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2019-09-03 15:06:43 +00:00
# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
unittest, json, os, tables, strutils, sets, strformat,
eth/[common, rlp], eth/trie/[db, trie_defs],
./test_helpers, ../premix/parser,
../nimbus/[vm_state, utils],
../nimbus/db/[db_chain, state_db]
SealEngine = enum
TesterBlock = object
blockHeader: Option[BlockHeader]
rlp: Blob
transactions: seq[Transaction]
uncles: seq[BlockHeader]
blockNumber: Option[int]
chainName: Option[string]
chainNetwork: Option[Fork]
exceptions: seq[(string, string)]
Tester = object
name: string
lastBlockHash: Hash256
genesisBlockHeader: BlockHeader
blocks: seq[TesterBlock]
sealEngine: Option[SealEngine]
network: string
proc testFixture(node: JsonNode, testStatusIMPL: var TestStatus)
#[var topLevel = initCountTable[string]()
suite "block chain json tests":
jsonTest("BlockchainTests", testFixture)
for k, v in topLevel:
echo k, " ", v
proc testFixture(node: JsonNode, testStatusIMPL: var TestStatus) =
for name, klm in node:
for k, value in klm:
if k == "blocks":
for bc in value:
for key, val in bc:
if key == "transactions":
for tx in val:
for tk, tv in tx: tk
suite "block chain json tests":
jsonTest("BlockchainTests", testFixture)
func normalizeNumber(n: JsonNode): JsonNode =
let str = n.getStr
# paranoid checks
doAssert n.kind == Jstring
doAssert str.len > 3
doAssert str[0] == '0' and str[1] == 'x'
# real normalization
# strip leading 0
if str == "0x00":
result = newJString("0x0")
elif str[2] == '0':
var i = 2
while str[i] == '0':
inc i
result = newJString("0x" & str.substr(i))
result = n
func normalizeData(n: JsonNode): JsonNode =
if n.getStr() == "":
result = newJString("0x")
result = n
func normalizeBlockHeader(node: JsonNode): JsonNode =
for k, v in node:
case k
of "bloom": node["logsBloom"] = v
of "coinbase": node["miner"] = v
of "uncleHash": node["sha3Uncles"] = v
of "receiptTrie": node["receiptsRoot"] = v
of "transactionsTrie": node["transactionsRoot"] = v
of "number", "difficulty", "gasUsed",
"gasLimit", "timestamp":
node[k] = normalizeNumber(v)
of "extraData":
node[k] = normalizeData(v)
else: discard
result = node
proc parseHeader(blockHeader: JsonNode, testStatusIMPL: var TestStatus): BlockHeader =
result = normalizeBlockHeader(blockHeader).parseBlockHeader
var blockHash: Hash256
blockHeader.fromJson "hash", blockHash
check blockHash == hash(result)
proc parseTx*(n: JsonNode): Transaction =
for k, v in n:
case k
of "nonce", "gasPrice", "gasLimit", "value":
n[k] = normalizeNumber(v)
of "to":
let str = v.getStr
if str.len > 2 and str[1] != 'x':
n[k] = newJString("0x" & str)
of "v", "r", "s":
n[k] = normalizeNumber(v)
n.fromJson "nonce", result.accountNonce
n.fromJson "gasPrice", result.gasPrice
n.fromJson "gasLimit", result.gasLimit
result.isContractCreation = n["to"].getStr == ""
if not result.isContractCreation:
n.fromJson "to",
n.fromJson "value", result.value
n.fromJson "data", result.payload
n.fromJson "v", result.V
n.fromJson "r", result.R
n.fromJson "s", result.S
proc parseBlocks(blocks: JsonNode, testStatusIMPL: var TestStatus): seq[TesterBlock] =
result = @[]
for fixture in blocks:
var t: TesterBlock
for key, value in fixture:
case key
of "blockHeader":
t.blockHeader = some(parseHeader(fixture["blockHeader"], testStatusIMPL))
of "blocknumber":
let numberStr = value.getStr
if numberStr.len >= 2 and numberStr[1] == 'x':
fixture[key] = normalizeNumber(value)
var number: int
fixture.fromJson "blocknumber", number
t.blockNumber = some(number)
t.blockNumber = some(parseInt(numberStr))
of "chainname":
t.chainName = some(value.getStr)
of "chainnetwork":
t.chainNetWork = some(parseEnum[Fork](value.getStr))
of "rlp":
# var headerRLP: Blob
# fixture.fromJson "rlp", headerRLP
# check rlp.encode(t.blockHeader.get()) == headerRLP
of "transactions":
for tx in value:
t.transactions.add parseTx(tx)
of "uncleHeaders":
t.uncles = @[]
for uncle in value:
t.uncles.add parseHeader(uncle, testStatusIMPL)
t.exceptions.add( (key, value.getStr) )
if t.blockHeader.isSome:
let h = t.blockHeader.get()
check calcTxRoot(t.transactions) == h.txRoot
let enc = rlp.encode(t.uncles)
check keccakHash(enc) == h.ommersHash
result.add t
proc runTester(t: Tester, testStatusIMPL: var TestStatus) =
proc testFixture(node: JsonNode, testStatusIMPL: var TestStatus) =
var t: Tester
for fixtureName, fixture in node: = fixtureName
echo "TESTING: ", fixtureName
fixture.fromJson "lastblockhash", t.lastBlockHash
t.genesisBlockHeader = parseHeader(fixture["genesisBlockHeader"], testStatusIMPL)
# none of the fixtures pass this test
#if "genesisRLP" in fixture:
# var genesisRLP: Blob
# fixture.fromJson "genesisRLP", genesisRLP
# check genesisRLP == rlp.encode(t.genesisBlockHeader)
if "sealEngine" in fixture:
t.sealEngine = some(parseEnum[SealEngine](fixture["sealEngine"].getStr)) = fixture["network"].getStr
t.blocks = parseBlocks(fixture["blocks"], testStatusIMPL)
var vmState = newBaseVMState(emptyRlpHash,
t.genesisBlockHeader, newBaseChainDB(newMemoryDb()))
setupStateDB(fixture["pre"], db)
let obtainedHash = $(vmState.readOnlyStateDB.rootHash)
check obtainedHash == $(t.genesisBlockHeader.stateRoot)
#verifyStateDB(fixture["postState"], vmState.readOnlyStateDB)
# lastBlockHash -> every fixture has it, hash of a block header
# genesisRLP -> NOT every fixture has it, rlp bytes of genesis block header
# _info -> every fixture has it, can be omitted
# pre, postState -> every fixture has it, prestate and post state
# genesisBlockHeader -> every fixture has it
# network -> every fixture has it
# # EIP150 247
# # ConstantinopleFix 286
# # Homestead 256
# # Frontier 396
# # Byzantium 263
# # EIP158ToByzantiumAt5 1
# # EIP158 233
# # HomesteadToDaoAt5 4
# # Constantinople 285
# # HomesteadToEIP150At5 1
# # FrontierToHomesteadAt5 7
# # ByzantiumToConstantinopleFixAt5 1
# sealEngine -> NOT every fixture has it
# # NoProof 1709
# # Ethash 112
# blocks -> every fixture has it, an array of blocks ranging from 1 block to 303 blocks
# # transactions 6230 can be empty
# # # to 6089 -> "" if contractCreation
# # # value 6089
# # # gasLimit 6089 -> "gas"
# # # s 6089
# # # r 6089
# # # gasPrice 6089
# # # v 6089
# # # data 6089 -> "input"
# # # nonce 6089
# # blockHeader 6230 can be not present, e.g. bad rlp
# # uncleHeaders 6230 can be empty
# # rlp 6810 has rlp but no blockheader, usually has exception
# # blocknumber 2733
# # chainname 1821 -> 'A' to 'H', and 'AA' to 'DD'
# # chainnetwork 21 -> all values are "Frontier"
# # expectExceptionALL 420
# # # UncleInChain 55
# # # InvalidTimestamp 42
# # # InvalidGasLimit 42
# # # InvalidNumber 42
# # # InvalidDifficulty 35
# # # InvalidBlockNonce 28
# # # InvalidUncleParentHash 26
# # # ExtraDataTooBig 21
# # # InvalidStateRoot 21
# # # ExtraDataIncorrect 19
# # # UnknownParent 16
# # # TooMuchGasUsed 14
# # # InvalidReceiptsStateRoot 9
# # # InvalidUnclesHash 7
# # # UncleIsBrother 7
# # # UncleTooOld 7
# # # InvalidTransactionsRoot 7
# # # InvalidGasUsed 7
# # # InvalidLogBloom 7
# # # TooManyUncles 7
# # # OutOfGasIntrinsic 1
# # expectExceptionEIP150 17
# # # TooMuchGasUsed 7
# # # InvalidReceiptsStateRoot 7
# # # InvalidStateRoot 3
# # expectExceptionByzantium 17
# # # InvalidStateRoot 10
# # # TooMuchGasUsed 7
# # expectExceptionHomestead 17
# # # InvalidReceiptsStateRoot 7
# # # BlockGasLimitReached 7
# # # InvalidStateRoot 3
# # expectExceptionConstantinople 14
# # # InvalidStateRoot 7
# # # TooMuchGasUsed 7
# # expectExceptionEIP158 14
# # # TooMuchGasUsed 7
# # # InvalidReceiptsStateRoot 7
# # expectExceptionFrontier 14
# # # InvalidReceiptsStateRoot 7
# # # BlockGasLimitReached 7
# # expectExceptionConstantinopleFix 14
# # # InvalidStateRoot 7
# # # TooMuchGasUsed 7