2023-06-02 20:21:46 +01:00
# Nimbus - Types, data structures and shared utilities used in network sync
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
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# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
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## Aristo (aka Patricia) DB records merge test
std/[algorithm, bitops, sequtils],
2023-06-22 12:13:24 +01:00
aristo_desc, aristo_debug, aristo_delete, aristo_hashify, aristo_init,
aristo_nearby, aristo_merge],
2023-06-02 20:21:46 +01:00
TesterDesc = object
prng: uint32 ## random state
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-06-12 14:48:47 +01:00
proc sortedKeys(lTab: Table[LeafTie,VertexID]): seq[LeafTie] =
lTab.keys.toSeq.sorted(cmp = proc(a,b: LeafTie): int = cmp(a,b))
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# --------------
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proc posixPrngRand(state: var uint32): byte =
## POSIX.1-2001 example of a rand() implementation, see manual page rand(3).
state = state * 1103515245 + 12345;
let val = (state shr 16) and 32767 # mod 2^31
(val shr 8).byte # Extract second byte
proc rand[W: SomeInteger|VertexID](ap: var TesterDesc; T: type W): T =
var a: array[sizeof T,byte]
for n in 0 ..< sizeof T:
a[n] = ap.prng.posixPrngRand().byte
when sizeof(T) == 1:
let w = uint8.fromBytesBE(a).T
when sizeof(T) == 2:
let w = uint16.fromBytesBE(a).T
when sizeof(T) == 4:
let w = uint32.fromBytesBE(a).T
let w = uint64.fromBytesBE(a).T
when T is SomeUnsignedInt:
# That way, `fromBytesBE()` can be applied to `uint`
result = w
# That way the result is independent of endianness
(addr result).copyMem(unsafeAddr w, sizeof w)
proc init(T: type TesterDesc; seed: int): TesterDesc =
result.prng = (seed and 0x7fffffff).uint32
proc rand(td: var TesterDesc; top: int): int =
if 0 < top:
let mask = (1 shl (8 * sizeof(int) - top.countLeadingZeroBits)) - 1
for _ in 0 ..< 100:
let w = mask and td.rand(typeof(result))
if w < top:
return w
raiseAssert "Not here (!)"
# -----------------------
proc fwdWalkVerify(
2023-06-09 12:17:37 +01:00
db: AristoDb;
root: VertexID;
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noisy: bool;
): tuple[visited: int, error: AristoError] =
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lTabLen = db.top.lTab.len
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error = AristoError(0)
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lty = LeafTie(root: root)
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n = 0
while n < lTabLen + 1:
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let rc = lty.nearbyRight(db)
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#noisy.say "=================== ", n
if rc.isErr:
if rc.error != NearbyBeyondRange:
noisy.say "***", "<", n, "/", lTabLen-1, "> fwd-walk error=", rc.error
error = rc.error
check rc.error == AristoError(0)
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if rc.value.path < high(HashID):
lty.path = HashID(rc.value.path.u256 + 1)
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if error != AristoError(0):
return (n,error)
if n != lTabLen:
check n == lTabLen
return (-1, AristoError(1))
(0, AristoError(0))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public test function
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc test_delete*(
noisy: bool;
list: openArray[ProofTrieData];
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): bool =
2023-06-02 20:21:46 +01:00
var td = TesterDesc.init 42
for n,w in list:
2023-06-20 14:26:25 +01:00
db = AristoDb.init BackendNone # (top: AristoLayerRef())
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lstLen = list.len
2023-06-09 12:17:37 +01:00
leafs = w.kvpLst.mapRootVid VertexID(1) # merge into main trie
added = db.merge leafs
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preState = db.pp
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if added.error != AristoError(0):
check added.error == AristoError(0)
let rc = db.hashify
if rc.isErr:
check rc.error == (VertexID(0),AristoError(0))
# Now `db` represents a (fully labelled) `Merkle Patricia Tree`
# Provide a (reproducible) peudo-random copy of the leafs list
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var leafTies = db.top.lTab.sortedKeys
if 2 < leafTies.len:
for n in 0 ..< leafTies.len-1:
let r = n + td.rand(leafTies.len - n)
leafTies[n].swap leafTies[r]
let uMax = leafTies.len - 1
for u,leafTie in leafTies:
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let rc = leafTie.delete db # ,noisy)
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if rc.isErr:
check rc.error == (VertexID(0),AristoError(0))
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if leafTie in db.top.lTab:
check leafTie notin db.top.lTab
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2023-06-09 12:17:37 +01:00
if uMax != db.top.lTab.len + u:
check uMax == db.top.lTab.len + u
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# Walking the database is too slow for large tables. So the hope is that
# potential errors will not go away and rather pop up later, as well.
const tailCheck = 999
if uMax < u + tailCheck:
if u < uMax:
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let vfy = db.fwdWalkVerify(leafTie.root, noisy)
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if vfy.error != AristoError(0):
check vfy == (0, AristoError(0))
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elif 0 < db.top.sTab.len:
check db.top.sTab.len == 0
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2023-06-22 12:13:24 +01:00
let rc = db.hashifyCheck(relax=true) # ,noisy=true)
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if rc.isErr:
2023-06-22 12:13:24 +01:00
noisy.say "***", "<", n, "/", lstLen-1, ">",
" item=", u, "/", uMax,
"\n --------",
"\n pre-DB\n ", preState,
"\n --------",
"\n cache\n ", db.pp,
"\n --------"
2023-06-02 20:21:46 +01:00
check rc.error == (VertexID(0),AristoError(0))
when true and false:
if uMax < u + tailCheck or (u mod 777) == 3:
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noisy.say "***", "step lTab=", db.top.lTab.len
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when true and false:
noisy.say "***", "sample <", n, "/", list.len-1, ">",
2023-06-09 12:17:37 +01:00
" lstLen=", leafs.len
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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
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