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# Nimbus - Types, data structures and shared utilities used in network sync
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or
# distributed except according to those terms.
## Re-invented implementation for Merkle Patricia Tree named as Aristo Trie
std/[os, strformat, strutils],
../nimbus/db/aristo/[aristo_desc, aristo_merge],
./replay/[pp, undump_accounts, undump_storages],
./test_sync_snap/[snap_test_xx, test_types],
./test_aristo/[test_backend, test_filter, test_helpers, test_misc, test_tx]
baseDir = [".", "..", ".."/"..", $DirSep]
repoDir = [".", "tests", "nimbus-eth1-blobs"]
subDir = ["replay", "test_sync_snap", "replay"/"snap"]
# Reference file for finding the database directory
sampleDirRefFile = "sample0.txt.gz"
# Standard test samples
accSample = snapTest0
storSample = snapTest4
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc findFilePath(
file: string;
baseDir: openArray[string] = baseDir;
repoDir: openArray[string] = repoDir;
subDir: openArray[string] = subDir;
): Result[string,void] =
for dir in baseDir:
if dir.dirExists:
for repo in repoDir:
if (dir / repo).dirExists:
for sub in subDir:
if (dir / repo / sub).dirExists:
let path = dir / repo / sub / file
if path.fileExists:
return ok(path)
echo "*** File not found \"", file, "\"."
proc getTmpDir(sampleDir = sampleDirRefFile): string =
proc setTraceLevel {.used.} =
when defined(chronicles_runtime_filtering) and loggingEnabled:
proc setErrorLevel {.used.} =
when defined(chronicles_runtime_filtering) and loggingEnabled:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test Runners: accounts and accounts storages
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc miscRunner(
noisy = true;
qidSampleSize = QidSample;
) =
suite "Aristo: Miscellaneous tests":
test "VertexID recyling lists":
check noisy.testVidRecycleLists()
test &"Low level cascaded fifos API (sample size: {qidSampleSize})":
check noisy.testQidScheduler(sampleSize = qidSampleSize)
test &"High level cascaded fifos API (sample size: {qidSampleSize})":
check noisy.testFilterFifo(sampleSize = qidSampleSize)
Aristo db api extensions for use as core db backend (#1754) * Update docu * Update Aristo/Kvt constructor prototype why: Previous version used an `enum` value to indicate what backend is to be used. This was replaced by using the backend object type. * Rewrite `hikeUp()` return code into `Result[Hike,(Hike,AristoError)]` why: Better code maintenance. Previously, the `Hike` object was returned. It had an internal error field so partial success was also available on a failure. This error field has been removed. * Use `openArray[byte]` rather than `Blob` in functions prototypes * Provide synchronised multi instance transactions why: The `CoreDB` object was geared towards the legacy DB which used a single transaction for the key-value backend DB. Different state roots are provided by the backend database, so all instances work directly on the same backend. Aristo db instances have different in-memory mappings (aka different state roots) and the transactions are on top of there mappings. So each instance might run different transactions. Multi instance transactions are a compromise to converge towards the legacy behaviour. The synchronised transactions span over all instances available at the time when base transaction was opened. Instances created later are unaffected. * Provide key-value pair database iterator why: Needed in `CoreDB` for `replicate()` emulation also: Some update of internal code * Extend API (i.e. prototype variants) why: Needed for `CoreDB` geared towards the legacy backend which has a more basic API than Aristo.
2023-09-15 15:23:53 +00:00
test "Multi instances transactions":
check noisy.testTxSpanMultiInstances()
Aristo db update for short nodes key edge cases (#1887) * Aristo: Provide key-value list signature calculator detail: Simple wrappers around `Aristo` core functionality * Update new API for `CoreDb` details: + Renamed new API functions `contains()` => `hasKey()` or `hasPath()` which disables the `in` operator on non-boolean `contains()` functions + The functions `get()` and `fetch()` always return a not-found error if there is no item, available. The new functions `getOrEmpty()` and `mergeOrEmpty()` return an an empty `Blob` if there is no such key found. * Rewrite `core_apps.nim` using new API from `CoreDb` * Use `Aristo` functionality for calculating Merkle signatures details: For debugging, the `VerifyAristoForMerkleRootCalc` can be set so that `Aristo` results will be verified against the legacy versions. * Provide general interface for Merkle signing key-value tables details: Export `Aristo` wrappers * Activate `CoreDb` tests why: Now, API seems to be stable enough for general tests. * Update `toHex()` usage why: Byteutils' `toHex()` is superior to `toSeq.mapIt(it.toHex(2)).join` * Split `aristo_transcode` => `aristo_serialise` + `aristo_blobify` why: + Different modules for different purposes + `aristo_serialise`: RLP encoding/decoding + `aristo_blobify`: Aristo database encoding/decoding * Compacted representation of small nodes' links instead of Keccak hashes why: Ethereum MPTs use Keccak hashes as node links if the size of an RLP encoded node is at least 32 bytes. Otherwise, the RLP encoded node value is used as a pseudo node link (rather than a hash.) Such a node is nor stored on key-value database. Rather the RLP encoded node value is stored instead of a lode link in a parent node instead. Only for the root hash, the top level node is always referred to by the hash. This feature needed an abstraction of the `HashKey` object which is now either a hash or a blob of length at most 31 bytes. This leaves two ways of representing an empty/void `HashKey` type, either as an empty blob of zero length, or the hash of an empty blob. * Update `CoreDb` interface (mainly reducing logger noise) * Fix copyright years (to make `Lint` happy)
2023-11-08 12:18:32 +00:00
test "Short keys and other patholgical cases":
check noisy.testShortKeys()
proc accountsRunner(
noisy = true;
sample = accSample;
resetDb = false;
cmpBackends = true;
persistent = true;
) =
accLst =[UndumpAccounts]).to(seq[ProofTrieData])
fileInfo = sample.file.splitPath.tail.replace(".txt.gz","")
listMode = if resetDb: "" else: ", merged dumps"
baseDir = getTmpDir() / & "-accounts"
dbDir = if persistent: baseDir / "tmp" else: ""
isPersistent = if persistent: "persistent DB" else: "mem DB only"
try: baseDir.removeDir except CatchableError: discard
suite &"Aristo: accounts data dump from {fileInfo}{listMode}, {isPersistent}":
test &"Merge {accLst.len} proof & account lists to database":
check noisy.testTxMergeProofAndKvpList(accLst, dbDir, resetDb)
test &"Compare {accLst.len} account lists on different database backends":
if cmpBackends and 0 < dbDir.len:
check noisy.testBackendConsistency(accLst, dbDir, resetDb)
2023-06-02 19:21:46 +00:00
test &"Delete accounts database, successively {accLst.len} entries":
check noisy.testTxMergeAndDelete(accLst, dbDir)
2023-06-02 19:21:46 +00:00
test &"Distributed backend access {accLst.len} entries":
check noisy.testDistributedAccess(accLst, dbDir)
test &"Filter backlog management {accLst.len} entries":
check noisy.testFilterBacklog(accLst, rdbPath=dbDir)
proc storagesRunner(
noisy = true;
sample = storSample;
resetDb = false;
oops: KnownHasherFailure = @[];
cmpBackends = true;
persistent = true;
) =
stoLst =[UndumpStorages]).to(seq[ProofTrieData])
fileInfo = sample.file.splitPath.tail.replace(".txt.gz","")
listMode = if resetDb: "" else: ", merged dumps"
baseDir = getTmpDir() / & "-storage"
dbDir = if persistent: baseDir / "tmp" else: ""
isPersistent = if persistent: "persistent DB" else: "mem DB only"
try: baseDir.removeDir except CatchableError: discard
suite &"Aristo: storages data dump from {fileInfo}{listMode}, {isPersistent}":
test &"Merge {stoLst.len} proof & slots lists to database":
check noisy.testTxMergeProofAndKvpList(
stoLst, dbDir, resetDb, fileInfo, oops)
test &"Compare {stoLst.len} slot lists on different database backends":
if cmpBackends and 0 < dbDir.len:
check noisy.testBackendConsistency(stoLst, dbDir, resetDb)
2023-06-02 19:21:46 +00:00
test &"Delete storage database, successively {stoLst.len} entries":
check noisy.testTxMergeAndDelete(stoLst, dbDir)
2023-06-02 19:21:46 +00:00
test &"Distributed backend access {stoLst.len} entries":
check noisy.testDistributedAccess(stoLst, dbDir)
test &"Filter backlog management {stoLst.len} entries":
check noisy.testFilterBacklog(stoLst, rdbPath=dbDir)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main function(s)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc aristoMain*(noisy = defined(debug)) =
when isMainModule:
noisy = defined(debug) or true
when true: # and false:
noisy.miscRunner(qidSampleSize = 1_000)
# This one uses dumps from the external `nimbus-eth1-blob` repo
when true and false:
import ./test_sync_snap/snap_other_xx
for n,sam in snapOtherList:
2023-06-02 19:21:46 +00:00
noisy.accountsRunner(sam, resetDb=true)
# This one usues dumps from the external `nimbus-eth1-blob` repo
2023-06-02 19:21:46 +00:00
when true and false:
import ./test_sync_snap/snap_storage_xx
let knownFailures: KnownHasherFailure = @[
("storagesB__84__92_dump#7.9709", (7,HashifyExistingHashMismatch)),
for n,sam in snapStorageList:
2023-06-02 19:21:46 +00:00
noisy.accountsRunner(sam, resetDb=true)
noisy.storagesRunner(sam, resetDb=true, oops=knownFailures)
when true: # and false:
let persistent = false
for n,sam in snapTestList:
noisy.accountsRunner(sam, persistent=persistent)
for n,sam in snapTestStorageList:
noisy.accountsRunner(sam, persistent=persistent)
noisy.storagesRunner(sam, persistent=persistent)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------