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Raw Normal View History

# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
std/[tables, strutils, options, times],
eth/[common, rlp, p2p], stint, stew/[byteutils],
json_serialization, chronicles,
json_serialization/std/options as jsoptions,
json_serialization/std/tables as jstable,
CliqueOptions = object
epoch : Option[int]
period: Option[int]
ChainOptions = object
chainId : ChainId
homesteadBlock : Option[BlockNumber]
daoForkBlock : Option[BlockNumber]
daoForkSupport : bool
eip150Block : Option[BlockNumber]
eip150Hash : Hash256
eip155Block : Option[BlockNumber]
eip158Block : Option[BlockNumber]
byzantiumBlock : Option[BlockNumber]
constantinopleBlock: Option[BlockNumber]
petersburgBlock : Option[BlockNumber]
istanbulBlock : Option[BlockNumber]
muirGlacierBlock : Option[BlockNumber]
berlinBlock : Option[BlockNumber]
londonBlock : Option[BlockNumber]
clique : CliqueOptions
ChainConfig* = object
chainId* : ChainId
homesteadBlock* : BlockNumber
daoForkBlock* : BlockNumber
daoForkSupport* : bool
# EIP150 implements the Gas price changes (
eip150Block* : BlockNumber
eip150Hash* : Hash256
eip155Block* : BlockNumber
eip158Block* : BlockNumber
byzantiumBlock* : BlockNumber
constantinopleBlock*: BlockNumber
petersburgBlock* : BlockNumber
istanbulBlock* : BlockNumber
muirGlacierBlock* : BlockNumber
berlinBlock* : BlockNumber
londonBlock* : BlockNumber
poaEngine* : bool
cliquePeriod* : int
cliqueEpoch* : int
Genesis* = object
nonce* : BlockNonce
timestamp* : EthTime
extraData* : seq[byte]
gasLimit* : GasInt
difficulty* : DifficultyInt
mixHash* : Hash256
coinbase* : EthAddress
alloc* : GenesisAlloc
baseFeePerGas*: Option[UInt256]
GenesisAlloc* = Table[EthAddress, GenesisAccount]
GenesisAccount* = object
code* : seq[byte]
storage*: Table[UInt256, UInt256]
balance*: UInt256
nonce* : AccountNonce
CustomNetwork* = object
config* : ChainConfig
genesis*: Genesis
AddressBalance = object
address {.rlpCustomSerialization.}: EthAddress
account {.rlpCustomSerialization.}: GenesisAccount
CustomChain = object
config : ChainOptions
genesis: Genesis
CustomNet* = 0.NetworkId
# these are public network id
MainNet* = 1.NetworkId
# No longer used: MordenNet = 2
RopstenNet* = 3.NetworkId
RinkebyNet* = 4.NetworkId
GoerliNet* = 5.NetworkId
KovanNet* = 42.NetworkId
proc read(rlp: var Rlp, x: var AddressBalance, _: type EthAddress): EthAddress {.inline.} =
let val =
result[0 .. ^1] = val.toOpenArray(12, val.high)
proc read(rlp: var Rlp, x: var AddressBalance, _: type GenesisAccount): GenesisAccount {.inline.} =
func decodePrealloc*(data: seq[byte]): GenesisAlloc =
for tup in rlp.decode(data, seq[AddressBalance]):
result[tup.address] = tup.account
proc readValue(reader: var JsonReader, value: var BlockNumber) =
let tok = reader.lexer.tok
if tok == tkInt:
value = toBlockNumber(reader.lexer.absintVal)
elif tok == tkString:
value = UInt256.fromHex(reader.lexer.strVal)
reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("expect int or hex string")
proc readValue(reader: var JsonReader, value: var ChainId) =
value = reader.readValue(int).ChainId
proc readValue(reader: var JsonReader, value: var Hash256) =
value = Hash256.fromHex(reader.readValue(string))
proc readValue(reader: var JsonReader, value: var BlockNonce) =
value = fromHex[uint64](reader.readValue(string)).toBlockNonce
proc readValue(reader: var JsonReader, value: var EthTime) =
value = fromHex[int64](reader.readValue(string)).fromUnix
proc readValue(reader: var JsonReader, value: var seq[byte]) =
value = hexToSeqByte(reader.readValue(string))
proc readValue(reader: var JsonReader, value: var GasInt) =
value = fromHex[GasInt](reader.readValue(string))
proc readValue(reader: var JsonReader, value: var EthAddress) =
value = parseAddress(reader.readValue(string))
proc readValue(reader: var JsonReader, value: var AccountNonce) =
value = fromHex[uint64](reader.readValue(string))
template to(a: string, b: type EthAddress): EthAddress =
# json_serialization decode table stuff
template to(a: string, b: type UInt256): UInt256 =
# json_serialization decode table stuff
proc loadCustomNetwork*(fileName: string, cg: var CustomNetwork): bool =
var cc: CustomChain
cc = Json.loadFile(fileName, CustomChain, allowUnknownFields = true)
except IOError as e:
error "Genesis config file error", fileName, msg=e.msg
return false
except JsonReaderError as e:
error "Invalid genesis config file format", fileName, msg=e.formatMsg("")
return false
var msg = getCurrentExceptionMsg()
error "Error loading genesis block config file", fileName, msg
return false
cg.genesis = cc.genesis
cg.config.chainId = cc.config.chainId
cg.config.daoForkSupport = cc.config.daoForkSupport
cg.config.eip150Hash = cc.config.eip150Hash
cg.config.poaEngine = false
if cc.config.clique.period.isSome or
cg.config.poaEngine = true
if cc.config.clique.period.isSome:
cg.config.cliquePeriod = cc.config.clique.period.get()
if cc.config.clique.epoch.isSome:
cg.config.cliqueEpoch = cc.config.clique.epoch.get()
template validateFork(forkName: untyped, nextBlock: BlockNumber) =
let fork = astToStr(forkName)
if cc.config.forkName.isSome:
cg.config.forkName = cc.config.forkName.get()
cg.config.forkName = nextBlock
if cg.config.forkName > nextBlock:
error "Forks can't be assigned out of order", fork=fork
return false
validateFork(londonBlock, high(BlockNumber).toBlockNumber)
validateFork(berlinBlock, cg.config.londonBlock)
validateFork(muirGlacierBlock, cg.config.berlinBlock)
validateFork(istanbulBlock, cg.config.muirGlacierBlock)
validateFork(petersburgBlock, cg.config.istanbulBlock)
validateFork(constantinopleBlock, cg.config.petersburgBlock)
validateFork(byzantiumBlock, cg.config.constantinopleBlock)
validateFork(eip158Block, cg.config.byzantiumBlock)
validateFork(eip155Block, cg.config.eip158Block)
validateFork(eip150Block, cg.config.eip155Block)
validateFork(daoForkBlock, cg.config.eip150Block)
validateFork(homesteadBlock, cg.config.daoForkBlock)
return true
proc parseGenesisAlloc*(data: string, ga: var GenesisAlloc): bool =
ga = Json.decode(data, GenesisAlloc, allowUnknownFields = true)
except JsonReaderError as e:
error "Invalid genesis config file format", msg=e.formatMsg("")
return false
return true
proc toFork*(c: ChainConfig, number: BlockNumber): Fork =
if number >= c.londonBlock: FkLondon
elif number >= c.berlinBlock: FkBerlin
elif number >= c.istanbulBlock: FkIstanbul
elif number >= c.petersburgBlock: FkPetersburg
elif number >= c.constantinopleBlock: FkConstantinople
elif number >= c.byzantiumBlock: FkByzantium
elif number >= c.eip158Block: FkSpurious
elif number >= c.eip150Block: FkTangerine
elif number >= c.homesteadBlock: FkHomestead
else: FkFrontier
proc chainConfig*(id: NetworkId, cn: CustomNetwork): ChainConfig =
# For some public networks, NetworkId and ChainId value are identical
# but that is not always the case
result = case id
of MainNet:
poaEngine: false, # TODO: use real engine conf: PoW
chainId: MainNet.ChainId,
homesteadBlock: 1_150_000.toBlockNumber, # 14/03/2016 20:49:53
daoForkBlock: 1_920_000.toBlockNumber,
daoForkSupport: true,
eip150Block: 2_463_000.toBlockNumber, # 18/10/2016 17:19:31
eip150Hash: toDigest("2086799aeebeae135c246c65021c82b4e15a2c451340993aacfd2751886514f0"),
eip155Block: 2_675_000.toBlockNumber, # 22/11/2016 18:15:44
eip158Block: 2_675_000.toBlockNumber,
byzantiumBlock: 4_370_000.toBlockNumber, # 16/10/2017 09:22:11
constantinopleBlock: 7_280_000.toBlockNumber, # Never Occured in MainNet
petersburgBlock:7_280_000.toBlockNumber, # 28/02/2019 07:52:04
istanbulBlock: 9_069_000.toBlockNumber, # 08/12/2019 12:25:09
muirGlacierBlock: 9_200_000.toBlockNumber, # 02/01/2020 08:30:49
berlinBlock: 12_244_000.toBlockNumber, # 15/04/2021 10:07:03
londonBlock: 12_965_000.toBlockNumber, # 05/08/2021 12:33:42
of RopstenNet:
poaEngine: false, # TODO: use real engine conf: PoW
chainId: RopstenNet.ChainId,
homesteadBlock: 0.toBlockNumber,
daoForkSupport: false,
eip150Block: 0.toBlockNumber,
eip150Hash: toDigest("41941023680923e0fe4d74a34bdac8141f2540e3ae90623718e47d66d1ca4a2d"),
eip155Block: 10.toBlockNumber,
eip158Block: 10.toBlockNumber,
byzantiumBlock: 1_700_000.toBlockNumber,
constantinopleBlock: 4_230_000.toBlockNumber,
istanbulBlock: 6_485_846.toBlockNumber,
muirGlacierBlock: 7_117_117.toBlockNumber,
berlinBlock: 9_812_189.toBlockNumber,
londonBlock: 10_499_401.toBlockNumber # June 24, 2021
of RinkebyNet:
poaEngine: true, # TODO: use real engine conf: PoA
chainId: RinkebyNet.ChainId,
homesteadBlock: 1.toBlockNumber,
daoForkSupport: false,
eip150Block: 2.toBlockNumber,
eip150Hash: toDigest("9b095b36c15eaf13044373aef8ee0bd3a382a5abb92e402afa44b8249c3a90e9"),
eip155Block: 3.toBlockNumber,
eip158Block: 3.toBlockNumber,
byzantiumBlock: 1_035_301.toBlockNumber,
constantinopleBlock: 3_660_663.toBlockNumber,
istanbulBlock: 5_435_345.toBlockNumber,
muirGlacierBlock: 8_290_928.toBlockNumber, # never occured in rinkeby network
berlinBlock: 8_290_928.toBlockNumber,
londonBlock: 8_897_988.toBlockNumber # July 7, 2021
of GoerliNet:
poaEngine: true, # TODO: use real engine conf: PoA
chainId: GoerliNet.ChainId,
homesteadBlock: 0.toBlockNumber,
daoForkSupport: false,
eip150Block: 0.toBlockNumber,
eip150Hash: toDigest("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
eip155Block: 0.toBlockNumber,
eip158Block: 0.toBlockNumber,
byzantiumBlock: 0.toBlockNumber,
constantinopleBlock: 0.toBlockNumber,
petersburgBlock: 0.toBlockNumber,
istanbulBlock: 1_561_651.toBlockNumber,
muirGlacierBlock: 4_460_644.toBlockNumber, # never occured in goerli network
berlinBlock: 4_460_644.toBlockNumber,
londonBlock: 5_062_605.toBlockNumber # June 30, 2021
# everything else will use CustomNet config
trace "Custom genesis block configuration loaded", conf=cn.config