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Raw Normal View History

# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
std/[math, sequtils],
eth/[common, trie/trie_defs],
stew/[interval_set, keyed_queue],
".."/[constants, range_desc, worker_desc],
./db/[hexary_error, snapdb_accounts, snapdb_pivot],
"."/[heal_accounts, heal_storage_slots,
range_fetch_accounts, range_fetch_storage_slots, ticker]
{.push raises: [Defect].}
extraAsserts = false or true
## Enable some asserts
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc init(batch: SnapRangeBatchRef; ctx: SnapCtxRef) =
## Returns a pair of account hash range lists with the full range of hashes
## smartly spread across the mutually disjunct interval sets.
batch.processed = NodeTagRangeSet.init()
# Initialise accounts range fetch batch, the pair of `fetchAccounts[]`
# range sets.
# All of accounts hashes are covered by completed range fetch processes
# for all pivot environments. Do a random split distributing the full
# accounts hash range across the pair of range sets.
for _ in 0 .. 5:
var nodeKey: NodeKey[].generate(nodeKey.ByteArray32)
let top =
if low(NodeTag) < top and top < high(NodeTag):
# Move covered account ranges (aka intervals) to the second set.
batch.unprocessed.merge, top)
# Otherwise there is a full single range in `unprocessed[0]`
# Not all account hashes are covered, yet. So keep the uncovered
# account hashes in the first range set, and the other account hashes
# in the second range set.
for iv in
# Move already processed account ranges (aka intervals) to the second set.
discard batch.unprocessed[0].reduce iv
discard batch.unprocessed[1].merge iv
when extraAsserts:
doAssert batch.unprocessed.verify
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions: pivot table related
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc beforeTopMostlyClean*(pivotTable: var SnapPivotTable) =
## Clean up pivot queues of the entry before the top one. The queues are
## the pivot data that need most of the memory. This cleaned pivot is not
## usable any more after cleaning but might be useful as historic record.
let rc = pivotTable.beforeLastValue
if rc.isOk:
let env = rc.value
env.obsolete = true
proc topNumber*(pivotTable: var SnapPivotTable): BlockNumber =
## Return the block number of the top pivot entry, or zero if there is none.
let rc = pivotTable.lastValue
if rc.isOk:
return rc.value.stateHeader.blockNumber
proc update*(
pivotTable: var SnapPivotTable; ## Pivot table
header: BlockHeader; ## Header to generate new pivot from
ctx: SnapCtxRef; ## Some global context
reverse = false; ## Update from bottom (e.g. for recovery)
) =
## Activate environment for state root implied by `header` argument. This
## function appends a new environment unless there was any not far enough
## apart.
## Note that the pivot table is assumed to be sorted by the block numbers of
## the pivot header.
# Check whether the new header follows minimum depth requirement. This is
# where the queue is assumed to have increasing block numbers.
if reverse or
pivotTable.topNumber() + pivotBlockDistanceMin < header.blockNumber:
# Ok, append a new environment
let env = SnapPivotRef(
stateHeader: header,
fetchAccounts: SnapRangeBatchRef())
var topEnv = env
# Append per-state root environment to LRU queue
if reverse:
discard pivotTable.prepend(header.stateRoot, env)
# Make sure that the LRU table does not grow too big.
if max(3, ctx.buddiesMax) < pivotTable.len:
# Delete second entry rather thanthe first which might currently
# be needed.
let rc = pivotTable.secondKey
if rc.isOk:
pivotTable.del rc.value
discard pivotTable.lruAppend(header.stateRoot, env, ctx.buddiesMax)
proc tickerStats*(
pivotTable: var SnapPivotTable; ## Pivot table
ctx: SnapCtxRef; ## Some global context
): TickerStatsUpdater =
## This function returns a function of type `TickerStatsUpdater` that prints
## out pivot table statitics. The returned fuction is supposed to drive
## ticker` module.
proc meanStdDev(sum, sqSum: float; length: int): (float,float) =
if 0 < length:
result[0] = sum / length.float
result[1] = sqrt(sqSum / length.float - result[0] * result[0])
result = proc: TickerStats =
aSum, aSqSum, uSum, uSqSum, sSum, sSqSum: float
count = 0
for kvp in
# Accounts mean & variance
let aLen =
if 0 < aLen:
aSum += aLen
aSqSum += aLen * aLen
# Fill utilisation mean & variance
let fill =
uSum += fill
uSqSum += fill * fill
let sLen =
sSum += sLen
sSqSum += sLen * sLen
env = = nil)
accCoverage =
accFill = meanStdDev(uSum, uSqSum, count)
pivotBlock = none(BlockNumber)
stoQuLen = none(int)
accStats = (0,0)
if not env.isNil:
pivotBlock = some(env.stateHeader.blockNumber)
stoQuLen = some(env.fetchStorageFull.len + env.fetchStoragePart.len)
accStats = (env.fetchAccounts.processed.chunks,
env.fetchAccounts.checkNodes.len +
pivotBlock: pivotBlock,
nAccounts: meanStdDev(aSum, aSqSum, count),
nSlotLists: meanStdDev(sSum, sSqSum, count),
accountsFill: (accFill[0], accFill[1], accCoverage),
nAccountStats: accStats,
nStorageQueue: stoQuLen)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions: particular pivot
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc execSnapSyncAction*(
env: SnapPivotRef; ## Current pivot environment
buddy: SnapBuddyRef; ## Worker peer
): Future[bool]
{.async.} =
## Execute a synchronisation run. The return code is `true` if a full
## synchronisation cycle could be executed.
ctx = buddy.ctx
# Clean up storage slots queue first it it becomes too large
let nStoQu = env.fetchStorageFull.len + env.fetchStoragePart.len
if snapStorageSlotsQuPrioThresh < nStoQu:
await buddy.rangeFetchStorageSlots(env)
if buddy.ctrl.stopped or env.obsolete:
return false
if env.accountsState != HealerDone:
await buddy.rangeFetchAccounts(env)
if buddy.ctrl.stopped or env.obsolete:
return false
await buddy.rangeFetchStorageSlots(env)
if buddy.ctrl.stopped or env.obsolete:
return false
if not
# Only start healing if there is some completion level, already.
# We check against the global coverage factor, i.e. a measure for how
# much of the total of all accounts have been processed. Even if the
# hexary trie database for the current pivot state root is sparsely
# filled, there is a good chance that it can inherit some unchanged
# sub-trie from an earlier pivor state root download. The healing
# process then works like sort of glue.
if 0 < env.nAccounts:
if healAccountsTrigger <= = true
# Can only run a single accounts healer instance at a time. This
# instance will clear the batch queue so there is nothing to do for
# another process.
if env.accountsState == HealerIdle:
env.accountsState = HealerRunning
await buddy.healAccounts(env)
env.accountsState = HealerIdle
if buddy.ctrl.stopped or env.obsolete:
return false
# Some additional storage slots might have been popped up
await buddy.rangeFetchStorageSlots(env)
if buddy.ctrl.stopped or env.obsolete:
return false
await buddy.healStorageSlots(env)
if buddy.ctrl.stopped or env.obsolete:
return false
return true
proc saveCheckpoint*(
env: SnapPivotRef; ## Current pivot environment
ctx: SnapCtxRef; ## Some global context
): Result[int,HexaryDbError] =
## Save current sync admin data. On success, the size of the data record
## saved is returned (e.g. for logging.)
fa = env.fetchAccounts
nStoQu = env.fetchStorageFull.len + env.fetchStoragePart.len
if snapAccountsSaveProcessedChunksMax < fa.processed.chunks:
return err(TooManyProcessedChunks)
if snapAccountsSaveStorageSlotsMax < nStoQu:
return err(TooManySlotAccounts) SnapDbPivotRegistry(
header: env.stateHeader,
nAccounts: env.nAccounts,
nSlotLists: env.nSlotLists,
processed: toSeq(env.fetchAccounts.processed.increasing)
slotAccounts: (toSeq(env.fetchStorageFull.nextKeys) &
proc recoverPivotFromCheckpoint*(
env: SnapPivotRef; ## Current pivot environment
ctx: SnapCtxRef; ## Global context (containing save state)
topLevel: bool; ## Full data set on top level only
) =
## Recover some pivot variables and global list `coveredAccounts` from
## checkpoint data. If the argument `toplevel` is set `true`, also the
## `processed`, `unprocessed`, and the `fetchStorageFull` lists are
## initialised.
let recov =
if recov.isNil:
env.nAccounts = recov.state.nAccounts
env.nSlotLists = recov.state.nSlotLists
# Import processed interval
for (minPt,maxPt) in recov.state.processed:
if topLevel:
discard env.fetchAccounts.processed.merge(minPt, maxPt)
env.fetchAccounts.unprocessed.reduce(minPt, maxPt)
discard, maxPt)
# Handle storage slots
if topLevel:
let stateRoot = recov.state.header.stateRoot
for w in recov.state.slotAccounts:
let pt =,
if 0 < env.fetchAccounts.processed.covered(pt):
# Ignoring slots that have accounts to be downloaded, anyway
let rc =, w)
if rc.isErr:
# Oops, how did that account get lost?
discard env.fetchAccounts.processed.reduce pt
env.fetchAccounts.unprocessed.merge pt
elif rc.value.storageRoot != emptyRlpHash:
env.fetchStorageFull.merge AccountSlotsHeader(
accKey: w,
storageRoot: rc.value.storageRoot)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------