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synced 2025-02-23 09:18:29 +00:00
Dynamic radius adjustments (#1079)
* Add config for node radius * Adjust radius when deleting content
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ import
uri, confutils, confutils/std/net, chronicles,
eth/keys, eth/net/nat, eth/p2p/discoveryv5/[enr, node],
proc defaultDataDir*(): string =
let dataDir = when defined(windows):
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ const
# 100mb seems a bit smallish we may consider increasing defaults after some
# network measurements
defaultStorageSize* = uint32(1000 * 1000 * 100)
defaultStorageSizeDesc* = $defaultStorageSize
PortalCmd* = enum
@ -162,13 +164,6 @@ type
desc: "URI of eth client where to proxy unimplemented rpc methods to"
name: "proxy-uri" .}: ClientConfig
logRadius* {.
desc: "Hardcoded (logarithmic) radius for each Portal network. This is " &
"a temporary development option which will be replaced in the " &
"future by e.g. a storage size limit"
defaultValue: 256
name: "radius" .}: uint16
tableIpLimit* {.
desc: "Maximum amount of nodes with the same IP in the routing tables"
@ -187,12 +182,23 @@ type
defaultValue: DefaultBitsPerHop
name: "bits-per-hop" .}: int
radiusConfig* {.
desc: "Radius configuration for a fluffy node. Radius can be either `dynamic`" &
"where node adjust radius based on storage size limit," &
"or `static:logRadius` where node have hardcoded logRadius value. " &
"Warning: Setting it `static:logRadius` disable storage size limits and" &
"makes fluffy node to store fraction of the network."
defaultValue: defaultRadiusConfig
name: "radius-config" .}: RadiusConfig
# TODO maybe it is worth defining minimal storage size and throw error if
# value provided is smaller than minimum
storageSize* {.
desc: "Maximum amount (in bytes) of content which will be stored " &
"in local database."
defaultValue: defaultStorageSize
defaultValueDesc: $defaultStorageSizeDesc
name: "storage-size" .}: uint32
case cmd* {.
@ -200,8 +200,6 @@ proc get*(db: ContentDB, key: ContentId): Option[seq[byte]] =
# TODO: Here it is unfortunate that ContentId is a uint256 instead of Digest256.
# TODO: Public due to usage in populating portal db, should be made private after
# improving db populating to use local node id
proc put*(db: ContentDB, key: ContentId, value: openArray[byte]) =
db.put(key.toByteArrayBE(), value)
@ -250,7 +248,9 @@ proc put*(
key: ContentId,
value: openArray[byte],
target: UInt256): PutResult =
db.put(key, value)
let dbSize = db.size()
if dbSize < int64(db.maxSize):
@ -22,11 +22,6 @@ import
./network/wire/[portal_stream, portal_protocol_config],
"."/[content_db, populate_db]
proc fromLogRadius(T: type UInt256, logRadius: uint16): T =
# Get the max value of the logRadius range
pow((2).stuint(256), logRadius) - 1
# For the min value do `pow((2).stuint(256), logRadius - 1)`
proc initializeBridgeClient(maybeUri: Option[string]): Option[BridgeClient] =
if (maybeUri.isSome()):
@ -98,15 +93,18 @@ proc run(config: PortalConf) {.raises: [CatchableError, Defect].} =
# This is done because the content in the db is dependant on the `NodeId` and
# the selected `Radius`.
radius = UInt256.fromLogRadius(config.logRadius)
db = ContentDB.new(config.dataDir / "db" / "contentdb_" &
d.localNode.id.toByteArrayBE().toOpenArray(0, 8).toHex(), maxSize = config.storageSize)
portalConfig = PortalProtocolConfig.init(
config.tableIpLimit, config.bucketIpLimit, config.bitsPerHop)
stateNetwork = StateNetwork.new(d, db, radius,
stateNetwork = StateNetwork.new(d, db,
bootstrapRecords = bootstrapRecords, portalConfig = portalConfig)
historyNetwork = HistoryNetwork.new(d, db, radius,
historyNetwork = HistoryNetwork.new(d, db,
bootstrapRecords = bootstrapRecords, portalConfig = portalConfig)
# One instance of UtpDiscv5Protocol is shared over all the PortalStreams.
@ -146,14 +146,7 @@ proc getBlockHeader*(
if h.portalProtocol.inRange(contentId):
# content is valid and in our range, save it into our db
# TODO handle radius adjustments
discard h.contentDB.put(
h.portalProtocol.storeContent(contentId, headerContent.content)
return maybeHeader
@ -202,12 +195,7 @@ proc getBlock*(
# content is in range and valid, put into db
if h.portalProtocol.inRange(contentId):
# TODO handle radius adjustments
discard h.contentDB.put(
contentId, bodyContent.content,
h.portalProtocol.storeContent(contentId, bodyContent.content)
return some[Block]((header, blockBody))
@ -233,13 +221,11 @@ proc new*(
T: type HistoryNetwork,
baseProtocol: protocol.Protocol,
contentDB: ContentDB,
dataRadius = UInt256.high(),
bootstrapRecords: openArray[Record] = [],
portalConfig: PortalProtocolConfig = defaultPortalProtocolConfig): T =
let portalProtocol = PortalProtocol.new(
baseProtocol, historyProtocolId, contentDB,
toContentIdHandler, validateContent,
dataRadius, bootstrapRecords,
toContentIdHandler, validateContent, bootstrapRecords,
config = portalConfig)
return HistoryNetwork(portalProtocol: portalProtocol, contentDB: contentDB)
@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ proc getContent*(n: StateNetwork, key: ContentKey):
# When content is found on the network and is in the radius range, store it.
if content.isSome() and contentInRange:
# TODO Add poke when working on state network
discard n.contentDB.put(contentId, contentResult.content, n.portalProtocol.localNode.id)
# TODO When working on state network, make it possible to pass different
# distance functions to store content
n.portalProtocol.storeContent(contentId, contentResult.content)
# TODO: for now returning bytes, ultimately it would be nice to return proper
# domain types.
@ -66,14 +68,12 @@ proc new*(
T: type StateNetwork,
baseProtocol: protocol.Protocol,
contentDB: ContentDB,
dataRadius = UInt256.high(),
bootstrapRecords: openArray[Record] = [],
portalConfig: PortalProtocolConfig = defaultPortalProtocolConfig): T =
let portalProtocol = PortalProtocol.new(
baseProtocol, stateProtocolId, contentDB,
toContentIdHandler, validateContent,
dataRadius, bootstrapRecords, stateDistanceCalculator,
config = portalConfig)
bootstrapRecords, stateDistanceCalculator, config = portalConfig)
return StateNetwork(portalProtocol: portalProtocol, contentDB: contentDB)
@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ type
contentDB*: ContentDB
toContentId: ToContentIdHandler
validateContent: ContentValidationHandler
radiusConfig: RadiusConfig
dataRadius*: UInt256
bootstrapRecords*: seq[Record]
lastLookup: chronos.Moment
@ -420,18 +421,36 @@ proc processContent(
stream: PortalStream, contentKeys: ContentKeysList, content: seq[byte])
{.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}
proc fromLogRadius(T: type UInt256, logRadius: uint16): T =
# Get the max value of the logRadius range
pow((2).stuint(256), logRadius) - 1
proc getInitialRadius(rc: RadiusConfig): UInt256 =
case rc.kind
of Static:
return UInt256.fromLogRadius(rc.logRadius)
of Dynamic:
# In case of a dynamic radius we start from the maximum value to quickly
# gather as much data as possible, and also make sure each data piece in
# the database is in our range after a node restart.
# Alternative would be to store node the radius in database, and initialize it
# from database after a restart
return UInt256.high()
proc new*(T: type PortalProtocol,
baseProtocol: protocol.Protocol,
protocolId: PortalProtocolId,
contentDB: ContentDB,
toContentId: ToContentIdHandler,
validateContent: ContentValidationHandler,
dataRadius = UInt256.high(),
bootstrapRecords: openArray[Record] = [],
distanceCalculator: DistanceCalculator = XorDistanceCalculator,
config: PortalProtocolConfig = defaultPortalProtocolConfig
): T =
let initialRadius: UInt256 = config.radiusConfig.getInitialRadius()
let proto = PortalProtocol(
protocolHandler: messageHandler,
protocolId: protocolId,
@ -442,7 +461,8 @@ proc new*(T: type PortalProtocol,
contentDB: contentDB,
toContentId: toContentId,
validateContent: validateContent,
dataRadius: dataRadius,
radiusConfig: config.radiusConfig,
dataRadius: initialRadius,
bootstrapRecords: @bootstrapRecords,
radiusCache: RadiusCache.init(256),
offerQueue: newAsyncQueue[OfferRequest](concurrentOffers))
@ -1065,6 +1085,64 @@ proc neighborhoodGossip*(
let req = OfferRequest(dst: node, kind: Direct, contentList: contentList)
await p.offerQueue.addLast(req)
proc adjustRadius(
p: PortalProtocol,
fractionOfDeletedContent: float64,
furthestElementInDbDistance: UInt256) =
if fractionOfDeletedContent == 0.0:
# even though pruning was triggered no content was deleted, it could happen
# in pathological case of really small database with really big values.
# log it as error as it should not happenn
error "Database pruning attempt resulted in no content deleted"
# we need to invert fraction as our Uin256 implementation does not support
# multiplication by float
let invertedFractionAsInt = int64(1.0 / fractionOfDeletedContent)
let scaledRadius = p.dataRadius div u256(invertedFractionAsInt)
# Chose larger value to avoid situation, where furthestElementInDbDistance
# is super close to local id, so local radius would end up too small
# to accept any more data to local database
# If scaledRadius radius will be larger it will still contain all elements
let newRadius = max(scaledRadius, furthestElementInDbDistance)
debug "Database pruned",
oldRadius = p.dataRadius,
newRadius = newRadius,
furthestDistanceInDb = furthestElementInDbDistance,
fractionOfDeletedContent = fractionOfDeletedContent
# both scaledRadius and furthestElementInDbDistance are smaller than current
# dataRadius, so the radius will constantly decrease through the node
# life time
p.dataRadius = newRadius
proc storeContent*(p: PortalProtocol, key: ContentId, content: openArray[byte]) =
# always re-check that key is in node range, to make sure that invariant that
# all keys in database are always in node range hold.
# TODO current silent assumption is that both contentDb and portalProtocol are
# using the same xor distance function
if p.inRange(key):
case p.radiusConfig.kind:
of Dynamic:
# In case of dynamic radius setting we obey storage limits and adjust
# radius to store network fraction corresponding to those storage limits.
let res = p.contentDB.put(key, content, p.baseProtocol.localNode.id)
if res.kind == DbPruned:
of Static:
# If the config is set statically, radius is not adjusted, and is kept
# constant thorugh node life time, also database max size is disabled
# so we will effectivly store fraction of the network
p.contentDB.put(key, content)
proc processContent(
stream: PortalStream, contentKeys: ContentKeysList, content: seq[byte])
{.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].} =
@ -1083,13 +1161,8 @@ proc processContent(
let contentId = contentIdOpt.get()
# Store content, should we recheck radius?
# TODO handle radius adjustments
discard p.contentDB.put(
p.storeContent(contentId, content)
info "Received valid offered content", contentKey
@ -1,26 +1,77 @@
RadiusConfigKind* = enum
Static, Dynamic
RadiusConfig* = object
case kind*: RadiusConfigKind
of Static:
logRadius*: uint16
of Dynamic:
PortalProtocolConfig* = object
tableIpLimits*: TableIpLimits
bitsPerHop*: int
radiusConfig*: RadiusConfig
defaultRadiusConfig* = RadiusConfig(kind: Dynamic)
defaultPortalProtocolConfig* = PortalProtocolConfig(
tableIpLimits: DefaultTableIpLimits,
bitsPerHop: DefaultBitsPerHop)
bitsPerHop: DefaultBitsPerHop,
radiusConfig: defaultRadiusConfig
proc init*(
T: type PortalProtocolConfig,
tableIpLimit: uint,
bucketIpLimit: uint,
bitsPerHop: int): T =
bitsPerHop: int,
radiusConfig: RadiusConfig): T =
tableIpLimits: TableIpLimits(
tableIpLimit: tableIpLimit,
bucketIpLimit: bucketIpLimit),
bitsPerHop: bitsPerHop
bitsPerHop: bitsPerHop,
radiusConfig: radiusConfig
proc parseCmdArg*(T: type RadiusConfig, p: TaintedString): T
{.raises: [Defect, ConfigurationError].} =
if p.startsWith("dynamic") and len(p) == 7:
return RadiusConfig(kind: Dynamic)
elif p.startsWith("static:"):
let num = p[7..^1]
let parsed = uint16.parseCmdArg(num)
if parsed > 256:
raise newException(
ConfigurationError, "Provided logRadius should be <= 256"
return RadiusConfig(kind: Static, logRadius: parsed)
except ValueError:
let msg = "Provided logRadius: " & num & " is not a valid number"
raise newException(
ConfigurationError, msg
let msg =
"Not supported radius config option: " & p & " . " &
"Supported options: dynamic, static:logRadius"
raise newException(
proc completeCmdArg*(T: type RadiusConfig, val: TaintedString): seq[string] =
return @[]
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ for NUM_NODE in $(seq 0 $(( NUM_NODES - 1 ))); do
# All nodes but bootstrap node run with log. radius of 254 which should
# result in ~1/4th of the data set stored.
# Wait for the bootstrap node to write out its enr file
@ -12,15 +12,8 @@ import
unittest2, stint,
proc genByteSeq(length: int): seq[byte] =
var i = 0
var resultSeq = newSeq[byte](length)
while i < length:
resultSeq[i] = byte(i)
inc i
return resultSeq
proc generateNRandomU256(rng: var BrHmacDrbgContext, n: int): seq[UInt256] =
var i = 0
@ -34,3 +34,11 @@ proc initDiscoveryNode*(rng: ref BrHmacDrbgContext,
rng = rng)
proc genByteSeq*(length: int): seq[byte] =
var i = 0
var resultSeq = newSeq[byte](length)
while i < length:
resultSeq[i] = byte(i)
inc i
return resultSeq
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
chronos, testutils/unittests, stew/shims/net,
eth/keys, eth/p2p/discoveryv5/routing_table, nimcrypto/[hash, sha2],
eth/p2p/discoveryv5/protocol as discv5_protocol,
@ -334,3 +335,38 @@ procSuite "Portal Wire Protocol Tests":
await node1.closeWait()
await node2.closeWait()
asyncTest "Adjusting radius after hitting full database":
node1 = initDiscoveryNode(
rng, PrivateKey.random(rng[]), localAddress(20303))
dbLimit = 100000'u32
db = ContentDB.new("", dbLimit, inMemory = true)
proto1 = PortalProtocol.new(node1, protocolId, db, testHandler,
let item = genByteSeq(10000)
var distances: seq[UInt256] = @[]
for i in 0..8:
proto1.storeContent(u256(i), item)
distances.add(u256(i) xor proto1.localNode.id)
# With current setting i.e limit 100000bytes and 10000 byte element each
# two furthest elements should be delted i.e index 0 and 1.
# index 2 should be still be in database and it distance should always be
# <= updated radius
distances.sort(order = SortOrder.Descending)
db.get((distances[0] xor proto1.localNode.id)).isNone()
db.get((distances[1] xor proto1.localNode.id)).isNone()
db.get((distances[2] xor proto1.localNode.id)).isSome()
# our radius have been updated and is lower than max
proto1.dataRadius < UInt256.high
# but higher or equal to furthest non deleted element
proto1.dataRadius >= distances[2]
await node1.closeWait()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user