close #11, APNG encoder ready
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 349 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 356 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 361 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 375 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 382 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 393 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 399 B |
@ -221,6 +221,8 @@ type
settings*: PNGSettings
chunks*: seq[PNGChunk]
pixels*: string
# w & h used during encoding process
width*, height*: int
# during encoding, apngChunks contains only fcTL chunks
# during decoding, apngChunks contains both fcTL and fdAT chunks
apngChunks*: seq[APNGFrameChunk]
@ -2169,6 +2171,7 @@ proc makePNGEncoder*(): PNGEncoder =
s.textList = @[]
s.itextList = @[]
s.unknown = @[]
s.numPlays = 0
result = s
proc addText*(state: PNGEncoder, keyword, text: string) =
@ -2475,8 +2478,7 @@ proc differ(p: RGBA16): bool =
if (p.a and 255) != ((p.a shr 8) and 255): return true
result = false
proc getColorProfile(input: string, w, h: int, mode: PNGColorMode): PNGColorProfile =
var prof = makeColorProfile()
proc calculateColorProfile(input: string, w, h: int, mode: PNGColorMode, prof: PNGColorProfile, tree: var Table[RGBA8, int]) =
numPixels = w * h
bpp = getBPP(mode)
@ -2488,7 +2490,6 @@ proc getColorProfile(input: string, w, h: int, mode: PNGColorMode): PNGColorProf
numColorsDone = false
sixteen = false
maxNumColors = 257
tree = initTable[RGBA8, int]()
if bpp <= 8:
case bpp
@ -2589,6 +2590,19 @@ proc getColorProfile(input: string, w, h: int, mode: PNGColorMode): PNGColorProf
prof.keyR += prof.keyR shl 8
prof.keyG += prof.keyG shl 8
prof.keyB += prof.keyB shl 8
proc getColorProfile(png: PNG, mode: PNGColorMode): PNGColorProfile =
prof = makeColorProfile()
tree = initTable[RGBA8, int]()
calculateColorProfile(png.pixels, png.width, png.height, mode, prof, tree)
if png.isAPNG:
for i in 1..<png.apngChunks.len:
var ctl = APNGFrameControl(png.apngChunks[i])
calculateColorProfile(png.apngPixels[i], ctl.width, ctl.height, mode, prof, tree)
result = prof
#Automatically chooses color type that gives smallest amount of bits in the
@ -2596,10 +2610,12 @@ proc getColorProfile(input: string, w, h: int, mode: PNGColorMode): PNGColorProf
#are less than 256 colors, ...
#Updates values of mode with a potentially smaller color model. mode_out should
#contain the user chosen color model, but will be overwritten with the new chosen one.
proc autoChooseColor(modeOut: PNGColorMode, input: string, w, h: int, modeIn: PNGColorMode) =
var prof = getColorProfile(input, w, h, modeIn)
proc autoChooseColor(png: PNG, modeOut, modeIn: PNGColorMode) =
var prof = png.getColorProfile(modeIn)
modeOut.keyDefined = false
let w = png.width
let h = png.height
if prof.key and ((w * h) <= 16):
prof.alpha = true #too few pixels to justify tRNS chunk overhead
if prof.bits < 8: prof.bits = 8 #PNG has no alphachannel modes with less than 8-bit per channel
@ -2928,7 +2944,7 @@ proc Adam7Interlace(output: var DataBuf, input: DataBuf, w, h, bpp: int) =
let bit = readBitFromReversedStream(ibp, input)
setBitOfReversedStream(obp, output, bit)
proc preProcessScanLines(png: PNG, input: DataBuf, w, h: int, modeOut: PNGColorMode, state: PNGEncoder) =
proc preProcessScanLines(png: PNG, input: DataBuf, frameNo, w, h: int, modeOut: PNGColorMode, state: PNGEncoder) =
#This function converts the pure 2D image with the PNG's colorType, into filtered-padded-interlaced data. Steps:
# if no Adam7: 1) add padding bits (= posible extra bits per scanLine if bpp < 8) 2) filter
# if adam7: 1) Adam7_interlace 2) 7x add padding bits 3) 7x filter
@ -2938,8 +2954,8 @@ proc preProcessScanLines(png: PNG, input: DataBuf, w, h: int, modeOut: PNGColorM
#image size plus an extra byte per scanLine + possible padding bits
let scanLen = (w * bpp + 7) div 8
let outSize = h + (h * scanLen)
png.pixels = newString(outSize)
var output = initBuffer(png.pixels)
png.apngPixels[frameNo] = newString(outSize)
var output = initBuffer(png.apngPixels[frameNo])
#non multiple of 8 bits per scanLine, padding bits needed per scanLine
if(bpp < 8) and ((w * bpp) != (scanLen * 8)):
var padded = initBuffer(newString(h * scanLen))
@ -2954,9 +2970,9 @@ proc preProcessScanLines(png: PNG, input: DataBuf, w, h: int, modeOut: PNGColorM
var pass: PNGPass
Adam7PassValues(pass, w, h, bpp)
let outSize = pass.filterStart[7]
png.pixels = newString(outSize)
png.apngPixels[frameNo] = newString(outSize)
var adam7 = initBuffer(newString(pass.start[7]))
var output = initBuffer(png.pixels)
var output = initBuffer(png.apngPixels[frameNo])
Adam7Interlace(adam7, input, w, h, bpp)
for i in 0..6:
@ -3095,27 +3111,38 @@ proc addChunkacTL(png: PNG, numFrames, numPlays: int) =
chunk.numPlays = numPlays
png.chunks.add chunk
proc addChunkfcTL(png: PNG, chunk: APNGFrameControl) =
proc addChunkfcTL(png: PNG, chunk: APNGFrameControl, sequenceNumber: int) =
chunk.chunkType = fcTL
|||| = newStringOfCap(26)
chunk.sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber
png.chunks.add chunk
proc addChunkfdAT(png: PNG, sequenceNumber, frameDataPos: int) =
var chunk = make[APNGFrameData](fdAT, 0)
chunk.sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber
chunk.frameDataPos = frameDataPos
png.chunks.add chunk
proc encodePNG*(input: string, w, h: int, settings = PNGEncoder(nil)): PNG =
var png: PNG
png.chunks = @[]
proc frameConvert(png: PNG, modeIn, modeOut: PNGColorMode, w, h, frameNo: int, state: PNGEncoder) =
if modeIn != modeOut:
let size = (w * h * getBPP(modeOut) + 7) div 8
let numPixels = w * h
if settings == nil: png.settings = makePNGEncoder()
else: png.settings = settings
var converted = newString(size)
var output = initBuffer(converted)
# although in preProcessScanLines png.pixels is reinitialized, it is ok
# because initBuffer(png.pixels) share the ownership
convert(output, initBuffer(png.apngPixels[frameNo]), modeOut, modeIn, numPixels)
preProcessScanLines(png, initBuffer(converted), frameNo, w, h, modeOut, state)
preProcessScanLines(png, initBuffer(png.apngPixels[frameNo]), frameNo, w, h, modeOut, state)
proc encoderCore(png: PNG) =
let state = PNGEncoder(png.settings)
var modeIn = newColorMode(state.modeIn)
var modeOut = newColorMode(state.modeOut)
var sequenceNumber = 0
if not bitDepthAllowed(modeIn.colorType, modeIn.bitDepth):
raise PNGError("modeIn colorType and bitDepth combination not allowed")
@ -3127,12 +3154,12 @@ proc encodePNG*(input: string, w, h: int, settings = PNGEncoder(nil)): PNG =
(modeOut.paletteSize == 0 or modeOut.paletteSize > 256):
raise PNGError("invalid palette size, it is only allowed to be 1-256")
let inputSize = getRawSize(w, h, modeIn)
if input.len < inputSize:
let inputSize = getRawSize(png.width, png.height, modeIn)
if png.pixels.len < inputSize:
raise PNGError("not enough input to encode")
if state.autoConvert:
autoChooseColor(modeOut, input, w, h, modeIn)
png.autoChooseColor(modeOut, modeIn)
if state.interlaceMethod notin {IM_NONE, IM_INTERLACED}:
raise PNGError("unexisting interlace mode")
@ -3140,18 +3167,12 @@ proc encodePNG*(input: string, w, h: int, settings = PNGEncoder(nil)): PNG =
if not bitDepthAllowed(modeOut.colorType, modeOut.bitDepth):
raise PNGError("colorType and bitDepth combination not allowed")
if modeIn != modeOut:
let size = (w * h * getBPP(modeOut) + 7) div 8
let numPixels = w * h
if not png.isAPNG: png.apngPixels = @[""]
shallowCopy(png.apngPixels[0], png.pixels)
png.frameConvert(modeIn, modeOut, png.width, png.height, 0, state)
shallowCopy(png.pixels, png.apngPixels[0])
var converted = newString(size)
var output = initBuffer(converted)
convert(output, initBuffer(input), modeOut, modeIn, numPixels)
preProcessScanLines(png, initBuffer(converted), w, h, modeOut, state)
preProcessScanLines(png, initBuffer(input), w, h, modeOut, state)
png.addChunkIHDR(w, h, modeOut, state)
png.addChunkIHDR(png.width, png.height, modeOut, state)
#unknown chunks between IHDR and PLTE
if state.unknown.len > 0:
png.chunks.add state.unknown[0]
@ -3175,9 +3196,30 @@ proc encodePNG*(input: string, w, h: int, settings = PNGEncoder(nil)): PNG =
if state.unknown.len > 1:
png.chunks.add state.unknown[1]
if png.isAPNG:
if png.apngPixels.len != png.apngChunks.len:
raise PNGError("APNG encoder frame error")
if png.apngPixels.len == 0:
raise PNGError("APNG encoder no frame")
png.addChunkacTL(png.apngPixels.len, state.numPlays)
if png.firstFrameIsDefaultImage:
png.addChunkfcTL(APNGFrameControl(png.apngChunks[0]), sequenceNumber)
inc sequenceNumber
#IDAT (multiple IDAT chunks must be consecutive)
if png.isAPNG:
let len = png.apngChunks.len
for i in 1..<len:
var ctl = APNGFrameControl(png.apngChunks[i])
png.addChunkfcTL(ctl, sequenceNumber)
inc sequenceNumber
png.frameConvert(modeIn, modeOut, ctl.width, ctl.height, i, state)
png.addChunkfdAT(sequenceNumber, i)
inc sequenceNumber
if state.timeDefined: png.addChunktIME(state)
for txt in state.textList:
@ -3196,11 +3238,24 @@ proc encodePNG*(input: string, w, h: int, settings = PNGEncoder(nil)): PNG =
png.chunks.add state.unknown[2]
proc encodePNG*(input: string, w, h: int, settings = PNGEncoder(nil)): PNG =
var png: PNG
png.chunks = @[]
if settings == nil: png.settings = makePNGEncoder()
else: png.settings = settings
png.width = w
png.height = h
shallowCopy(png.pixels, input)
result = png
proc encodePNG*(input: string, colorType: PNGcolorType, bitDepth, w, h: int, settings = PNGEncoder(nil)): PNG =
if not bitDepthAllowed(colorType, bitDepth):
raise PNGError("colorType and bitDepth combination not allowed")
raise PNGError("colorType and bitDepth combination not allowed")
var state: PNGEncoder
if settings == nil: state = makePNGEncoder()
@ -3248,6 +3303,92 @@ when not defined(js):
proc savePNG24*(fileName, input: string, w, h: int): bool =
result = savePNG(fileName, input, LCT_RGB, 8, w, h)
proc prepareAPNG*(colorType: PNGcolorType, bitDepth, numPlays: int, settings = PNGEncoder(nil)): PNG =
var state: PNGEncoder
if settings == nil: state = makePNGEncoder()
else: state = settings
state.numPlays = numPlays
state.modeIn.colorType = colorType
state.modeIn.bitDepth = bitDepth
var png: PNG
png.chunks = @[]
png.settings = state
png.isAPNG = true
png.apngChunks = @[]
png.apngPixels = @[]
png.pixels = nil
png.firstFrameIsDefaultImage = false
png.width = 0
png.height = 0
result = png
proc prepareAPNG24*(numPlays = 0): PNG =
result = prepareAPNG(LCT_RGB, 8, numPlays)
proc prepareAPNG32*(numPlays = 0): PNG =
result = prepareAPNG(LCT_RGBA, 8, numPlays)
proc addDefaultImage*(png: PNG, input: string, width, height: int, ctl = APNGFrameControl(nil)): bool =
result = true
png.firstFrameIsDefaultImage = ctl != nil
if ctl != nil:
png.apngChunks.add ctl
png.apngPixels.add nil # add dummy
result = result and (ctl.xOffset == 0)
result = result and (ctl.yOffset == 0)
result = result and (ctl.width == width)
result = result and (ctl.height == height)
png.apngChunks.add nil
png.apngPixels.add ""
shallowCopy(png.pixels, input)
png.width = width
png.height = height
proc addFrame*(png: PNG, frame: string, ctl: APNGFrameControl): bool =
result = true
# addDefaultImage must be called first
if png.apngPixels.len == 0 or png.apngChunks.len == 0: return false
if ctl.isNil: return false
result = result and (ctl.xOffset >= 0)
result = result and (ctl.yOffset >= 0)
result = result and (ctl.width > 0)
result = result and (ctl.height > 0)
result = result and (ctl.xOffset + ctl.width <= png.width)
result = result and (ctl.yOffset + ctl.height <= png.height)
if result:
png.apngPixels.add frame
png.apngChunks.add ctl
proc encodeAPNG*(png: PNG): string =
var s = newStringStream()
png.writeChunks s
result =
debugEcho getCurrentExceptionMsg()
result = nil
when not defined(js):
proc saveAPNG*(png: PNG, fileName: string): bool =
var s = newFileStream(fileName, fmWrite)
png.writeChunks s
result = true
#debugEcho getCurrentExceptionMsg()
#result = false
proc getFilterTypesInterlaced(png: PNG): seq[string] =
var header = PNGHeader(png.getChunk(IHDR))
var idat = PNGData(png.getChunk(IDAT))
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ pixels are stored as raw bytes using Nim's string as container:
## Animated PNG (APNG)
Since version 0.2.0, nimPNG provides support for [Animated PNG](
Since version 0.2.0, nimPNG provides support for [Animated PNG](
Both decoder and encoder recognize/generate APNG chunks correctly: acTL, fcTL, fdAT.
@ -122,7 +122,36 @@ Animation frames can be accessible via `png.frames`. If it is not an APNG, `png.
### Encoding
Under construction
var png = prepareAPNG24()
* First step is to call prepareAPNG, prepareAPNG24, or prepareAPNG32. You also can specify how many times the animation
will be played
png.addDefaultImage(framePixels, w, h, ctl)
* Second step is also mandatory, you should call addDefaultImage. ctl is optional, if you provide a ctl(Frame Control),
the default image will be part of the animation. If ctl is nil, default image will not be part of animation.
png.addFrame(frames[i].data, ctl)
* Third step is calling addFrame one or more times. Here ctl is mandatory.
# or
var str = png.encodeAPNG()
* Final step is to call saveAPNG if you want save it to file or call encodeAPNG if you want to get the result in a string container
You can read the details of frame control from [spec](
You can also see an example in tester/test.nim -> generateAPNG
@ -51,9 +51,53 @@ proc convert(dir: string) =
if png == nil: continue
proc generateAPNG() =
const numFrames = 7
var frames: array[numFrames, PNGResult]
for i in 0..<numFrames:
frames[i] = loadPNG24(".." & DirSep & "apng" & DirSep & "raw" & DirSep & "frame" & $i & ".png")
var png = prepareAPNG24()
var ctl = new(APNGFrameControl)
ctl.width = frames[0].width
ctl.height = frames[0].height
ctl.xOffset = 0
ctl.yOffset = 0
# half second delay = delayNum/delayDen
ctl.delayNum = 1
ctl.delayDen = 2
ctl.disposeOp = APNG_DISPOSE_OP_NONE
if not png.addDefaultImage(frames[0].data, frames[0].width, frames[0].height, ctl):
echo "failed to add default image"
for i in 1..<numFrames:
var ctl = new(APNGFrameControl)
ctl.width = frames[i].width
ctl.height = frames[i].height
ctl.xOffset = 0
ctl.yOffset = 0
ctl.delayNum = 1
ctl.delayDen = 2
ctl.disposeOp = APNG_DISPOSE_OP_NONE
if not png.addFrame(frames[i].data, ctl):
echo "failed to add frames"
if not png.saveAPNG("rainbow.png"):
echo "failed to save rainbow.png"
proc main() =
let data = loadPNG32("sample.png")
assert(not data.isNil)
convert(".." & DirSep & "apng")