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Raw Normal View History

strformat, osproc, net, confutils, strformat, chronicles,
eth/keys, eth/p2p/enode
defaults ="--log-level:DEBUG --log-metrics --metrics-server --rpc"
wakuNodeBin = "./build/wakunode"
portOffset = 2
NodeType = enum
FullNode = "--waku-mode:WakuSan",
LightNode = "--light-node:on",
WakuNode = "--light-node:on --waku-mode:WakuChan"
Topology = enum
DiscoveryBased # Whatever topology the discovery brings
WakuNetworkConf* = object
topology* {.
desc: "Set the network topology."
defaultValue: Star
name: "topology" }: Topology
amount* {.
desc: "Amount of full nodes to be started."
defaultValue: 4
name: "amount" }: int
testNodePeers* {.
desc: "Amount of peers a test node should connect to."
defaultValue: 1
name: "test-node-peers" }: int
NodeInfo* = object
cmd: string
master: bool
enode: string
label: string
proc initNodeCmd(nodeType: NodeType, shift: int, staticNodes: seq[string] = @[],
discovery = false, bootNodes: seq[string] = @[], master = false,
label: string): NodeInfo =
keypair = newKeyPair()
address = Address(ip: parseIpAddress(""),
udpPort: (30303 + shift).Port, tcpPort: (30303 + shift).Port)
enode = ENode(pubkey: keypair.pubkey, address: address)
result.cmd = wakuNodeBin & " " & defaults & " "
result.cmd &= $nodeType & " "
result.cmd &= "--nodekey:" & $keypair.seckey & " "
result.cmd &= "--ports-shift:" & $shift & " "
if discovery:
result.cmd &= "--discovery:on" & " "
if bootNodes.len > 0:
for bootNode in bootNodes:
result.cmd &= "--bootnodes:" & bootNode & " "
result.cmd &= "--discovery:off" & " "
if staticNodes.len > 0:
for staticNode in staticNodes:
result.cmd &= "--staticnodes:" & staticNode & " "
result.master = master
result.enode = $enode
result.label = label
debug "Node command created.", cmd=result.cmd
proc starNetwork(amount: int): seq[NodeInfo] =
let masterNode = initNodeCmd(FullNode, portOffset, master = true,
label = "master node")
for i in 1..<amount:
result.add(initNodeCmd(FullNode, portOffset + i, @[masterNode.enode],
label = "full node"))
proc fullMeshNetwork(amount: int): seq[NodeInfo] =
debug "amount", amount
for i in 0..<amount:
var staticnodes: seq[string]
for item in result:
result.add(initNodeCmd(FullNode, portOffset + i, staticnodes,
label = "full node"))
proc discoveryNetwork(amount: int): seq[NodeInfo] =
let bootNode = initNodeCmd(FullNode, portOffset, discovery = true,
master = true, label = "boot node")
for i in 1..<amount:
result.add(initNodeCmd(FullNode, portOffset + i, label = "full node",
discovery = true, bootNodes = @[bootNode.enode]))
let conf = WakuNetworkConf.load()
var nodes: seq[NodeInfo]
case conf.topology:
of Star:
nodes = starNetwork(conf.amount)
of FullMesh:
nodes = fullMeshNetwork(conf.amount)
of DiscoveryBased:
nodes = discoveryNetwork(conf.amount)
var staticnodes: seq[string]
for i in 0..<conf.testNodePeers:
# Waku light node
nodes.add(initNodeCmd(WakuNode, 0, staticnodes, label = "light Waku node"))
# Regular light node
nodes.add(initNodeCmd(LightNode, 1, staticnodes, label = "light node"))
var commandStr = "multitail -s 2 -M 0 -x \"Waku Simulation\""
var count = 0
var sleepDuration = 0
for node in nodes:
if conf.topology in {Star, DiscoveryBased}:
sleepDuration = if node.master: 0
else: 1
commandStr &= &" -cT ansi -t 'node #{count} {node.label}' -l 'sleep {sleepDuration}; {node.cmd}; echo [node execution completed]; while true; do sleep 100; done'"
if conf.topology == FullMesh:
sleepDuration += 1
count += 1
let errorCode = execCmd(commandStr)
if errorCode != 0:
error "launch command failed", command=commandStr