This is a minimal set of changes to make things work with the new types
in nim-eth - this is the minimal PR that merely resolves
incompatibilities while the full change set would include more cleanup
and migration.
* Return default values when account, slot or code doesn't exist.
* Handle case when storage doesn't exist due to account not existing or being a non contract account.
* Update state network to use addressHash instead of address in contract trie and contract code content keys.
* Fix path calculation bug in getParent when working with extension nodes.
* Bump portal spec tests repo.
* Finish updating tests due to portal test vector changes.
* Update Fluffy state bridge to use addressHash.
* Update Fluffy book with correct commands for running portal hive tests.
* Create block offers queue and collect account preimages.
* Implement iterators to return account and storage proofs and bytecode from updatedCaches.
* Implement building offers from proofs.
* Refactor BlockDataRef type to only include required fields.
* Store block data in database.
* Improve state diff types.
* Implement start state backfill from specific block.
* Record last persisted block number in database.
* Persist account preimages in db.
* Apply state updates for DAO hard fork.
* Implement state gossip of block offers via portal JSON RPC.
* Started implementation of state endpoints.
* Add rpc calls and server stubs.
* Initial implementation of getAccountProof and getStorageProof.
* Refactor validation to use toAccount utils functions.
* Add state endpoints tests.
* Refactor get parent gossip code and add Nibbles helper function.
* Add logging to state gossip.
* Unit test recursive gossip using state gossip getParent functions.
* Add recursive gossip genesis json test and fix bug in state gossip getParent.
* Add Nibbles len function.
* Add toContentKey helper functions.
* Implement typed lookup functions for getting account and storage trie nodes and bytecode.
* Re-implementation of recursive gossip.
* Offer validation improvements. Don't allow key end in Nibbles for leafs as defined in the spec.
* Minor refactor to validation and add addition bytecode check.