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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
stew/[interval_set, keyed_queue],
"../.."/[common, db/select_backend],
".."/[handlers/eth, protocol, sync_desc],
./worker/[pivot, play, ticker],
Prep for full sync after snap make 4 (#1282) * Re-arrange fetching storage slots in batch module why; Previously, fetching partial slot ranges first has a chance of terminating the worker peer 9due to network error) while there were many inheritable storage slots on the queue. Now, inheritance is checked first, then full slot ranges and finally partial ranges. * Update logging * Bundled node information for healing into single object `NodeSpecs` why: Previously, partial paths and node keys were kept in separate variables. This approach was error prone due to copying/reassembling function argument objects. As all partial paths, keys, and node data types are more or less handled as `Blob`s over the network (using Eth/6x, or Snap/1) it makes sense to hold these `Blob`s as named field in a single object (even if not all fields are active for the current purpose.) * For good housekeeping, using `NodeKey` type only for account keys why: previously, a mixture of `NodeKey` and `Hash256` was used. Now, only state or storage root keys use the `Hash256` type. * Always accept latest pivot (and not a slightly older one) why; For testing it was tried to use a slightly older pivot state root than available. Some anecdotal tests seemed to suggest an advantage so that more peers are willing to serve on that older pivot. But this could not be confirmed in subsequent tests (still anecdotal, though.) As a side note, the distance of the latest pivot to its predecessor is at least 128 (or whatever the constant `minPivotBlockDistance` is assigned to.) * Reshuffle name components for some file and function names why: Clarifies purpose: "storages" becomes: "storage slots" "store" becomes: "range fetch" * Stash away currently unused modules in sub-folder named "notused"
2022-10-27 13:49:28 +00:00
./worker/db/[snapdb_desc, snapdb_pivot],
"."/[range_desc, worker_desc]
Snap sync simplify object inheritance (#1098) * Reorg SnapPeerBase descriptor, notably start/stop flags details: Instead of using three boolean flags startedFetch, stopped, and stopThisState a single enum type is used with values SyncRunningOk, SyncStopRequest, and SyncStopped. * Restricting snap to eth66 and later why: Id-tracked request/response wire protocol can handle overlapped responses when requests are sent in row. * Align function names with source code file names why: Easier to reconcile when following the implemented logic. * Update trace logging (want file locations) why: The macros previously used hid the relevant file location (when `chroniclesLineNumbers` turned on.) It rather printed the file location of the template that was wrapping `trace`. * Use KeyedQueue table instead of sequence why: Quick access, easy configuration as LRU or FIFO with max entries (currently LRU.) * Dissolve `SnapPeerEx` object extension into `SnapPeer` why; It is logically cleaner and more obvious not to inherit from `SnapPeerBase` but to specify opaque field object references of the merged `SnapPeer` object. These can then be locally inherited. * Dissolve `SnapSyncEx` object extension into `SnapSync` why; It is logically cleaner and more obvious not to inherit from `SnapSyncEx` but to specify opaque field object references of the `SnapPeer` object. These can then be locally inherited. Also, in the re-factored code here the interface descriptor `SnapSyncCtx` inherited `SnapSyncEx` which was sub-optimal (OO inheritance makes it easier to work with call back functions.)
2022-05-23 16:53:19 +00:00
topics = "snap-worker"
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template ignoreException(info: static[string]; code: untyped) =
except CatchableError as e:
error "Exception at " & info & ":", name=($, msg=(e.msg)
Prep for full sync after snap (#1253) * Split fetch accounts into sub-modules details: There will be separated modules for accounts snapshot, storage snapshot, and healing for either. * Allow to rebase pivot before negotiated header why: Peers seem to have not too many snapshots available. By setting back the pivot block header slightly, the chances might be higher to find more peers to serve this pivot. Experiment on mainnet showed that setting back too much (tested with 1024), the chances to find matching snapshot peers seem to decrease. * Add accounts healing * Update variable/field naming in `worker_desc` for readability * Handle leaf nodes in accounts healing why: There is no need to fetch accounts when they had been added by the healing process. On the flip side, these accounts must be checked for storage data and the batch queue updated, accordingly. * Reorganising accounts hash ranges batch queue why: The aim is to formally cover as many accounts as possible for different pivot state root environments. Formerly, this was tried by starting the accounts batch queue at a random value for each pivot (and wrapping around.) Now, each pivot environment starts with an interval set mutually disjunct from any interval set retrieved with other pivot state roots. also: Stop fishing for more pivots in `worker` if 100% download is reached * Reorganise/update accounts healing why: Error handling was wrong and the (math. complexity of) whole process could be better managed. details: Much of the algorithm is now documented at the top of the file `heal_accounts.nim`
2022-10-08 17:20:50 +00:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc disableWireServices(ctx: SnapCtxRef) =
## Helper for `setup()`: Temporarily stop useless wire protocol services.
ctx.ethWireCtx.txPoolEnabled = false
proc enableWireServices(ctx: SnapCtxRef) =
## Helper for `release()`
ctx.ethWireCtx.txPoolEnabled = true
# --------------
proc enableTicker(ctx: SnapCtxRef; tickerOK: bool) =
## Helper for `setup()`: Log/status ticker
if tickerOK:
ctx.pool.ticker = TickerRef.init(ctx.pool.pivotTable.tickerStats(ctx))
trace "Ticker is disabled"
proc disableTicker(ctx: SnapCtxRef) =
## Helper for `release()`
if not ctx.pool.ticker.isNil:
ctx.pool.ticker = nil
# --------------
proc enableRpcMagic(ctx: SnapCtxRef) =
## Helper for `setup()`: Enable external pivot update via RPC = ctx.pivotUpdateBeaconHeaderCB
proc disableRpcMagic(ctx: SnapCtxRef) =
## Helper for `release()` = nil
# --------------
proc detectSnapSyncRecovery(ctx: SnapCtxRef) =
## Helper for `setup()`: Initiate snap sync recovery (if any)
let rc = ctx.pool.snapDb.pivotRecoverDB()
if rc.isOk:
ctx.pool.recovery = SnapRecoveryRef(state: rc.value)
ctx.daemon = true
# Set up early initial pivot
ctx.pool.pivotTable.reverseUpdate(ctx.pool.recovery.state.header, ctx)
trace "Snap sync recovery started",
checkpoint=("#" & $ctx.pool.pivotTable.topNumber() & "(0)")
if not ctx.pool.ticker.isNil:
proc initSnapDb(ctx: SnapCtxRef) =
## Helper for `setup()`: Initialise snap sync database layer
ctx.pool.snapDb =
if ctx.pool.dbBackend.isNil: SnapDbRef.init(ctx.chain.db.db)
else: SnapDbRef.init(ctx.pool.dbBackend)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public start/stop and admin functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc setup*(ctx: SnapCtxRef; tickerOK: bool): bool =
## Global set up
# For snap sync book keeping
ctx.pool.coveredAccounts = NodeTagRangeSet.init()
ctx.enableRpcMagic() # Allow external pivot update via RPC
ctx.disableWireServices() # Stop unwanted public services
ctx.pool.syncMode.playInit() # Set up sync sub-mode specs.
ctx.initSnapDb() # Set database backend, subject to change
ctx.detectSnapSyncRecovery() # Check for recovery mode
ctx.enableTicker(tickerOK) # Start log/status ticker (if any)
# Experimental, also used for debugging
if ctx.exCtrlFile.isSome:
warn "Snap sync accepts pivot block number or hash",
proc release*(ctx: SnapCtxRef) =
## Global clean up
ctx.disableTicker() # Stop log/status ticker (if any)
ctx.enableWireServices() # re-enable public services
ctx.disableRpcMagic() # Disable external pivot update via RPC
proc start*(buddy: SnapBuddyRef): bool =
## Initialise worker peer
ctx = buddy.ctx
peer = buddy.peer
if peer.supports(protocol.snap) and
peer.supports(protocol.eth) and
buddy.only.errors = ComErrorStatsRef()
if not ctx.pool.ticker.isNil:
return true
proc stop*(buddy: SnapBuddyRef) =
## Clean up this peer
let ctx = buddy.ctx
if not ctx.pool.ticker.isNil:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions, sync handler multiplexers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc runDaemon*(ctx: SnapCtxRef) {.async.} =
## Sync processsing multiplexer
await ctx.playSyncSpecs.daemon(ctx)
proc runSingle*(buddy: SnapBuddyRef) {.async.} =
## Sync processsing multiplexer
await buddy.ctx.playSyncSpecs.single(buddy)
proc runPool*(buddy: SnapBuddyRef, last: bool): bool =
## Sync processsing multiplexer
result = buddy.ctx.playSyncSpecs.pool(buddy,last)
proc runMulti*(buddy: SnapBuddyRef) {.async.} =
## Sync processsing multiplexer
await buddy.ctx.playSyncSpecs.multi(buddy)
Prep for full sync after snap make 6 (#1291) * Update log ticker, using time interval rather than ticker count why: Counting and logging ticker occurrences is inherently imprecise. So time intervals are used. * Use separate storage tables for snap sync data * Left boundary proof update why: Was not properly implemented, yet. * Capture pivot in peer worker (aka buddy) tasks why: The pivot environment is linked to the `buddy` descriptor. While there is a task switch, the pivot may change. So it is passed on as function argument `env` rather than retrieved from the buddy at the start of a sub-function. * Split queues `fetchStorage` into `fetchStorageFull` and `fetchStoragePart` * Remove obsolete account range returned from `GetAccountRange` message why: Handler returned the wrong right value of the range. This range was for convenience, only. * Prioritise storage slots if the queue becomes large why: Currently, accounts processing is prioritised up until all accounts are downloaded. The new prioritisation has two thresholds for + start processing storage slots with a new worker + stop account processing and switch to storage processing also: Provide api for `SnapTodoRanges` pair of range sets in `worker_desc.nim` * Generalise left boundary proof for accounts or storage slots. why: Detailed explanation how this works is documented with `snapdb_accounts.importAccounts()`. Instead of enforcing a left boundary proof (which is still the default), the importer functions return a list of `holes` (aka node paths) found in the argument ranges of leaf nodes. This in turn is used by the book keeping software for data download. * Forgot to pass on variable in function wrapper also: + Start healing not before 99% accounts covered (previously 95%) + Logging updated/prettified
2022-11-08 18:56:04 +00:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------