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# Nimbus - Types, data structures and shared utilities used in network sync
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
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## Aristo (aka Patricia) DB records merge test
aristo_desc, aristo_debug, aristo_error, aristo_hike,
aristo_merge, aristo_transcode],
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public test function
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc test_mergeAccounts*(
noisy: bool;
lst: openArray[PackedAccountRange];
) =
for u,par in lst:
let db = AristoDbRef()
root = VertexID(0)
count = 0
for n,w in par.accounts:
sTabState = db.sTab.pp(db)
payload = PayloadRef(pType: BlobData, blob: w.accBlob)
pathTag = w.accKey.to(NodeTag)
hike = db.merge(pathTag, payload, root, proofMode=false)
ekih = pathTag.hikeUp(hike.root, db)
if hike.error == AristoError(0):
root = hike.root
count = n
if hike.error != AristoError(0): # or true:
noisy.say "***", "<", n, "> ", pathTag.pp,
"\n hike",
"\n ", hike.pp(db),
"\n sTab (prev)",
"\n ", sTabState,
"\n sTab",
"\n ", db.sTab.pp(db),
"\n lTab",
"\n ", db.lTab.pp,
check hike.error == AristoError(0)
check ekih.error == AristoError(0)
if ekih.legs.len == 0:
check 0 < ekih.legs.len
elif ekih.legs[^1].wp.vtx.vType != Leaf:
check ekih.legs[^1].wp.vtx.vType == Leaf
check ekih.legs[^1].wp.vtx.lData.blob == w.accBlob
if db.lTab.len != n + 1:
check db.lTab.len == n + 1 # quick leaf access table
break # makes no sense to go on further
noisy.say "***", "sample ", u, "/", lst.len ," leafs merged: ", count+1
proc test_mergeProofsAndAccounts*(
noisy: bool;
lst: openArray[UndumpAccounts];
) =
for u,par in lst:
db = AristoDbRef()
rootKey = par.root.to(NodeKey)
rootID: VertexID
count = 0
for n,w in par.data.proof:
key = w.Blob.digestTo(NodeKey)
node = w.Blob.decode(NodeRef)
rc = db.merge(key, node)
if rc.isErr:
check rc.isOK # provoke message and error
check rc.error == AristoError(0)
check n + 1 < db.pAmk.len
check n + 1 < db.kMap.len
check db.sTab.len == n + 1
# Set up root ID
db.pAmk.withValue(rootKey, vidPtr):
rootID = vidPtr[]
check not rootID.isZero
if true and false:
noisy.say "***", count, " proof nodes, root=", rootID.pp,
#"\n pAmk",
#"\n ", db.pAmk.pp(db),
"\n kMap",
"\n ", db.kMap.pp(db),
"\n sTab",
"\n ", db.sTab.pp(db),
for n,w in par.data.accounts:
sTabState = db.sTab.pp(db)
payload = PayloadRef(pType: BlobData, blob: w.accBlob)
pathTag = w.accKey.to(NodeTag)
hike = db.merge(pathTag, payload, rootID, proofMode=true) #, noisy=true)
ekih = pathTag.hikeUp(rootID, db)
count = n
if hike.error != AristoError(0): # or true:
noisy.say "***", "<", n, "> ", pathTag.pp,
"\n hike",
"\n ", hike.pp(db),
"\n sTab (prev)",
"\n ", sTabState,
"\n sTab",
"\n ", db.sTab.pp(db),
"\n lTab",
"\n ", db.lTab.pp,
check hike.error == AristoError(0)
check ekih.error == AristoError(0)
if ekih.legs.len == 0:
check 0 < ekih.legs.len
elif ekih.legs[^1].wp.vtx.vType != Leaf:
check ekih.legs[^1].wp.vtx.vType == Leaf
check ekih.legs[^1].wp.vtx.lData.blob == w.accBlob
if db.lTab.len != n + 1:
check db.lTab.len == n + 1 # quick leaf access table
break # makes no sense to go on further
#if 10 < n:
# break
noisy.say "***", "sample ", u, "/", lst.len ," leafs merged: ", count+1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------