bump eth_tests to pre YOLO v3

This commit is contained in:
jangko 2021-02-03 12:11:23 +07:00 committed by andri lim
parent b6ad47f3a4
commit 5248be1766
4 changed files with 112 additions and 2915 deletions

View File

@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ OK: 45/46 Fail: 0/46 Skip: 1/46
+ CREATE_EmptyContractWithStorageAndCallIt_0wei.json OK
+ CREATE_EmptyContractWithStorageAndCallIt_1wei.json OK
+ CREATE_empty000CreateinInitCode_Transaction.json OK
- CodeInConstructor.json Fail
+ CodeInConstructor.json OK
+ CreateCollisionResults.json OK
+ CreateCollisionToEmpty.json OK
+ CreateOOGafterInitCode.json OK
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ OK: 45/46 Fail: 0/46 Skip: 1/46
+ TransactionCollisionToEmptyButCode.json OK
+ TransactionCollisionToEmptyButNonce.json OK
OK: 32/33 Fail: 1/33 Skip: 0/33
OK: 33/33 Fail: 0/33 Skip: 0/33
## stDelegatecallTestHomestead
Call1024BalanceTooLow.json Skip
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ OK: 13/13 Fail: 0/13 Skip: 0/13
+ RawExtCodeCopyMemoryGas.json OK
+ RawExtCodeSizeGas.json OK
+ eip2929-ff.json OK
- eip2929.json Fail
+ eip2929.json OK
+ gasCost.json OK
+ gasCostBerlin.json OK
+ gasCostExp.json OK
@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ OK: 13/13 Fail: 0/13 Skip: 0/13
+ gasCostMemory.json OK
+ gasCostReturn.json OK
OK: 38/39 Fail: 1/39 Skip: 0/39
OK: 39/39 Fail: 0/39 Skip: 0/39
## stEIP158Specific
+ CALL_OneVCallSuicide.json OK
@ -1999,7 +1999,7 @@ OK: 5/5 Fail: 0/5 Skip: 0/5
+ CallContractToCreateContractWhichWouldCreateContractInInitCode. OK
+ CallRecursiveContract.json OK
+ CallTheContractToCreateEmptyContract.json OK
- OutOfGasContractCreation.json Fail
+ OutOfGasContractCreation.json OK
+ OutOfGasPrefundedContractCreation.json OK
+ ReturnTest.json OK
+ ReturnTest2.json OK
@ -2009,7 +2009,7 @@ OK: 5/5 Fail: 0/5 Skip: 0/5
+ TransactionCreateStopInInitcode.json OK
+ TransactionCreateSuicideInInitcode.json OK
OK: 16/17 Fail: 1/17 Skip: 0/17
OK: 17/17 Fail: 0/17 Skip: 0/17
## stLogTests
+ log0_emptyMem.json OK
@ -2508,7 +2508,7 @@ OK: 0/16 Fail: 0/16 Skip: 16/16
+ randomStatetest167.json OK
+ randomStatetest169.json OK
+ randomStatetest17.json OK
- randomStatetest171.json Fail
+ randomStatetest171.json OK
+ randomStatetest172.json OK
+ randomStatetest173.json OK
+ randomStatetest174.json OK
@ -2663,12 +2663,12 @@ OK: 0/16 Fail: 0/16 Skip: 16/16
+ randomStatetest337.json OK
+ randomStatetest338.json OK
+ randomStatetest339.json OK
- randomStatetest340.json Fail
+ randomStatetest340.json OK
+ randomStatetest341.json OK
+ randomStatetest342.json OK
+ randomStatetest343.json OK
+ randomStatetest345.json OK
- randomStatetest346.json Fail
+ randomStatetest346.json OK
randomStatetest347.json Skip
+ randomStatetest348.json OK
+ randomStatetest349.json OK
@ -2688,7 +2688,7 @@ OK: 0/16 Fail: 0/16 Skip: 16/16
+ randomStatetest362.json OK
+ randomStatetest363.json OK
+ randomStatetest364.json OK
- randomStatetest365.json Fail
+ randomStatetest365.json OK
+ randomStatetest366.json OK
+ randomStatetest367.json OK
+ randomStatetest368.json OK
@ -2707,7 +2707,7 @@ OK: 0/16 Fail: 0/16 Skip: 16/16
+ randomStatetest39.json OK
+ randomStatetest4.json OK
+ randomStatetest41.json OK
- randomStatetest42.json Fail
+ randomStatetest42.json OK
+ randomStatetest43.json OK
+ randomStatetest45.json OK
+ randomStatetest47.json OK
@ -2755,7 +2755,7 @@ OK: 0/16 Fail: 0/16 Skip: 16/16
+ randomStatetest97.json OK
+ randomStatetest98.json OK
OK: 304/313 Fail: 5/313 Skip: 4/313
OK: 309/313 Fail: 0/313 Skip: 4/313
## stRandom2
+ 201503110226PYTHON_DUP6.json OK
@ -2812,7 +2812,7 @@ OK: 304/313 Fail: 5/313 Skip: 4/313
+ randomStatetest444.json OK
+ randomStatetest445.json OK
+ randomStatetest446.json OK
- randomStatetest447.json Fail
+ randomStatetest447.json OK
+ randomStatetest448.json OK
+ randomStatetest449.json OK
+ randomStatetest450.json OK
@ -2981,7 +2981,7 @@ OK: 304/313 Fail: 5/313 Skip: 4/313
+ randomStatetest646.json OK
+ randomStatetest647.json OK
OK: 219/222 Fail: 1/222 Skip: 2/222
OK: 220/222 Fail: 0/222 Skip: 2/222
## stRecursiveCreate
+ recursiveCreate.json OK
@ -3093,14 +3093,14 @@ OK: 38/38 Fail: 0/38 Skip: 0/38
+ RevertPrefoundEmptyCallOOG.json OK
+ RevertPrefoundEmptyOOG.json OK
+ RevertPrefoundOOG.json OK
- RevertRemoteSubCallStorageOOG.json Fail
+ RevertRemoteSubCallStorageOOG.json OK
+ RevertSubCallStorageOOG.json OK
- RevertSubCallStorageOOG2.json Fail
+ RevertSubCallStorageOOG2.json OK
+ TouchToEmptyAccountRevert.json OK
+ TouchToEmptyAccountRevert2.json OK
+ TouchToEmptyAccountRevert3.json OK
OK: 37/44 Fail: 2/44 Skip: 5/44
OK: 39/44 Fail: 0/44 Skip: 5/44
## stSLoadTest
+ sloadGasCost.json OK
@ -3110,33 +3110,33 @@ OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1
+ InitCollision.json OK
+ InitCollisionNonZeroNonce.json OK
- SstoreCallToSelfSubRefundBelowZero.json Fail
- sstore_0to0.json Fail
- sstore_0to0to0.json Fail
- sstore_0to0toX.json Fail
- sstore_0toX.json Fail
- sstore_0toXto0.json Fail
- sstore_0toXto0toX.json Fail
- sstore_0toXtoX.json Fail
- sstore_0toXtoY.json Fail
- sstore_Xto0.json Fail
- sstore_Xto0to0.json Fail
- sstore_Xto0toX.json Fail
- sstore_Xto0toXto0.json Fail
- sstore_Xto0toY.json Fail
- sstore_XtoX.json Fail
- sstore_XtoXto0.json Fail
- sstore_XtoXtoX.json Fail
- sstore_XtoXtoY.json Fail
- sstore_XtoY.json Fail
- sstore_XtoYto0.json Fail
- sstore_XtoYtoX.json Fail
- sstore_XtoYtoY.json Fail
- sstore_XtoYtoZ.json Fail
- sstore_changeFromExternalCallInInitCode.json Fail
+ SstoreCallToSelfSubRefundBelowZero.json OK
+ sstore_0to0.json OK
+ sstore_0to0to0.json OK
+ sstore_0to0toX.json OK
+ sstore_0toX.json OK
+ sstore_0toXto0.json OK
+ sstore_0toXto0toX.json OK
+ sstore_0toXtoX.json OK
+ sstore_0toXtoY.json OK
+ sstore_Xto0.json OK
+ sstore_Xto0to0.json OK
+ sstore_Xto0toX.json OK
+ sstore_Xto0toXto0.json OK
+ sstore_Xto0toY.json OK
+ sstore_XtoX.json OK
+ sstore_XtoXto0.json OK
+ sstore_XtoXtoX.json OK
+ sstore_XtoXtoY.json OK
+ sstore_XtoY.json OK
+ sstore_XtoYto0.json OK
+ sstore_XtoYtoX.json OK
+ sstore_XtoYtoY.json OK
+ sstore_XtoYtoZ.json OK
+ sstore_changeFromExternalCallInInitCode.json OK
+ sstore_gasLeft.json OK
OK: 3/27 Fail: 24/27 Skip: 0/27
OK: 27/27 Fail: 0/27 Skip: 0/27
## stSelfBalance
+ selfBalance.json OK
@ -3196,7 +3196,7 @@ OK: 41/41 Fail: 0/41 Skip: 0/41
+ AmbiguousMethod.json OK
+ ByZero.json OK
+ CallInfiniteLoop.json OK
- CallLowLevelCreatesSolidity.json Fail
+ CallLowLevelCreatesSolidity.json OK
+ CallRecursiveMethods.json OK
+ ContractInheritance.json OK
+ CreateContractFromMethod.json OK
@ -3209,10 +3209,10 @@ OK: 41/41 Fail: 0/41 Skip: 0/41
+ TestCryptographicFunctions.json OK
+ TestKeywords.json OK
+ TestOverflow.json OK
- TestStoreGasPrices.json Fail
+ TestStoreGasPrices.json OK
+ TestStructuresAndVariabless.json OK
OK: 16/18 Fail: 2/18 Skip: 0/18
OK: 18/18 Fail: 0/18 Skip: 0/18
## stSpecialTest
+ FailedCreateRevertsDeletion.json OK
@ -3484,7 +3484,7 @@ OK: 9/9 Fail: 0/9 Skip: 0/9
+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMAfter.json OK
+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMAfter2.json OK
+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMAfter_1.json OK
- static_callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMAfter_3.json Fail
+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMAfter_3.json OK
+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMBefore.json OK
+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_OOGMBefore2.json OK
+ static_callcodecallcallcode_101_SuicideEnd.json OK
@ -3533,7 +3533,7 @@ OK: 9/9 Fail: 0/9 Skip: 0/9
+ static_refund_CallToSuicideNoStorage.json OK
+ static_refund_CallToSuicideTwice.json OK
OK: 273/286 Fail: 1/286 Skip: 12/286
OK: 274/286 Fail: 0/286 Skip: 12/286
## stStaticFlagEnabled
+ CallWithNOTZeroValueToPrecompileFromCalledContract.json OK
@ -3558,20 +3558,20 @@ OK: 13/13 Fail: 0/13 Skip: 0/13
+ shouldErrorWhenJumpToJumpDest.json OK
+ shouldErrorWhenReturnStackGrowsAbove1023.json OK
+ shouldErrorWhenSubroutineEnteredViaBeginSub.json OK
- shouldSucceedWhenReturnStackGrowsUntil1023.json Fail
+ shouldSucceedWhenReturnStackGrowsUntil1023.json OK
+ simpleSubroutine.json OK
+ subroutineAtEndOfCode.json OK
+ subroutineInvalidJump.json OK
+ subroutineShallowReturnStack.json OK
+ twoLevelsSubroutines.json OK
OK: 10/11 Fail: 1/11 Skip: 0/11
OK: 11/11 Fail: 0/11 Skip: 0/11
## stSystemOperationsTest
+ ABAcalls0.json OK
ABAcalls1.json Skip
ABAcalls2.json Skip
- ABAcalls3.json Fail
+ ABAcalls3.json OK
+ ABAcallsSuicide0.json OK
+ ABAcallsSuicide1.json OK
+ Call10.json OK
@ -3579,7 +3579,7 @@ OK: 10/11 Fail: 1/11 Skip: 0/11
CallRecursiveBomb0_OOG_atMaxCallDepth.json Skip
CallRecursiveBomb1.json Skip
CallRecursiveBomb2.json Skip
- CallRecursiveBomb3.json Fail
+ CallRecursiveBomb3.json OK
CallRecursiveBombLog.json Skip
CallRecursiveBombLog2.json Skip
+ CallToNameRegistrator0.json OK
@ -3635,25 +3635,25 @@ OK: 10/11 Fail: 1/11 Skip: 0/11
+ suicideSendEtherToMe.json OK
+ testRandomTest.json OK
OK: 54/66 Fail: 2/66 Skip: 10/66
OK: 56/66 Fail: 0/66 Skip: 10/66
## stTimeConsuming
CALLBlake2f_MaxRounds.json Skip
- sstore_combinations_initial00.json Fail
- sstore_combinations_initial00_2.json Fail
- sstore_combinations_initial01.json Fail
- sstore_combinations_initial01_2.json Fail
- sstore_combinations_initial10.json Fail
- sstore_combinations_initial10_2.json Fail
- sstore_combinations_initial11.json Fail
- sstore_combinations_initial11_2.json Fail
- sstore_combinations_initial20.json Fail
- sstore_combinations_initial20_2.json Fail
- sstore_combinations_initial21.json Fail
- sstore_combinations_initial21_2.json Fail
+ sstore_combinations_initial00.json OK
+ sstore_combinations_initial00_2.json OK
+ sstore_combinations_initial01.json OK
+ sstore_combinations_initial01_2.json OK
+ sstore_combinations_initial10.json OK
+ sstore_combinations_initial10_2.json OK
+ sstore_combinations_initial11.json OK
+ sstore_combinations_initial11_2.json OK
+ sstore_combinations_initial20.json OK
+ sstore_combinations_initial20_2.json OK
+ sstore_combinations_initial21.json OK
+ sstore_combinations_initial21_2.json OK
static_Call50000_sha256.json Skip
OK: 0/14 Fail: 12/14 Skip: 2/14
OK: 12/14 Fail: 0/14 Skip: 2/14
## stTransactionTest
+ ContractStoreClearsOOG.json OK
@ -3701,47 +3701,47 @@ OK: 6/6 Fail: 0/6 Skip: 0/6
+ dayLimitConstruction.json OK
+ dayLimitConstructionOOG.json OK
+ dayLimitConstructionPartial.json OK
- dayLimitResetSpentToday.json Fail
- dayLimitSetDailyLimit.json Fail
- dayLimitSetDailyLimitNoData.json Fail
- multiOwnedAddOwner.json Fail
- multiOwnedAddOwnerAddMyself.json Fail
- multiOwnedChangeOwner.json Fail
- multiOwnedChangeOwnerNoArgument.json Fail
- multiOwnedChangeOwner_fromNotOwner.json Fail
- multiOwnedChangeOwner_toIsOwner.json Fail
- multiOwnedChangeRequirementTo0.json Fail
- multiOwnedChangeRequirementTo1.json Fail
- multiOwnedChangeRequirementTo2.json Fail
+ dayLimitResetSpentToday.json OK
+ dayLimitSetDailyLimit.json OK
+ dayLimitSetDailyLimitNoData.json OK
+ multiOwnedAddOwner.json OK
+ multiOwnedAddOwnerAddMyself.json OK
+ multiOwnedChangeOwner.json OK
+ multiOwnedChangeOwnerNoArgument.json OK
+ multiOwnedChangeOwner_fromNotOwner.json OK
+ multiOwnedChangeOwner_toIsOwner.json OK
+ multiOwnedChangeRequirementTo0.json OK
+ multiOwnedChangeRequirementTo1.json OK
+ multiOwnedChangeRequirementTo2.json OK
+ multiOwnedConstructionCorrect.json OK
+ multiOwnedConstructionNotEnoughGas.json OK
+ multiOwnedConstructionNotEnoughGasPartial.json OK
+ multiOwnedIsOwnerFalse.json OK
+ multiOwnedIsOwnerTrue.json OK
- multiOwnedRemoveOwner.json Fail
+ multiOwnedRemoveOwner.json OK
+ multiOwnedRemoveOwnerByNonOwner.json OK
- multiOwnedRemoveOwner_mySelf.json Fail
- multiOwnedRemoveOwner_ownerIsNotOwner.json Fail
+ multiOwnedRemoveOwner_mySelf.json OK
+ multiOwnedRemoveOwner_ownerIsNotOwner.json OK
+ multiOwnedRevokeNothing.json OK
- walletAddOwnerRemovePendingTransaction.json Fail
- walletChangeOwnerRemovePendingTransaction.json Fail
- walletChangeRequirementRemovePendingTransaction.json Fail
+ walletAddOwnerRemovePendingTransaction.json OK
+ walletChangeOwnerRemovePendingTransaction.json OK
+ walletChangeRequirementRemovePendingTransaction.json OK
+ walletConfirm.json OK
+ walletConstruction.json OK
+ walletConstructionOOG.json OK
+ walletConstructionPartial.json OK
+ walletDefault.json OK
+ walletDefaultWithOutValue.json OK
- walletExecuteOverDailyLimitMultiOwner.json Fail
- walletExecuteOverDailyLimitOnlyOneOwner.json Fail
- walletExecuteOverDailyLimitOnlyOneOwnerNew.json Fail
- walletExecuteUnderDailyLimit.json Fail
- walletKill.json Fail
+ walletExecuteOverDailyLimitMultiOwner.json OK
+ walletExecuteOverDailyLimitOnlyOneOwner.json OK
+ walletExecuteOverDailyLimitOnlyOneOwnerNew.json OK
+ walletExecuteUnderDailyLimit.json OK
+ walletKill.json OK
+ walletKillNotByOwner.json OK
- walletKillToWallet.json Fail
- walletRemoveOwnerRemovePendingTransaction.json Fail
+ walletKillToWallet.json OK
+ walletRemoveOwnerRemovePendingTransaction.json OK
OK: 17/42 Fail: 25/42 Skip: 0/42
OK: 42/42 Fail: 0/42 Skip: 0/42
## stZeroCallsRevert
+ ZeroValue_CALLCODE_OOGRevert.json OK
@ -4063,4 +4063,4 @@ OK: 133/133 Fail: 0/133 Skip: 0/133
OK: 130/130 Fail: 0/130 Skip: 0/130
OK: 3663/3841 Fail: 78/3841 Skip: 100/3841
OK: 3741/3841 Fail: 0/3841 Skip: 100/3841

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit f55f344ad25cb97ebf4f3d72eca7a263aabde818
Subproject commit 0586269fbe43a2954962fe91e66abd1792f281ee

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff