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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
export kvstore_sqlite3
# This version of content db is the most basic, simple solution where data is
# stored no matter what content type or content network in the same kvstore with
# the content id as key. The content id is derived from the content key, and the
# deriviation is different depending on the content type. As we use content id,
# this part is currently out of the scope / API of the ContentDB.
# In the future it is likely that that either:
# 1. More kvstores are added per network, and thus depending on the network a
# different kvstore needs to be selected.
# 2. Or more kvstores are added per network and per content type, and thus
# content key fields are required to access the data.
# 3. Or databases are created per network (and kvstores pre content type) and
# thus depending on the network the right db needs to be selected.
ContentDB* = ref object
kv: KvStoreRef
template expectDb(x: auto): untyped =
# There's no meaningful error handling implemented for a corrupt database or
# full disk - this requires manual intervention, so we'll panic for now
x.expect("working database (disk broken/full?)")
proc new*(T: type ContentDB, path: string, inMemory = false): ContentDB =
let db =
if inMemory:
SqStoreRef.init("", "fluffy-test", inMemory = true).expect(
"working database (out of memory?)")
SqStoreRef.init(path, "fluffy").expectDb()
ContentDB(kv: kvStore db.openKvStore().expectDb())
proc get*(db: ContentDB, key: openArray[byte]): Option[seq[byte]] =
var res: Option[seq[byte]]
proc onData(data: openArray[byte]) = res = some(@data)
discard db.kv.get(key, onData).expectDb()
return res
proc put*(db: ContentDB, key, value: openArray[byte]) =
db.kv.put(key, value).expectDb()
proc contains*(db: ContentDB, key: openArray[byte]): bool =
proc del*(db: ContentDB, key: openArray[byte]) =
# TODO: Could also decide to use the ContentKey SSZ bytestring, as this is what
# gets send over the network in requests, but that would be a bigger key. Or the
# same hashing could be done on it here.
# However ContentId itself is already derived through different digests
# depending on the content type, and this ContentId typically needs to be
# checked with the Radius/distance of the node anyhow. So lets see how we end up
# using this mostly in the code.
proc get*(db: ContentDB, key: ContentId): Option[seq[byte]] =
# TODO: Here it is unfortunate that ContentId is a uint256 instead of Digest256.
proc put*(db: ContentDB, key: ContentId, value: openArray[byte]) =
db.put(key.toByteArrayBE(), value)
proc contains*(db: ContentDB, key: ContentId): bool =
proc del*(db: ContentDB, key: ContentId) =