From de24b544c4ff9fefd811f3a7967a73fcc3631804 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jordan Hrycaj Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2021 15:59:59 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] generate docs (and other niceties ..) for nimbus sub-directory why: * easy browsing of prototype docs, allows to follow links with a web browser on the local file system * some md & png files may contain additional documentation overview: * separate nimbus/makefile, try "make -C nimbus" for instructions * running "make -C nimbus docs" will do the job * x-ref file in nimbus/docs/theindex.html * additional md and png files in nimbus/docs/ex/.. subdirectory details: * a newer nim compiler provides better referencing when available, in particular the back link to the indices are not provided by the 1.2.10 nim compiler (automatically handled by makefile) * make patterns are used to update files only when the timestamp changes * should provide "discount" markdown generator, otherwise fallback to
 encapsulated text file
 .gitignore            |   11 +- | 5131 -----------------------------------------
 nimbus/makefile       |  205 ++   | 3725 ------------------------------  | 2669 ---------------------
 5 files changed, 215 insertions(+), 11526 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644
 create mode 100644 nimbus/makefile
 delete mode 100644
 delete mode 100644

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index c145892c1..0574141ae 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 # Executables shall be put in an ignored build/ directory
@@ -20,6 +20,15 @@
+# Ignore generated C and doc files
+# Ignore test reports
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index ba363f304..000000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5131 +0,0 @@
-## BlockChainTests
-+ randomStatetest391.json                                         OK
-OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1
-## bcBlockGasLimitTest
-+ BlockGasLimit2p63m1.json                                        OK
-+ GasUsedHigherThanBlockGasLimitButNotWithRefundsSuicideFirst.jso OK
-+ GasUsedHigherThanBlockGasLimitButNotWithRefundsSuicideLast.json OK
-+ SuicideTransaction.json                                         OK
-+ TransactionGasHigherThanLimit2p63m1.json                        OK
-+ TransactionGasHigherThanLimit2p63m1_2.json                      OK
-OK: 6/6 Fail: 0/6 Skip: 0/6
-## bcByzantiumToConstantinopleFix
-+ ConstantinopleFixTransition.json                                OK
-OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1
-## bcEIP158ToByzantium
-+ ByzantiumTransition.json                                        OK
-OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1
-## bcExploitTest
-  DelegateCallSpam.json                                           Skip
-+ ShanghaiLove.json                                               OK
-+ StrangeContractCreation.json                                    OK
-+ SuicideIssue.json                                               OK
-OK: 3/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 1/4
-## bcForgedTest
-+ bcBlockRLPAsList.json                                           OK
-+ bcBlockRLPPrefixed0000.json                                     OK
-+ bcBlockRLPRandomByte.json                                       OK
-+ bcBlockRLPTooLarge.json                                         OK
-+ bcBlockRLPZeroByte.json                                         OK
-+ bcForkBlockTest.json                                            OK
-+ bcInvalidRLPTest_BLOCK.json                                     OK
-+ bcInvalidRLPTest_TRANSACT.json                                  OK
-+ bcTransactRLPRandomByte.json                                    OK
-+ bcTransactRLPTooLarge.json                                      OK
-+ bcTransactRLPZeroByte.json                                      OK
-OK: 11/11 Fail: 0/11 Skip: 0/11
-## bcForkStressTest
-+ AmIOnEIP150.json                                                OK
-+ ForkStressTest.json                                             OK
-OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2
-## bcFrontierToHomestead
-+ CallContractThatCreateContractBeforeAndAfterSwitchover.json     OK
-+ ContractCreationFailsOnHomestead.json                           OK
-+ HomesteadOverrideFrontier.json                                  OK
-+ UncleFromFrontierInHomestead.json                               OK
-+ UnclePopulation.json                                            OK
-+ blockChainFrontierWithLargerTDvsHomesteadBlockchain.json        OK
-+ blockChainFrontierWithLargerTDvsHomesteadBlockchain2.json       OK
-OK: 7/7 Fail: 0/7 Skip: 0/7
-## bcGasPricerTest
-+ RPC_API_Test.json                                               OK
-+ highGasUsage.json                                               OK
-+ notxs.json                                                      OK
-OK: 3/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 0/3
-## bcHomesteadToDao
-+ DaoTransactions.json                                            OK
-+ DaoTransactions_EmptyTransactionAndForkBlocksAhead.json         OK
-+ DaoTransactions_UncleExtradata.json                             OK
-+ DaoTransactions_XBlockm1.json                                   OK
-OK: 4/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 0/4
-## bcHomesteadToEIP150
-+ EIP150Transition.json                                           OK
-OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1
-## bcInvalidHeaderTest
-+ DifferentExtraData1025.json                                     OK
-+ DifficultyIsZero.json                                           OK
-+ ExtraData1024.json                                              OK
-+ ExtraData33.json                                                OK
-+ GasLimitHigherThan2p63m1.json                                   OK
-+ GasLimitIsZero.json                                             OK
-+ log1_wrongBlockNumber.json                                      OK
-+ log1_wrongBloom.json                                            OK
-+ timeDiff0.json                                                  OK
-+ wrongCoinbase.json                                              OK
-+ wrongDifficulty.json                                            OK
-+ wrongGasLimit.json                                              OK
-+ wrongGasUsed.json                                               OK
-+ wrongNumber.json                                                OK
-+ wrongParentHash.json                                            OK
-+ wrongParentHash2.json                                           OK
-+ wrongReceiptTrie.json                                           OK
-+ wrongStateRoot.json                                             OK
-+ wrongTimestamp.json                                             OK
-+ wrongTransactionsTrie.json                                      OK
-+ wrongUncleHash.json                                             OK
-OK: 21/21 Fail: 0/21 Skip: 0/21
-## bcMultiChainTest
-+ CallContractFromNotBestBlock.json                               OK
-+ ChainAtoChainB.json                                             OK
-+ ChainAtoChainBCallContractFormA.json                            OK
-+ ChainAtoChainB_BlockHash.json                                   OK
-+ ChainAtoChainB_difficultyB.json                                 OK
-+ ChainAtoChainBtoChainA.json                                     OK
-+ ChainAtoChainBtoChainAtoChainB.json                             OK
-+ UncleFromSideChain.json                                         OK
-OK: 8/8 Fail: 0/8 Skip: 0/8
-## bcRandomBlockhashTest
-+ randomStatetest109BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest113BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest127BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest128BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest132BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest140BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest141BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest152BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest165BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest168BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest181BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest182BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest186BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest193BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest203BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest213BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest218BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest21BC.json                                        OK
-+ randomStatetest224BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest234BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest235BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest239BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest240BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest253BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest255BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest256BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest258BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest262BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest272BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest277BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest284BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest289BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest314BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest317BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest319BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest330BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest331BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest344BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest34BC.json                                        OK
-+ randomStatetest35BC.json                                        OK
-+ randomStatetest373BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest374BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest390BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest392BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest394BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest400BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest403BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest40BC.json                                        OK
-+ randomStatetest427BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest431BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest432BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest434BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest44BC.json                                        OK
-+ randomStatetest453BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest459BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest463BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest479BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest486BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest490BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest492BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest515BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest522BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest529BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest530BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest540BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest551BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest557BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest561BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest568BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest56BC.json                                        OK
-+ randomStatetest570BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest590BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest591BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest593BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest595BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest598BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest606BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest613BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest614BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest617BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest61BC.json                                        OK
-+ randomStatetest622BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest623BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest631BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest634BC.json                                       OK
-+ randomStatetest65BC.json                                        OK
-+ randomStatetest68BC.json                                        OK
-+ randomStatetest70BC.json                                        OK
-+ randomStatetest71BC.json                                        OK
-+ randomStatetest76BC.json                                        OK
-+ randomStatetest79BC.json                                        OK
-+ randomStatetest86BC.json                                        OK
-+ randomStatetest8BC.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest91BC.json                                        OK
-+ randomStatetest93BC.json                                        OK
-+ randomStatetest99BC.json                                        OK
-OK: 96/96 Fail: 0/96 Skip: 0/96
-## bcStateTests
-+ BLOCKHASH_Bounds.json                                           OK
-+ BadStateRootTxBC.json                                           OK
-+ CreateTransactionReverted.json                                  OK
-+ EmptyTransaction.json                                           OK
-+ EmptyTransaction2.json                                          OK
-+ NotEnoughCashContractCreation.json                              OK
-+ OOGStateCopyContainingDeletedContract.json                      OK
-+ OverflowGasRequire.json                                         OK
-+ RefundOverflow.json                                             OK
-+ RefundOverflow2.json                                            OK
-+ SuicidesMixingCoinbase.json                                     OK
-+ TransactionFromCoinbaseHittingBlockGasLimit1.json               OK
-+ TransactionFromCoinbaseNotEnoughFounds.json                     OK
-+ TransactionNonceCheck.json                                      OK
-+ TransactionNonceCheck2.json                                     OK
-+ TransactionToItselfNotEnoughFounds.json                         OK
-+ UserTransactionGasLimitIsTooLowWhenZeroCost.json                OK
-+ UserTransactionZeroCost.json                                    OK
-+ UserTransactionZeroCost2.json                                   OK
-+ UserTransactionZeroCostWithData.json                            OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALL_OOGRevert.json                        OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALL_ToEmpty_OOGRevert.json                OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALL_ToNonZeroBalance_OOGRevert.json       OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALL_ToOneStorageKey_OOGRevert.json        OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_OOGRevert.json                OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToEmpty_OOGRevert.json        OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToEmpty_OOGRevert_Istanbul.js OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToNonZeroBalance_OOGRevert.js OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToOneStorageKey_OOGRevert.jso OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToOneStorageKey_OOGRevert_Ist OK
-+ blockhashNonConstArg.json                                       OK
-+ blockhashTests.json                                             OK
-+ callcodeOutput1.json                                            OK
-+ callcodeOutput2.json                                            OK
-+ callcodeOutput3partial.json                                     OK
-+ create2collisionwithSelfdestructSameBlock.json                  OK
-+ createNameRegistratorPerTxsNotEnoughGasAfter.json               OK
-+ createNameRegistratorPerTxsNotEnoughGasAt.json                  OK
-+ createNameRegistratorPerTxsNotEnoughGasBefore.json              OK
-+ extCodeHashOfDeletedAccount.json                                OK
-+ extCodeHashOfDeletedAccountDynamic.json                         OK
-+ multimpleBalanceInstruction.json                                OK
-+ randomStatetest123.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest136.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest160.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest170.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest223.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest229.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest241.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest324.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest328.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest375.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest377.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest38.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest441.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest46.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest549.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest594.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest619.json                                         OK
-  randomStatetest94.json                                          Skip
-+ simpleSuicide.json                                              OK
-+ suicideCoinbase.json                                            OK
-+ suicideCoinbaseState.json                                       OK
-+ suicideStorageCheck.json                                        OK
-+ suicideStorageCheckVCreate.json                                 OK
-+ suicideStorageCheckVCreate2.json                                OK
-+ suicideThenCheckBalance.json                                    OK
-+ testOpcodes.json                                                OK
-+ transactionFromNotExistingAccount.json                          OK
-+ txCost-sec73.json                                               OK
-OK: 69/70 Fail: 0/70 Skip: 1/70
-## bcTotalDifficultyTest
-+ lotsOfBranchesOverrideAtTheEnd.json                             OK
-+ lotsOfBranchesOverrideAtTheMiddle.json                          OK
-+ lotsOfLeafs.json                                                OK
-+ newChainFrom4Block.json                                         OK
-+ newChainFrom5Block.json                                         OK
-+ newChainFrom6Block.json                                         OK
-+ sideChainWithMoreTransactions.json                              OK
-+ sideChainWithMoreTransactions2.json                             OK
-+ sideChainWithNewMaxDifficultyStartingFromBlock3AfterBlock4.json OK
-+ uncleBlockAtBlock3AfterBlock3.json                              OK
-+ uncleBlockAtBlock3afterBlock4.json                              OK
-OK: 11/11 Fail: 0/11 Skip: 0/11
-## bcUncleHeaderValidity
-+ correct.json                                                    OK
-+ diffTooHigh.json                                                OK
-+ diffTooLow.json                                                 OK
-+ diffTooLow2.json                                                OK
-+ gasLimitLTGasUsageUncle.json                                    OK
-+ gasLimitTooHigh.json                                            OK
-+ gasLimitTooHighExactBound.json                                  OK
-+ gasLimitTooLow.json                                             OK
-+ gasLimitTooLowExactBound.json                                   OK
-+ gasLimitTooLowExactBound2.json                                  OK
-+ incorrectUncleNumber0.json                                      OK
-+ incorrectUncleNumber1.json                                      OK
-+ incorrectUncleNumber500.json                                    OK
-+ incorrectUncleTimestamp.json                                    OK
-+ incorrectUncleTimestamp2.json                                   OK
-+ incorrectUncleTimestamp3.json                                   OK
-+ incorrectUncleTimestamp4.json                                   OK
-+ incorrectUncleTimestamp5.json                                   OK
-+ pastUncleTimestamp.json                                         OK
-+ timestampTooHigh.json                                           OK
-+ timestampTooLow.json                                            OK
-+ unknownUncleParentHash.json                                     OK
-+ wrongParentHash.json                                            OK
-+ wrongStateRoot.json                                             OK
-OK: 24/24 Fail: 0/24 Skip: 0/24
-## bcUncleSpecialTests
-+ futureUncleTimestamp2.json                                      OK
-+ futureUncleTimestamp3.json                                      OK
-+ futureUncleTimestampDifficultyDrop.json                         OK
-+ futureUncleTimestampDifficultyDrop2.json                        OK
-+ futureUncleTimestampDifficultyDrop3.json                        OK
-+ futureUncleTimestampDifficultyDrop4.json                        OK
-+ uncleBloomNot0.json                                             OK
-+ uncleBloomNot0_2.json                                           OK
-+ uncleBloomNot0_3.json                                           OK
-OK: 9/9 Fail: 0/9 Skip: 0/9
-## bcUncleTest
-+ EqualUncleInTwoDifferentBlocks.json                             OK
-+ InChainUncle.json                                               OK
-+ InChainUncleFather.json                                         OK
-+ InChainUncleGrandPa.json                                        OK
-+ InChainUncleGreatGrandPa.json                                   OK
-+ InChainUncleGreatGreatGrandPa.json                              OK
-+ InChainUncleGreatGreatGreatGrandPa.json                         OK
-+ InChainUncleGreatGreatGreatGreatGrandPa.json                    OK
-+ UncleIsBrother.json                                             OK
-+ oneUncle.json                                                   OK
-+ oneUncleGeneration2.json                                        OK
-+ oneUncleGeneration3.json                                        OK
-+ oneUncleGeneration4.json                                        OK
-+ oneUncleGeneration5.json                                        OK
-+ oneUncleGeneration6.json                                        OK
-+ oneUncleGeneration7.json                                        OK
-+ threeUncle.json                                                 OK
-+ twoEqualUncle.json                                              OK
-+ twoUncle.json                                                   OK
-+ uncleHeaderAtBlock2.json                                        OK
-+ uncleHeaderWithGeneration0.json                                 OK
-+ uncleWithSameBlockNumber.json                                   OK
-OK: 22/22 Fail: 0/22 Skip: 0/22
-## bcValidBlockTest
-+ ExtraData32.json                                                OK
-+ RecallSuicidedContract.json                                     OK
-+ RecallSuicidedContractInOneBlock.json                           OK
-+ SimpleTx.json                                                   OK
-+ SimpleTx3LowS.json                                              OK
-+ callRevert.json                                                 OK
-+ createRevert.json                                               OK
-+ dataTx.json                                                     OK
-+ dataTx2.json                                                    OK
-+ diff1024.json                                                   OK
-+ gasLimitTooHigh.json                                            OK
-+ gasLimitTooHigh2.json                                           OK
-+ gasPrice0.json                                                  OK
-+ log1_correct.json                                               OK
-+ timeDiff12.json                                                 OK
-+ timeDiff13.json                                                 OK
-+ timeDiff14.json                                                 OK
-OK: 17/17 Fail: 0/17 Skip: 0/17
-## bcWalletTest
-+ wallet2outOf3txs.json                                           OK
-+ wallet2outOf3txs2.json                                          OK
-+ wallet2outOf3txsRevoke.json                                     OK
-+ wallet2outOf3txsRevokeAndConfirmAgain.json                      OK
-+ walletReorganizeOwners.json                                     OK
-OK: 5/5 Fail: 0/5 Skip: 0/5
-## stArgsZeroOneBalance
-+ addNonConst.json                                                OK
-+ addmodNonConst.json                                             OK
-+ andNonConst.json                                                OK
-+ balanceNonConst.json                                            OK
-+ byteNonConst.json                                               OK
-+ callNonConst.json                                               OK
-+ callcodeNonConst.json                                           OK
-+ calldatacopyNonConst.json                                       OK
-+ calldataloadNonConst.json                                       OK
-+ codecopyNonConst.json                                           OK
-+ createNonConst.json                                             OK
-+ delegatecallNonConst.json                                       OK
-+ divNonConst.json                                                OK
-+ eqNonConst.json                                                 OK
-+ expNonConst.json                                                OK
-+ extcodecopyNonConst.json                                        OK
-+ extcodesizeNonConst.json                                        OK
-+ gtNonConst.json                                                 OK
-+ iszeroNonConst.json                                             OK
-+ jumpNonConst.json                                               OK
-+ jumpiNonConst.json                                              OK
-+ log0NonConst.json                                               OK
-+ log1NonConst.json                                               OK
-+ log2NonConst.json                                               OK
-+ log3NonConst.json                                               OK
-+ ltNonConst.json                                                 OK
-+ mloadNonConst.json                                              OK
-+ modNonConst.json                                                OK
-+ mstore8NonConst.json                                            OK
-+ mstoreNonConst.json                                             OK
-+ mulNonConst.json                                                OK
-+ mulmodNonConst.json                                             OK
-+ notNonConst.json                                                OK
-+ orNonConst.json                                                 OK
-+ returnNonConst.json                                             OK
-+ sdivNonConst.json                                               OK
-+ sgtNonConst.json                                                OK
-+ sha3NonConst.json                                               OK
-+ signextNonConst.json                                            OK
-+ sloadNonConst.json                                              OK
-+ sltNonConst.json                                                OK
-+ smodNonConst.json                                               OK
-+ sstoreNonConst.json                                             OK
-+ subNonConst.json                                                OK
-+ suicideNonConst.json                                            OK
-+ xorNonConst.json                                                OK
-OK: 46/46 Fail: 0/46 Skip: 0/46
-## stAttackTest
-  ContractCreationSpam.json                                       Skip
-+ CrashingTransaction.json                                        OK
-OK: 1/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 1/2
-## stBadOpcode
-+ badOpcodes.json                                                 OK
-+ invalidAddr.json                                                OK
-OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2
-## stBugs
-+ evmBytecode.json                                                OK
-+ randomStatetestDEFAULT-Tue_07_58_41-15153-575192.json           OK
-+ returndatacopyPythonBug_Tue_03_48_41-1432.json                  OK
-+ staticcall_createfails.json                                     OK
-OK: 4/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 0/4
-## stCallCodes
-+ call_OOG_additionalGasCosts1.json                               OK
-+ call_OOG_additionalGasCosts2.json                               OK
-+ callcall_00.json                                                OK
-+ callcall_00_OOGE.json                                           OK
-+ callcall_00_OOGE_valueTransfer.json                             OK
-+ callcall_00_SuicideEnd.json                                     OK
-+ callcallcall_000.json                                           OK
-+ callcallcall_000_OOGE.json                                      OK
-+ callcallcall_000_OOGMAfter.json                                 OK
-+ callcallcall_000_OOGMBefore.json                                OK
-+ callcallcall_000_SuicideEnd.json                                OK
-+ callcallcall_000_SuicideMiddle.json                             OK
-+ callcallcall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                                OK
-+ callcallcallcode_001.json                                       OK
-+ callcallcallcode_001_OOGE.json                                  OK
-+ callcallcallcode_001_OOGMAfter.json                             OK
-+ callcallcallcode_001_OOGMBefore.json                            OK
-+ callcallcallcode_001_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
-+ callcallcallcode_001_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
-  callcallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
-+ callcallcode_01.json                                            OK
-+ callcallcode_01_OOGE.json                                       OK
-+ callcallcode_01_SuicideEnd.json                                 OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010.json                                       OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010_OOGE.json                                  OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010_OOGMAfter.json                             OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010_OOGMBefore.json                            OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
-  callcallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011.json                                   OK
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGE.json                              OK
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMAfter.json                         OK
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
-  callcallcodecallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
-+ callcodeDynamicCode.json                                        OK
-+ callcodeDynamicCode2SelfCall.json                               OK
-+ callcodeEmptycontract.json                                      OK
-+ callcodeInInitcodeToEmptyContract.json                          OK
-+ callcodeInInitcodeToExisContractWithVTransferNEMoney.json       OK
-+ callcodeInInitcodeToExistingContract.json                       OK
-+ callcodeInInitcodeToExistingContractWithValueTransfer.json      OK
-+ callcode_checkPC.json                                           OK
-+ callcodecall_10.json                                            OK
-+ callcodecall_10_OOGE.json                                       OK
-+ callcodecall_10_SuicideEnd.json                                 OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100.json                                       OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100_OOGE.json                                  OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100_OOGMAfter.json                             OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100_OOGMBefore.json                            OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
-  callcodecallcall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101.json                                   OK
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGE.json                              OK
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMAfter.json                         OK
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
-  callcodecallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
-+ callcodecallcode_11.json                                        OK
-+ callcodecallcode_11_OOGE.json                                   OK
-+ callcodecallcode_11_SuicideEnd.json                             OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110.json                                   OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGE.json                              OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGMAfter.json                         OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
-  callcodecallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111.json                               OK
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGE.json                          OK
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGMAfter.json                     OK
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGMBefore.json                    OK
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_SuicideEnd.json                    OK
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_SuicideMiddle.json                 OK
-  callcodecallcodecallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                    Skip
-OK: 72/79 Fail: 0/79 Skip: 7/79
-## stCallCreateCallCodeTest
-  Call1024BalanceTooLow.json                                      Skip
-  Call1024OOG.json                                                Skip
-  Call1024PreCalls.json                                           Skip
-+ CallLoseGasOOG.json                                             OK
-  CallRecursiveBombPreCall.json                                   Skip
-  Callcode1024BalanceTooLow.json                                  Skip
-  Callcode1024OOG.json                                            Skip
-+ CallcodeLoseGasOOG.json                                         OK
-+ callOutput1.json                                                OK
-+ callOutput2.json                                                OK
-+ callOutput3.json                                                OK
-+ callOutput3Fail.json                                            OK
-+ callOutput3partial.json                                         OK
-+ callOutput3partialFail.json                                     OK
-+ callWithHighValue.json                                          OK
-+ callWithHighValueAndGasOOG.json                                 OK
-+ callWithHighValueAndOOGatTxLevel.json                           OK
-+ callWithHighValueOOGinCall.json                                 OK
-+ callcodeOutput1.json                                            OK
-+ callcodeOutput2.json                                            OK
-+ callcodeOutput3.json                                            OK
-+ callcodeOutput3Fail.json                                        OK
-+ callcodeOutput3partial.json                                     OK
-+ callcodeOutput3partialFail.json                                 OK
-+ callcodeWithHighValue.json                                      OK
-+ callcodeWithHighValueAndGasOOG.json                             OK
-+ contractCreationMakeCallThatAskMoreGasThenTransactionProvided.j OK
-+ createFailBalanceTooLow.json                                    OK
-+ createInitFailBadJumpDestination.json                           OK
-+ createInitFailBadJumpDestination2.json                          OK
-+ createInitFailStackSizeLargerThan1024.json                      OK
-+ createInitFailStackUnderflow.json                               OK
-+ createInitFailUndefinedInstruction.json                         OK
-+ createInitFailUndefinedInstruction2.json                        OK
-+ createInitFail_OOGduringInit.json                               OK
-+ createInitFail_OOGduringInit2.json                              OK
-+ createInitOOGforCREATE.json                                     OK
-+ createJS_ExampleContract.json                                   OK
-+ createJS_NoCollision.json                                       OK
-+ createNameRegistratorPerTxs.json                                OK
-+ createNameRegistratorPerTxsNotEnoughGas.json                    OK
-+ createNameRegistratorPreStore1NotEnoughGas.json                 OK
-+ createNameRegistratorendowmentTooHigh.json                      OK
-OK: 37/43 Fail: 0/43 Skip: 6/43
-## stCallDelegateCodesCallCodeHomestead
-+ callcallcallcode_001.json                                       OK
-+ callcallcallcode_001_OOGE.json                                  OK
-+ callcallcallcode_001_OOGMAfter.json                             OK
-+ callcallcallcode_001_OOGMBefore.json                            OK
-+ callcallcallcode_001_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
-+ callcallcallcode_001_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
-  callcallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
-+ callcallcode_01.json                                            OK
-+ callcallcode_01_OOGE.json                                       OK
-+ callcallcode_01_SuicideEnd.json                                 OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010.json                                       OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010_OOGE.json                                  OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010_OOGMAfter.json                             OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010_OOGMBefore.json                            OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
-  callcallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011.json                                   OK
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGE.json                              OK
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMAfter.json                         OK
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
-  callcallcodecallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
-+ callcodecall_10.json                                            OK
-+ callcodecall_10_OOGE.json                                       OK
-+ callcodecall_10_SuicideEnd.json                                 OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100.json                                       OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100_OOGE.json                                  OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100_OOGMAfter.json                             OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100_OOGMBefore.json                            OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
-  callcodecallcall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101.json                                   OK
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGE.json                              OK
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMAfter.json                         OK
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
-  callcodecallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
-+ callcodecallcode_11.json                                        OK
-+ callcodecallcode_11_OOGE.json                                   OK
-+ callcodecallcode_11_SuicideEnd.json                             OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110.json                                   OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGE.json                              OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGMAfter.json                         OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
-  callcodecallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111.json                               OK
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGE.json                          OK
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGMAfter.json                     OK
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGMBefore.json                    OK
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_SuicideEnd.json                    OK
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_SuicideMiddle.json                 OK
-  callcodecallcodecallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                    Skip
-OK: 51/58 Fail: 0/58 Skip: 7/58
-## stCallDelegateCodesHomestead
-+ callcallcallcode_001.json                                       OK
-+ callcallcallcode_001_OOGE.json                                  OK
-+ callcallcallcode_001_OOGMAfter.json                             OK
-+ callcallcallcode_001_OOGMBefore.json                            OK
-+ callcallcallcode_001_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
-+ callcallcallcode_001_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
-  callcallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
-+ callcallcode_01.json                                            OK
-+ callcallcode_01_OOGE.json                                       OK
-+ callcallcode_01_SuicideEnd.json                                 OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010.json                                       OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010_OOGE.json                                  OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010_OOGMAfter.json                             OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010_OOGMBefore.json                            OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
-+ callcallcodecall_010_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
-  callcallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011.json                                   OK
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGE.json                              OK
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMAfter.json                         OK
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
-+ callcallcodecallcode_011_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
-  callcallcodecallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
-+ callcodecall_10.json                                            OK
-+ callcodecall_10_OOGE.json                                       OK
-+ callcodecall_10_SuicideEnd.json                                 OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100.json                                       OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100_OOGE.json                                  OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100_OOGMAfter.json                             OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100_OOGMBefore.json                            OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100_SuicideEnd.json                            OK
-+ callcodecallcall_100_SuicideMiddle.json                         OK
-  callcodecallcall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                            Skip
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101.json                                   OK
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGE.json                              OK
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMAfter.json                         OK
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
-+ callcodecallcallcode_101_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
-  callcodecallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
-+ callcodecallcode_11.json                                        OK
-+ callcodecallcode_11_OOGE.json                                   OK
-+ callcodecallcode_11_SuicideEnd.json                             OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110.json                                   OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGE.json                              OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGMAfter.json                         OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGMBefore.json                        OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110_SuicideEnd.json                        OK
-+ callcodecallcodecall_110_SuicideMiddle.json                     OK
-  callcodecallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                        Skip
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111.json                               OK
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGE.json                          OK
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGMAfter.json                     OK
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_OOGMBefore.json                    OK
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_SuicideEnd.json                    OK
-+ callcodecallcodecallcode_111_SuicideMiddle.json                 OK
-  callcodecallcodecallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                    Skip
-OK: 51/58 Fail: 0/58 Skip: 7/58
-## stChainId
-+ chainId.json                                                    OK
-+ chainIdGasCost.json                                             OK
-OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2
-## stCodeCopyTest
-+ ExtCodeCopyTargetRangeLongerThanCodeTests.json                  OK
-+ ExtCodeCopyTests.json                                           OK
-OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2
-## stCodeSizeLimit
-+ codesizeInit.json                                               OK
-+ codesizeOOGInvalidSize.json                                     OK
-+ codesizeValid.json                                              OK
-OK: 3/3 Fail: 0/3 Skip: 0/3
-## stCreate2
-+ CREATE2_Bounds.json                                             OK
-+ CREATE2_Bounds2.json                                            OK
-+ CREATE2_Bounds3.json                                            OK
-+ CREATE2_ContractSuicideDuringInit_ThenStoreThenReturn.json      OK
-+ CREATE2_Suicide.json                                            OK
-+ Create2OOGafterInitCode.json                                    OK
-+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeReturndata.json                          OK
-+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeReturndata2.json                         OK
-+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeReturndata3.json                         OK
-+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeReturndataSize.json                      OK
-+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeRevert.json                              OK
-+ Create2OOGafterInitCodeRevert2.json                             OK
-+ Create2OnDepth1023.json                                         OK
-+ Create2OnDepth1024.json                                         OK
-  Create2Recursive.json                                           Skip
-+ CreateMessageReverted.json                                      OK
-+ CreateMessageRevertedOOGInInit.json                             OK
-+ RevertDepthCreate2OOG.json                                      OK
-+ RevertDepthCreate2OOGBerlin.json                                OK
-+ RevertDepthCreateAddressCollision.json                          OK
-+ RevertDepthCreateAddressCollisionBerlin.json                    OK
-+ RevertInCreateInInitCreate2.json                                OK
-+ RevertOpcodeCreate.json                                         OK
-+ RevertOpcodeInCreateReturnsCreate2.json                         OK
-+ call_outsize_then_create2_successful_then_returndatasize.json   OK
-+ call_then_create2_successful_then_returndatasize.json           OK
-+ create2InitCodes.json                                           OK
-+ create2SmartInitCode.json                                       OK
-+ create2callPrecompiles.json                                     OK
-+ create2checkFieldsInInitcode.json                               OK
-+ create2collisionBalance.json                                    OK
-+ create2collisionCode.json                                       OK
-+ create2collisionCode2.json                                      OK
-+ create2collisionNonce.json                                      OK
-+ create2collisionSelfdestructed.json                             OK
-+ create2collisionSelfdestructed2.json                            OK
-+ create2collisionSelfdestructedOOG.json                          OK
-+ create2collisionSelfdestructedRevert.json                       OK
-+ create2collisionStorage.json                                    OK
-+ create2noCash.json                                              OK
-+ returndatacopy_0_0_following_successful_create.json             OK
-+ returndatacopy_afterFailing_create.json                         OK
-+ returndatacopy_following_create.json                            OK
-+ returndatacopy_following_revert_in_create.json                  OK
-+ returndatacopy_following_successful_create.json                 OK
-+ returndatasize_following_successful_create.json                 OK
-OK: 45/46 Fail: 0/46 Skip: 1/46
-## stCreateTest
-+ CREATE_AcreateB_BSuicide_BStore.json                            OK
-+ CREATE_ContractRETURNBigOffset.json                             OK
-+ CREATE_ContractSSTOREDuringInit.json                            OK
-+ CREATE_ContractSuicideDuringInit.json                           OK
-+ CREATE_ContractSuicideDuringInit_ThenStoreThenReturn.json       OK
-+ CREATE_ContractSuicideDuringInit_WithValue.json                 OK
-+ CREATE_ContractSuicideDuringInit_WithValueToItself.json         OK
-+ CREATE_EContractCreateEContractInInit_Tr.json                   OK
-+ CREATE_EContractCreateNEContractInInitOOG_Tr.json               OK
-+ CREATE_EContractCreateNEContractInInit_Tr.json                  OK
-+ CREATE_EContract_ThenCALLToNonExistentAcc.json                  OK
-+ CREATE_EmptyContract.json                                       OK
-+ CREATE_EmptyContractAndCallIt_0wei.json                         OK
-+ CREATE_EmptyContractAndCallIt_1wei.json                         OK
-+ CREATE_EmptyContractWithBalance.json                            OK
-+ CREATE_EmptyContractWithStorage.json                            OK
-+ CREATE_EmptyContractWithStorageAndCallIt_0wei.json              OK
-+ CREATE_EmptyContractWithStorageAndCallIt_1wei.json              OK
-+ CREATE_empty000CreateinInitCode_Transaction.json                OK
-+ CodeInConstructor.json                                          OK
-+ CreateCollisionResults.json                                     OK
-+ CreateCollisionToEmpty.json                                     OK
-+ CreateOOGafterInitCode.json                                     OK
-+ CreateOOGafterInitCodeReturndata.json                           OK
-+ CreateOOGafterInitCodeReturndata2.json                          OK
-+ CreateOOGafterInitCodeReturndata3.json                          OK
-+ CreateOOGafterInitCodeReturndataSize.json                       OK
-+ CreateOOGafterInitCodeRevert.json                               OK
-+ CreateOOGafterInitCodeRevert2.json                              OK
-+ CreateResults.json                                              OK
-+ TransactionCollisionToEmpty.json                                OK
-+ TransactionCollisionToEmptyButCode.json                         OK
-+ TransactionCollisionToEmptyButNonce.json                        OK
-OK: 33/33 Fail: 0/33 Skip: 0/33
-## stDelegatecallTestHomestead
-  Call1024BalanceTooLow.json                                      Skip
-  Call1024OOG.json                                                Skip
-  Call1024PreCalls.json                                           Skip
-+ CallLoseGasOOG.json                                             OK
-  CallRecursiveBombPreCall.json                                   Skip
-+ CallcodeLoseGasOOG.json                                         OK
-  Delegatecall1024.json                                           Skip
-  Delegatecall1024OOG.json                                        Skip
-+ callOutput1.json                                                OK
-+ callOutput2.json                                                OK
-+ callOutput3.json                                                OK
-+ callOutput3partial.json                                         OK
-+ callOutput3partialFail.json                                     OK
-+ callWithHighValueAndGasOOG.json                                 OK
-+ callcodeOutput3.json                                            OK
-+ callcodeWithHighValueAndGasOOG.json                             OK
-+ deleagateCallAfterValueTransfer.json                            OK
-+ delegatecallAndOOGatTxLevel.json                                OK
-+ delegatecallBasic.json                                          OK
-+ delegatecallEmptycontract.json                                  OK
-+ delegatecallInInitcodeToEmptyContract.json                      OK
-+ delegatecallInInitcodeToExistingContract.json                   OK
-+ delegatecallInInitcodeToExistingContractOOG.json                OK
-+ delegatecallOOGinCall.json                                      OK
-+ delegatecallSenderCheck.json                                    OK
-+ delegatecallValueCheck.json                                     OK
-+ delegatecodeDynamicCode.json                                    OK
-+ delegatecodeDynamicCode2SelfCall.json                           OK
-OK: 22/28 Fail: 0/28 Skip: 6/28
-## stEIP150Specific
-+ CallAndCallcodeConsumeMoreGasThenTransactionHas.json            OK
-+ CallAskMoreGasOnDepth2ThenTransactionHas.json                   OK
-+ CallGoesOOGOnSecondLevel.json                                   OK
-+ CallGoesOOGOnSecondLevel2.json                                  OK
-+ CreateAndGasInsideCreate.json                                   OK
-+ DelegateCallOnEIP.json                                          OK
-+ ExecuteCallThatAskForeGasThenTrabsactionHas.json                OK
-+ NewGasPriceForCodes.json                                        OK
-+ SuicideToExistingContract.json                                  OK
-+ SuicideToNotExistingContract.json                               OK
-+ Transaction64Rule_d64e0.json                                    OK
-+ Transaction64Rule_d64m1.json                                    OK
-+ Transaction64Rule_d64p1.json                                    OK
-OK: 13/13 Fail: 0/13 Skip: 0/13
-## stEIP150singleCodeGasPrices
-+ RawBalanceGas.json                                              OK
-+ RawCallCodeGas.json                                             OK
-+ RawCallCodeGasAsk.json                                          OK
-+ RawCallCodeGasMemory.json                                       OK
-+ RawCallCodeGasMemoryAsk.json                                    OK
-+ RawCallCodeGasValueTransfer.json                                OK
-+ RawCallCodeGasValueTransferAsk.json                             OK
-+ RawCallCodeGasValueTransferMemory.json                          OK
-+ RawCallCodeGasValueTransferMemoryAsk.json                       OK
-+ RawCallGas.json                                                 OK
-+ RawCallGasAsk.json                                              OK
-+ RawCallGasValueTransfer.json                                    OK
-+ RawCallGasValueTransferAsk.json                                 OK
-+ RawCallGasValueTransferMemory.json                              OK
-+ RawCallGasValueTransferMemoryAsk.json                           OK
-+ RawCallMemoryGas.json                                           OK
-+ RawCallMemoryGasAsk.json                                        OK
-+ RawCreateFailGasValueTransfer.json                              OK
-+ RawCreateFailGasValueTransfer2.json                             OK
-+ RawCreateGas.json                                               OK
-+ RawCreateGasMemory.json                                         OK
-+ RawCreateGasValueTransfer.json                                  OK
-+ RawCreateGasValueTransferMemory.json                            OK
-+ RawDelegateCallGas.json                                         OK
-+ RawDelegateCallGasAsk.json                                      OK
-+ RawDelegateCallGasMemory.json                                   OK
-+ RawDelegateCallGasMemoryAsk.json                                OK
-+ RawExtCodeCopyGas.json                                          OK
-+ RawExtCodeCopyMemoryGas.json                                    OK
-+ RawExtCodeSizeGas.json                                          OK
-+ eip2929-ff.json                                                 OK
-+ eip2929.json                                                    OK
-+ gasCost.json                                                    OK
-+ gasCostBerlin.json                                              OK
-+ gasCostExp.json                                                 OK
-+ gasCostJump.json                                                OK
-+ gasCostMemSeg.json                                              OK
-+ gasCostMemory.json                                              OK
-+ gasCostReturn.json                                              OK
-OK: 39/39 Fail: 0/39 Skip: 0/39
-## stEIP158Specific
-+ CALL_OneVCallSuicide.json                                       OK
-+ CALL_ZeroVCallSuicide.json                                      OK
-+ EXP_Empty.json                                                  OK
-+ EXTCODESIZE_toEpmty.json                                        OK
-+ EXTCODESIZE_toNonExistent.json                                  OK
-+ callToEmptyThenCallError.json                                   OK
-+ vitalikTransactionTest.json                                     OK
-OK: 7/7 Fail: 0/7 Skip: 0/7
-## stEIP2537
-+ extras_fp2_to_g2_0.json                                         OK
-+ extras_fp2_to_g2_1.json                                         OK
-+ extras_fp2_to_g2_2.json                                         OK
-+ extras_fp_to_g1_0.json                                          OK
-+ extras_fp_to_g1_1.json                                          OK
-+ extras_fp_to_g1_2.json                                          OK
-+ extras_g2_multiexp_0.json                                       OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_0.json                                                OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_1.json                                                OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_10.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_11.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_12.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_13.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_14.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_15.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_16.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_17.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_18.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_19.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_2.json                                                OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_20.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_21.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_22.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_23.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_24.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_25.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_26.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_27.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_28.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_29.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_3.json                                                OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_30.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_31.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_32.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_33.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_34.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_35.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_36.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_37.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_38.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_39.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_4.json                                                OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_40.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_41.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_42.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_43.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_44.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_45.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_46.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_47.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_48.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_49.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_5.json                                                OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_50.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_51.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_52.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_53.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_54.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_55.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_56.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_57.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_58.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_59.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_6.json                                                OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_60.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_61.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_62.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_63.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_64.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_65.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_66.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_67.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_68.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_69.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_7.json                                                OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_70.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_71.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_72.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_73.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_74.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_75.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_76.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_77.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_78.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_79.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_8.json                                                OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_80.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_81.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_82.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_83.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_84.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_85.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_86.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_87.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_88.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_89.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_9.json                                                OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_90.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_91.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_92.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_93.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_94.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_95.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_96.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_97.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_98.json                                               OK
-+ fp2_to_g2_99.json                                               OK
-+ fp_to_g1_0.json                                                 OK
-+ fp_to_g1_1.json                                                 OK
-+ fp_to_g1_10.json                                                OK
-+ fp_to_g1_11.json                                                OK
-+ fp_to_g1_12.json                                                OK
-+ fp_to_g1_13.json                                                OK
-+ fp_to_g1_14.json                                                OK
-+ fp_to_g1_15.json                                                OK
-+ fp_to_g1_16.json                                                OK
-+ fp_to_g1_17.json                                                OK
-+ fp_to_g1_18.json                                                OK
-+ fp_to_g1_19.json                                                OK
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-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_74.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_75.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_76.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_77.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_78.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_79.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_8.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_80.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_81.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_82.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_83.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_84.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_85.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_86.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_87.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_88.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_89.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_9.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_90.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_91.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_92.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_93.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_94.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_95.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_96.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_97.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_98.json                                    OK
-+ invalid_fp2_encoding_99.json                                    OK
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-+ invalid_fp_encoding_1.json                                      OK
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-+ invalid_fp_encoding_11.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp_encoding_12.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp_encoding_13.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp_encoding_14.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp_encoding_15.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp_encoding_16.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp_encoding_17.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp_encoding_18.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp_encoding_19.json                                     OK
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-+ invalid_fp_encoding_20.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp_encoding_21.json                                     OK
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-+ invalid_fp_encoding_32.json                                     OK
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-+ invalid_fp_encoding_34.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp_encoding_35.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp_encoding_36.json                                     OK
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-+ invalid_fp_encoding_47.json                                     OK
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-+ invalid_fp_encoding_74.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp_encoding_75.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp_encoding_76.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp_encoding_77.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp_encoding_78.json                                     OK
-+ invalid_fp_encoding_79.json                                     OK
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-+ invalid_fp_encoding_84.json                                     OK
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-+ invalid_subgroup_for_pairing_97.json                            OK
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-+ pairing_40.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_41.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_42.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_43.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_44.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_45.json                                                 OK
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-+ pairing_49.json                                                 OK
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-+ pairing_50.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_51.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_52.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_53.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_54.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_55.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_56.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_57.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_58.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_59.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_6.json                                                  OK
-+ pairing_60.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_61.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_62.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_63.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_64.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_65.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_66.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_67.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_68.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_69.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_7.json                                                  OK
-+ pairing_70.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_71.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_72.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_73.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_74.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_75.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_76.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_77.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_78.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_79.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_8.json                                                  OK
-+ pairing_80.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_81.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_82.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_83.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_84.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_85.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_86.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_87.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_88.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_89.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_9.json                                                  OK
-+ pairing_90.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_91.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_92.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_93.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_94.json                                                 OK
-+ pairing_95.json                                                 OK
-OK: 1403/1403 Fail: 0/1403 Skip: 0/1403
-## stExample
-+ add11.json                                                      OK
-OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1
-## stExtCodeHash
-+ callToNonExistent.json                                          OK
-+ callToSuicideThenExtcodehash.json                               OK
-+ codeCopyZero.json                                               OK
-+ createEmptyThenExtcodehash.json                                 OK
-+ dynamicAccountOverwriteEmpty.json                               OK
-+ extCodeCopyBounds.json                                          OK
-+ extCodeHashAccountWithoutCode.json                              OK
-+ extCodeHashCALL.json                                            OK
-+ extCodeHashCALLCODE.json                                        OK
-+ extCodeHashChangedAccount.json                                  OK
-+ extCodeHashCreatedAndDeletedAccount.json                        OK
-+ extCodeHashCreatedAndDeletedAccountCall.json                    OK
-+ extCodeHashCreatedAndDeletedAccountRecheckInOuterCall.json      OK
-+ extCodeHashCreatedAndDeletedAccountStaticCall.json              OK
-+ extCodeHashDELEGATECALL.json                                    OK
-+ extCodeHashDeletedAccount.json                                  OK
-+ extCodeHashDeletedAccount1.json                                 OK
-+ extCodeHashDeletedAccount2.json                                 OK
-+ extCodeHashDeletedAccount3.json                                 OK
-+ extCodeHashDeletedAccount4.json                                 OK
-+ extCodeHashDynamicArgument.json                                 OK
-+ extCodeHashInInitCode.json                                      OK
-+ extCodeHashMaxCodeSize.json                                     OK
-+ extCodeHashNewAccount.json                                      OK
-+ extCodeHashNonExistingAccount.json                              OK
-+ extCodeHashPrecompiles.json                                     OK
-+ extCodeHashSTATICCALL.json                                      OK
-+ extCodeHashSelf.json                                            OK
-+ extCodeHashSelfInInit.json                                      OK
-+ extCodeHashSubcallOOG.json                                      OK
-+ extCodeHashSubcallSuicide.json                                  OK
-OK: 31/31 Fail: 0/31 Skip: 0/31
-## stHomesteadSpecific
-+ contractCreationOOGdontLeaveEmptyContract.json                  OK
-+ contractCreationOOGdontLeaveEmptyContractViaTransaction.json    OK
-+ createContractViaContract.json                                  OK
-+ createContractViaContractOOGInitCode.json                       OK
-+ createContractViaTransactionCost53000.json                      OK
-OK: 5/5 Fail: 0/5 Skip: 0/5
-## stInitCodeTest
-+ CallContractToCreateContractAndCallItOOG.json                   OK
-+ CallContractToCreateContractNoCash.json                         OK
-+ CallContractToCreateContractOOG.json                            OK
-+ CallContractToCreateContractOOGBonusGas.json                    OK
-+ CallContractToCreateContractWhichWouldCreateContractIfCalled.js OK
-+ CallContractToCreateContractWhichWouldCreateContractInInitCode. OK
-+ CallRecursiveContract.json                                      OK
-+ CallTheContractToCreateEmptyContract.json                       OK
-+ OutOfGasContractCreation.json                                   OK
-+ OutOfGasPrefundedContractCreation.json                          OK
-+ ReturnTest.json                                                 OK
-+ ReturnTest2.json                                                OK
-+ StackUnderFlowContractCreation.json                             OK
-+ TransactionCreateAutoSuicideContract.json                       OK
-+ TransactionCreateRandomInitCode.json                            OK
-+ TransactionCreateStopInInitcode.json                            OK
-+ TransactionCreateSuicideInInitcode.json                         OK
-OK: 17/17 Fail: 0/17 Skip: 0/17
-## stLogTests
-+ log0_emptyMem.json                                              OK
-+ log0_logMemStartTooHigh.json                                    OK
-+ log0_logMemsizeTooHigh.json                                     OK
-+ log0_logMemsizeZero.json                                        OK
-+ log0_nonEmptyMem.json                                           OK
-+ log0_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1.json                               OK
-+ log0_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1_logMemStart31.json                 OK
-+ log1_Caller.json                                                OK
-+ log1_MaxTopic.json                                              OK
-+ log1_emptyMem.json                                              OK
-+ log1_logMemStartTooHigh.json                                    OK
-+ log1_logMemsizeTooHigh.json                                     OK
-+ log1_logMemsizeZero.json                                        OK
-+ log1_nonEmptyMem.json                                           OK
-+ log1_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1.json                               OK
-+ log1_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1_logMemStart31.json                 OK
-+ log2_Caller.json                                                OK
-+ log2_MaxTopic.json                                              OK
-+ log2_emptyMem.json                                              OK
-+ log2_logMemStartTooHigh.json                                    OK
-+ log2_logMemsizeTooHigh.json                                     OK
-+ log2_logMemsizeZero.json                                        OK
-+ log2_nonEmptyMem.json                                           OK
-+ log2_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1.json                               OK
-+ log2_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1_logMemStart31.json                 OK
-+ log3_Caller.json                                                OK
-+ log3_MaxTopic.json                                              OK
-+ log3_PC.json                                                    OK
-+ log3_emptyMem.json                                              OK
-+ log3_logMemStartTooHigh.json                                    OK
-+ log3_logMemsizeTooHigh.json                                     OK
-+ log3_logMemsizeZero.json                                        OK
-+ log3_nonEmptyMem.json                                           OK
-+ log3_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1.json                               OK
-+ log3_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1_logMemStart31.json                 OK
-+ log4_Caller.json                                                OK
-+ log4_MaxTopic.json                                              OK
-+ log4_PC.json                                                    OK
-+ log4_emptyMem.json                                              OK
-+ log4_logMemStartTooHigh.json                                    OK
-+ log4_logMemsizeTooHigh.json                                     OK
-+ log4_logMemsizeZero.json                                        OK
-+ log4_nonEmptyMem.json                                           OK
-+ log4_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1.json                               OK
-+ log4_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1_logMemStart31.json                 OK
-+ logInOOG_Call.json                                              OK
-OK: 46/46 Fail: 0/46 Skip: 0/46
-## stMemExpandingEIP150Calls
-+ CallAndCallcodeConsumeMoreGasThenTransactionHasWithMemExpanding OK
-+ CallAskMoreGasOnDepth2ThenTransactionHasWithMemExpandingCalls.j OK
-+ CallGoesOOGOnSecondLevel2WithMemExpandingCalls.json             OK
-+ CallGoesOOGOnSecondLevelWithMemExpandingCalls.json              OK
-+ CreateAndGasInsideCreateWithMemExpandingCalls.json              OK
-+ DelegateCallOnEIPWithMemExpandingCalls.json                     OK
-+ ExecuteCallThatAskMoreGasThenTransactionHasWithMemExpandingCall OK
-+ NewGasPriceForCodesWithMemExpandingCalls.json                   OK
-+ OOGinReturn.json                                                OK
-OK: 9/9 Fail: 0/9 Skip: 0/9
-## stMemoryStressTest
-  CALLCODE_Bounds.json                                            Skip
-  CALLCODE_Bounds2.json                                           Skip
-  CALLCODE_Bounds3.json                                           Skip
-  CALLCODE_Bounds4.json                                           Skip
-  CALL_Bounds.json                                                Skip
-  CALL_Bounds2.json                                               Skip
-  CALL_Bounds2a.json                                              Skip
-  CALL_Bounds3.json                                               Skip
-+ CREATE_Bounds.json                                              OK
-+ CREATE_Bounds2.json                                             OK
-+ CREATE_Bounds3.json                                             OK
-  DELEGATECALL_Bounds.json                                        Skip
-  DELEGATECALL_Bounds2.json                                       Skip
-  DELEGATECALL_Bounds3.json                                       Skip
-+ DUP_Bounds.json                                                 OK
-+ FillStack.json                                                  OK
-+ JUMPI_Bounds.json                                               OK
-+ JUMP_Bounds.json                                                OK
-+ JUMP_Bounds2.json                                               OK
-+ MLOAD_Bounds.json                                               OK
-+ MLOAD_Bounds2.json                                              OK
-+ MLOAD_Bounds3.json                                              OK
-+ MSTORE_Bounds.json                                              OK
-+ MSTORE_Bounds2.json                                             OK
-+ MSTORE_Bounds2a.json                                            OK
-+ POP_Bounds.json                                                 OK
-+ RETURN_Bounds.json                                              OK
-+ SLOAD_Bounds.json                                               OK
-+ SSTORE_Bounds.json                                              OK
-+ mload32bitBound.json                                            OK
-+ mload32bitBound2.json                                           OK
-+ mload32bitBound_Msize.json                                      OK
-+ mload32bitBound_return.json                                     OK
-+ mload32bitBound_return2.json                                    OK
-+ static_CALL_Bounds.json                                         OK
-+ static_CALL_Bounds2.json                                        OK
-+ static_CALL_Bounds2a.json                                       OK
-+ static_CALL_Bounds3.json                                        OK
-OK: 27/38 Fail: 0/38 Skip: 11/38
-## stMemoryTest
-+ buffer.json                                                     OK
-+ bufferSrcOffset.json                                            OK
-+ callDataCopyOffset.json                                         OK
-+ calldatacopy_dejavu.json                                        OK
-+ calldatacopy_dejavu2.json                                       OK
-+ codeCopyOffset.json                                             OK
-+ codecopy_dejavu.json                                            OK
-+ codecopy_dejavu2.json                                           OK
-+ extcodecopy_dejavu.json                                         OK
-+ log1_dejavu.json                                                OK
-+ log2_dejavu.json                                                OK
-+ log3_dejavu.json                                                OK
-+ log4_dejavu.json                                                OK
-+ mem0b_singleByte.json                                           OK
-+ mem31b_singleByte.json                                          OK
-+ mem32b_singleByte.json                                          OK
-+ mem32kb+1.json                                                  OK
-+ mem32kb+31.json                                                 OK
-+ mem32kb+32.json                                                 OK
-+ mem32kb+33.json                                                 OK
-+ mem32kb-1.json                                                  OK
-+ mem32kb-31.json                                                 OK
-+ mem32kb-32.json                                                 OK
-+ mem32kb-33.json                                                 OK
-+ mem32kb.json                                                    OK
-+ mem32kb_singleByte+1.json                                       OK
-+ mem32kb_singleByte+31.json                                      OK
-+ mem32kb_singleByte+32.json                                      OK
-+ mem32kb_singleByte+33.json                                      OK
-+ mem32kb_singleByte-1.json                                       OK
-+ mem32kb_singleByte-31.json                                      OK
-+ mem32kb_singleByte-32.json                                      OK
-+ mem32kb_singleByte-33.json                                      OK
-+ mem32kb_singleByte.json                                         OK
-+ mem33b_singleByte.json                                          OK
-+ mem64kb+1.json                                                  OK
-+ mem64kb+31.json                                                 OK
-+ mem64kb+32.json                                                 OK
-+ mem64kb+33.json                                                 OK
-+ mem64kb-1.json                                                  OK
-+ mem64kb-31.json                                                 OK
-+ mem64kb-32.json                                                 OK
-+ mem64kb-33.json                                                 OK
-+ mem64kb.json                                                    OK
-+ mem64kb_singleByte+1.json                                       OK
-+ mem64kb_singleByte+31.json                                      OK
-+ mem64kb_singleByte+32.json                                      OK
-+ mem64kb_singleByte+33.json                                      OK
-+ mem64kb_singleByte-1.json                                       OK
-+ mem64kb_singleByte-31.json                                      OK
-+ mem64kb_singleByte-32.json                                      OK
-+ mem64kb_singleByte-33.json                                      OK
-+ mem64kb_singleByte.json                                         OK
-+ memReturn.json                                                  OK
-+ mload16bitBound.json                                            OK
-+ mload8bitBound.json                                             OK
-+ mload_dejavu.json                                               OK
-+ mstore_dejavu.json                                              OK
-+ mstroe8_dejavu.json                                             OK
-+ sha3_dejavu.json                                                OK
-+ stackLimitGas_1023.json                                         OK
-+ stackLimitGas_1024.json                                         OK
-+ stackLimitGas_1025.json                                         OK
-+ stackLimitPush31_1023.json                                      OK
-+ stackLimitPush31_1024.json                                      OK
-+ stackLimitPush31_1025.json                                      OK
-+ stackLimitPush32_1023.json                                      OK
-+ stackLimitPush32_1024.json                                      OK
-+ stackLimitPush32_1025.json                                      OK
-OK: 69/69 Fail: 0/69 Skip: 0/69
-## stNonZeroCallsTest
-+ NonZeroValue_CALL.json                                          OK
-+ NonZeroValue_CALLCODE.json                                      OK
-+ NonZeroValue_CALLCODE_ToEmpty.json                              OK
-+ NonZeroValue_CALLCODE_ToNonNonZeroBalance.json                  OK
-+ NonZeroValue_CALLCODE_ToOneStorageKey.json                      OK
-+ NonZeroValue_CALL_ToEmpty.json                                  OK
-+ NonZeroValue_CALL_ToNonNonZeroBalance.json                      OK
-+ NonZeroValue_CALL_ToOneStorageKey.json                          OK
-+ NonZeroValue_DELEGATECALL.json                                  OK
-+ NonZeroValue_DELEGATECALL_ToEmpty.json                          OK
-+ NonZeroValue_DELEGATECALL_ToNonNonZeroBalance.json              OK
-+ NonZeroValue_DELEGATECALL_ToOneStorageKey.json                  OK
-+ NonZeroValue_SUICIDE.json                                       OK
-+ NonZeroValue_SUICIDE_ToEmpty.json                               OK
-+ NonZeroValue_SUICIDE_ToNonNonZeroBalance.json                   OK
-+ NonZeroValue_SUICIDE_ToOneStorageKey.json                       OK
-+ NonZeroValue_TransactionCALL.json                               OK
-+ NonZeroValue_TransactionCALL_ToEmpty.json                       OK
-+ NonZeroValue_TransactionCALL_ToNonNonZeroBalance.json           OK
-+ NonZeroValue_TransactionCALL_ToOneStorageKey.json               OK
-+ NonZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData.json                       OK
-+ NonZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToEmpty.json               OK
-+ NonZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToNonNonZeroBalance.json   OK
-+ NonZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToOneStorageKey.json       OK
-OK: 24/24 Fail: 0/24 Skip: 0/24
-## stPreCompiledContracts
-+ identity_to_bigger.json                                         OK
-+ identity_to_smaller.json                                        OK
-+ modexp.json                                                     OK
-+ modexp_0_0_0_1000000.json                                       OK
-+ modexp_0_0_0_155000.json                                        OK
-+ modexp_0_1_0_1000000.json                                       OK
-+ modexp_0_1_0_155000.json                                        OK
-+ modexp_0_1_0_20500.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_0_1_0_22000.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_0_1_0_25000.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_0_1_0_35000.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_0_3_100_1000000.json                                     OK
-+ modexp_0_3_100_155000.json                                      OK
-+ modexp_0_3_100_20500.json                                       OK
-+ modexp_0_3_100_22000.json                                       OK
-+ modexp_0_3_100_25000.json                                       OK
-+ modexp_0_3_100_35000.json                                       OK
-+ modexp_1_0_0_1000000.json                                       OK
-+ modexp_1_0_0_155000.json                                        OK
-+ modexp_1_0_0_20500.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_1_0_0_22000.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_1_0_0_25000.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_1_0_0_35000.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_1_0_1_1000000.json                                       OK
-+ modexp_1_0_1_155000.json                                        OK
-+ modexp_1_0_1_20500.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_1_0_1_22000.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_1_0_1_25000.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_1_0_1_35000.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_1_1_1_1000000.json                                       OK
-+ modexp_1_1_1_155000.json                                        OK
-+ modexp_1_1_1_20500.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_1_1_1_22000.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_1_1_1_25000.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_1_1_1_35000.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_37120_22411_22000.json                                   OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_0_1000000.json                               OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_0_155000.json                                OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_0_20500.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_0_22000.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_0_25000.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_0_35000.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_1_1000000.json                               OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_1_155000.json                                OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_1_20500.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_1_25000.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_1_35000.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_37111_1000000.json                           OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_37111_155000.json                            OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_37111_20500.json                             OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_37111_22000.json                             OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_37111_25000.json                             OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_37111_35000.json                             OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_97_1000000.json                              OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_97_155000.json                               OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_97_20500.json                                OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_97_22000.json                                OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_97_25000.json                                OK
-+ modexp_37120_37111_97_35000.json                                OK
-+ modexp_39936_1_55201_1000000.json                               OK
-+ modexp_39936_1_55201_155000.json                                OK
-+ modexp_39936_1_55201_20500.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_39936_1_55201_22000.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_39936_1_55201_25000.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_39936_1_55201_35000.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_3_09984_39936_1000000.json                               OK
-+ modexp_3_09984_39936_155000.json                                OK
-+ modexp_3_09984_39936_22000.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_3_09984_39936_25000.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_3_09984_39936_35000.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_3_28948_11579_20500.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_3_5_100_1000000.json                                     OK
-+ modexp_3_5_100_155000.json                                      OK
-+ modexp_3_5_100_20500.json                                       OK
-+ modexp_3_5_100_22000.json                                       OK
-+ modexp_3_5_100_25000.json                                       OK
-+ modexp_3_5_100_35000.json                                       OK
-+ modexp_49_2401_2401_1000000.json                                OK
-+ modexp_49_2401_2401_155000.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_49_2401_2401_20500.json                                  OK
-+ modexp_49_2401_2401_22000.json                                  OK
-+ modexp_49_2401_2401_25000.json                                  OK
-+ modexp_49_2401_2401_35000.json                                  OK
-+ modexp_55190_55190_42965_1000000.json                           OK
-+ modexp_55190_55190_42965_155000.json                            OK
-+ modexp_55190_55190_42965_20500.json                             OK
-+ modexp_55190_55190_42965_22000.json                             OK
-+ modexp_55190_55190_42965_25000.json                             OK
-+ modexp_55190_55190_42965_35000.json                             OK
-+ modexp_9_37111_37111_1000000.json                               OK
-+ modexp_9_37111_37111_155000.json                                OK
-+ modexp_9_37111_37111_20500.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_9_37111_37111_22000.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_9_37111_37111_35000.json                                 OK
-+ modexp_9_3711_37111_25000.json                                  OK
-+ sec80.json                                                      OK
-OK: 96/96 Fail: 0/96 Skip: 0/96
-## stPreCompiledContracts2
-+ CALLBlake2f.json                                                OK
-+ CALLCODEBlake2f.json                                            OK
-+ CALLCODEEcrecover0.json                                         OK
-+ CALLCODEEcrecover0_0input.json                                  OK
-+ CALLCODEEcrecover0_Gas2999.json                                 OK
-+ CALLCODEEcrecover0_NoGas.json                                   OK
-+ CALLCODEEcrecover0_completeReturnValue.json                     OK
-+ CALLCODEEcrecover0_gas3000.json                                 OK
-+ CALLCODEEcrecover0_overlappingInputOutput.json                  OK
-+ CALLCODEEcrecover1.json                                         OK
-+ CALLCODEEcrecover2.json                                         OK
-+ CALLCODEEcrecover3.json                                         OK
-+ CALLCODEEcrecover80.json                                        OK
-+ CALLCODEEcrecoverH_prefixed0.json                               OK
-+ CALLCODEEcrecoverR_prefixed0.json                               OK
-+ CALLCODEEcrecoverS_prefixed0.json                               OK
-+ CALLCODEEcrecoverV_prefixed0.json                               OK
-+ CALLCODEEcrecoverV_prefixedf0.json                              OK
-+ CALLCODEIdentitiy_0.json                                        OK
-+ CALLCODEIdentitiy_1.json                                        OK
-+ CALLCODEIdentity_1_nonzeroValue.json                            OK
-+ CALLCODEIdentity_2.json                                         OK
-+ CALLCODEIdentity_3.json                                         OK
-+ CALLCODEIdentity_4.json                                         OK
-+ CALLCODEIdentity_4_gas17.json                                   OK
-+ CALLCODEIdentity_4_gas18.json                                   OK
-+ CALLCODEIdentity_5.json                                         OK
-+ CALLCODERipemd160_0.json                                        OK
-+ CALLCODERipemd160_1.json                                        OK
-+ CALLCODERipemd160_2.json                                        OK
-+ CALLCODERipemd160_3.json                                        OK
-+ CALLCODERipemd160_3_postfixed0.json                             OK
-+ CALLCODERipemd160_3_prefixed0.json                              OK
-+ CALLCODERipemd160_4.json                                        OK
-+ CALLCODERipemd160_4_gas719.json                                 OK
-+ CALLCODERipemd160_5.json                                        OK
-+ CALLCODESha256_0.json                                           OK
-+ CALLCODESha256_1.json                                           OK
-+ CALLCODESha256_1_nonzeroValue.json                              OK
-+ CALLCODESha256_2.json                                           OK
-+ CALLCODESha256_3.json                                           OK
-+ CALLCODESha256_3_postfix0.json                                  OK
-+ CALLCODESha256_3_prefix0.json                                   OK
-+ CALLCODESha256_4.json                                           OK
-+ CALLCODESha256_4_gas99.json                                     OK
-+ CALLCODESha256_5.json                                           OK
-+ CallEcrecover0.json                                             OK
-+ CallEcrecover0_0input.json                                      OK
-+ CallEcrecover0_Gas2999.json                                     OK
-+ CallEcrecover0_NoGas.json                                       OK
-+ CallEcrecover0_completeReturnValue.json                         OK
-+ CallEcrecover0_gas3000.json                                     OK
-+ CallEcrecover0_overlappingInputOutput.json                      OK
-+ CallEcrecover1.json                                             OK
-+ CallEcrecover2.json                                             OK
-+ CallEcrecover3.json                                             OK
-+ CallEcrecover80.json                                            OK
-+ CallEcrecoverCheckLength.json                                   OK
-+ CallEcrecoverCheckLengthWrongV.json                             OK
-+ CallEcrecoverH_prefixed0.json                                   OK
-+ CallEcrecoverInvalidSignature.json                              OK
-+ CallEcrecoverR_prefixed0.json                                   OK
-+ CallEcrecoverS_prefixed0.json                                   OK
-+ CallEcrecoverUnrecoverableKey.json                              OK
-+ CallEcrecoverV_prefixed0.json                                   OK
-+ CallIdentitiy_0.json                                            OK
-+ CallIdentitiy_1.json                                            OK
-+ CallIdentity_1_nonzeroValue.json                                OK
-+ CallIdentity_2.json                                             OK
-+ CallIdentity_3.json                                             OK
-+ CallIdentity_4.json                                             OK
-+ CallIdentity_4_gas17.json                                       OK
-+ CallIdentity_4_gas18.json                                       OK
-+ CallIdentity_5.json                                             OK
-+ CallIdentity_6_inputShorterThanOutput.json                      OK
-+ CallRipemd160_0.json                                            OK
-+ CallRipemd160_1.json                                            OK
-+ CallRipemd160_2.json                                            OK
-+ CallRipemd160_3.json                                            OK
-+ CallRipemd160_3_postfixed0.json                                 OK
-+ CallRipemd160_3_prefixed0.json                                  OK
-+ CallRipemd160_4.json                                            OK
-+ CallRipemd160_4_gas719.json                                     OK
-+ CallRipemd160_5.json                                            OK
-+ CallSha256_0.json                                               OK
-+ CallSha256_1.json                                               OK
-+ CallSha256_1_nonzeroValue.json                                  OK
-+ CallSha256_2.json                                               OK
-+ CallSha256_3.json                                               OK
-+ CallSha256_3_postfix0.json                                      OK
-+ CallSha256_3_prefix0.json                                       OK
-+ CallSha256_4.json                                               OK
-+ CallSha256_4_gas99.json                                         OK
-+ CallSha256_5.json                                               OK
-+ modexpRandomInput.json                                          OK
-+ modexp_0_0_0_20500.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_0_0_0_22000.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_0_0_0_25000.json                                         OK
-+ modexp_0_0_0_35000.json                                         OK
-OK: 99/99 Fail: 0/99 Skip: 0/99
-## stQuadraticComplexityTest
-  Call1MB1024Calldepth.json                                       Skip
-  Call20KbytesContract50_1.json                                   Skip
-  Call20KbytesContract50_2.json                                   Skip
-  Call20KbytesContract50_3.json                                   Skip
-  Call50000.json                                                  Skip
-  Call50000_ecrec.json                                            Skip
-  Call50000_identity.json                                         Skip
-  Call50000_identity2.json                                        Skip
-  Call50000_rip160.json                                           Skip
-  Call50000_sha256.json                                           Skip
-  Callcode50000.json                                              Skip
-  Create1000.json                                                 Skip
-  Create1000Byzantium.json                                        Skip
-  QuadraticComplexitySolidity_CallDataCopy.json                   Skip
-  Return50000.json                                                Skip
-  Return50000_2.json                                              Skip
-OK: 0/16 Fail: 0/16 Skip: 16/16
-## stRandom
-+ randomStatetest0.json                                           OK
-  randomStatetest1.json                                           Skip
-+ randomStatetest10.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest100.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest101.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest102.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest103.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest104.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest105.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest106.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest107.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest108.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest11.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest110.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest111.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest112.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest114.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest115.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest116.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest117.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest118.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest119.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest12.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest120.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest121.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest122.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest124.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest125.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest126.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest129.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest13.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest130.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest131.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest133.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest134.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest135.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest137.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest138.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest139.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest14.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest142.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest143.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest144.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest145.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest146.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest147.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest148.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest149.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest15.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest150.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest151.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest153.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest154.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest155.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest156.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest157.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest158.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest159.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest16.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest161.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest162.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest163.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest164.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest166.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest167.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest169.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest17.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest171.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest172.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest173.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest174.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest175.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest176.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest177.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest178.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest179.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest18.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest180.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest183.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest184.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest185.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest187.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest188.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest189.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest19.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest190.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest191.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest192.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest194.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest195.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest196.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest197.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest198.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest199.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest2.json                                           OK
-+ randomStatetest20.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest200.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest201.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest202.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest204.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest205.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest206.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest207.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest208.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest209.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest210.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest211.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest212.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest214.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest215.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest216.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest217.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest219.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest22.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest220.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest221.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest222.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest225.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest226.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest227.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest228.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest23.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest230.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest231.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest232.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest233.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest236.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest237.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest238.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest24.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest242.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest243.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest244.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest245.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest246.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest247.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest248.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest249.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest25.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest250.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest251.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest252.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest254.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest257.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest259.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest26.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest260.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest261.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest263.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest264.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest265.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest266.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest267.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest268.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest269.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest27.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest270.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest271.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest273.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest274.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest275.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest276.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest278.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest279.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest28.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest280.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest281.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest282.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest283.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest285.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest286.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest287.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest288.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest29.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest290.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest291.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest292.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest293.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest294.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest295.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest296.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest297.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest298.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest299.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest3.json                                           OK
-+ randomStatetest30.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest300.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest301.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest302.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest303.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest304.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest305.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest306.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest307.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest308.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest309.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest31.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest310.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest311.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest312.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest313.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest315.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest316.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest318.json                                         OK
-  randomStatetest32.json                                          Skip
-+ randomStatetest320.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest321.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest322.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest323.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest325.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest326.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest327.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest329.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest33.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest332.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest333.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest334.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest335.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest336.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest337.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest338.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest339.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest340.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest341.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest342.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest343.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest345.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest346.json                                         OK
-  randomStatetest347.json                                         Skip
-+ randomStatetest348.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest349.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest350.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest351.json                                         OK
-  randomStatetest352.json                                         Skip
-+ randomStatetest353.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest354.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest355.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest356.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest357.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest358.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest359.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest36.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest360.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest361.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest362.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest363.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest364.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest365.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest366.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest367.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest368.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest369.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest37.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest370.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest371.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest372.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest376.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest378.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest379.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest380.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest381.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest382.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest383.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest39.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest4.json                                           OK
-+ randomStatetest41.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest42.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest43.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest45.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest47.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest48.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest49.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest5.json                                           OK
-+ randomStatetest50.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest51.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest52.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest53.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest54.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest55.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest57.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest58.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest59.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest6.json                                           OK
-+ randomStatetest60.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest62.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest63.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest64.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest66.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest67.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest69.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest7.json                                           OK
-+ randomStatetest72.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest73.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest74.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest75.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest77.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest78.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest80.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest81.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest82.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest83.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest84.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest85.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest87.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest88.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest89.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest9.json                                           OK
-+ randomStatetest90.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest92.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest95.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest96.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest97.json                                          OK
-+ randomStatetest98.json                                          OK
-OK: 309/313 Fail: 0/313 Skip: 4/313
-## stRandom2
-+ 201503110226PYTHON_DUP6.json                                    OK
-+ randomStatetest.json                                            OK
-+ randomStatetest384.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest385.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest386.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest387.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest388.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest389.json                                         OK
-  randomStatetest393.json                                         Skip
-+ randomStatetest395.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest396.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest397.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest398.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest399.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest401.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest402.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest404.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest405.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest406.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest407.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest408.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest409.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest410.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest411.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest412.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest413.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest414.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest415.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest416.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest417.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest418.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest419.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest420.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest421.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest422.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest423.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest424.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest425.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest426.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest428.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest429.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest430.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest433.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest435.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest436.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest437.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest438.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest439.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest440.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest442.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest443.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest444.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest445.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest446.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest447.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest448.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest449.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest450.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest451.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest452.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest454.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest455.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest456.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest457.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest458.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest460.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest461.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest462.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest464.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest465.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest466.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest467.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest468.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest469.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest470.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest471.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest472.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest473.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest474.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest475.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest476.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest477.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest478.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest480.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest481.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest482.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest483.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest484.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest485.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest487.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest488.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest489.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest491.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest493.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest494.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest495.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest496.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest497.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest498.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest499.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest500.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest501.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest502.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest503.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest504.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest505.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest506.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest507.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest508.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest509.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest510.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest511.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest512.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest513.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest514.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest516.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest517.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest518.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest519.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest520.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest521.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest523.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest524.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest525.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest526.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest527.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest528.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest531.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest532.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest533.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest534.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest535.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest536.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest537.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest538.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest539.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest541.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest542.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest543.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest544.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest545.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest546.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest547.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest548.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest550.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest552.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest553.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest554.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest555.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest556.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest558.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest559.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest560.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest562.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest563.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest564.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest565.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest566.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest567.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest569.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest571.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest572.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest573.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest574.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest575.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest576.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest577.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest578.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest579.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest580.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest581.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest582.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest583.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest584.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest585.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest586.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest587.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest588.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest589.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest592.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest596.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest597.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest599.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest600.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest601.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest602.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest603.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest604.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest605.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest607.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest608.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest609.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest610.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest611.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest612.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest615.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest616.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest618.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest620.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest621.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest624.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest625.json                                         OK
-  randomStatetest626.json                                         Skip
-+ randomStatetest627.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest628.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest629.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest630.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest632.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest633.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest635.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest636.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest637.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest638.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest639.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest640.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest641.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest642.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest643.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest644.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest645.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest646.json                                         OK
-+ randomStatetest647.json                                         OK
-OK: 220/222 Fail: 0/222 Skip: 2/222
-## stRecursiveCreate
-+ recursiveCreate.json                                            OK
-  recursiveCreateReturnValue.json                                 Skip
-OK: 1/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 1/2
-## stRefundTest
-+ refund50_1.json                                                 OK
-+ refund50_2.json                                                 OK
-+ refund50percentCap.json                                         OK
-+ refund600.json                                                  OK
-+ refundSuicide50procentCap.json                                  OK
-+ refund_CallA.json                                               OK
-+ refund_CallA_OOG.json                                           OK
-+ refund_CallA_notEnoughGasInCall.json                            OK
-+ refund_CallToSuicideNoStorage.json                              OK
-+ refund_CallToSuicideStorage.json                                OK
-+ refund_CallToSuicideTwice.json                                  OK
-+ refund_NoOOG_1.json                                             OK
-+ refund_OOG.json                                                 OK
-+ refund_TxToSuicide.json                                         OK
-+ refund_TxToSuicideOOG.json                                      OK
-+ refund_changeNonZeroStorage.json                                OK
-+ refund_getEtherBack.json                                        OK
-+ refund_multimpleSuicide.json                                    OK
-+ refund_singleSuicide.json                                       OK
-OK: 19/19 Fail: 0/19 Skip: 0/19
-## stReturnDataTest
-+ call_ecrec_success_empty_then_returndatasize.json               OK
-+ call_outsize_then_create_successful_then_returndatasize.json    OK
-+ call_then_call_value_fail_then_returndatasize.json              OK
-+ call_then_create_successful_then_returndatasize.json            OK
-+ create_callprecompile_returndatasize.json                       OK
-+ modexp_modsize0_returndatasize.json                             OK
-+ returndatacopy_0_0_following_successful_create.json             OK
-+ returndatacopy_afterFailing_create.json                         OK
-+ returndatacopy_after_failing_callcode.json                      OK
-+ returndatacopy_after_failing_delegatecall.json                  OK
-+ returndatacopy_after_failing_staticcall.json                    OK
-+ returndatacopy_after_revert_in_staticcall.json                  OK
-+ returndatacopy_after_successful_callcode.json                   OK
-+ returndatacopy_after_successful_delegatecall.json               OK
-+ returndatacopy_after_successful_staticcall.json                 OK
-+ returndatacopy_following_call.json                              OK
-+ returndatacopy_following_create.json                            OK
-+ returndatacopy_following_failing_call.json                      OK
-+ returndatacopy_following_revert.json                            OK
-+ returndatacopy_following_revert_in_create.json                  OK
-+ returndatacopy_following_successful_create.json                 OK
-+ returndatacopy_following_too_big_transfer.json                  OK
-+ returndatacopy_initial.json                                     OK
-+ returndatacopy_initial_256.json                                 OK
-+ returndatacopy_initial_big_sum.json                             OK
-+ returndatacopy_overrun.json                                     OK
-+ returndatasize_after_failing_callcode.json                      OK
-+ returndatasize_after_failing_delegatecall.json                  OK
-+ returndatasize_after_failing_staticcall.json                    OK
-+ returndatasize_after_oog_after_deeper.json                      OK
-+ returndatasize_after_successful_callcode.json                   OK
-+ returndatasize_after_successful_delegatecall.json               OK
-+ returndatasize_after_successful_staticcall.json                 OK
-+ returndatasize_bug.json                                         OK
-+ returndatasize_following_successful_create.json                 OK
-+ returndatasize_initial.json                                     OK
-+ returndatasize_initial_zero_read.json                           OK
-+ subcallReturnMoreThenExpected.json                              OK
-OK: 38/38 Fail: 0/38 Skip: 0/38
-## stRevertTest
-  LoopCallsDepthThenRevert.json                                   Skip
-  LoopCallsDepthThenRevert2.json                                  Skip
-  LoopCallsDepthThenRevert3.json                                  Skip
-  LoopCallsThenRevert.json                                        Skip
-  LoopDelegateCallsDepthThenRevert.json                           Skip
-+ NashatyrevSuicideRevert.json                                    OK
-+ PythonRevertTestTue201814-1430.json                             OK
-+ RevertDepth2.json                                               OK
-+ RevertDepthCreateAddressCollision.json                          OK
-+ RevertDepthCreateOOG.json                                       OK
-+ RevertInCallCode.json                                           OK
-+ RevertInCreateInInit.json                                       OK
-+ RevertInDelegateCall.json                                       OK
-+ RevertInStaticCall.json                                         OK
-+ RevertOnEmptyStack.json                                         OK
-+ RevertOpcode.json                                               OK
-+ RevertOpcodeCalls.json                                          OK
-+ RevertOpcodeCreate.json                                         OK
-+ RevertOpcodeDirectCall.json                                     OK
-+ RevertOpcodeInCallsOnNonEmptyReturnData.json                    OK
-+ RevertOpcodeInCreateReturns.json                                OK
-+ RevertOpcodeInInit.json                                         OK
-+ RevertOpcodeMultipleSubCalls.json                               OK
-+ RevertOpcodeReturn.json                                         OK
-+ RevertOpcodeWithBigOutputInInit.json                            OK
-+ RevertPrecompiledTouch.json                                     OK
-+ RevertPrecompiledTouchExactOOG.json                             OK
-+ RevertPrecompiledTouch_nonce.json                               OK
-+ RevertPrecompiledTouch_noncestorage.json                        OK
-+ RevertPrecompiledTouch_storage.json                             OK
-+ RevertPrefound.json                                             OK
-+ RevertPrefoundCall.json                                         OK
-+ RevertPrefoundCallOOG.json                                      OK
-+ RevertPrefoundEmpty.json                                        OK
-+ RevertPrefoundEmptyCall.json                                    OK
-+ RevertPrefoundEmptyCallOOG.json                                 OK
-+ RevertPrefoundEmptyOOG.json                                     OK
-+ RevertPrefoundOOG.json                                          OK
-+ RevertRemoteSubCallStorageOOG.json                              OK
-+ RevertSubCallStorageOOG.json                                    OK
-+ RevertSubCallStorageOOG2.json                                   OK
-+ TouchToEmptyAccountRevert.json                                  OK
-+ TouchToEmptyAccountRevert2.json                                 OK
-+ TouchToEmptyAccountRevert3.json                                 OK
-OK: 39/44 Fail: 0/44 Skip: 5/44
-## stSLoadTest
-+ sloadGasCost.json                                               OK
-OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1
-## stSStoreTest
-+ InitCollision.json                                              OK
-+ InitCollisionNonZeroNonce.json                                  OK
-+ SstoreCallToSelfSubRefundBelowZero.json                         OK
-+ sstore_0to0.json                                                OK
-+ sstore_0to0to0.json                                             OK
-+ sstore_0to0toX.json                                             OK
-+ sstore_0toX.json                                                OK
-+ sstore_0toXto0.json                                             OK
-+ sstore_0toXto0toX.json                                          OK
-+ sstore_0toXtoX.json                                             OK
-+ sstore_0toXtoY.json                                             OK
-+ sstore_Xto0.json                                                OK
-+ sstore_Xto0to0.json                                             OK
-+ sstore_Xto0toX.json                                             OK
-+ sstore_Xto0toXto0.json                                          OK
-+ sstore_Xto0toY.json                                             OK
-+ sstore_XtoX.json                                                OK
-+ sstore_XtoXto0.json                                             OK
-+ sstore_XtoXtoX.json                                             OK
-+ sstore_XtoXtoY.json                                             OK
-+ sstore_XtoY.json                                                OK
-+ sstore_XtoYto0.json                                             OK
-+ sstore_XtoYtoX.json                                             OK
-+ sstore_XtoYtoY.json                                             OK
-+ sstore_XtoYtoZ.json                                             OK
-+ sstore_changeFromExternalCallInInitCode.json                    OK
-+ sstore_gasLeft.json                                             OK
-OK: 27/27 Fail: 0/27 Skip: 0/27
-## stSelfBalance
-+ selfBalance.json                                                OK
-+ selfBalanceCallTypes.json                                       OK
-+ selfBalanceEqualsBalance.json                                   OK
-+ selfBalanceGasCost.json                                         OK
-+ selfBalanceUpdate.json                                          OK
-OK: 5/5 Fail: 0/5 Skip: 0/5
-## stShift
-+ sar00.json                                                      OK
-+ sar01.json                                                      OK
-+ sar10.json                                                      OK
-+ sar11.json                                                      OK
-+ sar_0_256-1.json                                                OK
-+ sar_2^254_254.json                                              OK
-+ sar_2^255-1_248.json                                            OK
-+ sar_2^255-1_254.json                                            OK
-+ sar_2^255-1_255.json                                            OK
-+ sar_2^255-1_256.json                                            OK
-+ sar_2^255_1.json                                                OK
-+ sar_2^255_255.json                                              OK
-+ sar_2^255_256.json                                              OK
-+ sar_2^255_257.json                                              OK
-+ sar_2^256-1_0.json                                              OK
-+ sar_2^256-1_1.json                                              OK
-+ sar_2^256-1_255.json                                            OK
-+ sar_2^256-1_256.json                                            OK
-+ shiftCombinations.json                                          OK
-+ shl01-0100.json                                                 OK
-+ shl01-0101.json                                                 OK
-+ shl01-ff.json                                                   OK
-+ shl01.json                                                      OK
-+ shl10.json                                                      OK
-+ shl11.json                                                      OK
-+ shl_-1_0.json                                                   OK
-+ shl_-1_1.json                                                   OK
-+ shl_-1_255.json                                                 OK
-+ shl_-1_256.json                                                 OK
-+ shl_2^255-1_1.json                                              OK
-+ shr01.json                                                      OK
-+ shr10.json                                                      OK
-+ shr11.json                                                      OK
-+ shr_-1_0.json                                                   OK
-+ shr_-1_1.json                                                   OK
-+ shr_-1_255.json                                                 OK
-+ shr_-1_256.json                                                 OK
-+ shr_2^255_1.json                                                OK
-+ shr_2^255_255.json                                              OK
-+ shr_2^255_256.json                                              OK
-+ shr_2^255_257.json                                              OK
-OK: 41/41 Fail: 0/41 Skip: 0/41
-## stSolidityTest
-+ AmbiguousMethod.json                                            OK
-+ ByZero.json                                                     OK
-+ CallInfiniteLoop.json                                           OK
-+ CallLowLevelCreatesSolidity.json                                OK
-+ CallRecursiveMethods.json                                       OK
-+ ContractInheritance.json                                        OK
-+ CreateContractFromMethod.json                                   OK
-+ RecursiveCreateContracts.json                                   OK
-+ RecursiveCreateContractsCreate4Contracts.json                   OK
-+ SelfDestruct.json                                               OK
-+ TestBlockAndTransactionProperties.json                          OK
-+ TestContractInteraction.json                                    OK
-+ TestContractSuicide.json                                        OK
-+ TestCryptographicFunctions.json                                 OK
-+ TestKeywords.json                                               OK
-+ TestOverflow.json                                               OK
-+ TestStoreGasPrices.json                                         OK
-+ TestStructuresAndVariabless.json                                OK
-OK: 18/18 Fail: 0/18 Skip: 0/18
-## stSpecialTest
-+ FailedCreateRevertsDeletion.json                                OK
-  JUMPDEST_Attack.json                                            Skip
-  JUMPDEST_AttackwithJump.json                                    Skip
-+ OverflowGasMakeMoney.json                                       OK
-+ StackDepthLimitSEC.json                                         OK
-+ block504980.json                                                OK
-+ deploymentError.json                                            OK
-+ failed_tx_xcf416c53.json                                        OK
-+ gasPrice0.json                                                  OK
-+ makeMoney.json                                                  OK
-+ push32withoutByte.json                                          OK
-+ selfdestructEIP2929.json                                        OK
-+ sha3_deja.json                                                  OK
-+ tx_e1c174e2.json                                                OK
-OK: 12/14 Fail: 0/14 Skip: 2/14
-## stStackTests
-+ shallowStack.json                                               OK
-+ stackOverflow.json                                              OK
-+ stackOverflowDUP.json                                           OK
-+ stackOverflowM1.json                                            OK
-+ stackOverflowM1DUP.json                                         OK
-+ stackOverflowM1PUSH.json                                        OK
-+ stackOverflowPUSH.json                                          OK
-+ stackOverflowSWAP.json                                          OK
-+ stacksanitySWAP.json                                            OK
-OK: 9/9 Fail: 0/9 Skip: 0/9
-## stStaticCall
-+ StaticcallToPrecompileFromCalledContract.json                   OK
-+ StaticcallToPrecompileFromContractInitialization.json           OK
-+ StaticcallToPrecompileFromTransaction.json                      OK
-+ static_ABAcalls0.json                                           OK
-+ static_ABAcalls1.json                                           OK
-+ static_ABAcalls2.json                                           OK
-+ static_ABAcalls3.json                                           OK
-+ static_ABAcallsSuicide0.json                                    OK
-+ static_ABAcallsSuicide1.json                                    OK
-+ static_CALL_OneVCallSuicide.json                                OK
-+ static_CALL_ZeroVCallSuicide.json                               OK
-+ static_CREATE_ContractSuicideDuringInit.json                    OK
-+ static_CREATE_ContractSuicideDuringInit_ThenStoreThenReturn.jso OK
-+ static_CREATE_ContractSuicideDuringInit_WithValue.json          OK
-+ static_CREATE_EmptyContractAndCallIt_0wei.json                  OK
-+ static_CREATE_EmptyContractWithStorageAndCallIt_0wei.json       OK
-+ static_Call10.json                                              OK
-  static_Call1024BalanceTooLow.json                               Skip
-  static_Call1024BalanceTooLow2.json                              Skip
-  static_Call1024OOG.json                                         Skip
-  static_Call1024PreCalls.json                                    Skip
-  static_Call1024PreCalls2.json                                   Skip
-  static_Call1024PreCalls3.json                                   Skip
-  static_Call1MB1024Calldepth.json                                Skip
-  static_Call50000.json                                           Skip
-  static_Call50000_ecrec.json                                     Skip
-  static_Call50000_identity.json                                  Skip
-  static_Call50000_identity2.json                                 Skip
-  static_Call50000_rip160.json                                    Skip
-+ static_Call50000bytesContract50_1.json                          OK
-+ static_Call50000bytesContract50_2.json                          OK
-+ static_Call50000bytesContract50_3.json                          OK
-+ static_CallAndCallcodeConsumeMoreGasThenTransactionHas.json     OK
-+ static_CallAskMoreGasOnDepth2ThenTransactionHas.json            OK
-+ static_CallContractToCreateContractAndCallItOOG.json            OK
-+ static_CallContractToCreateContractOOG.json                     OK
-+ static_CallContractToCreateContractOOGBonusGas.json             OK
-+ static_CallContractToCreateContractWhichWouldCreateContractIfCa OK
-+ static_CallEcrecover0.json                                      OK
-+ static_CallEcrecover0_0input.json                               OK
-+ static_CallEcrecover0_Gas2999.json                              OK
-+ static_CallEcrecover0_NoGas.json                                OK
-+ static_CallEcrecover0_completeReturnValue.json                  OK
-+ static_CallEcrecover0_gas3000.json                              OK
-+ static_CallEcrecover0_overlappingInputOutput.json               OK
-+ static_CallEcrecover1.json                                      OK
-+ static_CallEcrecover2.json                                      OK
-+ static_CallEcrecover3.json                                      OK
-+ static_CallEcrecover80.json                                     OK
-+ static_CallEcrecoverCheckLength.json                            OK
-+ static_CallEcrecoverCheckLengthWrongV.json                      OK
-+ static_CallEcrecoverH_prefixed0.json                            OK
-+ static_CallEcrecoverR_prefixed0.json                            OK
-+ static_CallEcrecoverS_prefixed0.json                            OK
-+ static_CallEcrecoverV_prefixed0.json                            OK
-+ static_CallGoesOOGOnSecondLevel.json                            OK
-+ static_CallGoesOOGOnSecondLevel2.json                           OK
-+ static_CallIdentitiy_1.json                                     OK
-+ static_CallIdentity_1_nonzeroValue.json                         OK
-+ static_CallIdentity_2.json                                      OK
-+ static_CallIdentity_3.json                                      OK
-+ static_CallIdentity_4.json                                      OK
-+ static_CallIdentity_4_gas17.json                                OK
-+ static_CallIdentity_4_gas18.json                                OK
-+ static_CallIdentity_5.json                                      OK
-+ static_CallLoseGasOOG.json                                      OK
-+ static_CallRecursiveBomb0.json                                  OK
-+ static_CallRecursiveBomb0_OOG_atMaxCallDepth.json               OK
-+ static_CallRecursiveBomb1.json                                  OK
-+ static_CallRecursiveBomb2.json                                  OK
-+ static_CallRecursiveBomb3.json                                  OK
-+ static_CallRecursiveBombLog.json                                OK
-+ static_CallRecursiveBombLog2.json                               OK
-+ static_CallRecursiveBombPreCall.json                            OK
-+ static_CallRecursiveBombPreCall2.json                           OK
-+ static_CallRipemd160_1.json                                     OK
-+ static_CallRipemd160_2.json                                     OK
-+ static_CallRipemd160_3.json                                     OK
-+ static_CallRipemd160_3_postfixed0.json                          OK
-+ static_CallRipemd160_3_prefixed0.json                           OK
-+ static_CallRipemd160_4.json                                     OK
-+ static_CallRipemd160_4_gas719.json                              OK
-+ static_CallRipemd160_5.json                                     OK
-+ static_CallSha256_1.json                                        OK
-+ static_CallSha256_1_nonzeroValue.json                           OK
-+ static_CallSha256_2.json                                        OK
-+ static_CallSha256_3.json                                        OK
-+ static_CallSha256_3_postfix0.json                               OK
-+ static_CallSha256_3_prefix0.json                                OK
-+ static_CallSha256_4.json                                        OK
-+ static_CallSha256_4_gas99.json                                  OK
-+ static_CallSha256_5.json                                        OK
-+ static_CallToNameRegistrator0.json                              OK
-+ static_CallToReturn1.json                                       OK
-+ static_CalltoReturn2.json                                       OK
-+ static_CheckCallCostOOG.json                                    OK
-+ static_CheckOpcodes.json                                        OK
-+ static_CheckOpcodes2.json                                       OK
-+ static_CheckOpcodes3.json                                       OK
-+ static_CheckOpcodes4.json                                       OK
-+ static_CheckOpcodes5.json                                       OK
-+ static_ExecuteCallThatAskForeGasThenTrabsactionHas.json         OK
-+ static_InternalCallHittingGasLimit.json                         OK
-+ static_InternalCallHittingGasLimit2.json                        OK
-+ static_InternlCallStoreClearsOOG.json                           OK
-+ static_LoopCallsDepthThenRevert.json                            OK
-+ static_LoopCallsDepthThenRevert2.json                           OK
-+ static_LoopCallsDepthThenRevert3.json                           OK
-+ static_LoopCallsThenRevert.json                                 OK
-+ static_PostToReturn1.json                                       OK
-+ static_RETURN_Bounds.json                                       OK
-+ static_RETURN_BoundsOOG.json                                    OK
-+ static_RawCallGasAsk.json                                       OK
-+ static_Return50000_2.json                                       OK
-+ static_ReturnTest.json                                          OK
-+ static_ReturnTest2.json                                         OK
-+ static_RevertDepth2.json                                        OK
-+ static_RevertOpcodeCalls.json                                   OK
-+ static_ZeroValue_CALL_OOGRevert.json                            OK
-+ static_ZeroValue_SUICIDE_OOGRevert.json                         OK
-+ static_callBasic.json                                           OK
-+ static_callChangeRevert.json                                    OK
-+ static_callCreate.json                                          OK
-+ static_callCreate2.json                                         OK
-+ static_callCreate3.json                                         OK
-+ static_callOutput1.json                                         OK
-+ static_callOutput2.json                                         OK
-+ static_callOutput3.json                                         OK
-+ static_callOutput3Fail.json                                     OK
-+ static_callOutput3partial.json                                  OK
-+ static_callOutput3partialFail.json                              OK
-+ static_callToCallCodeOpCodeCheck.json                           OK
-+ static_callToCallOpCodeCheck.json                               OK
-+ static_callToDelCallOpCodeCheck.json                            OK
-+ static_callToStaticOpCodeCheck.json                             OK
-+ static_callWithHighValue.json                                   OK
-+ static_callWithHighValueAndGasOOG.json                          OK
-+ static_callWithHighValueAndOOGatTxLevel.json                    OK
-+ static_callWithHighValueOOGinCall.json                          OK
-+ static_call_OOG_additionalGasCosts1.json                        OK
-+ static_call_OOG_additionalGasCosts2.json                        OK
-+ static_call_value_inherit.json                                  OK
-+ static_call_value_inherit_from_call.json                        OK
-+ static_callcall_00.json                                         OK
-+ static_callcall_00_OOGE.json                                    OK
-+ static_callcall_00_OOGE_1.json                                  OK
-+ static_callcall_00_OOGE_2.json                                  OK
-+ static_callcall_00_SuicideEnd.json                              OK
-+ static_callcallcall_000.json                                    OK
-+ static_callcallcall_000_OOGE.json                               OK
-+ static_callcallcall_000_OOGMAfter.json                          OK
-+ static_callcallcall_000_OOGMAfter2.json                         OK
-+ static_callcallcall_000_OOGMBefore.json                         OK
-+ static_callcallcall_000_SuicideEnd.json                         OK
-+ static_callcallcall_000_SuicideMiddle.json                      OK
-+ static_callcallcall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                         OK
-+ static_callcallcallcode_001.json                                OK
-+ static_callcallcallcode_001_2.json                              OK
-+ static_callcallcallcode_001_OOGE.json                           OK
-+ static_callcallcallcode_001_OOGE_2.json                         OK
-+ static_callcallcallcode_001_OOGMAfter.json                      OK
-+ static_callcallcallcode_001_OOGMAfter2.json                     OK
-+ static_callcallcallcode_001_OOGMAfter_2.json                    OK
-+ static_callcallcallcode_001_OOGMAfter_3.json                    OK
-+ static_callcallcallcode_001_OOGMBefore.json                     OK
-+ static_callcallcallcode_001_OOGMBefore2.json                    OK
-+ static_callcallcallcode_001_SuicideEnd.json                     OK
-+ static_callcallcallcode_001_SuicideEnd2.json                    OK
-+ static_callcallcallcode_001_SuicideMiddle.json                  OK
-+ static_callcallcallcode_001_SuicideMiddle2.json                 OK
-+ static_callcallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                     OK
-+ static_callcallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE2.json                    OK
-+ static_callcallcode_01_2.json                                   OK
-+ static_callcallcode_01_OOGE_2.json                              OK
-+ static_callcallcode_01_SuicideEnd.json                          OK
-+ static_callcallcode_01_SuicideEnd2.json                         OK
-+ static_callcallcodecall_010.json                                OK
-+ static_callcallcodecall_010_2.json                              OK
-+ static_callcallcodecall_010_OOGE.json                           OK
-+ static_callcallcodecall_010_OOGE_2.json                         OK
-+ static_callcallcodecall_010_OOGMAfter.json                      OK
-+ static_callcallcodecall_010_OOGMAfter2.json                     OK
-+ static_callcallcodecall_010_OOGMAfter_2.json                    OK
-+ static_callcallcodecall_010_OOGMAfter_3.json                    OK
-+ static_callcallcodecall_010_OOGMBefore.json                     OK
-+ static_callcallcodecall_010_OOGMBefore2.json                    OK
-+ static_callcallcodecall_010_SuicideEnd.json                     OK
-+ static_callcallcodecall_010_SuicideEnd2.json                    OK
-+ static_callcallcodecall_010_SuicideMiddle.json                  OK
-+ static_callcallcodecall_010_SuicideMiddle2.json                 OK
-+ static_callcallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                     OK
-+ static_callcallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE2.json                    OK
-+ static_callcallcodecallcode_011.json                            OK
-+ static_callcallcodecallcode_011_2.json                          OK
-+ static_callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGE.json                       OK
-+ static_callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGE_2.json                     OK
-+ static_callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMAfter.json                  OK
-+ static_callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMAfter2.json                 OK
-+ static_callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMAfter_1.json                OK
-+ static_callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMAfter_2.json                OK
-+ static_callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMBefore.json                 OK
-+ static_callcallcodecallcode_011_OOGMBefore2.json                OK
-+ static_callcallcodecallcode_011_SuicideEnd.json                 OK
-+ static_callcallcodecallcode_011_SuicideEnd2.json                OK
-+ static_callcallcodecallcode_011_SuicideMiddle.json              OK
-+ static_callcallcodecallcode_011_SuicideMiddle2.json             OK
-+ static_callcallcodecallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                 OK
-+ static_callcallcodecallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE2.json                OK
-+ static_callcode_checkPC.json                                    OK
-+ static_callcodecall_10.json                                     OK
-+ static_callcodecall_10_2.json                                   OK
-+ static_callcodecall_10_OOGE.json                                OK
-+ static_callcodecall_10_OOGE_2.json                              OK
-+ static_callcodecall_10_SuicideEnd.json                          OK
-+ static_callcodecall_10_SuicideEnd2.json                         OK
-+ static_callcodecallcall_100.json                                OK
-+ static_callcodecallcall_100_2.json                              OK
-+ static_callcodecallcall_100_OOGE.json                           OK
-+ static_callcodecallcall_100_OOGE2.json                          OK
-+ static_callcodecallcall_100_OOGMAfter.json                      OK
-+ static_callcodecallcall_100_OOGMAfter2.json                     OK
-+ static_callcodecallcall_100_OOGMAfter_2.json                    OK
-+ static_callcodecallcall_100_OOGMAfter_3.json                    OK
-+ static_callcodecallcall_100_OOGMBefore.json                     OK
-+ static_callcodecallcall_100_OOGMBefore2.json                    OK
-+ static_callcodecallcall_100_SuicideEnd.json                     OK
-+ static_callcodecallcall_100_SuicideEnd2.json                    OK
-+ static_callcodecallcall_100_SuicideMiddle.json                  OK
-+ static_callcodecallcall_100_SuicideMiddle2.json                 OK
-+ static_callcodecallcall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                     OK
-+ static_callcodecallcall_ABCB_RECURSIVE2.json                    OK
-+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101.json                            OK
-+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_2.json                          OK
-+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGE.json                       OK
-+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGE_2.json                     OK
-+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMAfter.json                  OK
-+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMAfter2.json                 OK
-+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMAfter_1.json                OK
-+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMAfter_3.json                OK
-+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMBefore.json                 OK
-+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMBefore2.json                OK
-+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_SuicideEnd.json                 OK
-+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_SuicideEnd2.json                OK
-+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_SuicideMiddle.json              OK
-+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_SuicideMiddle2.json             OK
-+ static_callcodecallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                 OK
-+ static_callcodecallcallcode_ABCB_RECURSIVE2.json                OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecall_110.json                            OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecall_1102.json                           OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecall_110_2.json                          OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGE.json                       OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGE2.json                      OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGMAfter.json                  OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGMAfter2.json                 OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGMAfter_2.json                OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGMAfter_3.json                OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGMBefore.json                 OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecall_110_OOGMBefore2.json                OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecall_110_SuicideEnd.json                 OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecall_110_SuicideEnd2.json                OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecall_110_SuicideMiddle.json              OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecall_110_SuicideMiddle2.json             OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE.json                 OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecall_ABCB_RECURSIVE2.json                OK
-+ static_callcodecallcodecallcode_111_SuicideEnd.json             OK
-+ static_calldelcode_01.json                                      OK
-+ static_calldelcode_01_OOGE.json                                 OK
-+ static_contractCreationMakeCallThatAskMoreGasThenTransactionPro OK
-+ static_contractCreationOOGdontLeaveEmptyContractViaTransaction. OK
-+ static_log0_emptyMem.json                                       OK
-+ static_log0_logMemStartTooHigh.json                             OK
-+ static_log0_logMemsizeTooHigh.json                              OK
-+ static_log0_logMemsizeZero.json                                 OK
-+ static_log0_nonEmptyMem.json                                    OK
-+ static_log0_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1.json                        OK
-+ static_log0_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1_logMemStart31.json          OK
-+ static_log1_MaxTopic.json                                       OK
-+ static_log1_emptyMem.json                                       OK
-+ static_log1_logMemStartTooHigh.json                             OK
-+ static_log1_logMemsizeTooHigh.json                              OK
-+ static_log1_logMemsizeZero.json                                 OK
-+ static_log_Caller.json                                          OK
-+ static_makeMoney.json                                           OK
-+ static_refund_CallA.json                                        OK
-+ static_refund_CallToSuicideNoStorage.json                       OK
-+ static_refund_CallToSuicideTwice.json                           OK
-OK: 274/286 Fail: 0/286 Skip: 12/286
-## stStaticFlagEnabled
-+ CallWithNOTZeroValueToPrecompileFromCalledContract.json         OK
-+ CallWithNOTZeroValueToPrecompileFromContractInitialization.json OK
-+ CallWithNOTZeroValueToPrecompileFromTransaction.json            OK
-+ CallWithZeroValueToPrecompileFromCalledContract.json            OK
-+ CallWithZeroValueToPrecompileFromContractInitialization.json    OK
-+ CallWithZeroValueToPrecompileFromTransaction.json               OK
-+ CallcodeToPrecompileFromCalledContract.json                     OK
-+ CallcodeToPrecompileFromContractInitialization.json             OK
-+ CallcodeToPrecompileFromTransaction.json                        OK
-+ DelegatecallToPrecompileFromCalledContract.json                 OK
-+ DelegatecallToPrecompileFromContractInitialization.json         OK
-+ DelegatecallToPrecompileFromTransaction.json                    OK
-+ StaticcallForPrecompilesIssue683.json                           OK
-OK: 13/13 Fail: 0/13 Skip: 0/13
-## stSubroutine
-+ beginSubAtEndOfCode.json                                        OK
-+ shouldErrorWhenExecuteBeginSub.json                             OK
-+ shouldErrorWhenJumpToJumpDest.json                              OK
-+ shouldErrorWhenReturnStackGrowsAbove1023.json                   OK
-+ shouldErrorWhenSubroutineEnteredViaBeginSub.json                OK
-+ shouldSucceedWhenReturnStackGrowsUntil1023.json                 OK
-+ simpleSubroutine.json                                           OK
-+ subroutineAtEndOfCode.json                                      OK
-+ subroutineInvalidJump.json                                      OK
-+ subroutineShallowReturnStack.json                               OK
-+ twoLevelsSubroutines.json                                       OK
-OK: 11/11 Fail: 0/11 Skip: 0/11
-## stSystemOperationsTest
-+ ABAcalls0.json                                                  OK
-  ABAcalls1.json                                                  Skip
-  ABAcalls2.json                                                  Skip
-+ ABAcalls3.json                                                  OK
-+ ABAcallsSuicide0.json                                           OK
-+ ABAcallsSuicide1.json                                           OK
-+ Call10.json                                                     OK
-  CallRecursiveBomb0.json                                         Skip
-  CallRecursiveBomb0_OOG_atMaxCallDepth.json                      Skip
-  CallRecursiveBomb1.json                                         Skip
-  CallRecursiveBomb2.json                                         Skip
-+ CallRecursiveBomb3.json                                         OK
-  CallRecursiveBombLog.json                                       Skip
-  CallRecursiveBombLog2.json                                      Skip
-+ CallToNameRegistrator0.json                                     OK
-+ CallToNameRegistratorAddressTooBigLeft.json                     OK
-+ CallToNameRegistratorAddressTooBigRight.json                    OK
-  CallToNameRegistratorMemOOGAndInsufficientBalance.json          Skip
-+ CallToNameRegistratorNotMuchMemory0.json                        OK
-+ CallToNameRegistratorNotMuchMemory1.json                        OK
-+ CallToNameRegistratorOutOfGas.json                              OK
-  CallToNameRegistratorTooMuchMemory0.json                        Skip
-+ CallToNameRegistratorTooMuchMemory1.json                        OK
-+ CallToNameRegistratorTooMuchMemory2.json                        OK
-+ CallToNameRegistratorZeorSizeMemExpansion.json                  OK
-+ CallToReturn1.json                                              OK
-+ CallToReturn1ForDynamicJump0.json                               OK
-+ CallToReturn1ForDynamicJump1.json                               OK
-+ CalltoReturn2.json                                              OK
-+ CreateHashCollision.json                                        OK
-+ PostToReturn1.json                                              OK
-+ TestNameRegistrator.json                                        OK
-+ balanceInputAddressTooBig.json                                  OK
-+ callValue.json                                                  OK
-+ callcodeTo0.json                                                OK
-+ callcodeToNameRegistrator0.json                                 OK
-+ callcodeToNameRegistratorAddresTooBigLeft.json                  OK
-+ callcodeToNameRegistratorAddresTooBigRight.json                 OK
-+ callcodeToNameRegistratorZeroMemExpanion.json                   OK
-+ callcodeToReturn1.json                                          OK
-+ callerAccountBalance.json                                       OK
-+ createNameRegistrator.json                                      OK
-+ createNameRegistratorOOG_MemExpansionOOV.json                   OK
-+ createNameRegistratorOutOfMemoryBonds0.json                     OK
-+ createNameRegistratorOutOfMemoryBonds1.json                     OK
-+ createNameRegistratorValueTooHigh.json                          OK
-+ createNameRegistratorZeroMem.json                               OK
-+ createNameRegistratorZeroMem2.json                              OK
-+ createNameRegistratorZeroMemExpansion.json                      OK
-+ createWithInvalidOpcode.json                                    OK
-+ currentAccountBalance.json                                      OK
-+ doubleSelfdestructTest.json                                     OK
-+ doubleSelfdestructTest2.json                                    OK
-+ extcodecopy.json                                                OK
-+ return0.json                                                    OK
-+ return1.json                                                    OK
-+ return2.json                                                    OK
-+ suicideAddress.json                                             OK
-+ suicideCaller.json                                              OK
-+ suicideCallerAddresTooBigLeft.json                              OK
-+ suicideCallerAddresTooBigRight.json                             OK
-+ suicideNotExistingAccount.json                                  OK
-+ suicideOrigin.json                                              OK
-+ suicideSendEtherPostDeath.json                                  OK
-+ suicideSendEtherToMe.json                                       OK
-+ testRandomTest.json                                             OK
-OK: 56/66 Fail: 0/66 Skip: 10/66
-## stTimeConsuming
-  CALLBlake2f_MaxRounds.json                                      Skip
-+ sstore_combinations_initial00.json                              OK
-+ sstore_combinations_initial00_2.json                            OK
-+ sstore_combinations_initial01.json                              OK
-+ sstore_combinations_initial01_2.json                            OK
-+ sstore_combinations_initial10.json                              OK
-+ sstore_combinations_initial10_2.json                            OK
-+ sstore_combinations_initial11.json                              OK
-+ sstore_combinations_initial11_2.json                            OK
-+ sstore_combinations_initial20.json                              OK
-+ sstore_combinations_initial20_2.json                            OK
-+ sstore_combinations_initial21.json                              OK
-+ sstore_combinations_initial21_2.json                            OK
-  static_Call50000_sha256.json                                    Skip
-OK: 12/14 Fail: 0/14 Skip: 2/14
-## stTransactionTest
-+ ContractStoreClearsOOG.json                                     OK
-+ ContractStoreClearsSuccess.json                                 OK
-+ CreateMessageReverted.json                                      OK
-+ CreateMessageSuccess.json                                       OK
-+ CreateTransactionSuccess.json                                   OK
-+ EmptyTransaction3.json                                          OK
-+ HighGasLimit.json                                               OK
-+ InternalCallHittingGasLimit.json                                OK
-+ InternalCallHittingGasLimit2.json                               OK
-+ InternalCallHittingGasLimitSuccess.json                         OK
-+ InternlCallStoreClearsOOG.json                                  OK
-+ InternlCallStoreClearsSucces.json                               OK
-+ Opcodes_TransactionInit.json                                    OK
-+ OverflowGasRequire2.json                                        OK
-+ StoreClearsAndInternlCallStoreClearsOOG.json                    OK
-+ StoreClearsAndInternlCallStoreClearsSuccess.json                OK
-+ StoreGasOnCreate.json                                           OK
-+ SuicidesAndInternlCallSuicidesBonusGasAtCall.json               OK
-+ SuicidesAndInternlCallSuicidesBonusGasAtCallFailed.json         OK
-+ SuicidesAndInternlCallSuicidesOOG.json                          OK
-+ SuicidesAndInternlCallSuicidesSuccess.json                      OK
-+ SuicidesAndSendMoneyToItselfEtherDestroyed.json                 OK
-+ SuicidesStopAfterSuicide.json                                   OK
-+ TransactionDataCosts652.json                                    OK
-+ TransactionSendingToEmpty.json                                  OK
-+ TransactionSendingToZero.json                                   OK
-+ TransactionToAddressh160minusOne.json                           OK
-+ TransactionToItself.json                                        OK
-OK: 28/28 Fail: 0/28 Skip: 0/28
-## stTransitionTest
-+ createNameRegistratorPerTxsAfter.json                           OK
-+ createNameRegistratorPerTxsAt.json                              OK
-+ createNameRegistratorPerTxsBefore.json                          OK
-+ delegatecallAfterTransition.json                                OK
-+ delegatecallAtTransition.json                                   OK
-+ delegatecallBeforeTransition.json                               OK
-OK: 6/6 Fail: 0/6 Skip: 0/6
-## stWalletTest
-+ dayLimitConstruction.json                                       OK
-+ dayLimitConstructionOOG.json                                    OK
-+ dayLimitConstructionPartial.json                                OK
-+ dayLimitResetSpentToday.json                                    OK
-+ dayLimitSetDailyLimit.json                                      OK
-+ dayLimitSetDailyLimitNoData.json                                OK
-+ multiOwnedAddOwner.json                                         OK
-+ multiOwnedAddOwnerAddMyself.json                                OK
-+ multiOwnedChangeOwner.json                                      OK
-+ multiOwnedChangeOwnerNoArgument.json                            OK
-+ multiOwnedChangeOwner_fromNotOwner.json                         OK
-+ multiOwnedChangeOwner_toIsOwner.json                            OK
-+ multiOwnedChangeRequirementTo0.json                             OK
-+ multiOwnedChangeRequirementTo1.json                             OK
-+ multiOwnedChangeRequirementTo2.json                             OK
-+ multiOwnedConstructionCorrect.json                              OK
-+ multiOwnedConstructionNotEnoughGas.json                         OK
-+ multiOwnedConstructionNotEnoughGasPartial.json                  OK
-+ multiOwnedIsOwnerFalse.json                                     OK
-+ multiOwnedIsOwnerTrue.json                                      OK
-+ multiOwnedRemoveOwner.json                                      OK
-+ multiOwnedRemoveOwnerByNonOwner.json                            OK
-+ multiOwnedRemoveOwner_mySelf.json                               OK
-+ multiOwnedRemoveOwner_ownerIsNotOwner.json                      OK
-+ multiOwnedRevokeNothing.json                                    OK
-+ walletAddOwnerRemovePendingTransaction.json                     OK
-+ walletChangeOwnerRemovePendingTransaction.json                  OK
-+ walletChangeRequirementRemovePendingTransaction.json            OK
-+ walletConfirm.json                                              OK
-+ walletConstruction.json                                         OK
-+ walletConstructionOOG.json                                      OK
-+ walletConstructionPartial.json                                  OK
-+ walletDefault.json                                              OK
-+ walletDefaultWithOutValue.json                                  OK
-+ walletExecuteOverDailyLimitMultiOwner.json                      OK
-+ walletExecuteOverDailyLimitOnlyOneOwner.json                    OK
-+ walletExecuteOverDailyLimitOnlyOneOwnerNew.json                 OK
-+ walletExecuteUnderDailyLimit.json                               OK
-+ walletKill.json                                                 OK
-+ walletKillNotByOwner.json                                       OK
-+ walletKillToWallet.json                                         OK
-+ walletRemoveOwnerRemovePendingTransaction.json                  OK
-OK: 42/42 Fail: 0/42 Skip: 0/42
-## stZeroCallsRevert
-+ ZeroValue_CALLCODE_OOGRevert.json                               OK
-+ ZeroValue_CALLCODE_ToEmpty_OOGRevert.json                       OK
-+ ZeroValue_CALLCODE_ToNonZeroBalance_OOGRevert.json              OK
-+ ZeroValue_CALLCODE_ToOneStorageKey_OOGRevert.json               OK
-+ ZeroValue_CALL_OOGRevert.json                                   OK
-+ ZeroValue_CALL_ToEmpty_OOGRevert.json                           OK
-+ ZeroValue_CALL_ToNonZeroBalance_OOGRevert.json                  OK
-+ ZeroValue_CALL_ToOneStorageKey_OOGRevert.json                   OK
-+ ZeroValue_DELEGATECALL_OOGRevert.json                           OK
-+ ZeroValue_DELEGATECALL_ToEmpty_OOGRevert.json                   OK
-+ ZeroValue_DELEGATECALL_ToNonZeroBalance_OOGRevert.json          OK
-+ ZeroValue_DELEGATECALL_ToOneStorageKey_OOGRevert.json           OK
-+ ZeroValue_SUICIDE_OOGRevert.json                                OK
-+ ZeroValue_SUICIDE_ToEmpty_OOGRevert.json                        OK
-+ ZeroValue_SUICIDE_ToNonZeroBalance_OOGRevert.json               OK
-+ ZeroValue_SUICIDE_ToOneStorageKey_OOGRevert.json                OK
-OK: 16/16 Fail: 0/16 Skip: 0/16
-## stZeroCallsTest
-+ ZeroValue_CALL.json                                             OK
-+ ZeroValue_CALLCODE.json                                         OK
-+ ZeroValue_CALLCODE_ToEmpty.json                                 OK
-+ ZeroValue_CALLCODE_ToNonZeroBalance.json                        OK
-+ ZeroValue_CALLCODE_ToOneStorageKey.json                         OK
-+ ZeroValue_CALL_ToEmpty.json                                     OK
-+ ZeroValue_CALL_ToNonZeroBalance.json                            OK
-+ ZeroValue_CALL_ToOneStorageKey.json                             OK
-+ ZeroValue_DELEGATECALL.json                                     OK
-+ ZeroValue_DELEGATECALL_ToEmpty.json                             OK
-+ ZeroValue_DELEGATECALL_ToNonZeroBalance.json                    OK
-+ ZeroValue_DELEGATECALL_ToOneStorageKey.json                     OK
-+ ZeroValue_SUICIDE.json                                          OK
-+ ZeroValue_SUICIDE_ToEmpty.json                                  OK
-+ ZeroValue_SUICIDE_ToNonZeroBalance.json                         OK
-+ ZeroValue_SUICIDE_ToOneStorageKey.json                          OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALL.json                                  OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALL_ToEmpty.json                          OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALL_ToNonZeroBalance.json                 OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALL_ToOneStorageKey.json                  OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData.json                          OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToEmpty.json                  OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToNonZeroBalance.json         OK
-+ ZeroValue_TransactionCALLwithData_ToOneStorageKey.json          OK
-OK: 24/24 Fail: 0/24 Skip: 0/24
-## stZeroKnowledge
-+ ecmul_1-2_2_28000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_2_28000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_21000_128.jso OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_21000_80.json OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_21000_96.json OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_28000_128.jso OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_28000_80.json OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_28000_96.json OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_5616_21000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_5616_21000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_5616_28000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_5617_21000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_5617_21000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_5617_28000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_5617_28000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_616_28000_96.json                                     OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_9935_21000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_9935_21000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_9935_28000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_9935_28000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_9_21000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_9_21000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_9_28000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_9_28000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_0_21000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_0_21000_64.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_0_21000_80.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_0_21000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_0_28000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_0_28000_64.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_0_28000_80.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_0_28000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_1_21000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_1_21000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_1_28000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_1_28000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_2_21000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_2_21000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_2_28000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_2_28000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_21000_128.jso OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_21000_80.json OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_21000_96.json OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_28000_128.jso OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_28000_80.json OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_28000_96.json OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_5616_21000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_5616_21000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_5616_28000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_5616_28000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_5617_21000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_5617_21000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_5617_28000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_5617_28000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_9935_21000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_9935_21000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_9935_28000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_9935_28000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_9_21000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_9_21000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_9_28000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_1-3_9_28000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_0_21000_128.json                                OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_0_21000_64.json                                 OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_0_21000_80.json                                 OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_0_21000_96.json                                 OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_0_28000_128.json                                OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_0_28000_64.json                                 OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_0_28000_80.json                                 OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_0_28000_96.json                                 OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_1456_21000_128.json                             OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_1456_21000_80.json                              OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_1456_21000_96.json                              OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_1456_28000_128.json                             OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_1456_28000_80.json                              OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_1456_28000_96.json                              OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_1_21000_128.json                                OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_1_21000_96.json                                 OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_1_28000_128.json                                OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_1_28000_96.json                                 OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_2_21000_128.json                                OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_2_21000_96.json                                 OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_2_28000_128.json                                OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_2_28000_96.json                                 OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_5616_21000_128.json                             OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_5616_21000_96.json                              OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_5616_28000_128.json                             OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_5616_28000_96.json                              OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_5617_21000_128.json                             OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_5617_21000_96.json                              OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_5617_28000_128.json                             OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_5617_28000_96.json                              OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_9935_21000_128.json                             OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_9935_21000_96.json                              OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_9935_28000_128.json                             OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_9935_28000_96.json                              OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_9_21000_128.json                                OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_9_21000_96.json                                 OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_9_28000_128.json                                OK
-+ ecmul_7827-6598_9_28000_96.json                                 OK
-+ ecpairing_bad_length_191.json                                   OK
-+ ecpairing_bad_length_193.json                                   OK
-+ ecpairing_empty_data.json                                       OK
-+ ecpairing_empty_data_insufficient_gas.json                      OK
-+ ecpairing_one_point_fail.json                                   OK
-+ ecpairing_one_point_insufficient_gas.json                       OK
-+ ecpairing_one_point_not_in_subgroup.json                        OK
-+ ecpairing_one_point_with_g1_zero.json                           OK
-+ ecpairing_one_point_with_g2_zero.json                           OK
-+ ecpairing_one_point_with_g2_zero_and_g1_invalid.json            OK
-+ ecpairing_perturb_g2_by_curve_order.json                        OK
-+ ecpairing_perturb_g2_by_field_modulus.json                      OK
-+ ecpairing_perturb_g2_by_field_modulus_again.json                OK
-+ ecpairing_perturb_g2_by_one.json                                OK
-+ ecpairing_perturb_zeropoint_by_curve_order.json                 OK
-+ ecpairing_perturb_zeropoint_by_field_modulus.json               OK
-+ ecpairing_perturb_zeropoint_by_one.json                         OK
-+ ecpairing_three_point_fail_1.json                               OK
-+ ecpairing_three_point_match_1.json                              OK
-+ ecpairing_two_point_fail_1.json                                 OK
-+ ecpairing_two_point_fail_2.json                                 OK
-+ ecpairing_two_point_match_1.json                                OK
-+ ecpairing_two_point_match_2.json                                OK
-+ ecpairing_two_point_match_3.json                                OK
-+ ecpairing_two_point_match_4.json                                OK
-+ ecpairing_two_point_match_5.json                                OK
-+ ecpairing_two_point_oog.json                                    OK
-+ ecpairing_two_points_with_one_g2_zero.json                      OK
-+ pairingTest.json                                                OK
-+ pointAdd.json                                                   OK
-+ pointAddTrunc.json                                              OK
-+ pointMulAdd.json                                                OK
-+ pointMulAdd2.json                                               OK
-OK: 133/133 Fail: 0/133 Skip: 0/133
-## stZeroKnowledge2
-+ ecadd_0-0_0-0_21000_0.json                                      OK
-+ ecadd_0-0_0-0_21000_128.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_0-0_0-0_21000_192.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_0-0_0-0_21000_64.json                                     OK
-+ ecadd_0-0_0-0_21000_80.json                                     OK
-+ ecadd_0-0_0-0_25000_0.json                                      OK
-+ ecadd_0-0_0-0_25000_128.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_0-0_0-0_25000_192.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_0-0_0-0_25000_64.json                                     OK
-+ ecadd_0-0_0-0_25000_80.json                                     OK
-+ ecadd_0-0_1-2_21000_128.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_0-0_1-2_21000_192.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_0-0_1-2_25000_128.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_0-0_1-2_25000_192.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_0-0_1-3_21000_128.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_0-0_1-3_25000_128.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_0-3_1-2_21000_128.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_0-3_1-2_25000_128.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_1-2_0-0_21000_128.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_1-2_0-0_21000_192.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_1-2_0-0_21000_64.json                                     OK
-+ ecadd_1-2_0-0_25000_128.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_1-2_0-0_25000_192.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_1-2_0-0_25000_64.json                                     OK
-+ ecadd_1-2_1-2_21000_128.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_1-2_1-2_21000_192.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_1-2_1-2_25000_128.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_1-2_1-2_25000_192.json                                    OK
-+ ecadd_1-3_0-0_21000_80.json                                     OK
-+ ecadd_1-3_0-0_25000_80.json                                     OK
-+ ecadd_1145-3932_1145-4651_21000_192.json                        OK
-+ ecadd_1145-3932_1145-4651_25000_192.json                        OK
-+ ecadd_1145-3932_2969-1336_21000_128.json                        OK
-+ ecadd_1145-3932_2969-1336_25000_128.json                        OK
-+ ecadd_6-9_19274124-124124_21000_128.json                        OK
-+ ecadd_6-9_19274124-124124_25000_128.json                        OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_0_21000_0.json                                        OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_0_21000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_0_21000_40.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_0_21000_64.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_0_21000_80.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_0_21000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_0_28000_0.json                                        OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_0_28000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_0_28000_40.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_0_28000_64.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_0_28000_80.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_0_28000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_1_21000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_1_21000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_1_28000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_1_28000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_2_21000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_2_21000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_2_28000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_2_28000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_21000_128.jso OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_21000_80.json OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_21000_96.json OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_28000_128.jso OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_28000_80.json OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_28000_96.json OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_5616_21000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_5616_21000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_5616_28000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_5616_28000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_5617_21000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_5617_21000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_5617_28000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_5617_28000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_9935_21000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_9935_21000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_9935_28000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_9935_28000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_9_21000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_9_21000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_9_28000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_0-0_9_28000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_0_21000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_0_21000_64.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_0_21000_80.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_0_21000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_0_28000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_0_28000_64.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_0_28000_80.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_0_28000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_1_21000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_1_21000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_1_28000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_1_28000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_2_21000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_2_21000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_2_28000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_2_28000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_21000_128.jso OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_21000_80.json OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_21000_96.json OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_28000_128.jso OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_28000_80.json OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_340282366920938463463374607431768211456_28000_96.json OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_5616_21000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_5616_21000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_5616_28000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_5616_28000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_5617_21000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_5617_21000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_5617_28000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_5617_28000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_9935_21000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_9935_21000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_9935_28000_128.json                                   OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_9935_28000_96.json                                    OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_9_21000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_9_21000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_9_28000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_0-3_9_28000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_0_21000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_0_21000_64.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_0_21000_80.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_0_21000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_0_28000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_0_28000_64.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_0_28000_80.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_0_28000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_1_21000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_1_21000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_1_28000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_1_28000_96.json                                       OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_2_21000_128.json                                      OK
-+ ecmul_1-2_2_21000_96.json                                       OK
-OK: 130/130 Fail: 0/130 Skip: 0/130
-## vmArithmeticTest
-+ add0.json                                                       OK
-+ add1.json                                                       OK
-+ add2.json                                                       OK
-+ add3.json                                                       OK
-+ add4.json                                                       OK
-+ addmod0.json                                                    OK
-+ addmod1.json                                                    OK
-+ addmod1_overflow2.json                                          OK
-+ addmod1_overflow3.json                                          OK
-+ addmod1_overflow4.json                                          OK
-+ addmod1_overflowDiff.json                                       OK
-+ addmod2.json                                                    OK
-+ addmod2_0.json                                                  OK
-+ addmod2_1.json                                                  OK
-+ addmod3.json                                                    OK
-+ addmod3_0.json                                                  OK
-+ addmodBigIntCast.json                                           OK
-+ addmodDivByZero.json                                            OK
-+ addmodDivByZero1.json                                           OK
-+ addmodDivByZero2.json                                           OK
-+ addmodDivByZero3.json                                           OK
-+ arith1.json                                                     OK
-+ div1.json                                                       OK
-+ divBoostBug.json                                                OK
-+ divByNonZero0.json                                              OK
-+ divByNonZero1.json                                              OK
-+ divByNonZero2.json                                              OK
-+ divByNonZero3.json                                              OK
-+ divByZero.json                                                  OK
-+ divByZero_2.json                                                OK
-+ exp0.json                                                       OK
-+ exp1.json                                                       OK
-+ exp2.json                                                       OK
-+ exp3.json                                                       OK
-+ exp4.json                                                       OK
-+ exp5.json                                                       OK
-+ exp6.json                                                       OK
-+ exp7.json                                                       OK
-+ exp8.json                                                       OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_0.json                                       OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_1.json                                       OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_10.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_11.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_12.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_13.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_14.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_15.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_16.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_17.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_18.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_19.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_2.json                                       OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_20.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_21.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_22.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_23.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_24.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_25.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_26.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_27.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_28.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_29.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_3.json                                       OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_30.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_31.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_32.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_33.json                                      OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_4.json                                       OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_5.json                                       OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_6.json                                       OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_7.json                                       OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_8.json                                       OK
-+ expPowerOf256Of256_9.json                                       OK
-+ expPowerOf256_1.json                                            OK
-+ expPowerOf256_10.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_11.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_12.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_13.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_14.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_15.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_16.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_17.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_18.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_19.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_2.json                                            OK
-+ expPowerOf256_20.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_21.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_22.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_23.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_24.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_25.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_26.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_27.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_28.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_29.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_3.json                                            OK
-+ expPowerOf256_30.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_31.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_32.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_33.json                                           OK
-+ expPowerOf256_4.json                                            OK
-+ expPowerOf256_5.json                                            OK
-+ expPowerOf256_6.json                                            OK
-+ expPowerOf256_7.json                                            OK
-+ expPowerOf256_8.json                                            OK
-+ expPowerOf256_9.json                                            OK
-+ expPowerOf2_128.json                                            OK
-+ expPowerOf2_16.json                                             OK
-+ expPowerOf2_2.json                                              OK
-+ expPowerOf2_256.json                                            OK
-+ expPowerOf2_32.json                                             OK
-+ expPowerOf2_4.json                                              OK
-+ expPowerOf2_64.json                                             OK
-+ expPowerOf2_8.json                                              OK
-+ expXY.json                                                      OK
-+ expXY_success.json                                              OK
-+ fibbonacci_unrolled.json                                        OK
-+ mod0.json                                                       OK
-+ mod1.json                                                       OK
-+ mod2.json                                                       OK
-+ mod3.json                                                       OK
-+ mod4.json                                                       OK
-+ modByZero.json                                                  OK
-+ mul0.json                                                       OK
-+ mul1.json                                                       OK
-+ mul2.json                                                       OK
-+ mul3.json                                                       OK
-+ mul4.json                                                       OK
-+ mul5.json                                                       OK
-+ mul6.json                                                       OK
-+ mul7.json                                                       OK
-+ mulUnderFlow.json                                               OK
-+ mulmod0.json                                                    OK
-+ mulmod1.json                                                    OK
-+ mulmod1_overflow.json                                           OK
-+ mulmod1_overflow2.json                                          OK
-+ mulmod1_overflow3.json                                          OK
-+ mulmod1_overflow4.json                                          OK
-+ mulmod2.json                                                    OK
-+ mulmod2_0.json                                                  OK
-+ mulmod2_1.json                                                  OK
-+ mulmod3.json                                                    OK
-+ mulmod3_0.json                                                  OK
-+ mulmod4.json                                                    OK
-+ mulmoddivByZero.json                                            OK
-+ mulmoddivByZero1.json                                           OK
-+ mulmoddivByZero2.json                                           OK
-+ mulmoddivByZero3.json                                           OK
-+ not1.json                                                       OK
-+ sdiv0.json                                                      OK
-+ sdiv1.json                                                      OK
-+ sdiv2.json                                                      OK
-+ sdiv3.json                                                      OK
-+ sdiv4.json                                                      OK
-+ sdiv5.json                                                      OK
-+ sdiv6.json                                                      OK
-+ sdiv7.json                                                      OK
-+ sdiv8.json                                                      OK
-+ sdiv9.json                                                      OK
-+ sdivByZero0.json                                                OK
-+ sdivByZero1.json                                                OK
-+ sdivByZero2.json                                                OK
-+ sdiv_dejavu.json                                                OK
-+ sdiv_i256min.json                                               OK
-+ sdiv_i256min2.json                                              OK
-+ sdiv_i256min3.json                                              OK
-+ signextendInvalidByteNumber.json                                OK
-+ signextend_00.json                                              OK
-+ signextend_0_BigByte.json                                       OK
-+ signextend_AlmostBiggestByte.json                               OK
-+ signextend_BigByteBigByte.json                                  OK
-+ signextend_BigBytePlus1_2.json                                  OK
-+ signextend_BigByte_0.json                                       OK
-+ signextend_BitIsNotSet.json                                     OK
-+ signextend_BitIsNotSetInHigherByte.json                         OK
-+ signextend_BitIsSetInHigherByte.json                            OK
-+ signextend_Overflow_dj42.json                                   OK
-+ signextend_bigBytePlus1.json                                    OK
-+ signextend_bitIsSet.json                                        OK
-+ smod0.json                                                      OK
-+ smod1.json                                                      OK
-+ smod2.json                                                      OK
-+ smod3.json                                                      OK
-+ smod4.json                                                      OK
-+ smod5.json                                                      OK
-+ smod6.json                                                      OK
-+ smod7.json                                                      OK
-+ smod8_byZero.json                                               OK
-+ smod_i256min1.json                                              OK
-+ smod_i256min2.json                                              OK
-+ stop.json                                                       OK
-+ sub0.json                                                       OK
-+ sub1.json                                                       OK
-+ sub2.json                                                       OK
-+ sub3.json                                                       OK
-+ sub4.json                                                       OK
-OK: 196/196 Fail: 0/196 Skip: 0/196
-## vmBitwiseLogicOperation
-+ and0.json                                                       OK
-+ and1.json                                                       OK
-+ and2.json                                                       OK
-+ and3.json                                                       OK
-+ and4.json                                                       OK
-+ and5.json                                                       OK
-+ byte0.json                                                      OK
-+ byte1.json                                                      OK
-+ byte10.json                                                     OK
-+ byte11.json                                                     OK
-+ byte2.json                                                      OK
-+ byte3.json                                                      OK
-+ byte4.json                                                      OK
-+ byte5.json                                                      OK
-+ byte6.json                                                      OK
-+ byte7.json                                                      OK
-+ byte8.json                                                      OK
-+ byte9.json                                                      OK
-+ byteBN.json                                                     OK
-+ eq0.json                                                        OK
-+ eq1.json                                                        OK
-+ eq2.json                                                        OK
-+ gt0.json                                                        OK
-+ gt1.json                                                        OK
-+ gt2.json                                                        OK
-+ gt3.json                                                        OK
-+ iszeo2.json                                                     OK
-+ iszero0.json                                                    OK
-+ iszero1.json                                                    OK
-+ lt0.json                                                        OK
-+ lt1.json                                                        OK
-+ lt2.json                                                        OK
-+ lt3.json                                                        OK
-+ not0.json                                                       OK
-+ not1.json                                                       OK
-+ not2.json                                                       OK
-+ not3.json                                                       OK
-+ not4.json                                                       OK
-+ not5.json                                                       OK
-+ or0.json                                                        OK
-+ or1.json                                                        OK
-+ or2.json                                                        OK
-+ or3.json                                                        OK
-+ or4.json                                                        OK
-+ or5.json                                                        OK
-+ sgt0.json                                                       OK
-+ sgt1.json                                                       OK
-+ sgt2.json                                                       OK
-+ sgt3.json                                                       OK
-+ sgt4.json                                                       OK
-+ slt0.json                                                       OK
-+ slt1.json                                                       OK
-+ slt2.json                                                       OK
-+ slt3.json                                                       OK
-+ slt4.json                                                       OK
-+ xor0.json                                                       OK
-+ xor1.json                                                       OK
-+ xor2.json                                                       OK
-+ xor3.json                                                       OK
-+ xor4.json                                                       OK
-+ xor5.json                                                       OK
-OK: 61/61 Fail: 0/61 Skip: 0/61
-## vmBlockInfoTest
-+ coinbase.json                                                   OK
-+ difficulty.json                                                 OK
-+ gaslimit.json                                                   OK
-+ number.json                                                     OK
-+ timestamp.json                                                  OK
-OK: 5/5 Fail: 0/5 Skip: 0/5
-## vmEnvironmentalInfo
-+ address0.json                                                   OK
-+ address1.json                                                   OK
-+ calldatacopy0.json                                              OK
-+ calldatacopy0_return.json                                       OK
-+ calldatacopy1.json                                              OK
-+ calldatacopy1_return.json                                       OK
-+ calldatacopy2.json                                              OK
-+ calldatacopy2_return.json                                       OK
-+ calldatacopyUnderFlow.json                                      OK
-+ calldatacopyZeroMemExpansion.json                               OK
-+ calldatacopyZeroMemExpansion_return.json                        OK
-+ calldatacopy_DataIndexTooHigh.json                              OK
-+ calldatacopy_DataIndexTooHigh2.json                             OK
-+ calldatacopy_DataIndexTooHigh2_return.json                      OK
-+ calldatacopy_DataIndexTooHigh_return.json                       OK
-+ calldatacopy_sec.json                                           OK
-+ calldataload0.json                                              OK
-+ calldataload1.json                                              OK
-+ calldataload2.json                                              OK
-+ calldataloadSizeTooHigh.json                                    OK
-+ calldataloadSizeTooHighPartial.json                             OK
-+ calldataload_BigOffset.json                                     OK
-+ calldatasize0.json                                              OK
-+ calldatasize1.json                                              OK
-+ calldatasize2.json                                              OK
-+ caller.json                                                     OK
-+ callvalue.json                                                  OK
-+ codecopy0.json                                                  OK
-+ codecopyZeroMemExpansion.json                                   OK
-+ codecopy_DataIndexTooHigh.json                                  OK
-+ codesize.json                                                   OK
-+ gasprice.json                                                   OK
-+ origin.json                                                     OK
-OK: 33/33 Fail: 0/33 Skip: 0/33
-## vmIOandFlowOperations
-+ BlockNumberDynamicJump0_AfterJumpdest.json                      OK
-+ BlockNumberDynamicJump0_AfterJumpdest3.json                     OK
-+ BlockNumberDynamicJump0_foreverOutOfGas.json                    OK
-+ BlockNumberDynamicJump0_jumpdest0.json                          OK
-+ BlockNumberDynamicJump0_jumpdest2.json                          OK
-+ BlockNumberDynamicJump0_withoutJumpdest.json                    OK
-+ BlockNumberDynamicJump1.json                                    OK
-+ BlockNumberDynamicJumpInsidePushWithJumpDest.json               OK
-+ BlockNumberDynamicJumpInsidePushWithoutJumpDest.json            OK
-+ BlockNumberDynamicJumpi0.json                                   OK
-+ BlockNumberDynamicJumpi1.json                                   OK
-+ BlockNumberDynamicJumpi1_jumpdest.json                          OK
-+ BlockNumberDynamicJumpiAfterStop.json                           OK
-+ BlockNumberDynamicJumpiOutsideBoundary.json                     OK
-+ BlockNumberDynamicJumpifInsidePushWithJumpDest.json             OK
-+ BlockNumberDynamicJumpifInsidePushWithoutJumpDest.json          OK
-+ DyanmicJump0_outOfBoundary.json                                 OK
-+ DynamicJump0_AfterJumpdest.json                                 OK
-+ DynamicJump0_AfterJumpdest3.json                                OK
-+ DynamicJump0_foreverOutOfGas.json                               OK
-+ DynamicJump0_jumpdest0.json                                     OK
-+ DynamicJump0_jumpdest2.json                                     OK
-+ DynamicJump0_withoutJumpdest.json                               OK
-+ DynamicJump1.json                                               OK
-+ DynamicJumpAfterStop.json                                       OK
-+ DynamicJumpInsidePushWithJumpDest.json                          OK
-+ DynamicJumpInsidePushWithoutJumpDest.json                       OK
-+ DynamicJumpJD_DependsOnJumps0.json                              OK
-+ DynamicJumpJD_DependsOnJumps1.json                              OK
-+ DynamicJumpPathologicalTest0.json                               OK
-+ DynamicJumpPathologicalTest1.json                               OK
-+ DynamicJumpPathologicalTest2.json                               OK
-+ DynamicJumpPathologicalTest3.json                               OK
-+ DynamicJumpStartWithJumpDest.json                               OK
-+ DynamicJump_value1.json                                         OK
-+ DynamicJump_value2.json                                         OK
-+ DynamicJump_value3.json                                         OK
-+ DynamicJump_valueUnderflow.json                                 OK
-+ DynamicJumpi0.json                                              OK
-+ DynamicJumpi1.json                                              OK
-+ DynamicJumpi1_jumpdest.json                                     OK
-+ DynamicJumpiAfterStop.json                                      OK
-+ DynamicJumpiOutsideBoundary.json                                OK
-+ DynamicJumpifInsidePushWithJumpDest.json                        OK
-+ DynamicJumpifInsidePushWithoutJumpDest.json                     OK
-+ JDfromStorageDynamicJump0_AfterJumpdest.json                    OK
-+ JDfromStorageDynamicJump0_AfterJumpdest3.json                   OK
-+ JDfromStorageDynamicJump0_foreverOutOfGas.json                  OK
-+ JDfromStorageDynamicJump0_jumpdest0.json                        OK
-+ JDfromStorageDynamicJump0_jumpdest2.json                        OK
-+ JDfromStorageDynamicJump0_withoutJumpdest.json                  OK
-+ JDfromStorageDynamicJump1.json                                  OK
-+ JDfromStorageDynamicJumpInsidePushWithJumpDest.json             OK
-+ JDfromStorageDynamicJumpInsidePushWithoutJumpDest.json          OK
-+ JDfromStorageDynamicJumpi0.json                                 OK
-+ JDfromStorageDynamicJumpi1.json                                 OK
-+ JDfromStorageDynamicJumpi1_jumpdest.json                        OK
-+ JDfromStorageDynamicJumpiAfterStop.json                         OK
-+ JDfromStorageDynamicJumpiOutsideBoundary.json                   OK
-+ JDfromStorageDynamicJumpifInsidePushWithJumpDest.json           OK
-+ JDfromStorageDynamicJumpifInsidePushWithoutJumpDest.json        OK
-+ bad_indirect_jump1.json                                         OK
-+ bad_indirect_jump2.json                                         OK
-+ byte1.json                                                      OK
-+ calldatacopyMemExp.json                                         OK
-+ codecopyMemExp.json                                             OK
-+ deadCode_1.json                                                 OK
-+ dupAt51becameMload.json                                         OK
-+ for_loop1.json                                                  OK
-+ for_loop2.json                                                  OK
-+ gas0.json                                                       OK
-+ gas1.json                                                       OK
-+ gasOverFlow.json                                                OK
-+ indirect_jump1.json                                             OK
-+ indirect_jump2.json                                             OK
-+ indirect_jump3.json                                             OK
-+ indirect_jump4.json                                             OK
-+ jump0_AfterJumpdest.json                                        OK
-+ jump0_AfterJumpdest3.json                                       OK
-+ jump0_foreverOutOfGas.json                                      OK
-+ jump0_jumpdest0.json                                            OK
-+ jump0_jumpdest2.json                                            OK
-+ jump0_outOfBoundary.json                                        OK
-+ jump0_withoutJumpdest.json                                      OK
-+ jump1.json                                                      OK
-+ jumpAfterStop.json                                              OK
-+ jumpDynamicJumpSameDest.json                                    OK
-+ jumpHigh.json                                                   OK
-+ jumpInsidePushWithJumpDest.json                                 OK
-+ jumpInsidePushWithoutJumpDest.json                              OK
-+ jumpOntoJump.json                                               OK
-+ jumpTo1InstructionafterJump.json                                OK
-+ jumpTo1InstructionafterJump_jumpdestFirstInstruction.json       OK
-+ jumpTo1InstructionafterJump_noJumpDest.json                     OK
-+ jumpToUint64maxPlus1.json                                       OK
-+ jumpToUintmaxPlus1.json                                         OK
-+ jumpdestBigList.json                                            OK
-+ jumpi0.json                                                     OK
-+ jumpi1.json                                                     OK
-+ jumpi1_jumpdest.json                                            OK
-+ jumpiAfterStop.json                                             OK
-+ jumpiOutsideBoundary.json                                       OK
-+ jumpiToUint64maxPlus1.json                                      OK
-+ jumpiToUintmaxPlus1.json                                        OK
-+ jumpi_at_the_end.json                                           OK
-+ jumpifInsidePushWithJumpDest.json                               OK
-+ jumpifInsidePushWithoutJumpDest.json                            OK
-+ kv1.json                                                        OK
-+ log1MemExp.json                                                 OK
-+ loop_stacklimit_1020.json                                       OK
-+ loop_stacklimit_1021.json                                       OK
-+ memory1.json                                                    OK
-+ mloadError0.json                                                OK
-+ mloadError1.json                                                OK
-+ mloadMemExp.json                                                OK
-+ mloadOutOfGasError2.json                                        OK
-+ msize0.json                                                     OK
-+ msize1.json                                                     OK
-+ msize2.json                                                     OK
-+ msize3.json                                                     OK
-+ mstore0.json                                                    OK
-+ mstore1.json                                                    OK
-+ mstore8MemExp.json                                              OK
-+ mstore8WordToBigError.json                                      OK
-+ mstore8_0.json                                                  OK
-+ mstore8_1.json                                                  OK
-+ mstoreMemExp.json                                               OK
-+ mstoreWordToBigError.json                                       OK
-+ mstore_mload0.json                                              OK
-+ pc0.json                                                        OK
-+ pc1.json                                                        OK
-+ pop0.json                                                       OK
-+ pop1.json                                                       OK
-+ return1.json                                                    OK
-+ return2.json                                                    OK
-+ sha3MemExp.json                                                 OK
-+ sstore_load_0.json                                              OK
-+ sstore_load_1.json                                              OK
-+ sstore_load_2.json                                              OK
-+ sstore_underflow.json                                           OK
-+ stack_loop.json                                                 OK
-+ stackjump1.json                                                 OK
-+ swapAt52becameMstore.json                                       OK
-+ when.json                                                       OK
-OK: 144/144 Fail: 0/144 Skip: 0/144
-## vmLogTest
-+ log0_emptyMem.json                                              OK
-+ log0_logMemStartTooHigh.json                                    OK
-+ log0_logMemsizeTooHigh.json                                     OK
-+ log0_logMemsizeZero.json                                        OK
-+ log0_nonEmptyMem.json                                           OK
-+ log0_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1.json                               OK
-+ log0_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1_logMemStart31.json                 OK
-+ log1_Caller.json                                                OK
-+ log1_MaxTopic.json                                              OK
-+ log1_emptyMem.json                                              OK
-+ log1_logMemStartTooHigh.json                                    OK
-+ log1_logMemsizeTooHigh.json                                     OK
-+ log1_logMemsizeZero.json                                        OK
-+ log1_nonEmptyMem.json                                           OK
-+ log1_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1.json                               OK
-+ log1_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1_logMemStart31.json                 OK
-+ log2_Caller.json                                                OK
-+ log2_MaxTopic.json                                              OK
-+ log2_emptyMem.json                                              OK
-+ log2_logMemStartTooHigh.json                                    OK
-+ log2_logMemsizeTooHigh.json                                     OK
-+ log2_logMemsizeZero.json                                        OK
-+ log2_nonEmptyMem.json                                           OK
-+ log2_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1.json                               OK
-+ log2_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1_logMemStart31.json                 OK
-+ log3_Caller.json                                                OK
-+ log3_MaxTopic.json                                              OK
-+ log3_PC.json                                                    OK
-+ log3_emptyMem.json                                              OK
-+ log3_logMemStartTooHigh.json                                    OK
-+ log3_logMemsizeTooHigh.json                                     OK
-+ log3_logMemsizeZero.json                                        OK
-+ log3_nonEmptyMem.json                                           OK
-+ log3_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1.json                               OK
-+ log3_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1_logMemStart31.json                 OK
-+ log4_Caller.json                                                OK
-+ log4_MaxTopic.json                                              OK
-+ log4_PC.json                                                    OK
-+ log4_emptyMem.json                                              OK
-+ log4_logMemStartTooHigh.json                                    OK
-+ log4_logMemsizeTooHigh.json                                     OK
-+ log4_logMemsizeZero.json                                        OK
-+ log4_nonEmptyMem.json                                           OK
-+ log4_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1.json                               OK
-+ log4_nonEmptyMem_logMemSize1_logMemStart31.json                 OK
-+ log_2logs.json                                                  OK
-OK: 46/46 Fail: 0/46 Skip: 0/46
-## vmPerformance
-  ackermann31.json                                                Skip
-  ackermann32.json                                                Skip
-  ackermann33.json                                                Skip
-  fibonacci10.json                                                Skip
-  fibonacci16.json                                                Skip
-  loop-add-10M.json                                               Skip
-  loop-divadd-10M.json                                            Skip
-  loop-divadd-unr100-10M.json                                     Skip
-  loop-exp-16b-100k.json                                          Skip
-  loop-exp-1b-1M.json                                             Skip
-  loop-exp-2b-100k.json                                           Skip
-  loop-exp-32b-100k.json                                          Skip
-  loop-exp-4b-100k.json                                           Skip
-  loop-exp-8b-100k.json                                           Skip
-  loop-exp-nop-1M.json                                            Skip
-  loop-mul.json                                                   Skip
-  loop-mulmod-2M.json                                             Skip
-  manyFunctions100.json                                           Skip
-OK: 0/18 Fail: 0/18 Skip: 18/18
-## vmPushDupSwapTest
-+ dup1.json                                                       OK
-+ dup10.json                                                      OK
-+ dup11.json                                                      OK
-+ dup12.json                                                      OK
-+ dup13.json                                                      OK
-+ dup14.json                                                      OK
-+ dup15.json                                                      OK
-+ dup16.json                                                      OK
-+ dup2.json                                                       OK
-+ dup2error.json                                                  OK
-+ dup3.json                                                       OK
-+ dup4.json                                                       OK
-+ dup5.json                                                       OK
-+ dup6.json                                                       OK
-+ dup7.json                                                       OK
-+ dup8.json                                                       OK
-+ dup9.json                                                       OK
-+ push1.json                                                      OK
-+ push10.json                                                     OK
-+ push11.json                                                     OK
-+ push12.json                                                     OK
-+ push13.json                                                     OK
-+ push14.json                                                     OK
-+ push15.json                                                     OK
-+ push16.json                                                     OK
-+ push17.json                                                     OK
-+ push18.json                                                     OK
-+ push19.json                                                     OK
-+ push1_missingStack.json                                         OK
-+ push2.json                                                      OK
-+ push20.json                                                     OK
-+ push21.json                                                     OK
-+ push22.json                                                     OK
-+ push23.json                                                     OK
-+ push24.json                                                     OK
-+ push25.json                                                     OK
-+ push26.json                                                     OK
-+ push27.json                                                     OK
-+ push28.json                                                     OK
-+ push29.json                                                     OK
-+ push3.json                                                      OK
-+ push30.json                                                     OK
-+ push31.json                                                     OK
-+ push32.json                                                     OK
-+ push32AndSuicide.json                                           OK
-+ push32FillUpInputWithZerosAtTheEnd.json                         OK
-+ push32Undefined.json                                            OK
-+ push32Undefined2.json                                           OK
-+ push32Undefined3.json                                           OK
-+ push33.json                                                     OK
-+ push4.json                                                      OK
-+ push5.json                                                      OK
-+ push6.json                                                      OK
-+ push7.json                                                      OK
-+ push8.json                                                      OK
-+ push9.json                                                      OK
-+ swap1.json                                                      OK
-+ swap10.json                                                     OK
-+ swap11.json                                                     OK
-+ swap12.json                                                     OK
-+ swap13.json                                                     OK
-+ swap14.json                                                     OK
-+ swap15.json                                                     OK
-+ swap16.json                                                     OK
-+ swap2.json                                                      OK
-+ swap2error.json                                                 OK
-+ swap3.json                                                      OK
-+ swap4.json                                                      OK
-+ swap5.json                                                      OK
-+ swap6.json                                                      OK
-+ swap7.json                                                      OK
-+ swap8.json                                                      OK
-+ swap9.json                                                      OK
-+ swapjump1.json                                                  OK
-OK: 74/74 Fail: 0/74 Skip: 0/74
-## vmRandomTest
-+ 201503102320PYTHON.json                                         OK
-+ 201503110206PYTHON.json                                         OK
-+ 201503110219PYTHON.json                                         OK
-+ 201503110346PYTHON_PUSH24.json                                  OK
-+ 201503111844PYTHON.json                                         OK
-+ 201503112218PYTHON.json                                         OK
-OK: 6/6 Fail: 0/6 Skip: 0/6
-## vmSha3Test
-+ sha3_0.json                                                     OK
-+ sha3_1.json                                                     OK
-+ sha3_2.json                                                     OK
-+ sha3_3.json                                                     OK
-+ sha3_4.json                                                     OK
-+ sha3_5.json                                                     OK
-+ sha3_6.json                                                     OK
-+ sha3_bigOffset.json                                             OK
-+ sha3_bigOffset2.json                                            OK
-+ sha3_bigSize.json                                               OK
-+ sha3_memSizeNoQuadraticCost31.json                              OK
-+ sha3_memSizeQuadraticCost32.json                                OK
-+ sha3_memSizeQuadraticCost32_zeroSize.json                       OK
-+ sha3_memSizeQuadraticCost33.json                                OK
-+ sha3_memSizeQuadraticCost63.json                                OK
-+ sha3_memSizeQuadraticCost64.json                                OK
-+ sha3_memSizeQuadraticCost64_2.json                              OK
-+ sha3_memSizeQuadraticCost65.json                                OK
-OK: 18/18 Fail: 0/18 Skip: 0/18
-## vmSystemOperations
-+ TestNameRegistrator.json                                        OK
-+ return0.json                                                    OK
-+ return1.json                                                    OK
-+ return2.json                                                    OK
-+ suicide0.json                                                   OK
-+ suicideNotExistingAccount.json                                  OK
-+ suicideSendEtherToMe.json                                       OK
-OK: 7/7 Fail: 0/7 Skip: 0/7
-## vmTests
-+ suicide.json                                                    OK
-OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1
-OK: 4654/4774 Fail: 0/4774 Skip: 120/4774
diff --git a/nimbus/makefile b/nimbus/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ab4e6c20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nimbus/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+#! /usr/bin/make -f
+PWD        := $(shell pwd)
+# Collect document names
+SFX_FILTER := sed -e 's|^\./||;/\/\./d;/^docs\//d;s/\.[a-z]*$$//'
+PNG_FILES  := $(shell find . -name '*.png' -print|$(SFX_FILTER))
+MD_FILES   := $(shell find . -name '*.md'  -print|$(SFX_FILTER))
+EXE_FILES  := $(shell find . -name '*.nim' -print|$(SFX_FILTER))
+# Needed for the NIM compiler that comes with this repo
+NIMBLE_DIR := $(dir $(PWD))/vendor/.nimble
+NIM_PATH   := $(dir $(PWD))/vendor/nimbus-build-system/vendor/Nim/bin
+# Support for verbosity: V=1
+ifeq ($(V),1)
+MUFFLE     :=
+MUFFLE     := 2>/dev/null
+# Support for external NIM compiler unless X=0
+ifneq ($(X),0)
+# works with external nim 1.5.1 (not the local 1.2.10 one)
+PATH       := $(SAVED_PATH):$(NIM_PATH):$(NIMBLE_DIR)/bin
+PATH       := $(NIM_PATH):$(NIMBLE_DIR)/bin:$(SAVED_PATH)
+# Compat version is used with external NIM compiler
+NIM_COMPAT := --useVersion:1.2
+# Name of NIM compiler, test for newer version on host OS
+NIM_CMD    := nim
+NIM_TEST   := $(NIM_CMD) $(NIM_COMPAT) --help >/dev/null 2>&1
+NIM_SELECT := $(NIM_TEST) && echo "$(NIM_CMD) $(NIM_COMPAT)"|| echo "$(NIM_CMD)"
+# Note that the back ticks are needed in the following assignment
+NIM_EXE    := `$(NIM_SELECT)`
+# Markdown compiler (test for discount tool with tables support)
+MD_CMD     := markdown
+MD_TEST    := $(MD_CMD) -VV 2>/dev/null|grep -q TABLES
+# Default target
+default: help
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Help page
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+.SILENT: help
+	echo "Usage: $(MAKE)  [