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# Nimbus - Trace EVMC host calls when EVM code is run for a transaction
# Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
macros, strformat, strutils, stint, chronicles,
stew/byteutils, stew/ptrops,
# Set `true` or `false` to control host call tracing.
const showTxCalls = false
const showTxNested = true
proc `$`(val: EvmcCallKind | EvmcStatusCode |
EvmcStorageStatus | EvmcAccessStatus): string =
result = val.repr
proc `$`(address: HostAddress): string = toHex(address)
# Don't use both types in the overload, as Nim <= 1.2.x gives "ambiguous call".
#func `$`(n: HostKey | HostValue): string = toHex(n)
proc `$`(n: HostKey): string =
# Show small keys and values as decimal, and large ones as "0x"-prefix hex.
# These are often small numbers despite the 256-bit type, so low digits is
# helpful. But "key=d" looks odd. Hex must be used for large values as they
# are sometimes 256-bit hashes, and then decimal is unhelpful.
if n <= 65535.u256.HostKey:
"0x" & n.toHex
proc depthPrefix(host: TransactionHost): string =
let depth = host.depth
if depth <= 20:
return spaces(depth * 2)
let num = '(' & $depth & ')'
return num & spaces(42 - num.len)
proc showEvmcMessage(msg: EvmcMessage): string
{.gcsafe, raises: [ValueError].} =
let kindStr =
if msg.flags == {}: $msg.kind
elif msg.flags == {EVMC_STATIC} and msg.kind == EVMC_CALL: "CALL_STATIC"
else: &"{$msg.kind} flags={$msg.flags}"
var inputStr = "(" & $msg.input_size & ")"
if msg.input_size > 0:
inputStr.add toHex(makeOpenArray(msg.input_data,
min(msg.input_size, 256).int))
if msg.input_size > 256:
inputStr.add "..."
result = &"kind={kindStr}" &
&" depth={$msg.depth}" &
&" gas={$msg.gas}" &
&" value={$msg.value.fromEvmc}" &
&" sender={$msg.sender.fromEvmc}" &
&" recipient={$msg.recipient.fromEvmc}" &
&" code_address={$msg.code_address.fromEvmc}" &
&" input_data={inputStr}"
if msg.kind == EVMC_CREATE2:
result.add &" create2_salt={$msg.create2_salt.fromEvmc}"
proc showEvmcResult(res: EvmcResult, withCreateAddress = true): string
{.gcsafe, raises: [ValueError].} =
if res.status_code != EVMC_SUCCESS and res.status_code != EVMC_REVERT and
res.gas_left == 0 and res.output_size == 0:
return &"status={$res.status_code}"
var outputStr = "(" & $res.output_size & ")"
if res.output_size > 0:
outputStr.add toHex(makeOpenArray(res.output_data,
min(res.output_size, 256).int))
if res.output_size > 256:
outputStr.add "..."
result = &"status={$res.status_code}" &
&" gas_left={$res.gas_left}" &
&" output_data={outputStr}"
if withCreateAddress:
result.add &" create_address={$res.create_address.fromEvmc}"
proc showEvmcTxContext(txc: EvmcTxContext): string
{.gcsafe, raises: [ValueError].} =
return &"tx_gas_price={$txc.tx_gas_price.fromEvmc}" &
&" tx_origin={$txc.tx_origin.fromEvmc}" &
&" block_coinbase={$txc.block_coinbase.fromEvmc}" &
&" block_number={$txc.block_number}" &
&" block_timestamp={$txc.block_timestamp}" &
&" block_gas_limit={$txc.block_gas_limit}" &
&" block_prev_randao={$txc.block_prev_randao.fromEvmc}" &
&" chain_id={$txc.chain_id.fromEvmc}" &
&" block_base_fee={$txc.block_base_fee.fromEvmc}"
proc showEvmcArgsExpr(fn: NimNode, callName: string): auto =
var args: seq[NimNode] = newSeq[NimNode]()
var types: seq[NimNode] = newSeq[NimNode]()
for i in 1 ..< fn.params.len:
let idents = fn.params[i]
for j in 0 ..< idents.len-2:
args.add idents[j]
types.add idents[^2]
let hostExpr = args[0]
var msgExpr = quote do:
`depthPrefix`(`hostExpr`) & "evmc." & `callName` & ":"
var skip = 0
for i in 1 ..< args.len:
if i == skip:
var arg = args[i]
let argNameString = " " & $arg & "="
if (types[i].repr == "ptr byte" or types[i].repr == "ptr HostTopic") and
(i < args.len-1 and types[i+1].repr == "HostSize"):
skip = i+1
arg = newPar(args[i], args[i+1])
msgExpr = quote do:
`msgExpr` & `argNameString` & $(`arg`)
return (msgExpr, args)
macro show*(fn: untyped): auto =
if not showTxCalls:
return fn
let (msgExpr, args) = showEvmcArgsExpr(fn, $
let hostExpr = args[0]
if fn.params[0].kind == nnkEmpty:
fn.body.insert 0, quote do:
if showTxNested or `hostExpr`.depth > 1:
echo `msgExpr`
let innerFn = newProc(name =, body = fn.body)
innerFn.params = fn.params.copy
fn.body = newStmtList(innerFn)
let call = newCall(, args)
let msgVar = genSym(nskLet, "msg")
fn.body.add quote do:
if not (showTxNested or `hostExpr`.depth > 1):
return `call`
let `msgVar` = `msgExpr`
result = `call`
if fn.params[0].repr == "EvmcTxContext":
fn.body.add quote do:
echo `msgVar` & " -> " & showEvmcTxContext(result)
fn.body.add quote do:
echo `msgVar` & " -> result=" & $result
return fn
template showCallEntry*(host: TransactionHost, msg: EvmcMessage) =
if showTxCalls and (showTxNested or host.depth > 0):
echo depthPrefix(host) & " " &
inc host.depth
template showCallReturn*(host: TransactionHost, res: EvmcResult,
forNestedCreate = false) =
if showTxCalls and (showTxNested or host.depth > 1):
echo depthPrefix(host) & "evmc.return -> " &
showEvmcResult(res, forNestedCreate)
dec host.depth