fix writePaddedResult, GST +4
This commit is contained in:
@ -639,10 +639,10 @@ OK: 7/8 Fail: 0/8 Skip: 1/8
OK: 5/38 Fail: 0/38 Skip: 33/38
## stMemoryTest
callDataCopyOffset.json Skip
+ callDataCopyOffset.json OK
+ calldatacopy_dejavu.json OK
+ calldatacopy_dejavu2.json OK
codeCopyOffset.json Skip
+ codeCopyOffset.json OK
+ codecopy_dejavu.json OK
+ codecopy_dejavu2.json OK
+ extcodecopy_dejavu.json OK
@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ OK: 5/38 Fail: 0/38 Skip: 33/38
+ stackLimitPush32_1024.json OK
+ stackLimitPush32_1025.json OK
OK: 65/67 Fail: 0/67 Skip: 2/67
OK: 67/67 Fail: 0/67 Skip: 0/67
## stNonZeroCallsTest
+ NonZeroValue_CALL.json OK
@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ OK: 0/16 Fail: 0/16 Skip: 16/16
+ randomStatetest112.json OK
+ randomStatetest114.json OK
+ randomStatetest115.json OK
randomStatetest116.json Skip
+ randomStatetest116.json OK
+ randomStatetest117.json OK
+ randomStatetest118.json OK
+ randomStatetest119.json OK
@ -1089,7 +1089,7 @@ OK: 0/16 Fail: 0/16 Skip: 16/16
+ randomStatetest232.json OK
+ randomStatetest233.json OK
+ randomStatetest236.json OK
randomStatetest237.json Skip
+ randomStatetest237.json OK
+ randomStatetest238.json OK
+ randomStatetest24.json OK
+ randomStatetest241.json OK
@ -1284,7 +1284,7 @@ OK: 0/16 Fail: 0/16 Skip: 16/16
+ randomStatetest97.json OK
+ randomStatetest98.json OK
OK: 315/327 Fail: 0/327 Skip: 12/327
OK: 317/327 Fail: 0/327 Skip: 10/327
## stRandom2
+ 201503110226PYTHON_DUP6.json OK
@ -2520,4 +2520,4 @@ OK: 0/133 Fail: 0/133 Skip: 133/133
OK: 0/130 Fail: 0/130 Skip: 130/130
OK: 1230/2334 Fail: 0/2334 Skip: 1104/2334
OK: 1234/2334 Fail: 0/2334 Skip: 1100/2334
@ -220,18 +220,16 @@ proc writePaddedResult(mem: var Memory,
data: openarray[byte],
memPos, dataPos, len: Natural,
paddingValue = 0.byte) =
let prevLen = mem.len
mem.extend(memPos, len)
let dataEndPosition = dataPos.int64 + len - 1
let sourceBytes = data[min(dataPos, data.len) .. min(data.len - 1, dataEndPosition)]
mem.write(memPos, sourceBytes)
# geth doesn't do padding, it causes block validation error
when false:
# Don't duplicate zero-padding of mem.extend
let paddingOffset = memPos + sourceBytes.len
# TODO: avoid unnecessary memory allocation
mem.write(paddingOffset, repeat(paddingValue, max(prevLen - paddingOffset, 0)))
mem.write(paddingOffset, repeat(paddingValue, min(mem.len - paddingOffset, len)))
op address, inline = true:
## 0x30, Get address of currently executing account.
@ -257,7 +255,6 @@ op callValue, inline = true:
op callDataLoad, inline = false, startPos:
## 0x35, Get input data of current environment
# TODO simplification:
let dataPos = startPos.cleanMemRef
if dataPos >=
push: 0
@ -295,11 +292,11 @@ op callDataCopy, inline = false, memStartPos, copyStartPos, size:
computation.memory.writePaddedResult(, memPos, copyPos, len)
op codesize, inline = true:
op codeSize, inline = true:
## 0x38, Get size of code running in current environment.
push: computation.code.len
op codecopy, inline = false, memStartPos, copyStartPos, size:
op codeCopy, inline = false, memStartPos, copyStartPos, size:
## 0x39, Copy code running in current environment to memory.
# TODO tests:
@ -344,7 +341,7 @@ op returnDataCopy, inline = false, memStartPos, copyStartPos, size:
computation.gasCosts[CodeCopy].m_handler(memPos, copyPos, len),
reason="ExtCodeCopy fee")
reason="returnDataCopy fee")
if copyPos + len > computation.returnData.len:
# TODO Geth additionally checks copyPos + len < 64
@ -48,8 +48,6 @@ func allowedFailingGeneralStateTest*(folder, name: string): bool =
@ -77,8 +75,6 @@ func allowedFailingGeneralStateTest*(folder, name: string): bool =
# 2019-02-07:
# 2019-02-15:
# 2019-02-17:
Reference in New Issue