fix create2 nonce increment

This commit is contained in:
andri lim 2019-05-07 11:39:05 +07:00 committed by zah
parent 51edbe6390
commit f08eedbce3
3 changed files with 86 additions and 147 deletions

View File

@ -371,49 +371,49 @@ OK: 3/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 0/3
CREATE2_Bounds.json Skip
CREATE2_Bounds2.json Skip
+ CREATE2_Bounds3.json OK
CREATE2_ContractSuicideDuringInit_ThenStoreThenReturn.json Skip
CREATE2_Suicide.json Skip
Create2OOGafterInitCode.json Skip
+ CREATE2_ContractSuicideDuringInit_ThenStoreThenReturn.json OK
+ CREATE2_Suicide.json OK
+ Create2OOGafterInitCode.json OK
+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeReturndata.json OK
Create2OOGafterInitCodeReturndata2.json Skip
+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeReturndata2.json OK
+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeReturndata3.json OK
Create2OOGafterInitCodeReturndataSize.json Skip
+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeReturndataSize.json OK
+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeRevert.json OK
+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeRevert2.json OK
Create2OnDepth1023.json Skip
Create2OnDepth1024.json Skip
+ Create2OnDepth1023.json OK
+ Create2OnDepth1024.json OK
Create2Recursive.json Skip
CreateMessageReverted.json Skip
CreateMessageRevertedOOGInInit.json Skip
RevertDepthCreate2OOG.json Skip
RevertDepthCreateAddressCollision.json Skip
RevertInCreateInInitCreate2.json Skip
RevertOpcodeCreate.json Skip
RevertOpcodeInCreateReturnsCreate2.json Skip
call_outsize_then_create2_successful_then_returndatasize.json Skip
call_then_create2_successful_then_returndatasize.json Skip
+ CreateMessageReverted.json OK
+ CreateMessageRevertedOOGInInit.json OK
+ RevertDepthCreate2OOG.json OK
+ RevertDepthCreateAddressCollision.json OK
+ RevertInCreateInInitCreate2.json OK
+ RevertOpcodeCreate.json OK
+ RevertOpcodeInCreateReturnsCreate2.json OK
+ call_outsize_then_create2_successful_then_returndatasize.json OK
+ call_then_create2_successful_then_returndatasize.json OK
create2InitCodes.json Skip
create2SmartInitCode.json Skip
+ create2SmartInitCode.json OK
create2callPrecompiles.json Skip
create2checkFieldsInInitcode.json Skip
create2collisionBalance.json Skip
create2collisionCode.json Skip
create2collisionCode2.json Skip
create2collisionNonce.json Skip
create2collisionSelfdestructed.json Skip
create2collisionSelfdestructed2.json Skip
+ create2checkFieldsInInitcode.json OK
+ create2collisionBalance.json OK
+ create2collisionCode.json OK
+ create2collisionCode2.json OK
+ create2collisionNonce.json OK
+ create2collisionSelfdestructed.json OK
+ create2collisionSelfdestructed2.json OK
+ create2collisionSelfdestructedOOG.json OK
+ create2collisionSelfdestructedRevert.json OK
create2collisionStorage.json Skip
+ create2collisionStorage.json OK
create2noCash.json Skip
returndatacopy_0_0_following_successful_create.json Skip
returndatacopy_afterFailing_create.json Skip
+ returndatacopy_0_0_following_successful_create.json OK
+ returndatacopy_afterFailing_create.json OK
+ returndatacopy_following_create.json OK
returndatacopy_following_revert_in_create.json Skip
+ returndatacopy_following_revert_in_create.json OK
+ returndatacopy_following_successful_create.json OK
returndatasize_following_successful_create.json Skip
+ returndatasize_following_successful_create.json OK
OK: 9/44 Fail: 0/44 Skip: 35/44
OK: 38/44 Fail: 0/44 Skip: 6/44
## stCreateTest
+ CREATE_AcreateB_BSuicide_BStore.json OK
@ -556,35 +556,35 @@ OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1
## stExtCodeHash
codeCopyZero.json Skip
dynamicAccountOverwriteEmpty.json Skip
+ dynamicAccountOverwriteEmpty.json OK
+ extCodeCopyBounds.json OK
+ extCodeHashAccountWithoutCode.json OK
+ extCodeHashCALL.json OK
+ extCodeHashCALLCODE.json OK
+ extCodeHashChangedAccount.json OK
extCodeHashCreatedAndDeletedAccount.json Skip
extCodeHashCreatedAndDeletedAccountCall.json Skip
extCodeHashCreatedAndDeletedAccountRecheckInOuterCall.json Skip
extCodeHashCreatedAndDeletedAccountStaticCall.json Skip
+ extCodeHashCreatedAndDeletedAccount.json OK
+ extCodeHashCreatedAndDeletedAccountCall.json OK
+ extCodeHashCreatedAndDeletedAccountRecheckInOuterCall.json OK
+ extCodeHashCreatedAndDeletedAccountStaticCall.json OK
+ extCodeHashDELEGATECALL.json OK
+ extCodeHashDeletedAccount.json OK
+ extCodeHashDeletedAccount1.json OK
+ extCodeHashDeletedAccount2.json OK
extCodeHashDeletedAccount3.json Skip
extCodeHashDeletedAccount4.json Skip
+ extCodeHashDeletedAccount3.json OK
+ extCodeHashDeletedAccount4.json OK
extCodeHashDynamicArgument.json Skip
extCodeHashInInitCode.json Skip
+ extCodeHashInInitCode.json OK
+ extCodeHashMaxCodeSize.json OK
extCodeHashNewAccount.json Skip
+ extCodeHashNewAccount.json OK
extCodeHashNonExistingAccount.json Skip
extCodeHashPrecompiles.json Skip
+ extCodeHashSTATICCALL.json OK
+ extCodeHashSelf.json OK
extCodeHashSelfInInit.json Skip
+ extCodeHashSelfInInit.json OK
extCodeHashSubcallOOG.json Skip
+ extCodeHashSubcallSuicide.json OK
OK: 13/28 Fail: 0/28 Skip: 15/28
OK: 23/28 Fail: 0/28 Skip: 5/28
## stHomesteadSpecific
+ contractCreationOOGdontLeaveEmptyContract.json OK
@ -1639,8 +1639,8 @@ OK: 19/19 Fail: 0/19 Skip: 0/19
+ call_then_create_successful_then_returndatasize.json OK
+ create_callprecompile_returndatasize.json OK
+ modexp_modsize0_returndatasize.json OK
returndatacopy_0_0_following_successful_create.json Skip
returndatacopy_afterFailing_create.json Skip
+ returndatacopy_0_0_following_successful_create.json OK
+ returndatacopy_afterFailing_create.json OK
+ returndatacopy_after_failing_callcode.json OK
+ returndatacopy_after_failing_delegatecall.json OK
+ returndatacopy_after_failing_staticcall.json OK
@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ OK: 19/19 Fail: 0/19 Skip: 0/19
+ returndatacopy_following_create.json OK
+ returndatacopy_following_failing_call.json OK
+ returndatacopy_following_revert.json OK
returndatacopy_following_revert_in_create.json Skip
+ returndatacopy_following_revert_in_create.json OK
+ returndatacopy_following_successful_create.json OK
+ returndatacopy_following_too_big_transfer.json OK
+ returndatacopy_initial.json OK
@ -1667,12 +1667,12 @@ OK: 19/19 Fail: 0/19 Skip: 0/19
+ returndatasize_after_successful_delegatecall.json OK
+ returndatasize_after_successful_staticcall.json OK
+ returndatasize_bug.json OK
returndatasize_following_successful_create.json Skip
+ returndatasize_following_successful_create.json OK
+ returndatasize_initial.json OK
+ returndatasize_initial_zero_read.json OK
+ subcallReturnMoreThenExpected.json OK
OK: 34/38 Fail: 0/38 Skip: 4/38
OK: 38/38 Fail: 0/38 Skip: 0/38
## stRevertTest
LoopCallsDepthThenRevert.json Skip
@ -1683,7 +1683,7 @@ OK: 34/38 Fail: 0/38 Skip: 4/38
+ NashatyrevSuicideRevert.json OK
+ PythonRevertTestTue201814-1430.json OK
+ RevertDepth2.json OK
RevertDepthCreateAddressCollision.json Skip
+ RevertDepthCreateAddressCollision.json OK
+ RevertDepthCreateOOG.json OK
+ RevertInCallCode.json OK
+ RevertInCreateInInit.json OK
@ -1692,7 +1692,7 @@ OK: 34/38 Fail: 0/38 Skip: 4/38
+ RevertOnEmptyStack.json OK
+ RevertOpcode.json OK
+ RevertOpcodeCalls.json OK
RevertOpcodeCreate.json Skip
+ RevertOpcodeCreate.json OK
+ RevertOpcodeDirectCall.json OK
+ RevertOpcodeInCallsOnNonEmptyReturnData.json OK
+ RevertOpcodeInCreateReturns.json OK
@ -1722,40 +1722,40 @@ OK: 34/38 Fail: 0/38 Skip: 4/38
+ TouchToEmptyAccountRevert2.json OK
+ TouchToEmptyAccountRevert3.json OK
OK: 39/46 Fail: 0/46 Skip: 7/46
OK: 41/46 Fail: 0/46 Skip: 5/46
## stSStoreTest
InitCollision.json Skip
+ InitCollision.json OK
+ InitCollisionNonZeroNonce.json OK
+ SstoreCallToSelfSubRefundBelowZero.json OK
sstore_0to0.json Skip
sstore_0to0to0.json Skip
sstore_0to0toX.json Skip
sstore_0toX.json Skip
sstore_0toXto0.json Skip
sstore_0toXto0toX.json Skip
sstore_0toXtoX.json Skip
sstore_0toXtoY.json Skip
sstore_Xto0.json Skip
sstore_Xto0to0.json Skip
sstore_Xto0toX.json Skip
sstore_Xto0toXto0.json Skip
sstore_Xto0toY.json Skip
sstore_XtoX.json Skip
sstore_XtoXto0.json Skip
sstore_XtoXtoX.json Skip
sstore_XtoXtoY.json Skip
sstore_XtoY.json Skip
sstore_XtoYto0.json Skip
sstore_XtoYtoX.json Skip
sstore_XtoYtoY.json Skip
sstore_XtoYtoZ.json Skip
sstore_changeFromExternalCallInInitCode.json Skip
+ sstore_0to0.json OK
+ sstore_0to0to0.json OK
+ sstore_0to0toX.json OK
+ sstore_0toX.json OK
+ sstore_0toXto0.json OK
+ sstore_0toXto0toX.json OK
+ sstore_0toXtoX.json OK
+ sstore_0toXtoY.json OK
+ sstore_Xto0.json OK
+ sstore_Xto0to0.json OK
+ sstore_Xto0toX.json OK
+ sstore_Xto0toXto0.json OK
+ sstore_Xto0toY.json OK
+ sstore_XtoX.json OK
+ sstore_XtoXto0.json OK
+ sstore_XtoXtoX.json OK
+ sstore_XtoXtoY.json OK
+ sstore_XtoY.json OK
+ sstore_XtoYto0.json OK
+ sstore_XtoYtoX.json OK
+ sstore_XtoYtoY.json OK
+ sstore_XtoYtoZ.json OK
+ sstore_changeFromExternalCallInInitCode.json OK
+ sstore_combinations_initial0.json OK
+ sstore_combinations_initial1.json OK
+ sstore_combinations_initial2.json OK
OK: 5/29 Fail: 0/29 Skip: 24/29
OK: 29/29 Fail: 0/29 Skip: 0/29
## stShift
+ sar00.json OK
@ -1776,7 +1776,7 @@ OK: 5/29 Fail: 0/29 Skip: 24/29
+ sar_2^256-1_1.json OK
+ sar_2^256-1_255.json OK
+ sar_2^256-1_256.json OK
shiftCombinations.json Skip
+ shiftCombinations.json OK
+ shl01-0100.json OK
+ shl01-0101.json OK
+ shl01-ff.json OK
@ -1800,7 +1800,7 @@ OK: 5/29 Fail: 0/29 Skip: 24/29
+ shr_2^255_256.json OK
+ shr_2^255_257.json OK
OK: 40/41 Fail: 0/41 Skip: 1/41
OK: 41/41 Fail: 0/41 Skip: 0/41
## stSolidityTest
+ AmbiguousMethod.json OK
@ -2213,7 +2213,7 @@ OK: 57/67 Fail: 0/67 Skip: 10/67
+ ContractStoreClearsOOG.json OK
+ ContractStoreClearsSuccess.json OK
CreateMessageReverted.json Skip
+ CreateMessageReverted.json OK
+ CreateMessageSuccess.json OK
+ CreateTransactionReverted.json OK
+ CreateTransactionSuccess.json OK
@ -2256,7 +2256,7 @@ OK: 57/67 Fail: 0/67 Skip: 10/67
+ UserTransactionZeroCost.json OK
+ UserTransactionZeroCostWithData.json OK
OK: 43/44 Fail: 0/44 Skip: 1/44
OK: 44/44 Fail: 0/44 Skip: 0/44
## stTransitionTest
+ createNameRegistratorPerTxsAfter.json OK
@ -2645,4 +2645,4 @@ OK: 133/133 Fail: 0/133 Skip: 0/133
OK: 130/130 Fail: 0/130 Skip: 0/130
OK: 2262/2447 Fail: 0/2447 Skip: 185/2447
OK: 2333/2447 Fail: 0/2447 Skip: 114/2447

View File

@ -568,6 +568,7 @@ proc setupCreate(computation: BaseComputation, memPos, len: int, value: Uint256,
isCollision = db.hasCodeOrNonce(contractAddress)
let salt = computation.stack.popInt()
contractAddress = generateSafeAddress(computation.msg.storageAddress, salt, callData)
isCollision = db.hasCodeOrNonce(contractAddress)

View File

@ -15,90 +15,27 @@ func allowedFailingGeneralStateTest*(folder, name: string): bool =
let allowedFailingGeneralStateTests = @[
# all these tests below actually pass
# but they are very slow
# byzantium slow
# constantinople slow tests
# byzantium slow tests
@ -138,6 +75,7 @@ func allowedFailingGeneralStateTest*(folder, name: string): bool =
# Frontier recursives