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# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
## Rocks DB store data iterator
## ============================
{.push raises: [].}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func keyPfx(kData: cstring, kLen: csize_t): int =
if not kData.isNil and kLen == 1 + sizeof(uint64):
func keyXid(kData: cstring, kLen: csize_t): uint64 =
if not kData.isNil and kLen == 1 + sizeof(uint64):
return uint64.fromBytesBE kData.toOpenArrayByte(1,int(kLen)-1).toSeq
func valBlob(vData: cstring, vLen: csize_t): Blob =
if not vData.isNil and 0 < vLen:
return vData.toOpenArrayByte(0,int(vLen)-1).toSeq
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private debugging helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc pp(kd: cstring, kl: csize_t): string =
if kd.isNil: "n/a" else: $kd.keyXid(kl)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public iterators
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iterator walk*(
rdb: RdbInst;
): tuple[n: int, pfx: StorageType, xid: uint64, data: Blob] =
## Walk over all key-value pairs of the database.
## Non-decodable entries are stepped over while the counter `n` of the
## yield record is still incremented.
let rit = rdb.store.db.rocksdb_create_iterator(rdb.store.readOptions)
defer: rit.rocksdb_iter_destroy()
var count = 0
while rit.rocksdb_iter_valid() != 0:
var kLen: csize_t
let kData = rit.rocksdb_iter_key(addr kLen)
let pfx = kData.keyPfx(kLen)
if 0 <= pfx:
if high(StorageType).ord < pfx:
let xid = kData.keyXid(kLen)
if 0 < xid:
var vLen: csize_t
let vData = rit.rocksdb_iter_value(addr vLen)
let val = vData.valBlob(vLen)
if 0 < val.len:
yield (count, pfx.StorageType, xid, val)
# Update Iterator (might overwrite kData/vdata)
# End while
iterator walk*(
rdb: RdbInst;
pfx: StorageType;
): tuple[n: int, xid: uint64, data: Blob] =
## Walk over key-value pairs of the table referted to by the argument `pfx`
## whic must be different from `Oops` and `AdmPfx`.
## Non-decodable entries are stepped over while the counter `n` of the
## yield record is still incremented.
block walkBody:
if pfx in {Oops, AdmPfx}:
# Unsupported
break walkBody
let rit = rdb.store.db.rocksdb_create_iterator(rdb.store.readOptions)
defer: rit.rocksdb_iter_destroy()
count = 0
kLen: csize_t
kData: cstring
# Seek for `VertexID(1)` and subsequent entries if that fails. There should
# always be a `VertexID(1)` entry unless the sub-table is empty. There is
# no such control for the filter table in which case there is a blind guess
# (in case `rocksdb_iter_seek()` does not search `ge` for some reason.)
let keyOne = 1u64.toRdbKey pfx
# It is not clear what happens when the `key` does not exist. The guess
# is that the interation will proceed at the next key position.
# Comment from GO port at
# //github.com/DanielMorsing/rocksdb/blob/master/iterator.go:
# Seek moves the iterator the position of the key given or, if the key
# doesn't exist, the next key that does exist in the database. If the key
# doesn't exist, and there is no next key, the Iterator becomes invalid.
kData = cast[cstring](unsafeAddr keyOne[0])
kLen = sizeof(keyOne).csize_t
rit.rocksdb_iter_seek(kData, kLen)
if rit.rocksdb_iter_valid() == 0:
break walkBody
# Fetch sub-table data
while true:
kData = rit.rocksdb_iter_key(addr kLen)
if pfx.ord != kData.keyPfx kLen:
break walkBody # done
let xid = kData.keyXid(kLen)
if 0 < xid:
# Fetch value data
var vLen: csize_t
let vData = rit.rocksdb_iter_value(addr vLen)
let val = vData.valBlob(vLen)
if 0 < val.len:
yield (count, xid, val)
# Update Iterator
if rit.rocksdb_iter_valid() == 0:
break walkBody
# End while
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------