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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
## Votes Management for Clique PoA Consensus Protocol
## =================================================
## For details see
## `EIP-225 <>`_
## and
## `go-ethereum <>`_
Vote* = object ## Vote represent single votes that an authorized
## signer made to modify the list of authorizations.
signer*: EthAddress ## authorized signer that cast this vote
address*: EthAddress ## account being voted on to change its
## authorization type (`true` or `false`)
blockNumber*: BlockNumber ## block number the vote was cast in
## (expire old votes)
authorize*: bool ## authorization type, whether to authorize or
## deauthorize the voted account
Tally = tuple
authorize: bool
signers: Table[EthAddress,Vote]
CliquePoll* = object
votes: Table[EthAddress,Tally] ## votes by account -> signer
authSig: Table[EthAddress,bool] ## currently authorised signers
authRemoved: bool ## last `addVote()` action was removing an
## authorised signer from the `authSig` list
{.push raises: [Defect,CatchableError].}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc initCliquePoll*(t: var CliquePoll) =
## Ininialise an empty `CliquePoll` descriptor.
t.votes = initTable[EthAddress,Tally]()
t.authSig = initTable[EthAddress,bool]()
proc initCliquePoll*(t: var CliquePoll; signers: openArray[EthAddress]) =
## Ininialise `CliquePoll` with a given authorised signers list
for a in signers:
t.authSig[a] = true
proc authSigners*(t: var CliquePoll): seq[EthAddress] =
## Sorted ascending list of authorised signer addresses
result = toSeq(t.authSig.keys)
result.sort do (x, y: EthAddress) -> int:
for n in 0 ..< x.len:
if x[n] < y[n]:
return -1
elif y[n] < x[n]:
return 1
proc isAuthSigner*(t: var CliquePoll; address: EthAddress): bool =
## Check whether `address` is an authorised signer
address in t.authSig
proc authSignersShrunk*(t: var CliquePoll): bool =
## Check whether the authorised signers list was shrunk recently after
## appying `addVote()`
proc authSignersThreshold*(t: var CliquePoll): int =
## Returns the minimum number of authorised signers needed for authorising
## a addres for voting. This is currently
## ::
## 1 + half of the number of authorised signers
1 + (t.authSig.len div 2)
proc delVote*(t: var CliquePoll; signer, address: EthAddress) =
## Remove a particular previously added vote.
if address in t.votes:
if signer in t.votes[address].signers:
if t.votes[address].signers.len <= 1:
# clique/snapshot.go(141): func (s *Snapshot) validVote(address [..]
proc validVote*(t: var CliquePoll; address: EthAddress; authorize: bool): bool =
## Check whether voting would have an effect in `addVote()`
if address in t.authSig: not authorize else: authorize
proc addVote*(t: var CliquePoll; vote: Vote) =
## Add a new vote collecting the signers for the particular voting address.
## Unless it is the first vote for this address, the authorisation type
## `true` or `false` of the vote must match the previous one. For the first
## vote, the authorisation type `true` is accepted if the address is not an
## authorised signer, and `false` if it is an authorised signer. Otherwise
## the vote is ignored.
## If the number of signers for the particular address are at least
## `authSignersThreshold()`, the status of this address will change as
## follows.
## * If the authorisation type is `true`, the address is added
## to the list of authorised signers.
## * If the authorisation type is `false`, the address is removed
## from the list of authorised signers.
t.authRemoved = false
# clique/snapshot.go(147): if !s.validVote(address, [..]
if not t.validVote(vote.address, vote.authorize):
# Voting has no effect
# clique/snapshot.go(253): if snap.cast(header.Coinbase, [..]
# Collect vote
var numVotes = 0
if not t.votes.hasKey(vote.address):
t.votes[vote.address] = (vote.authorize, {vote.signer: vote}.toTable)
numVotes = 1
elif t.votes[vote.address].authorize == vote.authorize:
t.votes[vote.address].signers[vote.signer] = vote
numVotes = t.votes[vote.address].signers.len
# clique/snapshot.go(262): if tally := snap.Tally[header.Coinbase]; [..]
# Vote passed, update the list of authorised signers if enough votes
if numVotes < t.authSignersThreshold:
var obsolete = @[vote.address]
if vote.authorize:
# Has minimum votes, so add it
t.authSig[vote.address] = true
# clique/snapshot.go(266): delete(snap.Signers, [..]
t.authRemoved = true
# Not a signer anymore => remove it everywhere
for key,value in t.votes.mpairs:
if vote.address in value.signers:
if 1 < value.signers.len:
obsolete.add key
for key in obsolete:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
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