2023-01-23 16:09:12 +00:00
# Nimbus - Types, data structures and shared utilities used in network sync
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
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## Snap sync components tester and TDD environment
2023-01-30 17:50:58 +00:00
2023-01-23 16:09:12 +00:00
eth/[common, p2p, trie/db],
hexary_desc, hexary_inspect, hexary_paths,
rocky_bulk_load, snapdb_accounts, snapdb_desc],
../replay/[pp, undump_accounts],
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public test function
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc test_inspectSingleAccountsMemDb*(
inList: seq[seq[UndumpAccounts]];
memBase: SnapDbRef;
singleStats: var seq[(int,TrieNodeStat)];
) =
## Fingerprinting single accounts lists for in-memory-db (modifies
## `singleStats`)
for n,accList in inList:
# Separate storage
root = accList[0].root
rootKey = root.to(NodeKey)
desc = SnapDbAccountsRef.init(memBase, root, Peer())
for w in accList:
check desc.importAccounts(w.base, w.data, persistent=false).isImportOk
let stats = desc.hexaDb.hexaryInspectTrie(rootKey)
check not stats.stopped
dangling = stats.dangling.mapIt(it.partialPath)
keys = dangling.hexaryPathNodeKeys(
rootKey, desc.hexaDb, missingOk=true)
check dangling.len == keys.len
singleStats.add (desc.hexaDb.tab.len,stats)
# Verify piecemeal approach for `hexaryInspectTrie()` ...
ctx = TrieNodeStatCtxRef()
piecemeal: HashSet[Blob]
while not ctx.isNil:
let stat2 = desc.hexaDb.hexaryInspectTrie(
rootKey, resumeCtx=ctx, suspendAfter=128)
check not stat2.stopped
ctx = stat2.resumeCtx
piecemeal.incl stat2.dangling.mapIt(it.partialPath).toHashSet
# Must match earlier all-in-one result
check dangling.len == piecemeal.len
check dangling.toHashSet == piecemeal
proc test_inspectSingleAccountsPersistent*(
inList: seq[seq[UndumpAccounts]];
dbSlotCb: proc(n: int): SnapDbRef;
singleStats: seq[(int,TrieNodeStat)];
) =
## Fingerprinting single accounts listsfor persistent db"
for n,accList in inList:
root = accList[0].root
rootKey = root.to(NodeKey)
dbBase = n.dbSlotCb
if dbBase.isNil:
# Separate storage on persistent DB (leaving first db slot empty)
let desc = SnapDbAccountsRef.init(dbBase, root, Peer())
for w in accList:
check desc.importAccounts(w.base,w.data, persistent=true).isImportOk
let stats = desc.getAccountFn.hexaryInspectTrie(rootKey)
check not stats.stopped
dangling = stats.dangling.mapIt(it.partialPath)
keys = dangling.hexaryPathNodeKeys(
rootKey, desc.hexaDb, missingOk=true)
check dangling.len == keys.len
# Must be the same as the in-memory fingerprint
let ssn1 = singleStats[n][1].dangling.mapIt(it.partialPath)
check ssn1.toHashSet == dangling.toHashSet
# Verify piecemeal approach for `hexaryInspectTrie()` ...
ctx = TrieNodeStatCtxRef()
piecemeal: HashSet[Blob]
while not ctx.isNil:
let stat2 = desc.getAccountFn.hexaryInspectTrie(
rootKey, resumeCtx=ctx, suspendAfter=128)
check not stat2.stopped
ctx = stat2.resumeCtx
piecemeal.incl stat2.dangling.mapIt(it.partialPath).toHashSet
# Must match earlier all-in-one result
check dangling.len == piecemeal.len
check dangling.toHashSet == piecemeal
proc test_inspectAccountsInMemDb*(
inList: seq[seq[UndumpAccounts]];
memBase: SnapDbRef;
accuStats: var seq[(int,TrieNodeStat)];
) =
## Fingerprinting accumulated accounts for in-memory-db (updates `accuStats`)
let memDesc = SnapDbAccountsRef.init(memBase, Hash256(), Peer())
for n,accList in inList:
# Accumulated storage
root = accList[0].root
rootKey = root.to(NodeKey)
desc = memDesc.dup(root,Peer())
for w in accList:
check desc.importAccounts(w.base, w.data, persistent=false).isImportOk
let stats = desc.hexaDb.hexaryInspectTrie(rootKey)
check not stats.stopped
dangling = stats.dangling.mapIt(it.partialPath)
keys = dangling.hexaryPathNodeKeys(
rootKey, desc.hexaDb, missingOk=true)
check dangling.len == keys.len
accuStats.add (desc.hexaDb.tab.len, stats)
proc test_inspectAccountsPersistent*(
inList: seq[seq[UndumpAccounts]];
cdb: ChainDb;
accuStats: seq[(int,TrieNodeStat)];
) =
## Fingerprinting accumulated accounts for persistent db
perBase = SnapDbRef.init(cdb)
perDesc = SnapDbAccountsRef.init(perBase, Hash256(), Peer())
for n,accList in inList:
# Accumulated storage on persistent DB (using first db slot)
root = accList[0].root
rootKey = root.to(NodeKey)
rootSet = [rootKey].toHashSet
desc = perDesc.dup(root,Peer())
for w in accList:
check desc.importAccounts(w.base, w.data, persistent=true).isImportOk
let stats = desc.getAccountFn.hexaryInspectTrie(rootKey)
check not stats.stopped
dangling = stats.dangling.mapIt(it.partialPath)
keys = dangling.hexaryPathNodeKeys(
rootKey, desc.hexaDb, missingOk=true)
check dangling.len == keys.len
check accuStats[n][1] == stats
proc test_inspectCascadedMemDb*(
inList: seq[seq[UndumpAccounts]];
) =
## Cascaded fingerprinting accounts for in-memory-db
cscBase = SnapDbRef.init(newMemoryDB())
cscDesc = SnapDbAccountsRef.init(cscBase, Hash256(), Peer())
cscStep: Table[NodeKey,(int,seq[Blob])]
for n,accList in inList:
# Accumulated storage
root = accList[0].root
rootKey = root.to(NodeKey)
desc = cscDesc.dup(root,Peer())
for w in accList:
check desc.importAccounts(w.base, w.data, persistent=false).isImportOk
if cscStep.hasKeyOrPut(rootKey, (1, seq[Blob].default)):
stat0 = desc.hexaDb.hexaryInspectTrie(rootKey)
stats = desc.hexaDb.hexaryInspectTrie(rootKey, cscStep[rootKey][1])
check not stat0.stopped
check not stats.stopped
accumulated = stat0.dangling.mapIt(it.partialPath).toHashSet
cascaded = stats.dangling.mapIt(it.partialPath).toHashSet
check accumulated == cascaded
# Make sure that there are no trivial cases
let trivialCases = toSeq(cscStep.values).filterIt(it[0] <= 1).len
check trivialCases == 0
proc test_inspectCascadedPersistent*(
inList: seq[seq[UndumpAccounts]];
cdb: ChainDb;
) =
## Cascaded fingerprinting accounts for persistent db
cscBase = SnapDbRef.init(cdb)
cscDesc = SnapDbAccountsRef.init(cscBase, Hash256(), Peer())
cscStep: Table[NodeKey,(int,seq[Blob])]
for n,accList in inList:
# Accumulated storage
root = accList[0].root
rootKey = root.to(NodeKey)
desc = cscDesc.dup(root, Peer())
for w in accList:
check desc.importAccounts(w.base, w.data, persistent=true).isImportOk
if cscStep.hasKeyOrPut(rootKey, (1, seq[Blob].default)):
stat0 = desc.getAccountFn.hexaryInspectTrie(rootKey)
stats = desc.getAccountFn.hexaryInspectTrie(rootKey, cscStep[rootKey][1])
check not stat0.stopped
check not stats.stopped
accumulated = stat0.dangling.mapIt(it.partialPath).toHashSet
cascaded = stats.dangling.mapIt(it.partialPath).toHashSet
check accumulated == cascaded
# Make sure that there are no trivial cases
let trivialCases = toSeq(cscStep.values).filterIt(it[0] <= 1).len
check trivialCases == 0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
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