for full sync after snap make 5 (#1286)
* Update docu and logging

* Extracted and updated constants from `worker_desc` into separate file

* Update and re-calibrate communication error handling

* Allow simplified pivot negotiation

  This feature allows to turn off pivot negotiation so that peers agree
  on a a pivot header.

  For snap sync with fast changing pivots this only throttles the sync
  process. The finally downloaded DB snapshot is typically a merged
  version of different pivot states augmented by a healing process.

* Re-model worker queues for accounts download & healing

  Currently there is only one data fetch per download or healing task.
  This task is then repeated by the scheduler after a short time. In
  many cases, this short time seems enough for some peers to decide to
  terminate connection.

* Update main task batch `runMulti()`

  The function `runMulti()` is activated in quasi-parallel mode by the
  scheduler. This function calls the download, healing and fast-sync

  While in debug mode, after each set of jobs run by this function the
  database is analysed (by the `snapdb_check` module) and the result
2022-11-01 15:07:44 +00:00
Jordan Hrycaj 1b4572ed3b
Prep for full sync after snap make 4 (#1282)
* Re-arrange fetching storage slots in batch module

  Previously, fetching partial slot ranges first has a chance of
  terminating the worker peer 9due to network error) while there were
  many inheritable storage slots on the queue.

  Now, inheritance is checked first, then full slot ranges and finally
  partial ranges.

* Update logging

* Bundled node information for healing into single object `NodeSpecs`

  Previously, partial paths and node keys were kept in separate variables.
  This approach was error prone due to copying/reassembling function
  argument objects.

  As all partial paths, keys, and node data types are more or less handled
  as `Blob`s over the network (using Eth/6x, or Snap/1) it makes sense to
  hold these `Blob`s as named field in a single object (even if not all
  fields are active for the current purpose.)

* For good housekeeping, using `NodeKey` type only for account keys

  previously, a mixture of `NodeKey` and `Hash256` was used. Now, only
  state or storage root keys use the `Hash256` type.

* Always accept latest pivot (and not a slightly older one)

  For testing it was tried to use a slightly older pivot state root than
  available. Some anecdotal tests seemed to suggest an advantage so that
  more peers are willing to serve on that older pivot. But this could not
  be confirmed in subsequent tests (still anecdotal, though.)

  As a side note, the distance of the latest pivot to its predecessor is
  at least 128 (or whatever the constant `minPivotBlockDistance` is
  assigned to.)

* Reshuffle name components for some file and function names

  Clarifies purpose:
  "storages" becomes: "storage slots"
  "store" becomes: "range fetch"

* Stash away currently unused modules in sub-folder named "notused"
2022-10-27 14:49:28 +01:00
Jordan Hrycaj c0d580715e
Remodel persistent snapdb access (#1274)
* Re-model persistent database access

  Storage slots healing just run on the wrong sub-trie (i.e. the wrong
  key mapping). So get/put and bulk functions now use the definitions
  in `snapdb_desc` (earlier there were some shortcuts for `get()`.)

* Fixes: missing return code, typo, redundant imports etc.

* Remove obsolete debugging directives from `worker_desc` module

* Correct failing unit tests for storage slots trie inspection

  Some pathological cases for the extended tests do not produce any
  hexary trie data. This is rightly detected by the trie inspection
  and the result checks needed to adjusted.
2022-10-20 17:59:54 +01:00
Jordan Hrycaj d53eacb854
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253)
* Split fetch accounts into sub-modules

  There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot,
  and healing for either.

* Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header

  Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the
  pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more
  peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back
  too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers
  seem to decrease.

* Add accounts healing

* Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability

* Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing

  There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the
  healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for
  storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly.

* Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue

  The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different
  pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the
  accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping

  Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually
  disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots.

  Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached

* Reorganise/update accounts healing

  Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process
  could be better managed.

  Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file
2022-10-08 18:20:50 +01:00
Jordan Hrycaj 4ff0948fed
Snap sync accounts healing (#1225)
* Added inspect module

  Find dangling references for trie healing support.

 + This patch set provides only the inspect module and some unit tests.
 + There are also extensive unit tests which need bulk data from the
   `nimbus-eth1-blob` module.

* Alternative pivot finder

  Attempt to be faster on start up. Also tying to decouple pivot finder
  somehow by providing different mechanisms (this one runs in `single`

* Use inspect module for healing

 + After some progress with account and storage data, the inspect facility
   is used to find dangling links in the database to be filled nose-wise.
 + This is a crude attempt to cobble together functional elements. The
   set up needs to be honed.

* fix scheduler to avoid starting dead peers

  Some peers drop out while in `sleepAsync()`. So extra `if` clauses
  make sure that this event is detected early.

* Bug fixes causing crashes


+ prettify.toPC():
  int/intToStr() numeric range over/underflow

+ hexary_inspect.hexaryInspectPath():
  take care of half initialised step with branch but missing index into
  branch array

* improve handling of dropped peers in alternaive pivot finder

  Strange things may happen while querying data from the network.
  Additional checks make sure that the state of other peers is updated

* Update trace messages

* reorganise snap fetch & store schedule
2022-09-16 08:24:12 +01:00