add account storage keys support to multikeys

This commit is contained in:
andri lim 2020-05-05 09:01:15 +07:00
parent 7080ca40da
commit c3548d63a5
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 31702AE10541E6B9
1 changed files with 101 additions and 89 deletions

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@ -4,25 +4,32 @@ import
KeyHash = array[32, byte]
StorageSlot = array[32, byte]
HashAddress = object
KeyData = object
visited: bool
hash: KeyHash
address: EthAddress
case storageMode: bool
of true:
storageSlot: StorageSlot
of false:
storageKeys: MultikeysRef
address: EthAddress
Multikeys* = object
keys: seq[HashAddress]
keys: seq[KeyData]
MultikeysRef* = ref Multikeys
Group* = object
a, b: int16
first, last: int16
BranchGroup* = object
mask*: uint
groups*: array[16, Group]
GroupNibble = object
nibble: byte
group: Group
AccountKey* = tuple[address: EthAddress, storageKeys: MultikeysRef]
MatchGroup* = tuple[match: bool, group: Group]
func cmpHash(a, b: KeyHash): int =
var i = 0
@ -33,44 +40,15 @@ func cmpHash(a, b: KeyHash): int =
result = a.len - b.len
func cmpHash(a, b: HashAddress): int =
func cmpHash(a, b: KeyData): int =
cmpHash(a.hash, b.hash)
proc initMultiKeys*(addrs: openArray[EthAddress]): Multikeys =
result.keys = newSeq[HashAddress](addrs.len)
for i, a in addrs:
result.keys[i] = HashAddress(hash: keccak(a).data, address: a)
func `$`(x: KeyHash): string =
func initGroup*(m: Multikeys): Group =
result = Group(a: 0'i16, b: (m.keys.len - 1).int16)
func initChildGroup(a: Group): Group =
result = Group(a: a.a-1'i16, b: a.a-1'i16)
func getNibble(x: openArray[byte], i: int): byte =
if(i and 0x01) == 0x01:
result = x[i shr 1] and 0x0F
result = x[i shr 1] shr 4
func nextGroup(m: Multikeys, depth: int, g: Group): GroupNibble = = g.b + 1
result.nibble = getNibble(m.keys[].hash, depth)
let last = (m.keys.len - 1).int16
for i in<m.keys.len.int16:
if getNibble(m.keys[i].hash, depth) != result.nibble: = i - 1
elif i == last: = last
func lastGroup(a: Group, g: Group): bool =
a.b == g.b
func compareNibbles(x: openArray[byte], start: int, n: NibblesSeq): bool =
var i = 0
while i < n.len:
@ -79,73 +57,107 @@ func compareNibbles(x: openArray[byte], start: int, n: NibblesSeq): bool =
inc i
result = true
func groups*(m: Multikeys, parentGroup: Group, depth: int): BranchGroup =
func `$`(x: KeyHash): string =
proc newMultiKeys*(keys: openArray[AccountKey]): MultikeysRef =
result = new Multikeys
result.keys = newSeq[KeyData](keys.len)
for i, a in keys:
result.keys[i] = KeyData(
storageMode: false,
hash: keccak(a.address).data,
address: a.address,
storageKeys: a.storageKeys)
proc newMultiKeys*(keys: openArray[StorageSlot]): MultikeysRef =
result = new Multikeys
result.keys = newSeq[KeyData](keys.len)
for i, a in keys:
result.keys[i] = KeyData(storageMode: true, hash: keccak(a).data, storageSlot: a)
func initGroup*(m: MultikeysRef): Group =
result = Group(first: 0'i16, last: (m.keys.len - 1).int16)
func groups*(m: MultikeysRef, parentGroup: Group, depth: int): BranchGroup =
# similar to a branch node, the product of this func
# is a 16 bits bitmask and an array of max 16 groups
# if the bit is set, the n-th elem of array have a group
# each group consist of at least one key
var gn = GroupNibble(group: parentGroup.initChildGroup())
while not parentGroup.lastGroup(
gn = m.nextGroup(depth,
result.groups[] =
var g = Group(first: parentGroup.first, last: parentGroup.first)
var nibble = getNibble(m.keys[g.first].hash, depth)
let last = parentGroup.last
for i in parentGroup.first..parentGroup.last:
let currNibble = getNibble(m.keys[i].hash, depth)
if currNibble != nibble:
g.last = i - 1
result.groups[] = g
nibble = currNibble
g.first = i
if i == last:
g.last = last
result.groups[] = g
iterator groups*(m: Multikeys, depth: int, n: NibblesSeq, parentGroup: Group): (bool, Group) =
iterator groups*(m: MultikeysRef, depth: int, n: NibblesSeq, parentGroup: Group): MatchGroup =
# using common-prefix comparison, this iterator
# will produce groups, usually only one match group
# the rest will be not match
# in case of wrong path, there will be no match at all
var g = Group(a: parentGroup.a, b: parentGroup.a)
var match = compareNibbles(m.keys[g.a].hash, depth, n)
let last = parentGroup.b
var haveMatch = false
var matchG: Group
var matchB: bool
for i in parentGroup.a..parentGroup.b:
if compareNibbles(m.keys[i].hash, depth, n) == match:
inc g.b
haveMatch = true
matchB = match
matchG = g
var g = Group(first: parentGroup.first, last: parentGroup.first)
var match = compareNibbles(m.keys[g.first].hash, depth, n)
let last = parentGroup.last
var haveGroup = false
var groupResult: Group
var matchResult: bool
for i in parentGroup.first..parentGroup.last:
if compareNibbles(m.keys[i].hash, depth, n) != match:
g.last = i - 1
haveGroup = true
matchResult = match
groupResult = g
match = not match
g = Group(a: g.b, b: g.b)
g = Group(first: g.last, last: g.last)
if i == last:
haveMatch = true
g.b = last
matchG = g
matchB = match
if haveMatch:
haveMatch = false
yield (matchB, matchG)
haveGroup = true
g.last = last
groupResult = g
matchResult = match
if haveGroup:
haveGroup = false
yield (matchResult, groupResult)
let keys = [
when isMainModule:
let keys = [
(hexToByteArray[20]("abcdef0a0b0c0d0e0f1234567890aabbccddeeff"), MultikeysRef(nil)),
(hexToByteArray[20]("abc0000000000000000000000000000000000000"), MultikeysRef(nil)),
(hexToByteArray[20]("cde9769bbcbdef9880932852388bdceabcdeadea"), MultikeysRef(nil)),
(hexToByteArray[20]("bad03eaeaea69072375281381267397182bcdbef"), MultikeysRef(nil)),
(hexToByteArray[20]("abcdefbbbbbbdddeefffaaccee19826736134298"), MultikeysRef(nil)),
(hexToByteArray[20]("ba88888888dddddbbbbfffeeeccaa78128301389"), MultikeysRef(nil)),
(hexToByteArray[20]("ba9084097472374372327238bbbcdffecadfecf3"), MultikeysRef(nil))
proc main() =
var m = initMultikeys(keys)
proc main() =
var m = newMultikeys(keys)
for x in m.keys:
echo x.hash
for x in m.keys:
echo x.hash
var parentGroup = m.initGroup()
var depth = 1
var bg = m.groups(parentGroup, depth)
var parentGroup = m.initGroup()
var depth = 3
var bg = m.groups(parentGroup, depth)
for i in 0..<16:
if branchMaskBitIsSet(bg.mask, i):
echo bg.groups[i]
for i in 0..<16:
if branchMaskBitIsSet(bg.mask, i):
echo bg.groups[i]
var p = Group(a: 0, b: 2)
var n = hexToByteArray[2]("cdef")
for j in groups(m, 2, initNibbleRange(n), p):
debugEcho j
var p = Group(first: 0, last: 2)
var n = hexToByteArray[1]("1F")
for j in groups(m, 3, initNibbleRange(n), p):
debugEcho j