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synced 2025-03-02 21:20:51 +00:00
gc:arc refactor add LFS_ZERO, LFS_PREDEFINED, LFS_ENTROPY filter and tests
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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import math
PNGFilter* = enum
@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ proc filterScanline*(output: var openArray[byte], input: openArray[byte], byteWi
for i in 0..<byteWidth:
output[i] = input[i]
#paethPredictor(prevPix, 0, 0) is always prevPix
# paethPredictor(prevPix, 0, 0) is always prevPix
for i in byteWidth..<len:
output[i] = byte((currPix - prevPix) and 0xFF)
@ -70,29 +72,38 @@ proc filterScanline*(output: var openArray[byte], input, prevLine: openArray[byt
for i in byteWidth..<len:
output[i] = byte((currPix - ((prevPix + upPix) div 2)) and 0xFF)
#paethPredictor(0, upPix, 0) is always upPix
# paethPredictor(0, upPix, 0) is always upPix
for i in 0..<byteWidth:
output[i] = byte((currPix - upPix) and 0xFF)
for i in byteWidth..<len:
output[i] = byte((currPix - paethPredictor(prevPixI, upPixI, prevUpPix)) and 0xFF)
proc filterZero(output: var DataBuf, input: DataBuf, w, h, bpp: int) =
#the width of a input in bytes, not including the filter type
proc filterZero*(output: var openArray[byte], input: openArray[byte], w, h, bpp: int) =
# the width of a input in bytes, not including the filter type
let lineBytes = (w * bpp + 7) div 8
#byteWidth is used for filtering, is 1 when bpp < 8, number of bytes per pixel otherwise
# byteWidth is used for filtering, is 1 when bpp < 8, number of bytes per pixel otherwise
let byteWidth = (bpp + 7) div 8
var prevLine: DataBuf
for y in 0..h-1:
let outindex = (1 + lineBytes) * y #the extra filterbyte added to each row
let inindex = lineBytes * y
output[outindex] = byte(int(FLT_NONE)) #filter type byte
var outp = output.subbuffer(outindex + 1)
let input = input.subbuffer(inindex)
filterScanline(outp, input, prevLine, lineBytes, byteWidth, FLT_NONE)
prevLine = input.subbuffer(inindex)
# line 0
if h > 0:
output[0] = byte(FLT_NONE) # filterType byte
filterScanline(output.toOpenArray(1, output.len-1), # skip filterType
input, byteWidth, lineBytes, FLT_NONE)
proc filterMinsum(output: var DataBuf, input: DataBuf, w, h, bpp: int) =
# next line start from 1
var prevIndex = 0
for y in 1..<h:
let outIndex = (1 + lineBytes) * y # the extra filterType added to each row
let inIndex = lineBytes * y
output[outIndex] = byte(FLT_NONE) # filterType byte
filterScanline(output.toOpenArray(outIndex + 1, output.len-1), # skip filterType
input.toOpenArray(inIndex, input.len-1),
input.toOpenArray(prevIndex, input.len-1),
byteWidth, lineBytes, FLT_NONE)
prevIndex = inIndex
proc filterMinsum*(output: var openArray[byte], input: openArray[byte], w, h, bpp: int) =
let lineBytes = (w * bpp + 7) div 8
let byteWidth = (bpp + 7) div 8
@ -138,61 +149,85 @@ proc filterMinsum(output: var DataBuf, input: DataBuf, w, h, bpp: int) =
output[y * (lineBytes + 1)] = byte(bestType)
for x in 0..lineBytes-1:
output[y * (lineBytes + 1) + 1 + x] = attempt[bestType][x]
proc filterEntropy(output: var DataBuf, input: DataBuf, w, h, bpp: int) =
proc filterEntropy*(output: var openArray[byte], input: openArray[byte], w, h, bpp: int) =
let lineBytes = (w * bpp + 7) div 8
let byteWidth = (bpp + 7) div 8
var prevLine: DataBuf
var sum: array[0..4, float]
var smallest = 0.0
var bestType = 0
var attempt: array[0..4, string]
var count: array[0..255, int]
sum: array[0..4, float]
smallest = 0.0
bestType = 0
attempt: array[0..4, seq[byte]]
count: array[0..255, int]
prevIndex = 0
for i in 0..attempt.high:
attempt[i] = newString(lineBytes)
attempt[i] = newSeq[byte](lineBytes)
for y in 0..h-1:
#try the 5 filter types
for y in 0..<h:
# try the 5 filter types
let inIndex = y * lineBytes
for fType in 0..4:
var outp = initBuffer(attempt[fType])
filterScanline(outp, input.subbuffer(y * lineBytes), prevLine, lineBytes, byteWidth, PNGFilter0(fType))
if y == 0:
input.toOpenArray(inIndex, input.len-1),
byteWidth, lineBytes, PNGFilter(fType))
input.toOpenArray(inIndex, input.len-1),
input.toOpenArray(prevIndex, input.len-1),
byteWidth, lineBytes, PNGFilter(fType))
for x in 0..255: count[x] = 0
for x in 0..lineBytes-1:
inc count[ord(attempt[fType][x])]
inc count[fType] #the filter type itself is part of the input
inc count[int(attempt[fType][x])]
inc count[fType] # the filterType itself is part of the input
sum[fType] = 0
for x in 0..255:
let p = float(count[x]) / float(lineBytes + 1)
if count[x] != 0: sum[fType] += log2(1 / p) * p
#check if this is smallest sum (or if type == 0 it's the first case so always store the values)
# check if this is smallest sum (or if type == 0 it's the first case so always store the values)
if (fType == 0) or (sum[fType] < smallest):
bestType = fType
smallest = sum[fType]
prevLine = input.subbuffer(y * lineBytes)
#now fill the out values*/
#the first byte of a input will be the filter type
prevIndex = inIndex
# now fill the out values
# the first byte of a input will be the filter type
output[y * (lineBytes + 1)] = byte(bestType)
for x in 0..lineBytes-1:
for x in 0..<lineBytes:
output[y * (lineBytes + 1) + 1 + x] = attempt[bestType][x]
proc filterPredefined(output: var DataBuf, input: DataBuf, w, h, bpp: int, state: PNGEncoder) =
proc filterPredefined*(output: var openArray[byte], input: openArray[byte],
w, h, bpp: int, predefinedFilters: openArray[PNGFilter]) =
let lineBytes = (w * bpp + 7) div 8
let byteWidth = (bpp + 7) div 8
var prevLine: DataBuf
for y in 0..h-1:
let outindex = (1 + lineBytes) * y #the extra filterbyte added to each row
let inindex = lineBytes * y
let fType = ord(state.predefinedFilters[y])
output[outindex] = byte(fType) #filter type byte
var outp = output.subbuffer(outindex + 1)
filterScanline(outp, input.subbuffer(inindex), prevLine, lineBytes, byteWidth, PNGFilter0(fType))
prevLine = input.subbuffer(inindex)
# line 0
if h > 0:
output[0] = byte(predefinedFilters[0]) # filterType byte
filterScanline(output.toOpenArray(1, output.len-1), # skip filterType
input, byteWidth, lineBytes, predefinedFilters[0])
# next line start from 1
var prevIndex = 0
for y in 1..<h:
let outIndex = (1 + lineBytes) * y # the extra filterType added to each row
let inIndex = lineBytes * y
let fType = ord(predefinedFilters[y])
output[outIndex] = byte(fType) # filterType byte
filterScanline(output.toOpenArray(outIndex + 1, output.len-1), # skip filterType
input.toOpenArray(inIndex, input.len-1),
input.toOpenArray(prevIndex, input.len-1),
byteWidth, lineBytes, PNGFilter(fType))
prevIndex = inIndex
proc filterBruteForce(output: var DataBuf, input: DataBuf, w, h, bpp: int) =
let lineBytes = (w * bpp + 7) div 8
let byteWidth = (bpp + 7) div 8
@ -308,3 +343,33 @@ proc unfilterScanline*(output: var openArray[byte], input, prevLine: openArray[b
output[i] = byte((currPix + upPix) and 0xFF)
for i in byteWidth..<len:
output[i] = byte((currPix + paethPredictor(prevPixI, upPixI, prevUpPix)) and 0xFF)
proc unfilter*(output: var openArray[byte], input: openArray[byte], w, h, bpp: int) =
# For PNG filter method 0
# this function unfilters a single image (e.g. without interlacing this is called once, with Adam7 seven times)
# output must have enough bytes allocated already, input must have the scanLines + 1 filtertype byte per scanLine
# w and h are image dimensions or dimensions of reduced image, bpp is bits per pixel
# input and output are allowed to be the same memory address (but aren't the same size since in has the extra filter bytes)
# byteWidth is used for filtering, is 1 when bpp < 8, number of bytes per pixel otherwise
let byteWidth = (bpp + 7) div 8
let lineBytes = (w * bpp + 7) div 8
# line 0, without prevLine
if h > 0:
input.toOpenArray(1, input.len-1), # skip the filterType
byteWidth, lineBytes,
# next line start from 1
var prevIndex = 0
for y in 1..<h:
let outIndex = lineBytes * y
let inIndex = (1 + lineBytes) * y # the extra filterbyte added to each row
let filterType = PNGFilter(input[inIndex])
unfilterScanLine(output.toOpenArray(outIndex, output.len-1),
input.toOpenArray(inIndex + 1, input.len-1), # skip the filterType
output.toOpenArray(prevIndex, output.len-1), # prevLine
byteWidth, lineBytes, filterType)
prevIndex = outIndex
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ proc randPrimitives*[T](val: int): T =
proc randList*(T: typedesc, fillGen: RandGen, listLen: int, unique: static[bool] = true): seq[T] =
result = newSeqOfCap[T](listLen)
when unique:
var set = initSet[T]()
var set = initHashSet[T]()
for len in 0..<listLen:
while true:
let x = randPrimitives[T](fillGen.getVal())
@ -84,14 +84,79 @@ proc testFilterScanline() =
roundTripFilterP(3, FLT_PAETH)
roundTripFilterP(4, FLT_PAETH)
#of LFS_ZERO: filterZero(output, input, w, h, bpp)
proc checkPixels(a, b: openArray[byte], len: int): bool =
result = true
for x in 0..<len:
if a[x] != b[x]:
return false
template roundTripStrategy(bpp: int, strategy: untyped) =
lineBytes = (w * bpp + 7) div 8
numBytes = h * lineBytes
strategy(outPix, inPix, w, h, bpp)
unfilter(oriPix, outPix, w, h, bpp)
check checkPixels(inPix, oriPix, numBytes)
template roundTripZero(bpp: int) =
roundTripStrategy(bpp, filterZero)
template roundTripEntropy(bpp: int) =
roundTripStrategy(bpp, filterEntropy)
template roundTripPredefined(bpp: int) =
lineBytes = (w * bpp + 7) div 8
numBytes = h * lineBytes
filterPredefined(outPix, inPix, w, h, bpp, predefinedFilters)
unfilter(oriPix, outPix, w, h, bpp)
check checkPixels(inPix, oriPix, numBytes)
proc testFilterStrategies() =
suite "Filter Strategies":
h = 128
w = 128
bpp = 32 # we use largest bpp to avoid reallocation
lineBytes = (w * bpp + 7) div 8
numBytes = h * lineBytes
inPix = randList(byte, rng(0, 255), numBytes, unique = false)
outBytes = h * (lineBytes + 1) # lineBytes + filterType
byteFilter = randList(byte, rng(0, 4), h, unique = false)
outPix = newSeq[byte](outBytes)
oriPix = newSeq[byte](numBytes)
test "LFS_ZERO":
var predefinedFilters = newSeq[PNG_FILTER](h)
for i in 0..<h: predefinedFilters[i] = byteFilter[i].PNGFilter
#of LFS_MINSUM: filterMinsum(output, input, w, h, bpp)
#of LFS_ENTROPY: filterEntropy(output, input, w, h, bpp)
#of LFS_BRUTE_FORCE: filterBruteForce(output, input, w, h, bpp)
#of LFS_PREDEFINED: filterPredefined(output, input, w, h, bpp, state)
proc main() =
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