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# Nimbus - Types, data structures and shared utilities used in network sync
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or
# distributed except according to those terms.
## Snap sync components tester and TDD environment
std/[algorithm, distros, hashes, math, os, sets,
sequtils, strformat, strutils, tables, times],
eth/[common/eth_types, p2p, rlp, trie/db],
stew/[byteutils, results],
../nimbus/[chain_config, config, genesis],
../nimbus/db/[db_chain, select_backend, storage_types],
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
../nimbus/sync/snap/worker/db/[hexary_desc, hexary_inspect,
rocky_bulk_load, snap_db,],
./replay/[pp, undump_blocks, undump_accounts, undump_storages],
./test_sync_snap/[bulk_test_xx, snap_test_xx, test_types]
baseDir = [".", "..", ".."/"..", $DirSep]
repoDir = [".", "tests"/"replay", "tests"/"test_sync_snap",
# Reference file for finding the database directory
sampleDirRefFile = "sample0.txt.gz"
# Standard test samples
bChainCapture = bulkTest0
accSample = snapTest0
storSample = snapTest4
# Number of database slots (needed for timing tests)
nTestDbInstances = 9
TestDbs = object
## Provide enough spare empty databases
persistent: bool
dbDir: string
cdb: array[nTestDbInstances,ChainDb]
when defined(linux):
# The `detectOs(Ubuntu)` directive is not Windows compatible, causes an
# error when running the system command `lsb_release -d` in the background.
let isUbuntu32bit = detectOs(Ubuntu) and int.sizeof == 4
const isUbuntu32bit = false
# Forces `check()` to print the error (as opposed when using `isOk()`)
OkHexDb = Result[void,HexaryDbError].ok()
OkStoDb = Result[void,seq[(int,HexaryDbError)]].ok()
# There was a problem with the Github/CI which results in spurious crashes
# when leaving the `runner()` if the persistent BaseChainDB initialisation
# was present, see `test_custom_network` for more details.
disablePersistentDB = isUbuntu32bit
xTmpDir: string
xDbs: TestDbs # for repeated storage/overwrite tests
xTab32: Table[ByteArray32,Blob] # extracted data
xTab33: Table[ByteArray33,Blob]
xVal32Sum, xVal32SqSum: float # statistics
xVal33Sum, xVal33SqSum: float
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc isOk(rc: ValidationResult): bool =
rc == ValidationResult.OK
proc findFilePath(file: string;
baseDir, repoDir: openArray[string]): Result[string,void] =
for dir in baseDir:
for repo in repoDir:
let path = dir / repo / file
if path.fileExists:
return ok(path)
echo "*** File not found \"", file, "\"."
proc getTmpDir(sampleDir = sampleDirRefFile): string =
proc pp(d: Duration): string =
if 40 < d.inSeconds:
elif 200 < d.inMilliseconds:
elif 200 < d.inMicroseconds:
proc pp(rc: Result[Account,HexaryDbError]): string =
if rc.isErr: $rc.error else: rc.value.pp
proc pp(rc: Result[Hash256,HexaryDbError]): string =
if rc.isErr: $rc.error else: $
proc pp(
rc: Result[TrieNodeStat,HexaryDbError];
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
db: SnapDbSessionRef
): string =
if rc.isErr: $rc.error else: rc.value.pp(db.getAcc)
proc ppKvPc(w: openArray[(string,int)]): string =
w.mapIt(&"{it[0]}={it[1]}%").join(", ")
proc say*(noisy = false; pfx = "***"; args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
if noisy:
if args.len == 0:
echo "*** ", pfx
elif 0 < pfx.len and pfx[^1] != ' ':
echo pfx, " ", args.toSeq.join
echo pfx, args.toSeq.join
proc setTraceLevel =
when defined(chronicles_runtime_filtering) and loggingEnabled:
proc setErrorLevel =
when defined(chronicles_runtime_filtering) and loggingEnabled:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc to(sample: AccountsSample; T: type seq[UndumpAccounts]): T =
## Convert test data into usable in-memory format
let file = sample.file.findFilePath(baseDir,repoDir).value
var root: Hash256
for w in file.undumpNextAccount:
let n = w.seenAccounts - 1
if n < sample.firstItem:
if sample.lastItem < n:
if sample.firstItem == n:
root = w.root
elif w.root != root:
result.add w
proc to(sample: AccountsSample; T: type seq[UndumpStorages]): T =
## Convert test data into usable in-memory format
let file = sample.file.findFilePath(baseDir,repoDir).value
var root: Hash256
for w in file.undumpNextStorages:
let n = w.seenAccounts - 1 # storages selector based on accounts
if n < sample.firstItem:
if sample.lastItem < n:
if sample.firstItem == n:
root = w.root
elif w.root != root:
result.add w
proc to(b: openArray[byte]; T: type ByteArray32): T =
## Convert to other representation (or exception)
if b.len == 32:
(addr result[0]).copyMem(unsafeAddr b[0], 32)
doAssert b.len == 32
proc to(b: openArray[byte]; T: type ByteArray33): T =
## Convert to other representation (or exception)
if b.len == 33:
(addr result[0]).copyMem(unsafeAddr b[0], 33)
doAssert b.len == 33
proc to(b: ByteArray32|ByteArray33; T: type Blob): T =
proc to(b: openArray[byte]; T: type NodeTag): T =
## Convert from serialised equivalent
proc to(w: (byte, NodeTag); T: type Blob): T =
let (b,t) = w
@[b] & toSeq(t.UInt256.toBytesBE)
proc to(t: NodeTag; T: type Blob): T =
proc flushDbDir(s: string; subDir = "") =
if s != "":
let baseDir = s / "tmp"
for n in 0 ..< nTestDbInstances:
let instDir = if subDir == "": baseDir / $n else: baseDir / subDir / $n
if (instDir / "nimbus" / "data").dirExists:
# Typically under Windows: there might be stale file locks.
try: instDir.removeDir except: discard
try: (baseDir / subDir).removeDir except: discard
block dontClearUnlessEmpty:
for w in baseDir.walkDir:
break dontClearUnlessEmpty
try: baseDir.removeDir except: discard
proc testDbs(workDir = ""; subDir = ""; instances = nTestDbInstances): TestDbs =
if disablePersistentDB or workDir == "":
result.persistent = false
result.dbDir = "*notused*"
result.persistent = true
if subDir != "":
result.dbDir = workDir / "tmp" / subDir
result.dbDir = workDir / "tmp"
if result.persistent:
for n in 0 ..< min(result.cdb.len, instances):
result.cdb[n] = (result.dbDir / $n).newChainDB
proc lastTwo(a: openArray[string]): seq[string] =
if 1 < a.len: @[a[^2],a[^1]] else: a.toSeq
proc flatten(list: openArray[seq[Blob]]): seq[Blob] =
for w in list:
result.add w
proc thisRecord(r: rocksdb_iterator_t): (Blob,Blob) =
var kLen, vLen: csize_t
kData = r.rocksdb_iter_key(addr kLen)
vData = r.rocksdb_iter_value(addr vLen)
if not kData.isNil and not vData.isNil:
key = string.fromBytes(toOpenArrayByte(kData,0,int(kLen)-1))
value = string.fromBytes(toOpenArrayByte(vData,0,int(vLen)-1))
return (key.mapIt(it.byte),value.mapIt(it.byte))
proc meanStdDev(sum, sqSum: float; length: int): (float,float) =
if 0 < length:
result[0] = sum / length.float
result[1] = sqrt(sqSum / length.float - result[0] * result[0])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test Runners: accounts and accounts storages
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc accountsRunner(noisy = true; persistent = true; sample = accSample) =
peer =
accountsList =[UndumpAccounts])
root = accountsList[0].root
tmpDir = getTmpDir()
db = if persistent: tmpDir.testDbs(, instances=2) else: testDbs()
dbDir = db.dbDir.split($DirSep).lastTwo.join($DirSep)
info = if db.persistent: &"persistent db on \"{dbDir}\""
else: "in-memory db"
fileInfo = sample.file.splitPath.tail.replace(".txt.gz","")
if db.persistent:
if not db.cdb[0].rocksStoreRef.isNil:
suite &"SyncSnap: {fileInfo} accounts and proofs for {info}":
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
desc: SnapDbSessionRef
accKeys: seq[Hash256]
test &"Snap-proofing {accountsList.len} items for state root ..{root.pp}":
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
dbBase = if persistent: SnapDbRef.init(db.cdb[0])
else: SnapDbRef.init(newMemoryDB())
dbDesc = SnapDbSessionRef.init(dbBase, root, peer)
for n,w in accountsList:
check dbDesc.importAccounts(w.base,, persistent) == OkHexDb
test &"Merging {accountsList.len} proofs for state root ..{root.pp}":
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
let dbBase = if persistent: SnapDbRef.init(db.cdb[1])
else: SnapDbRef.init(newMemoryDB())
desc = SnapDbSessionRef.init(dbBase, root, peer)
# Load/accumulate data from several samples (needs some particular sort)
lowerBound = accountsList.mapIt(it.base).sortMerge
packed = PackedAccountRange(
accounts: accountsList.mapIt(,
proof: accountsList.mapIt(
check desc.importAccounts(lowerBound, packed, true) == OkHexDb
# check desc.merge(lowerBound, accounts) == OkHexDb
desc.assignPrettyKeys() # for debugging, make sure that state root ~ "$0"
# Update list of accounts. There might be additional accounts in the set
# of proof nodes, typically before the `lowerBound` of each block. As
# there is a list of account ranges (that were merged for testing), one
# need to check for additional records only on either end of a range.
var keySet = packed.accounts.mapIt(it.accHash).toHashSet
for w in accountsList:
var key = desc.prevChainDbKey([0].accHash)
while key.isOk and key.value notin keySet:
keySet.incl key.value
let newKey = desc.prevChainDbKey(key.value)
check newKey != key
key = newKey
key = desc.nextChainDbKey([^1].accHash)
while key.isOk and key.value notin keySet:
keySet.incl key.value
let newKey = desc.nextChainDbKey(key.value)
check newKey != key
key = newKey
accKeys = toSeq(keySet).mapIt(
check packed.accounts.len <= accKeys.len
test &"Revisiting {accKeys.len} items stored items on BaseChainDb":
nextAccount = accKeys[0]
prevAccount: Hash256
count = 0
for accHash in accKeys:
pfx = $count & "#"
byChainDB = desc.getChainDbAccount(accHash)
byNextKey = desc.nextChainDbKey(accHash)
byPrevKey = desc.prevChainDbKey(accHash)
noisy.say "*** find",
"<", count, "> byChainDb=", byChainDB.pp
check byChainDB.isOk
# Check `next` traversal funcionality. If `byNextKey.isOk` fails, the
# `nextAccount` value is still the old one and will be different from
# the account in the next for-loop cycle (if any.)
check pfx & accHash.pp(false) == pfx & nextAccount.pp(false)
if byNextKey.isOk:
nextAccount = byNextKey.value
nextAccount = Hash256.default
# Check `prev` traversal funcionality
if prevAccount != Hash256.default:
check byPrevKey.isOk
if byPrevKey.isOk:
check pfx & byPrevKey.value.pp(false) == pfx & prevAccount.pp(false)
prevAccount = accHash
# Hexary trie memory database dump. These are key value pairs for
# ::
# Branch: ($1,b(<$2,$3,..,$17>,))
# Extension: ($18,e(832b5e..06e697,$19))
# Leaf: ($20,l(cc9b5d..1c3b4,f84401..f9e5129d[#70]))
# where keys are typically represented as `$<id>` or `¶<id>` or `ø`
# depending on whether a key is final (`$<id>`), temporary (`¶<id>`)
# or unset/missing (`ø`).
# The node types are indicated by a letter after the first key before
# the round brackets
# ::
# Branch: 'b', 'þ', or 'B'
# Extension: 'e', '€', or 'E'
# Leaf: 'l', 'ł', or 'L'
# Here a small letter indicates a `Static` node which was from the
# original `proofs` list, a capital letter indicates a `Mutable` node
# added on the fly which might need some change, and the decorated
# letters stand for `Locked` nodes which are like `Static` ones but
# added later (typically these nodes are update `Mutable` nodes.)
# Beware: dumping a large database is not recommended
#noisy.say "***", "database dump\n ", desc.dumpAccDB()
proc storagesRunner(
noisy = true;
persistent = true;
sample = storSample;
knownFailures: seq[(string,seq[(int,HexaryDbError)])] = @[]) =
peer =
accountsList =[UndumpAccounts])
storagesList =[UndumpStorages])
root = accountsList[0].root
tmpDir = getTmpDir()
db = if persistent: tmpDir.testDbs(, instances=1) else: testDbs()
dbDir = db.dbDir.split($DirSep).lastTwo.join($DirSep)
info = if db.persistent: &"persistent db on \"{dbDir}\""
else: "in-memory db"
fileInfo = sample.file.splitPath.tail.replace(".txt.gz","")
if db.persistent:
if not db.cdb[0].rocksStoreRef.isNil:
suite &"SyncSnap: {fileInfo} accounts storage for {info}":
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
dbBase = if persistent: SnapDbRef.init(db.cdb[0])
else: SnapDbRef.init(newMemoryDB())
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
desc = SnapDbSessionRef.init(dbBase, root, peer)
test &"Merging {accountsList.len} accounts for state root ..{root.pp}":
for w in accountsList:
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
let desc = SnapDbSessionRef.init(dbBase, root, peer)
check desc.importAccounts(w.base,, persistent) == OkHexDb
test &"Merging {storagesList.len} storages lists":
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
dbDesc = SnapDbSessionRef.init(dbBase, root, peer)
ignore = knownFailures.toTable
for n,w in storagesList:
testId = fileInfo & "#" & $n
expRc = if ignore.hasKey(testId):
check dbDesc.importStorages(, persistent) == expRc
proc inspectionRunner(
noisy = true;
persistent = true;
cascaded = true;
sample: openArray[AccountsSample] = snapTestList) =
peer =
inspectList = sample.mapIt([UndumpAccounts]))
tmpDir = getTmpDir()
db = if persistent: tmpDir.testDbs(sample[0].name) else: testDbs()
dbDir = db.dbDir.split($DirSep).lastTwo.join($DirSep)
info = if db.persistent: &"persistent db on \"{dbDir}\""
else: "in-memory db"
fileInfo = "[" & sample[0].file.splitPath.tail.replace(".txt.gz","") & "..]"
if db.persistent:
for n in 0 ..< nTestDbInstances:
if db.cdb[n].rocksStoreRef.isNil:
suite &"SyncSnap: inspect {fileInfo} lists for {info} for healing":
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
memBase = SnapDbRef.init(newMemoryDB())
memDesc = SnapDbSessionRef.init(memBase, Hash256(), peer)
singleStats: seq[(int,TrieNodeStat)]
accuStats: seq[(int,TrieNodeStat)]
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
perBase,altBase: SnapDbRef
perDesc,altDesc: SnapDbSessionRef
if persistent:
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
perBase = SnapDbRef.init(db.cdb[0])
perDesc = SnapDbSessionRef.init(perBase, Hash256(), peer)
altBase = SnapDbRef.init(db.cdb[1])
altDesc = SnapDbSessionRef.init(altBase, Hash256(), peer)
test &"Fingerprinting {inspectList.len} single accounts lists " &
"for in-memory-db":
for n,accList in inspectList:
# Separate storage
root = accList[0].root
rootKey =
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
desc = SnapDbSessionRef.init(memBase, root, peer)
for w in accList:
check desc.importAccounts(w.base,, persistent=false) == OkHexDb
let rc = desc.inspectAccountsTrie(persistent=false)
check rc.isOk
dangling = rc.value.dangling
keys = desc.getAcc.hexaryInspectToKeys(
rootKey, dangling.toHashSet.toSeq)
check dangling.len == keys.len
singleStats.add (,rc.value)
test &"Fingerprinting {inspectList.len} single accounts lists " &
"for persistent db":
if not persistent:
for n,accList in inspectList:
if nTestDbInstances <= 2+n or db.cdb[2+n].rocksStoreRef.isNil:
# Separate storage on persistent DB (leaving first db slot empty)
root = accList[0].root
rootKey =
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
dbBase = SnapDbRef.init(db.cdb[2+n])
desc = SnapDbSessionRef.init(dbBase, root, peer)
for w in accList:
check desc.importAccounts(w.base,, persistent) == OkHexDb
let rc = desc.inspectAccountsTrie(persistent=false)
check rc.isOk
dangling = rc.value.dangling
keys = desc.getAcc.hexaryInspectToKeys(
rootKey, dangling.toHashSet.toSeq)
check dangling.len == keys.len
# Must be the same as the in-memory fingerprint
check singleStats[n][1] == rc.value
test &"Fingerprinting {inspectList.len} accumulated accounts lists " &
"for in-memory-db":
for n,accList in inspectList:
# Accumulated storage
root = accList[0].root
rootKey =
desc = memDesc.dup(root,Peer())
for w in accList:
check desc.importAccounts(w.base,, persistent=false) == OkHexDb
let rc = desc.inspectAccountsTrie(persistent=false)
check rc.isOk
dangling = rc.value.dangling
keys = desc.getAcc.hexaryInspectToKeys(
rootKey, dangling.toHashSet.toSeq)
check dangling.len == keys.len
accuStats.add (,rc.value)
test &"Fingerprinting {inspectList.len} accumulated accounts lists " &
"for persistent db":
if not persistent:
for n,accList in inspectList:
# Accumulated storage on persistent DB (using first db slot)
root = accList[0].root
rootKey =
rootSet = [rootKey].toHashSet
desc = perDesc.dup(root,Peer())
for w in accList:
check desc.importAccounts(w.base,, persistent) == OkHexDb
let rc = desc.inspectAccountsTrie(persistent=false)
check rc.isOk
dangling = rc.value.dangling
keys = desc.getAcc.hexaryInspectToKeys(
rootKey, dangling.toHashSet.toSeq)
check dangling.len == keys.len
check accuStats[n][1] == rc.value
test &"Cascaded fingerprinting {inspectList.len} accumulated accounts " &
"lists for in-memory-db":
if not cascaded:
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
cscBase = SnapDbRef.init(newMemoryDB())
cscDesc = SnapDbSessionRef.init(cscBase, Hash256(), peer)
cscStep: Table[NodeKey,(int,seq[Blob])]
for n,accList in inspectList:
# Accumulated storage
root = accList[0].root
rootKey =
desc = cscDesc.dup(root,Peer())
for w in accList:
check desc.importAccounts(w.base,,persistent=false) == OkHexDb
if cscStep.hasKeyOrPut(rootKey,(1,seq[Blob].default)):
r0 = desc.inspectAccountsTrie(persistent=false)
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
rc = desc.inspectAccountsTrie(cscStep[rootKey][1],persistent=false)
check rc.isOk
accumulated = r0.value.dangling.toHashSet
cascaded = rc.value.dangling.toHashSet
check accumulated == cascaded
# Make sure that there are no trivial cases
let trivialCases = toSeq(cscStep.values).filterIt(it[0] <= 1).len
check trivialCases == 0
test &"Cascaded fingerprinting {inspectList.len} accumulated accounts " &
"for persistent db":
if not cascaded or not persistent:
cscBase = altBase
cscDesc = altDesc
cscStep: Table[NodeKey,(int,seq[Blob])]
for n,accList in inspectList:
# Accumulated storage
root = accList[0].root
rootKey =
desc = cscDesc.dup(root,Peer())
for w in accList:
check desc.importAccounts(w.base,,persistent) == OkHexDb
if cscStep.hasKeyOrPut(rootKey,(1,seq[Blob].default)):
r0 = desc.inspectAccountsTrie(persistent=true)
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
rc = desc.inspectAccountsTrie(cscStep[rootKey][1],persistent=true)
check rc.isOk
accumulated = r0.value.dangling.toHashSet
cascaded = rc.value.dangling.toHashSet
check accumulated == cascaded
# Make sure that there are no trivial cases
let trivialCases = toSeq(cscStep.values).filterIt(it[0] <= 1).len
check trivialCases == 0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test Runners: database timing tests
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc importRunner(noisy = true; persistent = true; capture = bChainCapture) =
fileInfo =".")[0]
filePath = capture.file.findFilePath(baseDir,repoDir).value
tmpDir = getTmpDir()
db = if persistent: tmpDir.testDbs( else: testDbs()
numBlocksInfo = if capture.numBlocks == high(int): ""
else: $capture.numBlocks & " "
loadNoise = noisy
if db.persistent:
suite &"SyncSnap: using {fileInfo} capture for testing db timings":
ddb: BaseChainDB # perstent DB on disk
chn: Chain
test &"Create persistent BaseChainDB on {tmpDir}":
let chainDb = if db.persistent: db.cdb[0].trieDB
else: newMemoryDB()
# Constructor ...
ddb = newBaseChainDB(
id =,
pruneTrie = true,
params =
chn = ddb.newChain
test &"Storing {numBlocksInfo}persistent blocks from dump":
for w in filePath.undumpNextGroup:
let (fromBlock, toBlock) = (w[0][0].blockNumber, w[0][^1].blockNumber)
if fromBlock == 0.u256:
doAssert w[0][0] == ddb.getBlockHeader(0.u256)
# Message if [fromBlock,toBlock] contains a multiple of 700
if fromBlock + (toBlock mod 900) <= toBlock:
loadNoise.say "***", &"processing ...[#{fromBlock},#{toBlock}]..."
check chn.persistBlocks(w[0], w[1]).isOk
if capture.numBlocks.toBlockNumber <= w[0][^1].blockNumber:
test "Extract key-value records into memory tables via rocksdb iterator":
# Implicit test: if not persistent => db.cdb[0] is nil
if db.cdb[0].rocksStoreRef.isNil:
rdb = db.cdb[0].rocksStoreRef
rop =
rit =
check not rit.isNil
while rit.rocksdb_iter_valid() != 0:
let (key,val) = rit.thisRecord()
if key.len == 32:
xTab32[] = val
xVal32Sum += val.len.float
xVal32SqSum += val.len.float * val.len.float
check == key
elif key.len == 33:
xTab33[] = val
xVal33Sum += val.len.float
xVal33SqSum += val.len.float * val.len.float
check == key
noisy.say "***", "ignoring key=", key.toHex
(mean32, stdv32) = meanStdDev(xVal32Sum, xVal32SqSum, xTab32.len)
(mean33, stdv33) = meanStdDev(xVal33Sum, xVal33SqSum, xTab33.len)
noisy.say "***",
"key 32 table: ",
&"size={xTab32.len} valLen={(mean32+0.5).int}({(stdv32+0.5).int})",
", key 33 table: ",
&"size={xTab33.len} valLen={(mean33+0.5).int}({(stdv33+0.5).int})"
proc storeRunner(noisy = true; persistent = true; cleanUp = true) =
fullNoise = false
emptyDb = "empty"
# Allows to repeat storing on existing data
if not xDbs.cdb[0].isNil:
emptyDb = "pre-loaded"
elif persistent:
xTmpDir = getTmpDir()
xDbs = xTmpDir.testDbs("store-runner")
xDbs = testDbs()
if xDbs.persistent and cleanUp:
for n in 0 ..< nTestDbInstances:
if xDbs.cdb[n].rocksStoreRef.isNil:
suite &"SyncSnap: storage tests on {emptyDb} databases":
# `xDbs` instance slots layout:
# * cdb[0] -- direct db, key length 32, no transaction
# * cdb[1] -- direct db, key length 32 as 33, no transaction
# * cdb[2] -- direct db, key length 32, transaction based
# * cdb[3] -- direct db, key length 32 as 33, transaction based
# * cdb[4] -- direct db, key length 33, no transaction
# * cdb[5] -- direct db, key length 33, transaction based
# * cdb[6] -- rocksdb, key length 32
# * cdb[7] -- rocksdb, key length 32 as 33
# * cdb[8] -- rocksdb, key length 33
doAssert 9 <= nTestDbInstances
doAssert not xDbs.cdb[8].isNil
if xTab32.len == 0 or xTab33.len == 0:
test &"Both tables with 32 byte keys(size={xTab32.len}), " &
&"33 byte keys(size={xTab32.len}) must be non-empty":
# cdb[0] -- direct db, key length 32, no transaction
test &"Directly store {xTab32.len} records " &
&"(key length 32) into {emptyDb} trie database":
var ela: Duration
let tdb = xDbs.cdb[0].trieDB
if noisy: echo ""
noisy.showElapsed("Standard db loader(keyLen 32)", ela):
for (key,val) in xTab32.pairs:
tdb.put(key, val)
if ela.inNanoseconds != 0:
elaNs = ela.inNanoseconds.float
perRec = ((elaNs / xTab32.len.float) + 0.5).int.initDuration
noisy.say "***",
"nRecords=", xTab32.len, ", ",
"perRecord=", perRec.pp
# cdb[1] -- direct db, key length 32 as 33, no transaction
test &"Directly store {xTab32.len} records " &
&"(key length 33) into {emptyDb} trie database":
var ela = initDuration()
let tdb = xDbs.cdb[1].trieDB
if noisy: echo ""
noisy.showElapsed("Standard db loader(keyLen 32 as 33)", ela):
for (key,val) in xTab32.pairs:
tdb.put(@[99.byte] & key.toSeq, val)
if ela.inNanoseconds != 0:
elaNs = ela.inNanoseconds.float
perRec = ((elaNs / xTab32.len.float) + 0.5).int.initDuration
noisy.say "***",
"nRecords=", xTab32.len, ", ",
"perRecord=", perRec.pp
# cdb[2] -- direct db, key length 32, transaction based
test &"Transactionally store {xTab32.len} records " &
&"(key length 32) into {emptyDb} trie database":
var ela: Duration
let tdb = xDbs.cdb[2].trieDB
if noisy: echo ""
noisy.showElapsed("Standard db loader(tx,keyLen 32)", ela):
let dbTx = tdb.beginTransaction
defer: dbTx.commit
for (key,val) in xTab32.pairs:
tdb.put(key, val)
if ela.inNanoseconds != 0:
elaNs = ela.inNanoseconds.float
perRec = ((elaNs / xTab32.len.float) + 0.5).int.initDuration
noisy.say "***",
"nRecords=", xTab32.len, ", ",
"perRecord=", perRec.pp
# cdb[3] -- direct db, key length 32 as 33, transaction based
test &"Transactionally store {xTab32.len} records " &
&"(key length 33) into {emptyDb} trie database":
var ela: Duration
let tdb = xDbs.cdb[3].trieDB
if noisy: echo ""
noisy.showElapsed("Standard db loader(tx,keyLen 32 as 33)", ela):
let dbTx = tdb.beginTransaction
defer: dbTx.commit
for (key,val) in xTab32.pairs:
tdb.put(@[99.byte] & key.toSeq, val)
if ela.inNanoseconds != 0:
elaNs = ela.inNanoseconds.float
perRec = ((elaNs / xTab32.len.float) + 0.5).int.initDuration
noisy.say "***",
"nRecords=", xTab32.len, ", ",
"perRecord=", perRec.pp
# cdb[4] -- direct db, key length 33, no transaction
test &"Directly store {xTab33.len} records " &
&"(key length 33) into {emptyDb} trie database":
var ela: Duration
let tdb = xDbs.cdb[4].trieDB
if noisy: echo ""
noisy.showElapsed("Standard db loader(keyLen 33)", ela):
for (key,val) in xTab33.pairs:
tdb.put(key, val)
if ela.inNanoseconds != 0:
elaNs = ela.inNanoseconds.float
perRec = ((elaNs / xTab33.len.float) + 0.5).int.initDuration
noisy.say "***",
"nRecords=", xTab33.len, ", ",
"perRecord=", perRec.pp
# cdb[5] -- direct db, key length 33, transaction based
test &"Transactionally store {xTab33.len} records " &
&"(key length 33) into {emptyDb} trie database":
var ela: Duration
let tdb = xDbs.cdb[5].trieDB
if noisy: echo ""
noisy.showElapsed("Standard db loader(tx,keyLen 33)", ela):
let dbTx = tdb.beginTransaction
defer: dbTx.commit
for (key,val) in xTab33.pairs:
tdb.put(key, val)
if ela.inNanoseconds != 0:
elaNs = ela.inNanoseconds.float
perRec = ((elaNs / xTab33.len.float) + 0.5).int.initDuration
noisy.say "***",
"nRecords=", xTab33.len, ", ",
"perRecord=", perRec.pp
if xDbs.cdb[0].rocksStoreRef.isNil:
test "The rocksdb interface must be available": skip()
# cdb[6] -- rocksdb, key length 32
test &"Store {xTab32.len} records " &
"(key length 32) into empty rocksdb table":
ela: array[4,Duration]
size: int64
rdb = xDbs.cdb[6].rocksStoreRef
# Note that 32 and 33 size keys cannot be usefiully merged into the
# same SST file. The keys must be added in a sorted mode. So playing
# safe, key sizes should be of
# equal length.
if noisy: echo ""
noisy.showElapsed("Rocky bulk loader(keyLen 32)", ela[0]):
let bulker = RockyBulkLoadRef.init(rdb)
defer: bulker.destroy()
check bulker.begin("rocky-bulk-cache")
keyList = newSeq[NodeTag](xTab32.len)
fullNoise.showElapsed("Rocky bulk loader/32, sorter", ela[1]):
var inx = 0
for key in xTab32.keys:
keyList[inx] =
fullNoise.showElapsed("Rocky bulk loader/32, append", ela[2]):
for n,nodeTag in keyList:
let key =
check bulker.add(key, xTab32[])
fullNoise.showElapsed("Rocky bulk loader/32, slurp", ela[3]):
let rc = bulker.finish()
if rc.isOk:
size = rc.value
check bulker.lastError == "" # force printing error
fullNoise.say "***", " ela[]=", $ela.toSeq.mapIt(it.pp)
if ela[0].inNanoseconds != 0:
elaNs = ela.toSeq.mapIt(it.inNanoseconds.float)
elaPc = elaNs.mapIt(((it / elaNs[0]) * 100 + 0.5).int)
perRec = ((elaNs[0] / xTab32.len.float) + 0.5).int.initDuration
noisy.say "***",
"nRecords=", xTab32.len, ", ",
"perRecord=", perRec.pp, ", ",
"sstSize=", size.uint64.toSI, ", ",
"perRecord=", ((size.float / xTab32.len.float) + 0.5).int, ", ",
# cdb[7] -- rocksdb, key length 32 as 33
test &"Store {xTab32.len} records " &
"(key length 33) into empty rocksdb table":
ela: array[4,Duration]
size: int64
rdb = xDbs.cdb[7].rocksStoreRef
# Note that 32 and 33 size keys cannot be usefiully merged into the
# same SST file. The keys must be added in a sorted mode. So playing
# safe, key sizes should be of
# equal length.
if noisy: echo ""
noisy.showElapsed("Rocky bulk loader(keyLen 32 as 33)", ela[0]):
let bulker = RockyBulkLoadRef.init(rdb)
defer: bulker.destroy()
check bulker.begin("rocky-bulk-cache")
keyList = newSeq[NodeTag](xTab32.len)
fullNoise.showElapsed("Rocky bulk loader/32 as 33, sorter", ela[1]):
var inx = 0
for key in xTab32.keys:
keyList[inx] =
fullNoise.showElapsed("Rocky bulk loader/32 as 33, append", ela[2]):
for n,nodeTag in keyList:
let key =
check bulker.add(@[99.byte] & key, xTab32[])
fullNoise.showElapsed("Rocky bulk loader/32 as 33, slurp", ela[3]):
let rc = bulker.finish()
if rc.isOk:
size = rc.value
check bulker.lastError == "" # force printing error
fullNoise.say "***", " ela[]=", $ela.toSeq.mapIt(it.pp)
if ela[0].inNanoseconds != 0:
elaNs = ela.toSeq.mapIt(it.inNanoseconds.float)
elaPc = elaNs.mapIt(((it / elaNs[0]) * 100 + 0.5).int)
perRec = ((elaNs[0] / xTab32.len.float) + 0.5).int.initDuration
noisy.say "***",
"nRecords=", xTab32.len, ", ",
"perRecord=", perRec.pp, ", ",
"sstSize=", size.uint64.toSI, ", ",
"perRecord=", ((size.float / xTab32.len.float) + 0.5).int, ", ",
# cdb[8] -- rocksdb, key length 33
test &"Store {xTab33.len} records " &
&"(key length 33) into {emptyDb} rocksdb table":
ela: array[4,Duration]
size: int64
let rdb = xDbs.cdb[8].rocksStoreRef
# Note that 32 and 33 size keys cannot be usefiully merged into the
# same SST file. The keys must be added in a sorted mode. So playing
# safe, key sizes should be of equal length.
if noisy: echo ""
noisy.showElapsed("Rocky bulk loader(keyLen 33)", ela[0]):
let bulker = RockyBulkLoadRef.init(rdb)
defer: bulker.destroy()
check bulker.begin("rocky-bulk-cache")
kKeys: seq[byte] # need to cacscade
kTab: Table[byte,seq[NodeTag]]
fullNoise.showElapsed("Rocky bulk loader/33, sorter", ela[1]):
for key in xTab33.keys:
if kTab.hasKey(key[0]):
kTab[key[0]].add key.toOpenArray(1,32).to(NodeTag)
kTab[key[0]] = @[key.toOpenArray(1,32).to(NodeTag)]
kKeys = toSeq(kTab.keys).sorted
for w in kKeys:
fullNoise.showElapsed("Rocky bulk loader/33, append", ela[2]):
for w in kKeys:
fullNoise.say "***", " prefix=", w, " entries=", kTab[w].len
for n,nodeTag in kTab[w]:
let key = (w,nodeTag).to(Blob)
check bulker.add(key, xTab33[])
fullNoise.showElapsed("Rocky bulk loader/33, slurp", ela[3]):
let rc = bulker.finish()
if rc.isOk:
size = rc.value
check bulker.lastError == "" # force printing error
fullNoise.say "***", " ela[]=", $ela.toSeq.mapIt(it.pp)
if ela[0].inNanoseconds != 0:
elaNs = ela.toSeq.mapIt(it.inNanoseconds.float)
elaPc = elaNs.mapIt(((it / elaNs[0]) * 100 + 0.5).int)
perRec = ((elaNs[0] / xTab33.len.float) + 0.5).int.initDuration
noisy.say "***",
"nRecords=", xTab33.len, ", ",
"perRecord=", perRec.pp, ", ",
"sstSize=", size.uint64.toSI, ", ",
"perRecord=", ((size.float / xTab33.len.float) + 0.5).int, ", ",
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main function(s)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc syncSnapMain*(noisy = defined(debug)) =
#noisy.accountsRunner(persistent=false) # problems unless running stand-alone
noisy.importRunner() # small sample, just verify functionality
when isMainModule:
noisy = defined(debug) or true
# The `accountsRunner()` tests a snap sync functionality for storing chain
# chain data directly rather than derive them by executing the EVM. Here,
# only accounts are considered.
# The `snap/1` protocol allows to fetch data for a certain account range. The
# following boundary conditions apply to the received data:
# * `State root`: All data are relaive to the same state root.
# * `Accounts`: There is an accounts interval sorted in strictly increasing
# order. The accounts are required consecutive, i.e. without holes in
# between although this cannot be verified immediately.
# * `Lower bound`: There is a start value which might be lower than the first
# account hash. There must be no other account between this start value and
# the first account (not verifyable yet.) For all practicat purposes, this
# value is mostly ignored but carried through.
# * `Proof`: There is a list of hexary nodes which allow to build a partial
# Patricia-Mercle trie starting at the state root with all the account
# leaves. There are enough nodes that show that there is no account before
# the least account (which is currently ignored.)
# There are test data samples on the sub-directory `test_sync_snap`. These
# are complete replies for some (admittedly smapp) test requests from a `kiln`
# session.
# The `accountsRunner()` does three tests:
# 1. Run the `importAccounts()` function which is the all-in-one production
# function processoing the data described above. The test applies it
# sequentially to about 20 data sets.
# 2. Test individual functional items which are hidden in test 1. while
# merging the sample data.
# * Load/accumulate `proofs` data from several samples
# * Load/accumulate accounts (needs some unique sorting)
# * Build/complete hexary trie for accounts
# * Save/bulk-store hexary trie on disk. If rocksdb is available, data
# are bulk stored via sst. An additional data set is stored in a table
# with key prefix 200 using transactional `put()` (for time comparison.)
# If there is no rocksdb, standard transactional `put()` is used, only
# (no key prefix 200 storage.)
# 3. Traverse trie nodes stored earlier. The accounts from test 2 are
# re-visted using the account hash as access path.
# This one uses dumps from the external `nimbus-eth1-blob` repo
when true: # and false:
import ./test_sync_snap/snap_other_xx
for n,sam in snapOtherList:
false.accountsRunner(persistent=true, sam)
for n,sam in snapOtherHealingList:
false.inspectionRunner(persistent=true, cascaded=false, sam)
# This one usues dumps from the external `nimbus-eth1-blob` repo
when true: # and false:
import ./test_sync_snap/snap_storage_xx
let knownFailures = @[
("storages3__18__25_dump#11", @[( 233, RightBoundaryProofFailed)]),
("storages4__26__33_dump#11", @[(1193, RightBoundaryProofFailed)]),
("storages5__34__41_dump#10", @[( 508, RootNodeMismatch)]),
("storagesB__84__92_dump#6", @[( 325, RightBoundaryProofFailed)]),
("storagesD_102_109_dump#17", @[(1102, RightBoundaryProofFailed)]),
for n,sam in snapStorageList:
false.storagesRunner(persistent=true, sam, knownFailures)
# This one uses readily available dumps
when true: # and false:
for sam in snapTestList:
false.accountsRunner(persistent=true, sam)
for sam in snapTestStorageList:
false.accountsRunner(persistent=true, sam)
false.storagesRunner(persistent=true, sam)
# This one uses readily available dumps
when true and false:
# ---- database storage timings -------
noisy.importRunner(capture = bulkTest0)
true.storeRunner(cleanUp = false)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------