# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Status Research & Development GmbH. Licensed under
# either of:
# - Apache License, version 2.0
# - MIT license
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.

.PHONY: deps-common sanity-checks nat-libs libminiupnpc.a libnatpmp.a clean-common mrproper github-ssh build-nim update-common update-remote status ntags ctags fetch-dlls

#- when the special ".SILENT" target is present, all recipes are silenced as if they all had a "@" prefix
#- by setting SILENT_TARGET_PREFIX to a non-empty value, the name of this target becomes meaningless to `make`
#- idea stolen from http://make.mad-scientist.net/managing-recipe-echoing/

# dir
	mkdir -p $@

	which $(CC) &>/dev/null || { echo "C compiler ($(CC)) not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; }

#- runs only the first time and after `make update`, so have "normal"
#  (timestamp-checked) prerequisites here
deps-common: sanity-checks $(NIMBLE_DIR) nat-libs
# - don't build our Nim target if it's not going to be used
ifeq ($(USE_SYSTEM_NIM), 0)
deps-common: $(NIM_BINARY)

#- conditionally re-builds the Nim compiler (not usually needed, because `make update` calls this rule; delete $(NIM_BINARY) to force it)
#- allows parallel building with the '+' prefix
#- forces a rebuild of csources, Nimble and a complete compiler rebuild, in case we're called after pulling a new Nim version
#- uses our Git submodules for csources and Nimble (Git doesn't let us place them in another submodule)
#- build_all.sh looks at the parent dir to decide whether to copy the resulting csources binary there,
#  but this is broken when using symlinks, so build csources separately (we get parallel compiling as a bonus)
#- Windows is a special case, as usual
#- macOS is also a special case, with its "ln" not supporting "-r"
#- the AppVeyor 32-build is done on a 64-bit image, so we need to override the architecture detection with ARCH_OVERRIDE
build-nim: | sanity-checks
	+ NIM_BUILD_MSG="$(BUILD_MSG) Nim compiler" \
		V=$(V) \
		CC=$(CC) \
		MAKE=$(MAKE) \
		"$(CURDIR)/$(BUILD_SYSTEM_DIR)/scripts/build_nim.sh" "$(NIM_DIR)" ../Nim-csources ../nimble "$(CI_CACHE)"

#- for each submodule, delete checked out files (that might prevent a fresh checkout); skip dotfiles
#- in case of submodule URL changes, propagates that change in the parent repo's .git directory
#- initialises and updates the Git submodules
#- hard-resets the working copies of submodules
#- deletes the ".nimble" dir and executes the "deps" target
#- allows parallel building with the '+' prefix
#- rebuilds the Nim compiler if the corresponding submodule is updated
update-common: | sanity-checks
	git submodule foreach --quiet 'git ls-files --exclude-standard --recurse-submodules -z -- ":!:.*" | xargs -0 rm -rf'
	git submodule update --init --recursive || true
	# changing URLs in a submodule's submodule means we have to sync and update twice
	git submodule sync --quiet --recursive
	git submodule update --init --recursive
	git submodule foreach --quiet --recursive 'git reset --quiet --hard'
	rm -rf $(NIMBLE_DIR)
	+ $(MAKE) --no-print-directory deps
ifeq ($(USE_SYSTEM_NIM), 0)
	+ $(MAKE) --no-print-directory build-nim

#- rebuilds the Nim compiler if the corresponding submodule is updated
$(NIM_BINARY): | sanity-checks
	+ $(MAKE) --no-print-directory build-nim

# don't use this target, or you risk updating dependency repos that are not ready to be used in Nimbus
	git submodule update --remote

nat-libs: | libminiupnpc.a libnatpmp.a

libminiupnpc.a: | sanity-checks
ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT)
	+ [ -e vendor/nim-nat-traversal/vendor/miniupnp/miniupnpc/$@ ] || \
		$(MAKE) -C vendor/nim-nat-traversal/vendor/miniupnp/miniupnpc -f Makefile.mingw CC=gcc init $@ $(HANDLE_OUTPUT)
	+ $(MAKE) -C vendor/nim-nat-traversal/vendor/miniupnp/miniupnpc $@ $(HANDLE_OUTPUT)

libnatpmp.a: | sanity-checks
ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT)
	+ $(MAKE) -C vendor/nim-nat-traversal/vendor/libnatpmp CC=gcc CFLAGS="-Wall -Os -DWIN32 -DNATPMP_STATICLIB -DENABLE_STRNATPMPERR -DNATPMP_MAX_RETRIES=4" $@ $(HANDLE_OUTPUT)
	+ $(MAKE) CFLAGS="-Wall -Os -DENABLE_STRNATPMPERR -DNATPMP_MAX_RETRIES=4" -C vendor/nim-nat-traversal/vendor/libnatpmp $@ $(HANDLE_OUTPUT)

#- depends on Git submodules being initialised
#- fakes a Nimble package repository with the minimum info needed by the Nim compiler
#  for runtime path (i.e.: the second line in $(NIMBLE_DIR)/pkgs/*/*.nimble-link)
	mkdir -p $(NIMBLE_DIR)/pkgs
		git submodule foreach --quiet '$(CURDIR)/$(BUILD_SYSTEM_DIR)/scripts/create_nimble_link.sh "$$sm_path"'

	rm -rf build/{*.exe,*.so,*.so.0} $(NIMBLE_DIR) $(NIM_BINARY) $(NIM_DIR)/bin/timestamp $(NIM_DIR)/nimcache nimcache
	+ [[ -e vendor/nim-nat-traversal/vendor/miniupnp/miniupnpc ]] && $(MAKE) -C vendor/nim-nat-traversal/vendor/miniupnp/miniupnpc clean $(HANDLE_OUTPUT) || true
	+ [[ -e vendor/nim-nat-traversal/vendor/libnatpmp ]] && $(MAKE) -C vendor/nim-nat-traversal/vendor/libnatpmp clean $(HANDLE_OUTPUT) || true

# dangerous cleaning, because you may have not-yet-pushed branches and commits in those vendor repos you're about to delete
mrproper: clean
	rm -rf vendor

# for when you want to use SSH keys with GitHub
	git config url."git@github.com:".insteadOf "https://github.com/"
	git submodule foreach --recursive 'git config url."git@github.com:".insteadOf "https://github.com/"'

# runs `git status` in all Git repos
status: | $(REPOS)
	$(eval CMD := $(GIT_STATUS))

# https://bitbucket.org/nimcontrib/ntags/ - currently fails with "out of memory"
	ntags -R .

#- a few files need to be excluded because they trigger an infinite loop in https://github.com/universal-ctags/ctags
#- limiting it to Nim files, because there are a lot of C files we don't care about
	ctags -R --verbose=yes \
	--langdef=nim \
	--langmap=nim:.nim \
	--regex-nim='/(\w+)\*?\s*=\s*object/\1/c,class/' \
	--regex-nim='/(\w+)\*?\s*=\s*enum/\1/e,enum/' \
	--regex-nim='/(\w+)\*?\s*=\s*tuple/\1/t,tuple/' \
	--regex-nim='/(\w+)\*?\s*=\s*range/\1/s,subrange/' \
	--regex-nim='/(\w+)\*?\s*=\s*proc/\1/p,proctype/' \
	--regex-nim='/proc\s+(\w+)/\1/f,procedure/' \
	--regex-nim='/func\s+(\w+)/\1/f,procedure/' \
	--regex-nim='/method\s+(\w+)/\1/m,method/' \
	--regex-nim='/proc\s+`([^`]+)`/\1/o,operator/' \
	--regex-nim='/template\s+(\w+)/\1/u,template/' \
	--regex-nim='/macro\s+(\w+)/\1/v,macro/' \
	--languages=nim \
	--exclude=nimcache \
	--exclude='*/Nim/tinyc' \
	--exclude='*/Nim/tests' \
	--exclude='*/Nim/csources' \
	--exclude=nimbus/genesis_alloc.nim \
	--exclude=$(REPOS_DIR)/nim-bncurve/tests/tvectors.nim \

# list all Git submodule URLs, including the nested ones
	{ git config --file .gitmodules --get-regexp url | cat ;\
		git submodule foreach --quiet --recursive '[[ -f .gitmodules ]] && git config --file .gitmodules --get-regexp url | cat || true'; } \
		| cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sort -u

# Windows-specific section #

ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT)
  # no tabs allowed for indentation here

  # the AppVeyor 32-build is done on a 64-bit image, so we need to override the architecture detection
  ifeq ($(ARCH_OVERRIDE), x86)
    ARCH := x86
    ifeq ($(PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432), AMD64)
      ARCH := x64
        ARCH := x64
      ifeq ($(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE), x86)
        ARCH := x86

  ifeq ($(ARCH), x86)
    ROCKSDB_DIR := x86
  ifeq ($(ARCH), x64)
    ROCKSDB_DIR := x64

  ROCKSDB_ARCHIVE := nimbus-deps.zip
  ROCKSDB_URL := https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-deps/releases/download/nimbus-deps/$(ROCKSDB_ARCHIVE)
  CURL := curl -O -L
  UNZIP := unzip -o

#- back to tabs
#- copied from .appveyor.yml
#- this is why we can't delete the whole "build" dir in the "clean" target
fetch-dlls: | build
	cd build && \
		$(CURL) $(ROCKSDB_URL) && \
		$(CURL) https://nim-lang.org/download/dlls.zip && \
		cp -a $(ROCKSDB_DIR)/*.dll . && \
		$(UNZIP) dlls.zip