2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
# Nimbus
2025-01-27 23:20:39 +07:00
# Copyright (c) 2024-2025 Status Research & Development GmbH
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
std/[hashes, algorithm, strutils],
2024-12-18 11:04:23 +07:00
2024-12-20 16:12:16 +07:00
2024-12-18 11:04:23 +07:00
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
from ./rpc_types import
from ./rpc_utils import headerFromTag
# ProcessedFees contains the results of a processed block.
ProcessedFees = ref object
reward : seq[UInt256]
baseFee : UInt256
blobBaseFee : UInt256
nextBaseFee : UInt256
nextBlobBaseFee : UInt256
gasUsedRatio : float64
blobGasUsedRatio: float64
# BlockContent represents a single block for processing
BlockContent = object
blockNumber: uint64
2024-10-16 07:04:12 +05:30
header : Header
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
txs : seq[Transaction]
receipts : seq[Receipt]
CacheKey = object
number: uint64
percentiles: seq[byte]
# txGasAndReward is sorted in ascending order based on reward
TxGasAndReward = object
gasUsed: uint64
reward : UInt256
BlockRange = object
pendingBlock: Opt[uint64]
lastBlock: uint64
blocks: uint64
Oracle* = ref object
2024-12-18 11:04:23 +07:00
chain: ForkedChainRef
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
maxHeaderHistory: uint64
maxBlockHistory : uint64
historyCache : KeyedQueue[CacheKey, ProcessedFees]
{.push gcsafe, raises: [].}
2024-12-18 11:04:23 +07:00
func new*(_: type Oracle, chain: ForkedChainRef): Oracle =
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
2024-12-18 11:04:23 +07:00
chain: chain,
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
maxHeaderHistory: 1024,
maxBlockHistory: 1024,
historyCache: KeyedQueue[CacheKey, ProcessedFees].init(),
func hash*(x: CacheKey): Hash =
var h: Hash = 0
h = h !& hash(x.number)
h = h !& hash(x.percentiles)
result = !$h
func toBytes(list: openArray[float64]): seq[byte] =
for x in list:
func calcBaseFee(com: CommonRef, bc: BlockContent): UInt256 =
2024-06-27 12:54:36 +07:00
if com.isLondonOrLater(bc.blockNumber + 1):
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2024-06-14 14:31:08 +07:00
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
# processBlock takes a blockFees structure with the blockNumber, the header and optionally
# the block field filled in, retrieves the block from the backend if not present yet and
# fills in the rest of the fields.
proc processBlock(oracle: Oracle, bc: BlockContent, percentiles: openArray[float64]): ProcessedFees =
2024-12-20 16:12:16 +07:00
2025-01-27 23:20:39 +07:00
fork = com.toEVMFork(bc.header)
2024-12-20 16:12:16 +07:00
maxBlobGasPerBlock = getMaxBlobGasPerBlock(electra)
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
result = ProcessedFees(
2024-06-14 14:31:08 +07:00
baseFee: bc.header.baseFeePerGas.get(0.u256),
2025-01-27 23:20:39 +07:00
blobBaseFee: getBlobBaseFee(bc.header.excessBlobGas.get(0'u64), com, fork),
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
nextBaseFee: calcBaseFee(oracle.com, bc),
2025-01-27 23:20:39 +07:00
nextBlobBaseFee: getBlobBaseFee(calcExcessBlobGas(bc.header, com, fork), com, fork),
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
gasUsedRatio: float64(bc.header.gasUsed) / float64(bc.header.gasLimit),
2024-12-20 16:12:16 +07:00
blobGasUsedRatio: float64(bc.header.blobGasUsed.get(0'u64)) / float64(maxBlobGasPerBlock)
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
if percentiles.len == 0:
# rewards were not requested, return
if bc.receipts.len == 0 and bc.txs.len != 0:
# log.Error("receipts are missing while reward percentiles are requested")
result.reward = newSeq[UInt256](percentiles.len)
if bc.txs.len == 0:
# return an all zero row if there are no transactions to gather data from
sorter = newSeq[TxGasAndReward](bc.txs.len)
prevUsed = 0.GasInt
for i, tx in bc.txs:
2024-06-14 14:31:08 +07:00
reward = tx.effectiveGasTip(bc.header.baseFeePerGas)
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
gasUsed = bc.receipts[i].cumulativeGasUsed - prevUsed
sorter[i] = TxGasAndReward(
gasUsed: gasUsed.uint64,
reward: reward.u256
prevUsed = bc.receipts[i].cumulativeGasUsed
sorter.sort(proc(a, b: TxGasAndReward): int =
if a.reward >= b.reward: 1
else: -1
txIndex: int
sumGasUsed = sorter[0].gasUsed
for i, p in percentiles:
let thresholdGasUsed = uint64(float64(bc.header.gasUsed) * p / 100.0'f64)
while sumGasUsed < thresholdGasUsed and txIndex < bc.txs.len-1:
inc txIndex
sumGasUsed += sorter[txIndex].gasUsed
result.reward[i] = sorter[txIndex].reward
# resolveBlockRange resolves the specified block range to absolute block numbers while also
# enforcing backend specific limitations. The pending block and corresponding receipts are
# also returned if requested and available.
# Note: an error is only returned if retrieving the head header has failed. If there are no
# retrievable blocks in the specified range then zero block count is returned with no error.
proc resolveBlockRange(oracle: Oracle, blockId: BlockTag, numBlocks: uint64): Result[BlockRange, string] =
# Get the chain's current head.
2024-12-18 11:04:23 +07:00
headBlock = oracle.chain.latestHeader
2024-06-14 14:31:08 +07:00
head = headBlock.number
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
reqEnd: uint64
blocks = numBlocks
pendingBlock: Opt[uint64]
if blockId.kind == bidNumber:
reqEnd = blockId.number.uint64
# Fail if request block is beyond the chain's current head.
if head < reqEnd:
return err("RequestBeyondHead: requested " & $reqEnd & ", head " & $head)
# Resolve block tag.
let tag = blockId.alias.toLowerAscii
2024-10-16 07:04:12 +05:30
var resolved: Header
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
if tag == "pending":
resolved = headerFromTag(oracle.com.db, blockId)
2024-06-14 14:31:08 +07:00
pendingBlock = Opt.some(resolved.number)
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
except CatchableError:
# Pending block not supported by backend, process only until latest block.
resolved = headBlock
# Update total blocks to return to account for this.
dec blocks
resolved = headerFromTag(oracle.com.db, blockId)
except CatchableError as exc:
return err(exc.msg)
# Absolute number resolved.
2024-06-14 14:31:08 +07:00
reqEnd = resolved.number
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
# If there are no blocks to return, short circuit.
if blocks == 0:
return ok(BlockRange())
# Ensure not trying to retrieve before genesis.
if reqEnd+1 < blocks:
blocks = reqEnd + 1
lastBlock: reqEnd,
blocks: blocks,
proc getBlockContent(oracle: Oracle,
blockNumber: uint64,
blockTag: uint64,
fullBlock: bool): Result[BlockContent, string] =
var bc = BlockContent(
blockNumber: blockNumber
let db = oracle.com.db
2024-06-14 14:31:08 +07:00
bc.header = db.getBlockHeader(blockNumber.BlockNumber)
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
for tx in db.getBlockTransactions(bc.header):
bc.txs.add tx
2024-06-14 14:31:08 +07:00
for rc in db.getReceipts(bc.header.receiptsRoot):
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
bc.receipts.add rc
return ok(bc)
except RlpError as exc:
return err(exc.msg)
OracleResult = object
reward : seq[seq[UInt256]]
baseFee : seq[UInt256]
blobBaseFee : seq[UInt256]
gasUsedRatio : seq[float64]
blobGasUsedRatio: seq[float64]
firstMissing : int
func init(_: type OracleResult, blocks: int): OracleResult =
reward : newSeq[seq[UInt256]](blocks),
baseFee : newSeq[UInt256](blocks+1),
blobBaseFee : newSeq[UInt256](blocks+1),
gasUsedRatio : newSeq[float64](blocks),
blobGasUsedRatio: newSeq[float64](blocks),
firstMissing : blocks,
proc addToResult(res: var OracleResult, i: int, fees: ProcessedFees) =
if fees.isNil:
# getting no block and no error means we are requesting into the future
# (might happen because of a reorg)
if i < res.firstMissing:
res.firstMissing = i
res.reward[i] = fees.reward
res.baseFee[i] = fees.baseFee
res.baseFee[i+1] = fees.nextBaseFee
res.gasUsedRatio[i] = fees.gasUsedRatio
res.blobBaseFee[i] = fees.blobBaseFee
res.blobBaseFee[i+1] = fees.nextBlobBaseFee
res.blobGasUsedRatio[i] = fees.blobGasUsedRatio
# FeeHistory returns data relevant for fee estimation based on the specified range of blocks.
# The range can be specified either with absolute block numbers or ending with the latest
# or pending block. Backends may or may not support gathering data from the pending block
# or blocks older than a certain age (specified in maxHistory). The first block of the
# actually processed range is returned to avoid ambiguity when parts of the requested range
# are not available or when the head has changed during processing this request.
# Three arrays are returned based on the processed blocks:
# - reward: the requested percentiles of effective priority fees per gas of transactions in each
# block, sorted in ascending order and weighted by gas used.
# - baseFee: base fee per gas in the given block
# - gasUsedRatio: gasUsed/gasLimit in the given block
# Note: baseFee includes the next block after the newest of the returned range, because this
# value can be derived from the newest block.
proc feeHistory*(oracle: Oracle,
blocks: uint64,
unresolvedLastBlock: BlockTag,
rewardPercentiles: openArray[float64]): Result[FeeHistoryResult, string] =
var blocks = blocks
if blocks < 1:
# returning with no data and no error means there are no retrievable blocks
let maxFeeHistory = if rewardPercentiles.len == 0:
if blocks > maxFeeHistory:
# log.Warn("Sanitizing fee history length", "requested", blocks, "truncated", maxFeeHistory)
blocks = maxFeeHistory
for i, p in rewardPercentiles:
if p < 0.0 or p > 100.0:
return err("Invalid percentile: " & $p)
if i > 0 and p <= rewardPercentiles[i-1]:
return err("Invalid percentile: #" & $(i-1) &
":" & $rewardPercentiles[i-1] & " >= #" & $i & ":" & $p)
let br = oracle.resolveBlockRange(unresolvedLastBlock, blocks).valueOr:
return err(error)
oldestBlock = br.lastBlock + 1 - br.blocks
percentileKey = rewardPercentiles.toBytes
fullBlock = rewardPercentiles.len != 0
next = oldestBlock
res = OracleResult.init(br.blocks.int)
for i in 0..<blocks:
# Retrieve the next block number to fetch
let blockNumber = next
inc next
if blockNumber > br.lastBlock:
if br.pendingBlock.isSome and blockNumber >= br.pendingBlock.get:
bc = oracle.getBlockContent(blockNumber, br.pendingBlock.get, fullBlock).valueOr:
return err(error)
fees = oracle.processBlock(bc, rewardPercentiles)
res.addToResult((blockNumber - oldestBlock).int, fees)
cacheKey = CacheKey(number: blockNumber, percentiles: percentileKey)
fr = oracle.historyCache.lruFetch(cacheKey)
if fr.isOk:
res.addToResult((blockNumber - oldestBlock).int, fr.get)
let bc = oracle.getBlockContent(blockNumber, blockNumber, fullBlock).valueOr:
return err(error)
let fees = oracle.processBlock(bc, rewardPercentiles)
discard oracle.historyCache.lruAppend(cacheKey, fees, 2048)
# send to results even if empty to guarantee that blocks items are sent in total
res.addToResult((blockNumber - oldestBlock).int, fees)
if res.firstMissing == 0:
return ok(FeeHistoryResult())
var historyResult: FeeHistoryResult
if rewardPercentiles.len != 0:
2024-06-14 14:31:08 +07:00
historyResult.reward = Opt.some(system.move res.reward)
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
2024-06-14 14:31:08 +07:00
historyResult.reward = Opt.none(seq[FeeHistoryReward])
2024-04-16 08:02:42 +07:00
historyResult.oldestBlock = Quantity oldestBlock
historyResult.baseFeePerGas = system.move(res.baseFee)
historyResult.baseFeePerBlobGas = system.move(res.blobBaseFee)
historyResult.gasUsedRatio = system.move(res.gasUsedRatio)
historyResult.blobGasUsedRatio = system.move(res.blobGasUsedRatio)