* Update some docu & messages
* Remove cruft from the ledger modules
* Must not overwrite genesis data on an initialised database
This will overwrite the global state of the Aristo single state DB.
Otherwise resuming at the last synced state becomes impossible.
* Provide latest block number from journal
This relates the global state of the DB directly to the corresponding
block number.
* Implemented unit test providing DB pre-load and resume
When deleting accounts while restoring the previous state, storage tries
must be deleted first. Otherwise a `DelDanglingStoTrie` error will occur
when trying to delete an account which refers to an active storage trie.
* Aristo: Provide descriptor fork based on search in transaction stack
Try to find the tx that has a particular pair `(vertex-id,hash-key)`,
and by extension try filter and backend if the former fails.
* Cleanup & docu
* CoreDb+Aristo: Implement context re-position to earlier in-memory state
It is a easy way to explore how there can be concurrent access to the
same backend storage DB with different view states. This one can access
an earlier state from the transaction stack.
* CoreDb+Aristo: Populate tracer stubs with real functionality
* Update `tracer.nim` to new API
Legacy API does not sufficiently support `Aristo`
* Fix logging problems in tracer
Debug logging turned off by default
* Fix function prototypes
* Add Copyright header
* Add tables import
For older compiler versions on CI
* Aristo: Reorg `hashify()` using different schedule algorithm
Directly calculating the search tree top down from the roots turns
out to be faster than using the cached structures left over by `merge()`
and `delete()`.
Time gains is short of 20%
* Aristo: Remove `lTab[]` leaf entry object type
Not used anymore. It was previously needed to build the schedule for
* Aristo: Avoid unnecessary re-org of the vertex ID recycling list
This list can become quite large so a heuristic is employed whether
it makes sense to re-org.
Also, re-org check is only done by `delete()` functions.
* Aristo: Remove key/reverse lookup table from tx layers
It is ignored except for handling proof nodes and costs unnecessary
run time resources.
This feature was originally needed to accommodate the mental transition
from the legacy MPT to the `Aristo` trie :).
* Fix copyright year
* CoreDb: update test suite
* Aristo: Simplify reverse key map
The reverse key map `pAmk: (root,key) -> {vid,..}` as been simplified to
`pAmk: key -> {vid,..}` as the state `root` domain argument is not used,
* Aristo: Remove `HashLabel` object type and replace it by `HashKey`
The `HashLabel` object attaches a root hash to a hash key. This is
nowhere used, anymore.
* Fix copyright
* CoreDb: Test module with additional sample selector cmd line options
* Aristo: Do not automatically remove a storage trie with the account
This is an unnecessary side effect. Rather than using an automatism, a
a storage root must be deleted manually.
* Aristo: Can handle stale storage root vertex IDs as empty IDs.
This is currently needed for the ledger API supporting both, a legacy
and the `Aristo` database backend.
This feature can be disabled at compile time by re-setting the
`LOOSE_STORAGE_TRIE_COUPLING` flag in the `aristo_constants` module.
* CoreDb+Aristo: Flush/delete storage trie when deleting account
On either backend, a deleted account leave a dangling storage trie on
the database.
For consistency nn the legacy backend, storage tries must not be
deleted as they might be shared by several accounts whereas on `Aristo`
they are always unique.
* Remove custom block chain unit tests
The custom block chain unit test functionality is superseded by
All the custom block chains used here are hopelessly out of date and
the configs were never updated regarding fork and ttd settings (while
the production code has moved on.)
* CoreDb: Update unit tests suite
Can accommodate non-built in network dumps. Inherited some functionality
from the now retired `test_custom_network` test.
* CoreDb: Improve API and API tracking
Now logs state roots where appropriate
* CoreDb: re-implement `CoreDbVidRef` => `CoreDbTrieRef`
Instead of a root vertex ID wrapper, the purpose of this object type
has been upgrades to a sub-trie prototype.
`Aristo` backend not fully functional, yet.
* CoreDb: Update `Aristo` backend
Supports virtual sub-tries
* CoreDb: Account address tracking for `StorageTrie` virtual tries
Supported with API tracking/logging
* CoreDb: Keep account address in payload object
No need to provide extra address argument for `merge()`, also
provides tracking possibility for account debugging.
* Ledger: Update new API for `Aristo` specific storage trie handling
* CoreDb+Ledger: Update unit tests
* Fix copyright headers
* Activate `LedgerRef` wrapper for `AccountsCache`
`accounts_cache.nim` methods are indirectly processed by the wrapper
methods from `ledger.nim`.
This works for all sources except `test_state_db.nim` where the source
`accounts_cache.nim` is included (rather than imported) in order to
access objects privy to the very source.
* Provide facility to switch to a preselected `LedgerRef` type
Can be set as suggestion when initialising `CommonRef`
* Update `CoreDb` test suite for better time tracking
+ Allow time logging by pre-defined block intervals
+ Print `CoreDb`/`Ledger`profiling results (if enabled)
* Explicitly use shared `Kvt` table on `Ledger` and `Clique` lookup.
Speeds up lookup time with `Aristo` backend. For writing `Clique` data,
the `Companion` model allows to write `Clique` data past the database
locked by evm transactions.
* Implement `CoreDb` profiling with API tracking
Chasing time spent per APT procs ...
* Implement `Ledger` profiling with API tracking
Chasing time spent per APT procs ...
* Always hashify when commiting or storing
A dirty cache makes no sense when committing
* Make sure that a zero key is created when adding/updating vertices
This is an error fix mainly for edge cases. A typical error was
that the root key got deleted when there were only a few vertices
left on the DB.
* Need all created and changed vertices zero-keyed on the cache
A zero key (i.e. empty Merkle hash) indicates that a vertex key
needs to be updated. This would not be needed immediately after
a merge as there is an actual leaf path on the cache layer. But
after subsequent merge and delete operations this information
might get blurred.
* Re-org hashing algorithm
Apart from errors, the previous implementation was too slow for
two reasons:
+ some control hashes were calculated for debugging (now all
verification is done in `aristo_check` module)
+ the leaf paths stored on the cache are used to build the
labelling (aka hashing) schedule; there paths were accumulated
over successive hash sessions although it is clear that all
keys were generated, already
* Split off `ReadOnlyStateDB` from `AccountStateDB` from `state_db.nim`
Apart from testing, applications use `ReadOnlyStateDB` as an easy
way to access the accounts ledger. This is well supported by the
`Aristo` db, but writable mode is only parially supported.
The writable AccountStateDB` object for modifying accounts is not
used by production code.
So, for lecgacy and testing apps, the full support of the previous
`AccountStateDB` is now enabled by `import db/state_db/read_write`
and the `import db/state_db` provides read-only mode.
* Encapsulate `AccountStateDB` as `GenesisLedgerRef` or genesis creation
`AccountStateDB` has poor support for `Aristo` and is not widely used
in favour of `AccountsLedger` (which will be abstracted as `ledger`.)
Currently, using other than the `AccountStateDB` ledgers within the
`GenesisLedgerRef` wrapper is experimental and test only. Eventually,
the wrapper should disappear so that the `Ledger` object (which
encapsulates `AccountsCache` and `AccountsLedger`) will prevail.
* For the `Ledger`, provide access to raw accounts `MPT`
This gives to the `CoreDbMptRef` descriptor from the `CoreDb` (which is
the legacy version of CoreDxMptRef`.) For the new `ledger` API, the
accounts are based on the `CoreDxMAccRef` descriptor which uses a
particular sub-system for accounts while legacy applications use the
`CoreDbPhkRef` equivalent of the `SecureHexaryTrie`.
The only place where this feature will currently be used is the
`genesis.nim` source file.
* Fix `Aristo` bugs, missing boundary checks, typos, etc.
* Verify root vertex in `MPT` and account constructors
Was missing so far, in particular the accounts constructor must
verify `VertexID(1)
* Fix include file
* Disable `TransactionID` related functions from `state_db.nim`
Functions `getCommittedStorage()` and `updateOriginalRoot()` from
the `state_db` module are nowhere used. The emulation of a legacy
`TransactionID` type functionality is administratively expensive to
provide by `Aristo` (the legacy DB version is only partially
implemented, anyway).
As there is no other place where `TransactionID`s are used, they will
not be provided by the `Aristo` variant of the `CoreDb`. For the
legacy DB API, nothing will change.
* Fix copyright headers in source code
* Get rid of compiler warning
* Update Aristo code, remove unused `merge()` variant, export `hashify()`
Adapt to upcoming `CoreDb` wrapper
* Remove synced tx feature from `Aristo`
+ This feature allowed to synchronise transaction methods like begin,
commit, and rollback for a group of descriptors.
+ The feature is over engineered and not needed for `CoreDb`, neither
is it complete (some convergence features missing.)
* Add debugging helpers to `Kvt`
Update database iterator, add count variable yield argument similar
to `Aristo`.
* Provide optional destructors for `CoreDb` API
For the upcoming Aristo wrapper, this allows to control when certain
smart destruction and update can take place. The auto destructor works
fine in general when the storage/cache strategy is known and acceptable
when creating descriptors.
* Add update option for `CoreDb` API function `hash()`
The hash function is typically used to get the state root of the MPT.
Due to lazy hashing, this might be not available on the `Aristo` DB.
So the `update` function asks for re-hashing the gurrent state changes
if needed.
* Update API tracking log mode: `info` => `debug
* Use shared `Kvt` descriptor in new Ledger API
No need to create a new descriptor all the time
* Aristo: Provide key-value list signature calculator
Simple wrappers around `Aristo` core functionality
* Update new API for `CoreDb`
+ Renamed new API functions `contains()` => `hasKey()` or `hasPath()`
which disables the `in` operator on non-boolean `contains()` functions
+ The functions `get()` and `fetch()` always return a not-found error if
there is no item, available. The new functions `getOrEmpty()` and
`mergeOrEmpty()` return an an empty `Blob` if there is no such key
* Rewrite `core_apps.nim` using new API from `CoreDb`
* Use `Aristo` functionality for calculating Merkle signatures
For debugging, the `VerifyAristoForMerkleRootCalc` can be set so
that `Aristo` results will be verified against the legacy versions.
* Provide general interface for Merkle signing key-value tables
Export `Aristo` wrappers
* Activate `CoreDb` tests
Now, API seems to be stable enough for general tests.
* Update `toHex()` usage
Byteutils' `toHex()` is superior to `toSeq.mapIt(it.toHex(2)).join`
* Split `aristo_transcode` => `aristo_serialise` + `aristo_blobify`
+ Different modules for different purposes
+ `aristo_serialise`: RLP encoding/decoding
+ `aristo_blobify`: Aristo database encoding/decoding
* Compacted representation of small nodes' links instead of Keccak hashes
Ethereum MPTs use Keccak hashes as node links if the size of an RLP
encoded node is at least 32 bytes. Otherwise, the RLP encoded node
value is used as a pseudo node link (rather than a hash.) Such a node
is nor stored on key-value database. Rather the RLP encoded node value
is stored instead of a lode link in a parent node instead. Only for
the root hash, the top level node is always referred to by the hash.
This feature needed an abstraction of the `HashKey` object which is now
either a hash or a blob of length at most 31 bytes. This leaves two
ways of representing an empty/void `HashKey` type, either as an empty
blob of zero length, or the hash of an empty blob.
* Update `CoreDb` interface (mainly reducing logger noise)
* Fix copyright years (to make `Lint` happy)
* Make sure that storage tries are not pruned (by default) on the new Ledger API
Pruning might kill some unwanted entries from storage tries ending up with an unstable database
leading to crashes.
* Implement `CoreDb` and `LedgerRef` API tracing
+ Locally enabled at compile time via constants `ProvideCoreDbLegacyAPI`
and `EnableApiTracking` in either `base.nim` source
+ If enabled it can be selectively turned on/off via public switches in
the `CoreDb` descriptor.
* Allow suppressing opportunistic `ifNecessaryGetXxx()` functions
Better troubleshooting when the system crashes (assertions will then
most probably happen outside an `async` function.)
* Provide TDD/debug facility for inspecting `persistBlocks()` working
+ Make sure that the last block of a test sample is the first batch
item in `persistBlocks()`.
+ Additionally, allow `AccountsCache` API tracing by setting the flag
`extraTraceMessages = true` in the file `accounts_cache.nim`
* Overload AccountsCache by abstraction wrapper
Can facilitate CoreDb API switch, details in `ledger/README.md`.
Persistent pruning would not restore the `emptyRlp` value for the
root node when the database becomes empty. This effects to an
assertion exception next time the DB is accessed.
As most unit tests run on the memory DB, this case slipped through
unnoticed for a while (see also issue #9.)
* Aristo: remove obsolete functions
* Aristo: Fix error code for non-available hash keys
Must not return `not-found` when the key is not available (i.e. the
current changes were not hashified, yet.)
* CoreDB: Provide TDD and test framework