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2018-04-27 08:53:53 +00:00
# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
std/[os, strutils, net, options],
eth/[keys, net/nat, trie/db],
eth/common as eth_common,
eth/p2p as eth_p2p,
metrics/[chronos_httpserver, chronicles_support],
stew/shims/net as stewNet,
websock/websock as ws,
"."/[conf_utils, config, constants, context, genesis, sealer, utils, version, peers],
./db/[storage_types, db_chain, select_backend],
./p2p/[chain, clique/clique_desc, clique/clique_sealer],
./rpc/[common, debug, engine_api, jwt_auth, p2p, cors],
./sync/[fast, full, protocol, snap, protocol/les_protocol, handlers],
when defined(evmc_enabled):
import transaction/evmc_dynamic_loader
2018-06-20 17:27:32 +00:00
## TODO:
## * No IPv6 support
## * No multiple bind addresses support
## * No database support
NimbusState = enum
2020-05-21 01:33:11 +00:00
Starting, Running, Stopping
2018-06-20 17:27:32 +00:00
2020-03-25 18:00:04 +00:00
NimbusNode = ref object
rpcServer: RpcHttpServer
engineApiServer: RpcHttpServer
engineApiWsServer: RpcWebSocketServer
ethNode: EthereumNode
state: NimbusState
graphqlServer: GraphqlHttpServerRef
wsRpcServer: RpcWebSocketServer
sealingEngine: SealingEngineRef
ctx: EthContext
chainRef: Chain
txPool: TxPoolRef
networkLoop: Future[void]
dbBackend: ChainDB
peerManager: PeerManagerRef
2018-06-20 17:27:32 +00:00
proc importBlocks(conf: NimbusConf, chainDB: BaseChainDB) =
if string(conf.blocksFile).len > 0:
# success or not, we quit after importing blocks
if not importRlpBlock(string conf.blocksFile, chainDB):
proc basicServices(nimbus: NimbusNode,
conf: NimbusConf,
chainDB: BaseChainDB) =
# app wide TxPool singleton
# TODO: disable some of txPool internal mechanism if
# the engineSigner is zero.
nimbus.txPool =, conf.engineSigner)
# chainRef: some name to avoid module-name/filed/function misunderstandings
nimbus.chainRef = newChain(chainDB)
if conf.verifyFrom.isSome:
let verifyFrom = conf.verifyFrom.get()
nimbus.chainRef.extraValidation = 0 < verifyFrom
nimbus.chainRef.verifyFrom = verifyFrom
proc manageAccounts(nimbus: NimbusNode, conf: NimbusConf) =
if string(conf.keyStore).len > 0:
let res = conf.keyStore)
if res.isErr:
fatal "Load keystore error", msg = res.error()
if string(conf.importKey).len > 0:
let res = conf.importKey)
if res.isErr:
fatal "Import private key error", msg = res.error()
proc setupP2P(nimbus: NimbusNode, conf: NimbusConf,
protocols: set[ProtocolFlag]) =
2018-06-20 17:27:32 +00:00
## Creating P2P Server
let kpres = nimbus.ctx.getNetKeys(conf.netKey, conf.dataDir.string)
if kpres.isErr:
fatal "Get network keys error", msg = kpres.error
let keypair = kpres.get()
var address = Address(
ip: conf.listenAddress,
tcpPort: conf.tcpPort,
udpPort: conf.udpPort
if conf.nat.hasExtIp:
# any required port redirection is assumed to be done by hand
address.ip = conf.nat.extIp
2019-04-17 01:56:28 +00:00
# automated NAT traversal
let extIP = getExternalIP(conf.nat.nat)
2019-04-17 23:17:06 +00:00
# This external IP only appears in the logs, so don't worry about dynamic
# IPs. Don't remove it either, because the above call does initialisation
# and discovery for NAT-related objects.
2019-04-17 01:56:28 +00:00
if extIP.isSome:
address.ip = extIP.get()
let extPorts = redirectPorts(tcpPort = address.tcpPort,
udpPort = address.udpPort,
description = NimbusName & " " & NimbusVersion)
2019-04-17 01:56:28 +00:00
if extPorts.isSome:
(address.tcpPort, address.udpPort) = extPorts.get()
2018-06-20 17:27:32 +00:00
let bootstrapNodes = conf.getBootNodes()
nimbus.ethNode = newEthereumNode(
keypair, address, conf.networkId, conf.agentString,
addAllCapabilities = false, minPeers = conf.maxPeers,
bootstrapNodes = bootstrapNodes,
bindUdpPort = conf.udpPort, bindTcpPort = conf.tcpPort,
bindIp = conf.listenAddress,
rng = nimbus.ctx.rng)
# Add protocol capabilities based on protocol flags
if ProtocolFlag.Eth in protocols:
let ethWireHandler =
nimbus.ethNode.addCapability(protocol.eth, ethWireHandler)
case conf.syncMode:
of SyncMode.Snap:
nimbus.ethNode.addCapability protocol.snap
of SyncMode.Full, SyncMode.Default:
if ProtocolFlag.Les in protocols:
nimbus.ethNode.addCapability les
2018-06-20 17:27:32 +00:00
# Early-initialise "--snap-sync" before starting any network connections.
if ProtocolFlag.Eth in protocols:
let tickerOK =
conf.logLevel in {LogLevel.INFO, LogLevel.DEBUG, LogLevel.TRACE}
case conf.syncMode:
of SyncMode.Full:
FullSyncRef.init(nimbus.ethNode, nimbus.chainRef, nimbus.ctx.rng,
conf.maxPeers, tickerOK).start
of SyncMode.Snap:
SnapSyncRef.init(nimbus.ethNode, nimbus.chainRef, nimbus.ctx.rng,
conf.maxPeers, nimbus.dbBackend, tickerOK).start
of SyncMode.Default:
# Connect directly to the static nodes
let staticPeers = conf.getStaticPeers()
if staticPeers.len > 0:
nimbus.peerManager =
# Start Eth node
if conf.maxPeers > 0:
var waitForPeers = true
case conf.syncMode:
of SyncMode.Snap:
waitForPeers = false
of SyncMode.Full, SyncMode.Default:
nimbus.networkLoop = nimbus.ethNode.connectToNetwork(
enableDiscovery = conf.discovery != DiscoveryType.None,
waitForPeers = waitForPeers)
proc localServices(nimbus: NimbusNode, conf: NimbusConf,
chainDB: BaseChainDB, protocols: set[ProtocolFlag]) =
# metrics logging
if conf.logMetricsEnabled:
var logMetrics: proc(udata: pointer) {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}
logMetrics = proc(udata: pointer) =
let registry = defaultRegistry
info "metrics", registry
discard setTimer(Moment.fromNow(conf.logMetricsInterval.seconds), logMetrics)
discard setTimer(Moment.fromNow(conf.logMetricsInterval.seconds), logMetrics)
# Provide JWT authentication handler for rpcHttpServer
let jwtKey = block:
# Create or load shared secret
let rc = nimbus.ctx.rng.jwtSharedSecret(conf)
if rc.isErr:
fatal "Failed create or load shared secret",
msg = $(rc.unsafeError) # avoid side effects
let allowedOrigins = conf.getAllowedOrigins()
# Provide JWT authentication handler for rpcHttpServer
let httpJwtAuthHook = httpJwtAuth(jwtKey)
let httpCorsHook = httpCors(allowedOrigins)
# Creating RPC Server
if conf.rpcEnabled:
let enableAuthHook = conf.engineApiEnabled and
conf.engineApiPort == conf.rpcPort
let hooks = if enableAuthHook:
@[httpJwtAuthHook, httpCorsHook]
nimbus.rpcServer = newRpcHttpServer(
[initTAddress(conf.rpcAddress, conf.rpcPort)],
authHooks = hooks
setupCommonRpc(nimbus.ethNode, conf, nimbus.rpcServer)
# Enable RPC APIs based on RPC flags and protocol flags
let rpcFlags = conf.getRpcFlags()
if (RpcFlag.Eth in rpcFlags and ProtocolFlag.Eth in protocols) or
(conf.engineApiPort == conf.rpcPort):
setupEthRpc(nimbus.ethNode, nimbus.ctx, chainDB, nimbus.txPool, nimbus.rpcServer)
if RpcFlag.Debug in rpcFlags:
setupDebugRpc(chainDB, nimbus.rpcServer)
2021-08-05 07:51:28 +00:00
2018-06-20 17:27:32 +00:00
nimbus.rpcServer.rpc("admin_quit") do() -> string:
nimbus.state = Stopping
2018-06-20 17:27:32 +00:00
result = "EXITING"
2018-06-20 17:27:32 +00:00
2020-03-25 18:00:04 +00:00
# Provide JWT authentication handler for rpcWebsocketServer
let wsJwtAuthHook = wsJwtAuth(jwtKey)
let wsCorsHook = wsCors(allowedOrigins)
# Creating Websocket RPC Server
if conf.wsEnabled:
let enableAuthHook = conf.engineApiWsEnabled and
conf.engineApiWsPort == conf.wsPort
let hooks = if enableAuthHook:
@[wsJwtAuthHook, wsCorsHook]
# Construct server object
nimbus.wsRpcServer = newRpcWebSocketServer(
initTAddress(conf.wsAddress, conf.wsPort),
authHooks = hooks,
# yuck, we should remove this ugly cast when
# we fix nim-websock
rng = cast[ws.Rng](nimbus.ctx.rng)
setupCommonRpc(nimbus.ethNode, conf, nimbus.wsRpcServer)
# Enable Websocket RPC APIs based on RPC flags and protocol flags
let wsFlags = conf.getWsFlags()
if (RpcFlag.Eth in wsFlags and ProtocolFlag.Eth in protocols) or
(conf.engineApiWsPort == conf.wsPort):
setupEthRpc(nimbus.ethNode, nimbus.ctx, chainDB, nimbus.txPool, nimbus.wsRpcServer)
if RpcFlag.Debug in wsFlags:
setupDebugRpc(chainDB, nimbus.wsRpcServer)
if conf.graphqlEnabled:
nimbus.graphqlServer = setupGraphqlHttpServer(
if conf.engineSigner != ZERO_ADDRESS:
let res =
if res.isErr:
error "Failed to get account",
msg = res.error,
hint = "--key-store or --import-key"
let rs = validateSealer(conf, nimbus.ctx, nimbus.chainRef)
if rs.isErr:
fatal "Engine signer validation error", msg = rs.error
proc signFunc(signer: EthAddress, message: openArray[byte]): Result[RawSignature, cstring] {.gcsafe.} =
hashData = keccakHash(message)
acc =
rawSign = sign(acc.privateKey, SkMessage(
nimbus.chainRef.clique.authorize(conf.engineSigner, signFunc)
# always create sealing engine instance but not always run it
# e.g. engine api need sealing engine without it running
var initialState = EngineStopped
if chainDB.headTotalDifficulty() > chainDB.ttd:
initialState = EnginePostMerge
nimbus.sealingEngine =
nimbus.chainRef, nimbus.ctx, conf.engineSigner,
nimbus.txPool, initialState
# only run sealing engine if there is a signer
if conf.engineSigner != ZERO_ADDRESS:
if conf.engineApiEnabled:
if conf.engineApiPort != conf.rpcPort:
nimbus.engineApiServer = newRpcHttpServer(
[initTAddress(conf.engineApiAddress, conf.engineApiPort)],
authHooks = @[httpJwtAuthHook, httpCorsHook]
setupEngineAPI(nimbus.sealingEngine, nimbus.engineApiServer)
setupEthRpc(nimbus.ethNode, nimbus.ctx, chainDB, nimbus.txPool, nimbus.engineApiServer)
setupEngineAPI(nimbus.sealingEngine, nimbus.rpcServer)
info "Starting engine API server", port = conf.engineApiPort
if conf.engineApiWsEnabled:
if conf.engineApiWsPort != conf.wsPort:
nimbus.engineApiWsServer = newRpcWebSocketServer(
initTAddress(conf.engineApiWsAddress, conf.engineApiWsPort),
authHooks = @[wsJwtAuthHook, wsCorsHook]
setupEngineAPI(nimbus.sealingEngine, nimbus.engineApiWsServer)
setupEthRpc(nimbus.ethNode, nimbus.ctx, chainDB, nimbus.txPool, nimbus.engineApiWsServer)
setupEngineAPI(nimbus.sealingEngine, nimbus.wsRpcServer)
info "Starting WebSocket engine API server", port = conf.engineApiWsPort
# metrics server
if conf.metricsEnabled:
info "Starting metrics HTTP server", address = conf.metricsAddress, port = conf.metricsPort
startMetricsHttpServer($conf.metricsAddress, conf.metricsPort)
proc start(nimbus: NimbusNode, conf: NimbusConf) =
## logging
if conf.logFile.isSome:
let logFile = string conf.logFile.get()
defaultChroniclesStream.output.outFile = nil # to avoid closing stdout
discard, fmAppend)
when defined(evmc_enabled):
EVMC: Option `--evm`, load third-party EVM as a shared library This patch adds: - Load and use a third-party EVM in a shared library, instead of Nimbus EVM. - New option `--evm` to specify which library to load. - The library and this loader conforms to the [EVMC] ( 9.x specification. Any third-party EVM which is compatible with EVMC version 9.x and supports EVM1 contract code will be accepted. The operating system's shared library format applies. These are `.so*` files on Linux, `.dll` files on Windows and `.dylib` files on Mac. The alternative EVM can be selected in two ways: - Nimbus command line option `--evm:<path>`. - Environment variable `NIMBUS_EVM=<path>`. The reason for an environment variable is this allows all the test programs to run with a third-party EVM as well. Some don't parse command line options. There are some limitations to be aware of: - The third-party EVM must use EVMC version 9.x, no other major version. EVMC 9.x supports EIP-1559 / London fork and older transactions. - Nested `*CALL` and `CREATE*` operations don't use the third-party EVM yet. These call the built-in Nimbus EVM. This mixing of different EVMs between levels is explicitly allowed in specs, so there is no problem doing it. - The third-party EVM doesn't need to support precompiles, because those are nested calls, which use the built-in Nimbus EVM. - Third-party EVMs execute contracts correctly, but fail the final `rootHash` match. The reason is that some account state changes, which are correct, are currently inside the Nimbus EVM and need to be moved to EVMC host logic. *This is a known work in progress*. The EVM execution itself is fine. Test results using "evmone" third-party EVM: - [evmone]( has been tested. Only on Linux but it "should" work on Windows and Mac equally well. - [Version 0.8.1]( was used because it is compatible with EVMC 9.x, which is required for the EIP-1559 / London fork, which Nimbus supports. Version 0.8.0 could be used but it looks like an important bug was fixed in 0.8.1. - evmone runs fine and the trace output looks good. The calls and arguments are the same as the built-in Nimbus EVM for tests that have been checked manually, except evmone skips some calls that can be safely skipped. - The final `rootHash` is incorrect, due to the *work in progress* mentioned above which is not part of the evmone execution. Due to this, it's possible to try evmone and verify expected behaviours, which also validates our own EVMC implementation, but it can't be used as a full substitute yet. Signed-off-by: Jamie Lokier <>
2021-12-05 11:20:27 +00:00
createDir(string conf.dataDir)
nimbus.dbBackend = newChainDB(string conf.dataDir)
let trieDB = trieDB nimbus.dbBackend
var chainDB = newBaseChainDB(trieDB,
conf.pruneMode == PruneMode.Full,
if canonicalHeadHashKey().toOpenArray notin trieDB:
2022-04-08 04:54:11 +00:00
doAssert(canonicalHeadHashKey().toOpenArray in trieDB)
let protocols = conf.getProtocolFlags()
case conf.cmd
of NimbusCmd.`import`:
importBlocks(conf, chainDB)
basicServices(nimbus, conf, chainDB)
manageAccounts(nimbus, conf)
setupP2P(nimbus, conf, protocols)
localServices(nimbus, conf, chainDB, protocols)
if ProtocolFlag.Eth in protocols and conf.maxPeers > 0:
case conf.syncMode:
of SyncMode.Default:, nimbus.chainRef).start
of SyncMode.Full, SyncMode.Snap:
if nimbus.state == Starting:
# it might have been set to "Stopping" with Ctrl+C
nimbus.state = Running
2018-06-20 17:27:32 +00:00
proc stop*(nimbus: NimbusNode, conf: NimbusConf) {.async, gcsafe.} =
trace "Graceful shutdown"
if conf.rpcEnabled:
2021-11-30 07:13:20 +00:00
await nimbus.rpcServer.stop()
# nimbus.engineApiServer can be nil if conf.engineApiPort == conf.rpcPort
if conf.engineApiEnabled and nimbus.engineApiServer.isNil.not:
2022-04-08 04:54:11 +00:00
await nimbus.engineApiServer.stop()
if conf.wsEnabled:
# nimbus.engineApiWsServer can be nil if conf.engineApiWsPort == conf.wsPort
if conf.engineApiWsEnabled and nimbus.engineApiWsServer.isNil.not:
if conf.graphqlEnabled:
await nimbus.graphqlServer.stop()
if conf.engineSigner != ZERO_ADDRESS:
await nimbus.sealingEngine.stop()
if conf.maxPeers > 0:
await nimbus.networkLoop.cancelAndWait()
if nimbus.peerManager.isNil.not:
await nimbus.peerManager.stop()
2018-06-20 17:27:32 +00:00
proc process*(nimbus: NimbusNode, conf: NimbusConf) =
2020-05-21 01:33:11 +00:00
# Main event loop
while nimbus.state == Running:
except CatchableError as e:
debug "Exception in poll()", exc =, err = e.msg
discard e # silence warning when chronicles not activated
2018-06-20 17:27:32 +00:00
# Stop loop
waitFor nimbus.stop(conf)
2018-04-27 08:53:53 +00:00
when isMainModule:
var nimbus = NimbusNode(state: Starting, ctx: newEthContext())
2020-03-25 18:00:04 +00:00
## Ctrl+C handling
proc controlCHandler() {.noconv.} =
when defined(windows):
# workaround for
nimbus.state = Stopping
echo "\nCtrl+C pressed. Waiting for a graceful shutdown."
## Show logs on stdout until we get the user's logging choice
2019-04-17 01:56:28 +00:00
2018-06-20 17:27:32 +00:00
## Processing command line arguments
let conf = makeConfig()